All I Do Is Think Of You ~ Pr...

By scotts_totsxx

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"𝘏𝘦𝘺, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶...𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶..." - 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘐 𝘋... More



465 27 9
By scotts_totsxx

ᴊᴜɴᴇ 2ɴᴅ, 2006
{ᴄʜᴀɴʜᴀꜱꜱᴇɴ, ᴍɪɴɴᴇꜱᴏᴛᴀ}

BEING BACK HOME IS JUST GREAT. I've had time to be in my apartment for two days since Prince had an emergency in New York so I was off. Within those two days, I ordered my furniture, saw my parents for the first time in months, and had time to relax. Prince got back this morning and I have yet to see him. I didn't have any way to get in contact with him since everything happened so quickly.

My mother and father have gotten me to write out a statement about my abuse by Leon. They still want me to file a report against him just to have it on file so I'm working with them to get it handled. They are lawyers after all—and they are my lawyers not just my parents. I will be turning everything in tomorrow so this statement needs to be done by then. Prince still doesn't even know all of this is happening with him being MIA and everything. Hopefully, he'll come down soon—it's going on ten-thirty am and he usually comes down for a smoothie along with a chocolate chip chewy bar.

Currently, I'm in the kitchen finishing up some vegetable prep for the next few days. Courtney pop in to have a snack but now we are jamming out to this new mixed CD I put together with some new music. 'Call On Me' by Janet Jackson and Nelly plays on my small boom box radio as we talk and sing along.

"Next Saturday is my birthday and I want you to come out with my friends and me. We're having dinner then hitting this new club so make sure you're available." Courtney shares with me as I wipe down the counter clean before I use it. "This is my 30th birthday and I'm tryna do it up since I'm not into birthdays that much. Prince rubbed off on me."

I smile at her at the invitation and I now know I have to shop for a gift soon. "Well thank you for the invitation. I'll try to get the day off from Prince."

She waves me off, "He'll do it. I'll talk to him for you." I went over to the oven and use my oven mitt to take out some fresh pastries. "So they are regular croissants or some special? You like to which things up." Courtney leans over behind at I place the tray of freshly baked croissants. "They look delicious!"

I smile proudly, "Thank you. These are regular ones, I did make some apple and cinnamon ones that are in the oven now." I take off my oven mitts and pick up my 'painter's' brush with a small bowl of melted butter. As I brush in the butter, Courtney's mouth is watering. "Only take one and put two aside for Jackie and Prince."

"They don't deserve shit. If they ain't down here when they come out, then oh well." She teases as I nudge her slightly.

"Is that so, CeCe?"

His voice sounds so foreign but my god has I missed it. Prince strolls into the kitchen looks absolutely dashing as always—the outfit is untouchable, his hair is perfect and the makeup is outstanding. Even at home, he's dressed up like he has a show. Instantly I'm swooning at the sight of him while trying to keep my composure since we aren't alone. Prince stops in front of the island counter as Courtney and I were on the other side—he glances at her then at me, flashing a small smile.

She shrugs at his comment and rips off a piece of the croissant, "It's the truth." Courtney laughs as I shook my head giggling off to the side and went over to place the buttery pastries on a cooling rack. My boss side-eye me with a smirk and comes around to grab a napkin. "Look. Look at him, that's why he came down. His nose is a food tracker. He just pops up into a conversation without saying hello. Rude!" She points over at our boss as he takes one of the croissants and stands on the other side of me.

He rolls his eyes, shaking his head at her comment. "You're right, that was rude of me." Prince apologizes then turns to me. "Hello, Riah." He smiles softly and takes a bite of the pastry.

Courtney stood there with her neck stretched out waiting for him to knowledge her as well but he doesn't. He tilts his head and smirks at her before nodding, "This is delicious, Riah." The woman scoffs playfully as he 'ignores' her and grabs another croissant.

"You know what? I'm outta here." Courtney laughs, "I'll give this to Jackie. See you later, Riah." She smiles at me then humorously rolls her eyes at Prince before leaving out. I giggle at their banter as finishing buttering the last few pastries then glancing over at Prince who was already looking in my direction.

I smile lightly, "Hi."

