One Adoption... Sorry, Direct...

By TheFangirlFairy

67.7K 863 218

"Do you really promise to let us stay with you?" "You live here now," Harry said, crouching down. "With us. A... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Five

3.1K 34 0
By TheFangirlFairy

Liam grimly walked up the stairs towards Alicia's room. She had moved back onto the bed, and was still half-asleep.

"Alicia," he said firmly.

"Dude," she mumbled back.

"Are you going to get out of bed?"

"Um, no."

"Alicia, I am going to count to three and if you are in bed when I finish you will not enjoy it. Understand?"

She continued to ignore him, not moving.


Opening her eyes a little, she watched him.


She now raised her eyebrows.


She still didn't get out of the bed, so Liam sighed.

"Fine, let's do this the hard way." He walked over to the bed and tore off the covers.

"Fucking hell!"

"Watch your language," he said as he slipped his arm under her belly and picked her up. Sitting down, he positioned her over his lap and pinned her down.

"Punishing you. I warned you and you didn't listen."

He raised his hand and swung it with medium force onto the teenager's butt. Repeating the action, he occasionally lectured.

"You," SMACK "Listen," SMACK "When we," SMACK "Tell you" SMACK "To do" SMACK SMACK "Something!"

Downstairs, Jas and Jeni ignored their sister when she first started yelling at Liam; but as soon as the first smack was heard they froze.

"What the hell was that?" Jas asked her older sister. Exchanging a glance, they got up and tried to run to their sister.

Unfortunately they were intercepted at the doorway. Jas managed to skid to a stop in time, but Jeni sprinted into Zayn.

"Hello," he said, grabbing her. Harry also put his arms around Jasi, restraining her.


"Calm down and we'll explain it to you," Louis said, watching the girls struggle against his bandmates.

They continued fighting, aiming their fists and feet at the guys and tossing their entire bodies around. They boys kept telling them to calm down, but they never let go of the crazy teenagers.

Back upstairs, Alicia was furious. Liam was still smacking her, and it was hurting.

"Stop!! Dude please, I'll get up, stop!!"

Liam finally stopped, and started rubbing circles on her back as she stopped yelling.

"When you're calm, then we'll talk," Liam said.

Soon Alicia went limp, and then rolled off of Liam. She stood up and glared at him.

"Come here," he said kindly, offering his arms for a hug.

"NO! Stay away from me," Alicia said. "I fucking hate you."

"I hope not," Liam replied. He just sat on the bed, watching Alicia; she stared at him from across the room.

After they watched each other for a few minutes, Liam gently repeated himself. "Come here."

Alicia walked over and stood in front of him, tears ready to spill. Liam reached out and hugged her; immediately she crumpled into him and sobbed. He held her until she had stopped crying, and then pulled away slightly.

"We're way behind. Go get ready for the day and be downstairs in 10."

Alicia stood up and went to her bag of clothes, and Liam stood up and walked to the door.

"Um... dude?" she asked softly.


"Can you wait?"

Liam agreed to wait outside the door, and pulled out his phone.

"And just so you know... I hate you," Alicia added.

"Okay," Liam replied, walking outside into the hallway. "I'll be out here if you need."

A few minutes later, Jas, Jeni, Louis, Harry, Zayn and Niall were sitting in the living room waiting for the others. When Alicia walked in, she sat on her sister's lap, careful of her butt.

"Okay, girls," Harry said. "This is the first of what will probably be many family meetings. When a family meeting is called, head down here."

Liam took over. "Right now, we're going to tell you the rules. Okay?"

The girls raised their eyebrows.

"Rule number one: No back chatting. If you've got a legitimate problem with something, explain and converse in a mature manner, but you can't talk back to us."

"Fuck that," Jas mumbled. Harry raised his eyebrows at her, and she raised hers back.

"Rule number two: No swearing."

"Like that's going to happen – sorry, like that's going to fucking happen," Lic whispered.

"Rule number three: No fighting. This means physical, verbal, or anything else. There's a difference between an argument or disagreement and a fight; and there's a difference between joking and being mean."

"I disagree with that," sassed Jeni.

"Rule number four: Be polite and respectful. Manners and all that,but also listen to older people or someone with authority, and treat everyone nicely."

"Respect has to be earned."

"Rule number five: Do as you're told. Pretty obvious I think."

"Maybe I will, probably won't."

"Rule number six: bedtimes and waking up times will be obeyed. It will probably differ what time you have to get up, but if you need to get up you will get up; and bedtime means bedtime."

"We're not two years old, dude."

"Rule number seven: Be careful about your online and media presence.We are very well-known and everyone is looking at us – and now you – and if you stuff up it could be very bad."

"Wow big headed much."

"Rule number eight: Do not lie. Tell the truth, because if you don't it will come out eventually."

"You don't know know that though."

"Rule number nine: Don't lock or slam your door. If you're getting changed, then you may lock it; but other than that, it must be open or unlocked when you're in there, when you're sleeping and basically when there isn't a good reason to lock it."


"Rule number ten: Help around the house. You have to pitch in with washing up, cooking, setting the table and everything. Especially keep your rooms clean."

"No, my room my rules."

"Rule number eleven: Do not run away or sneak out. If you want to leave the house, ask permission."

"I might ask but I won't give a shit about the answer."

"OKAY ENOUGH!" Louis yelled. "Stop with the little comments, just listen to the rules and if you want a discussion, we can talk later!"