"Hi." He smiles back and holds up the croissant. "I wasn't lying. This is delicious by the way." Prince chuckles.

"Well, thank you. I haven't tasted one yet but I'll take your word." I giggle. Prince rips off another piece and leans on the counter beside me, holding it near my mouth. Instead of protesting it—I open my mouth taking the piece and chew. Prince presses his lips on the corner of my mouth for a teasing kiss. "Thank you."

These are good...I mean I made them so...

He nods. "So how was your break from me?"

"Horrible. I missed you." I pout innocently as he smiles softly. "I did go furniture shopping and had the chance to catch up with my parents."

"I missed you as well." He says sweetly, after stuffing the rest of the croissant in his mouth causing me to giggle. "Did you do it?" His mood turns serious.

"Do what?"

"File the report."

I completely forgot that I told him about that conversation I had with my parents...

I wipe my hands on my apron before taking it off, "Um, I haven't yet because I'm still writing my statement and I have to turn it in tomorrow." I told him as he listen closely. "If I'm being honest, I'm quite nervous about it."

He nods along. "That's understandable but I'm sure your parents are doing what's best. Having him on file will help anyone that comes across him—you should probably have a restraining order against him too." Prince adds which made me give him a skeptical expression. "Nariah, you never know what he might try to do."

"Leon may have done what he did to me but I don't think he would try to find me. He knows where I work but don't know where I live anymore. Plus he has a family to look out for now." I roll my eyes at the last part as I wrap up my apron and place it on the counter. Prince sighs heavily. "Don't worry about me, okay? Everything will be handled by tomorrow."

The man in front of me goes silent and looks away from me. He's shutting me out now, or at least I think he is. I grab the empty sheet pan and place it into the sink as Prince follows behind me.

"How was your trip to New York?" I asked.



Prince goes to wrap his arms around my waist from behind. "You can't tell anyone. I mean anyone at all." He whispers in my ear.

I smile lightly, "My lips are sealed."

"Next February, I'll be headlining the Super Bowl that will be held in Miami." He tells me as my eyes widen at the news. Instantly I spin around in his arms and hug him tightly. "Oof! Riah!" He laughs.

I gasp, "Prince, that's amazing! Congratulations!" The two of us share a lingering hug before pulling apart. "This is pretty big. I would have thought that you have done it by now."

He shrugs, "Same here but great things and experiences come with patience." Prince grabs another croissant. "So I have to get back to work but you have any plans after work?"

"Not that I know of. What's up?" I ask.

"You can leave at eight tonight but come back here. Pack a bag and everything." Prince tells me as I lean back on the counter while rolling up my sleeves. He gets closer in front of me and kisses the tip of my nose. "I miss having you in my arms at night." He whispers before kissing my lips sweetly.

Instantly I'm sent into a lovely trance by him, I blush heavily trying not to smile widely. "Fine by me."

Finally...I get to be back in his arms once again...

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Later on, I spent the whole day in the kitchen feeding people that I really care about—along with creating a few new recipes. After I leave Paisley and finish my workday, I head home to take a shower and pack an overnight bag. Before leaving out I decided to have a quick bite to eat and work on this statement.

"Why does it seems like I'm missing something?" I mumble to myself while chewing on my chicken and feta wrap. My eye gazes over the written document to oversee what I have so far. Thinking about what happened while the week when I was abused just makes my stomach turn. I lean back—using my arms behind me to hold me up and I look up the ceiling for a moment. "This is too much."

Instead of writing, I took a deep breath before picking up everything into my bag and finished my food then brushed my teeth. Time has left my mind, it's going on nine-thirty. I left out my apartment and made my way back to Paisley Park.

Five minutes later, I pull through the gates seeing that mostly everyone has left. I don't see Courtney's nor Jackie's car—that's all that matters. I flip up my peach-colored hoodie, grabbed my things, and left my car heading over the entrance on the side of the building. I probably should have called Prince before coming so he could let me in but hopefully, my scan ID card will work even though I clocked out.

"Alright, please work..." I swipe my card and the light turns green and unlocks. Mentally, I thank god and went inside. Now I have to find him without really being seen by anyone else.

I head to the kitchen to use the landline to call and find him. Soon I enter the empty kitchen, I noticed a note on the fridge with my name on it. As I place my bag on the counter—I grab the note to see Prince's handwriting.

𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚘 𝙰.

With that, I called up the number to be connected to Studio A and he picks up after two rings.


"Hey, it's me."

"Oh, Good. I just finished up with Tamar and the band." Prince tells me as I lean up against the wall with the phone up to my ear. "I'll meet with you in a few minutes. Stay there."

I nodded then realize he can't even see me. "Okay. Cool." We both hang up. I took down my hood and decided to switch out of my sneakers for my slippers.

The same melody plays in my head as I take off my shoes. I've been listening to Prince's music like crazy lately—mostly his new album and 'The Word' has been in my head for days now. I catch myself humming to it all the time while I'm working.

Minutes later I hear his footsteps coming into the kitchen as I place my sneakers into my bag. Prince comes into my view wearing a different outfit from earlier, it looks like he's sporting silk pajamas but I can't tell if they are pajamas or not because he wears outfits like this all the time during the day as well. I smile seeing him with his signature silk scarf around his head. It's something about when he wears a headscarf that makes me smile and feel a bit giddy inside. He just looks so good.

"Sorry I came a bit later than expected." I apologize as he takes my bag and grabs my hand. "I can carry that."

He shakes his head and pulls me closer towards him, our lips touching lightly for a peck. "It's fine. Come on."

We left the kitchen through the back way, going upstairs to his separate apartment complex. It's been a while since I've been up here but Prince has a cozy vibe in his living environment. He and I move through the living room and another kitchen until we arrived in his room.

I take a seat on his bed as he places my bag beside me. Prince switches out his heels for a pair of platform flip-flops, he nods over in my direction. "Have you finished your statement?"

"I still have a few more things to add. I keep getting sidetracked." I told him while laying back on the bed and unzipping my hoodie.

"Sidetrack by yourself or the thought of it?"


Prince comes over towards the bed and kneels as I take off my hoodie then sit back up to reach for my bag. "You need to get it done, Riah. You must do."

I sigh heavily. "I know. I'm gonna work on it."

He nods along and leans closer towards me, his finger tucking underneath my chin as I stare into his eyes. "Work on it now. I'll be in the living room working on something too. After you're done, come out and join me." Prince tells me before kissing my lips tenderly and leaving me with a smile on my face as he left his bedroom.

With that said—I pulled out my notebook and blue pen then began writing. The last thing that needs to be told is my last incident with Leon when Prince came and help me out but instead of Prince's name, I just said a 'Friend'. Of course, I shed a few tears while reliving that moment and the pain that it caused me. All that I can think about now is that I have someone else in my life that is more deserving and appreciate me. Even though Prince and I aren't exactly together, this has been the happiest I've ever been in a long time.

An hour later I finished my statement, re-reading it a few times and then placing it back in my bag so I could drop it off with my parents tomorrow at the police station. I stroll out into the living space where Prince is on the couch with one of his gorgeous acoustic guitars and a notepad and pen in front of him.

He glances up soon as I sit across from him on the same couch. "All done?"

"All done." I smile and point down at his notepad. "Should I find something else to do? It looks like you're still working."

Prince shakes his head, leaning over to close and moving his notepad over to the glass coffee table. He gesture for me to scoot closer which I did, resting my arm on the couch and propping my head up. "I was just writing down a few things that are all." His fingers strum a few cords.

"Since you have this guitar, you think you can play something for me?" I ask him innocently with a cheesy grin. Prince smirks and rolls his big bold eyes while he continues to strum the same cords. "Please?" I pout my lips.

He cracks a tiny smile, "You sing and I'll play."

"No. That's not the deal. You sing and play." I laugh.

"Doesn't sound like I deal with me."

"If you want to hear a dying seal sing then be my guest."

"I'm sure you don't sound like a dying seal. But I'll let you get away this time."

I lift my legs onto the couch and grin proudly for getting him to play for me. Prince shifts in his seat a bit before beginning to play a beautiful tune. I bob my head to the melody that comes from him just as he opens his mouth and sings.

You have got a strange way about,
Kinda' crazy but I love you just the same.
Because you, oh you make me wanna do, oh everything...