"Rule number twelve: Don't yell or scream unless necessary. It's loud and annoying, and while this isn't going to be a big one, just don't be too loud. We know that you're going to need to yell and scream and cry and stomp and slam doors sometimes, but try not to."

"Um, dude on the couch just yelled."

Louis glared at Jas, who cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked.

"Rule number thirteen: No boys! No boyfriends at all, but if something does happen with a boy or anything like that, come to us – we would rather make sure you're safe."

"Rule number fourteen: If we tell you something, it goes. If there is a legitimate reason you can't do something, or need to do something then tell us, but otherwise if we say you're coming to the studio with us, you're coming to the studio, etc."

"Rule number fifteen: Communicate. If something is going on, we'll understand; be mature when you speak to us. If you don't tell us what's wrong, we can't help you."

The boys looked at the girls, who looked bored.

"So is that it, bye," Jeni said, tipping her little sister off and standing up.

"No, that's not it. That's all of the rules, but we're not done talking yet," Harry said.

"Oh wait a second, yes I am," Jas said, standing up as well. Harry quickly grabbed her arms and sat her back down, as Zayn did the same with Jen.

"That's all of the rules," Harry repeated.
"We're never going to remember them," Alicia said. The boys nodded, and Liam showed them a list that he had made.

"This is going to go in the kitchen, where you can see it."

Niall then spoke. "These are calendars," he said, handing each girl a calendar.

"No shit Sherlock," they all muttered, flicking through them.

"Language," Zayn intercepted, before Niall spoke again.

"Whenever you get in trouble, you are going to write on your calendar on the correct date what you did, which rule it was breaking, what your punishment was and who administered it."

"If you break a rule, there are a few different types of consequences."

"These are basically: telling off, grounding, mouth washed out, losing privileges or belongings, or a spanking," Louis said.

The girls all stood up. "No, that's bullshit!" "Fuck off!" "You can't do that!"

"I'm outta here," Jeni said. She stood up and stalked off, until she was caught by Harry. "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!"

Everyone erupted into yelling and screaming.

Unobserved, Jas managed to slip off upstairs, and into her room. She locked the door and lay on the bed, thinking.

This could either be the worst thing to happen... or the best.

Of course, it sucks that she can't do what she wants; but at least it seems like somebody cares. She trusted these boys; even though she was terrified of getting spanked, she didn't think that these people would take it too far.

She wasn't going to change; eventually they would give up, and she would just be a goodie two shoes for no reason.

Downstairs, the girls had been taken into separate rooms with one of the boys each, until they calmed down. Harry noticed that Jas wasn't there, and ran up the stairs. Her door was closed, and he knew she was in there.

"Jasmine! Jasmine," he said, knocking. "I'm coming in now." He tried the door handle but it was locked. Sighing in frustration, he started hammering on the door.

Jas was snapped out of her thoughts by a banging noise. She sat up, and looked at the door.


She quietly unlocked it and went back and sat on the bed.

Soon Harry tried to handle again and opened the door. He ran his fingers through his hair and went in.

"If you do that again I'm going to take the freaking door off of its hinges," he warned. "Come downstairs."

She shook her head. "Jasmine, we have to leave soon. We need to take you shopping."

"I don't want to."

Harry decided to change tactic.

"So what do you think of the rules?"

Jas shrugged.

"Your sisters weren't very happy."

"That's because your rules are bullshit," she replied. "We're not going to fucking obey or whatever shit you have planned, just so you know."

"Look, it's your first proper day and everything so I don't want to have to do anything, but I will wash your mouth out if I have to."

"Just fuck off," Jas replied.

"You have one chance," Harry said.

"I don't give a shit, what part of that don't you fucking get?!" Jas yelled.

"That's it," Harry said. He took the girl's arm and pulled her to the bathroom. As he got there, he saw Niall coming out with a bar of soap.

"Language?" they asked each other. They nodded, and rolled their eyes, and Harry tugged Jasmine into the bathroom. "Open," he instructed. She refused, so he grabbed a bar of soap, lathered it up and started tickling her neck.

"I'm only ticklish when I want to – oi!"

He slipped it into her mouth when she started speaking. Covering her lips with his hand, he glanced at his watch.

"One minute," he warned. "Spit it out before and you'll be sorry."

Jasmine glared at him, but accepted it.

However Niall wasn't having as much with Jennifer.



"Every time you say something, it just adds to your time."


Zayn opened the door to the theatre room. "What's going on in here?" he asked.


"Niall, it's not nice to poison people. Jeni, it's not nice to swear. You have one minute of soap, okay?" Zayn reached out his arm and pulled her into his chest.

"No, she has seven minutes!"

"No," Zayn replied. "I said one minute. Everyone calm down. Jeni, you can sit and be good and have one minute, or we can do it the hard way for seven minutes."

Jeni sat on one of the couches and poked her tongue out a Niall, who used that opportunity to shove the bar of soap in her mouth. Zayn and Niall then sat down and watched her to make sure she didn't spit it out; but she didn't.

And while all the screaming was going on, Alicia was sitting with Liam in the music practise room.

At first she had been angry and yelling, but as soon as she and Liam had gone in there, she simply hugged him for comfort and started asking questions about the instruments.

Finally, the girls were all relatively calm (Jeni was still pissed at Niall) and they could go shopping.

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