I'm just a crazy fool,
lost in the world of love...
I get from crazy you, oh,
I'm so strung out,
Thinking 'bout the crazy things you do, crazy you...

I close my eyes falling into the song as he fades out and chuckles when I place my hand over my heart and sigh loudly. "That was just marvelous, Prince," I spoke in a fake posh accent causing him to laugh even louder. "Seriously. That was beautiful. I'm guessing that was you, right?"

He nods proudly but yet seems shy about it as well. "From my first album."

"And when did you create your first album? I think remember hearing about you starting young in the industry."

"I was about twenty years old when it came out." He answers.

My eyes widen, "Wow, I can't imagine being that thoughtful with words and just talented to release an album. That song is extremely poetic." I express to him as he placed his guitar on the side of the couch and tilted his head in my direction while spoke so fondly of him. "I have to listen to that album eventually. What is it called?"

"That song was 'Crazy You' but the album is 'For You'."

"For you. I got it."

I made a mental note of it while Prince grabs both of my hands causing me to give him my full and undivided attention. He rubs the back of my hands with his thumbs before interlacing them. I peek down at our hands with a smile on my lips then gaze back into his mind-spelling eyes.

"So Courtney spoke to me today about giving you the day off on Saturday," Prince mentions as I shake out of my trance. "Are you going out with her?"

I nod along, "She ask me to come for her birthday but I knew I had to ask you for the day off." He looks away from my eyes and plays with my fingers. "Is that a problem? I was gonna ask you but she insisted on asking for me."

Prince continues to look down at our hands, "No it's not. I just had something plan but it can wait until the following weekend."

"Plan? Like what?" I'm now intrigued.

"I was just planning something for us, that's all. It's nothing to just switch a few things around." He assures me as I begin to feel bad that he plans something for us to do but I have plans with Courtney. "Don't pout, Riah. It's okay." Prince chuckles.

I lean in pressing my forehead against his forehead and remove my hands from him just to place them over his shoulders. "I still feel bad. Can you at least tell me what it was?"

"Nope. It's gonna be a surprise still." He grins childishly—it's cute. I roll my eyes playfully and peck his lips. Prince presses his lips against mines for a longer kiss as I scoot even closer until he nudges me into his lap. The two of us fall back—I straddle him in the act of him holding my hips.

Our lips move swiftly together, my lips parted just as he slips in his tongue teases me. One of my hands plays the nape of his neck just as the other one was resting on his chest. My fingers drag across a peek of his bare chest through his open shirt. Prince dips one of his hands down to grip my rear making me giggle between our kisses. I pull back gently as he buries his face in the crook of my neck and wastes no time peppering my skin with pecks and occasionally nibbling.

"Mhmm, Prince..." A moan escapes my lips. My hips move closing against him while he begins sucking on my neck—I'm sure he's leaving his marks. Every moan went straight into his ear and he always reacted by either squeezing my bottom or mumbling something against my skin. His hand gradually works its way up to my back until he reaches my bra hook—with one try it becomes unhooked. "First try, you must be an expert." I joke lightly as he chuckles and moves his kisses up to my jaw.

"I just hate them. It's better if this is off." Prince says in his smooth and soft velvet voice. I sat up while my eyes stay on him, I remove my nude push-up bra from underneath my tank top then toss it over the couch. My fingertip off one of my straps of the tank top as his eyes were hungry for more. "Riah..."

I smile shyly, "I know we aren't going too far, but if you want a peek, you can have it." I lean back down adjusting myself so he can get a good look at my cleavage. Prince licks his lips and chews on his bottom lip as he glares into my eyes with lust and temptation. "But if not. It's okay."

He reaches underneath my tank top and places his right hand over my left breast, I gasp playfully but soon moan when he began using the pad of his thumb to tease my nipple. Eventually, my top is taken off from around me and his mouth is pleasuring my chest with the use of his wet tongue and warm mouth.

This is the first 'physical/ intimate' contact that Prince and I have done—little did I know that this was just the beginning.

Just the beginning...

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

A/N: Hey everyone💜 Hope you enjoyed this chapter It wasn't much but Riah and Prince are slowly easing into becoming intimate—next chapter might be a bit more so beware of that☺️

Comment and give this chapter a vote please💜

Until next time

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