By popularfanfics

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"Let's not even exchange names.. we aren't going to see each other anyway after this.." - Taehyung "Can't we... More

Chapter 2 - Turtle Rabbit
Chapter 3 - Another coincidence, another embarrassment
Chapter 4 - A Favor
Chapter 5 - Sweets
Chapter 6 - Sleep over
Chapter 7 - Return the favor
Chapter 8 - Something
Chapter 9 - Greater
Chapter 10 - His happiness
Chapter 11 - Similar yet different
Chapter 12 - It was destiny
Chapter 13 - Her family, his home
Chapter 14 - Friendship and Love
Chapter 15 - Five minutes
Chapter 16 - One after another
Chapter 17 - Breaking Up and Breaking Down
Chapter 18 - Time flies
Chapter 19 - Their Past
Chapter 20 - From 'sorry' to 'thank you'
Chapter 21 - That thing called 'ex'
Chapter 22 - Still in love
Chapter 23 - Never Again
Chapter 24 - Don'ts
Chapter 25 - Her question, his answer
Chapter 26 - Pure and Sincere
Chapter 27 - Returning to him
Chapter 28 - Lovely moments
Chapter 29 - Their very first
Chapter 30 - Till the end

Chapter 1 - Mr. 200 dollars

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By popularfanfics

Jisoo kept on sighing as she stared at the door.

Did she make the right decision? Is this really the only solution? Will she never regret this?

She looked at herself in the mirror and another sigh came out of her mouth.

What is she even doing in a hotel room only wearing a thin robe?

She must not be sane..

Well yes.. she has been insane for a week already.. ever since that scumbag.. that guy.. that piece of sh*t.. that a**h*le..

She took a deep breath as she was reminded of what her bestfriend did to her..

That guy! He’s always been a headache to her! If he didn’t have problems with school, he’d have problems with girls!

And now.. how could he scam his own bestfriend? Why did he run away with all of her savings?

He knows how much hardwork she did.. he saw how many sleepless nights she had just to save that money..

And he.. took everything away without even saying anything to her..

She is going to kill Jhope as soon as she finds him! She will never forgive him! NEVEEEEERRRR!

She took another quick look of herself in the mirror.

Well.. she looks pretty decent, doesn’t she?

Hmm.. a pretty decent looking prostitute?

Another sigh left her mouth.. they told her this job was called being a female escort but everyone knows what she is about to do tonight..

She needed a job where they could pay her right away.. and that would pay her a lot..

She doesn’t really know with what courage she took on this job..

All she knows is that she badly needs money.. for herself.. and for her mom..

And so here she is.. waiting for her client in a hotel room somewhere at the beach..

She covered her face with her hands.. she wants to cry.. she is for sure going to regret this forever..

The purity she has been maintaining for 23 years is about to be tainted.. by someone she has never met..

A tear fell from her eye and she wiped it right away.

No.. she can’t cry now.. she even had to pay for this makeup and it cost her a lot.. she cannot ruin it.. not until that client comes inside this hotel room and tells her she looks beautiful..

She clenched her fists as she imagined the man she’s meeting tonight..

She was told by the agent that it was a man from abroad..

Oh wait.. a foreigner? Then would he be too big for...?

She took another deep breath.

Wait.. but.. this is her first time.. she might end up in the hospital after this..

She could already feel the drumming of her heart..

She wasn’t feeling this nervous until an hour ago..

When she accepted this job.. she didn’t even hesitate but why is she already regretting it now when nothing has happened yet?

She put her hands on her chest.

Her heart should calm down.. she’s afraid that even the other guests in the next room would hear her heart beating like crazy..

But.. isn’t it better that the client is someone from abroad? That means.. she is never going to see him again? That she can just forget about this and move on with her life?

But still.. this is wrong.. she doesn’t think she can do this..

There’s no way she’s going to sleep with a man she has never met before!

And what if it’s a lot older than her? An uncle? A dying grandpa? Oh no..

She has to leave now.. she will leave now.. she cannot do this..

She is going to find Jhope and ask him to return her money.. that’s right.. she’ll kill him with her own hands if she has to.. but she will not sleep with anyone tonight!

She rose on her feet as she took the robe off to dress herself but then she saw the door opening..

Shoot! No way..

Why did she leave the door open? Did that man come already? Is there no escape anymore? What should she do?

Someone help her pleaseeee!


“This place looks nice..” said Jungkook as he looked around.

“More like these women are nice..” said Lisa rolling her eyes at him. “Taehyung oppa came here to celebrate his first job yet your eyes aren’t even looking at him..”

“Then do you want me to look at you?” asked Jungkook scoffing. “There’s a lot to see around so why would I look at you?”

Lisa sighed.

Why did Taehyung invite this guy? All he does is look at women!

That’s right! Women!

He wasn’t like this when they were kids.. he used to be sweet and gentle just like Taehyung oppa!

“Stop fighting and let’s just enjoy tonight.. when will we ever have time like this again?” said RM. “You two are graduating this year.. Taehyung has just landed his first job and I-..”

“Are you going to get married hyung?” asked Taehyung smiling.

Lisa and Jungkook chuckled.

RM has been in a relationship for 7 years yet he has no plans to get married yet.

Or maybe it’s that woman’s fault that he has no plans at all?

RM sighed.

“We broke up..” he said lowering his gaze.

Taehyung patted his shoulders.

“It isn’t even the first time hyung that-..”

RM turned to them.

“For good..” he said in a low voice.

The three looked at each other.

“You mean.. you really separated?” asked Lisa.

RM and his girlfriend.. or maybe his “ex” right now.. oh wait.. what should they call her?

It’s because all they did is to break up and get back together all these years that no one believes them anymore when they say they broke up again!

“For real..” said RM gulping some beer. “She said she isn’t happy anymore..”

“And you?” asked Jungkook.

RM went silent.

“Were you ever happy?” asked Taehyung in a small voice.

He only saw him cry during those 7 years.. he doesn’t remember seeing him happy at all..

Jungkook cleared his throat.

“Well.. breaking up isn’t that bad either.. now you’re free from everything.. I think we should also celebrate this..”

No one was saying anything.

Jungkook tapped Taehyung’s arm.

“Right?” he said with his eyes widened.

Taehyung nodded.

“We must drink to the fullest tonight until we get wasted! This might be the last time we can enjoy our time like this!” said Jungkook raising his glass.

Lisa smiled.

This guy is also right in some things..

She opened her wallet and took out her black card.

“Wow.. Lisa is flexing us her card! Let’s order more drinks!” said Jungkook smiling wide.

Taehyung laughed.

“You too Taehyung hyung.. you must drink a lot tonight until you don’t remember anything..” said Jungkook.

RM turned to Taehyung.

“He doesn’t really need to drink a lot.. he passes out even after a few glasses..” he said shaking his head.

Taehyung smiled onesidedly.

“Why are you looking down on me?” he asked feeling competitive. “I can.. drink a lot..”

The three laughed at him.

“Let’s see how much you can drink then..” said Lisa laughing. “I bet I can drink more than you oppa..”

“How could you say that to me?” asked Taehyung in disbelief. “I’ll show all of you what I can do..”

He didn’t know showing off too much that night would be the thing he would regret the most in his life..

A few hours later..

“Hey.. wake up.. Taehyung-ah..” said RM shaking his arm.

Jungkook laughed.

“He has passed out again.. I can’t believe him..” he said as he turned to a sleepy Lisa beside him.

“Lisa.. you’re about to pass out as well.. hurry up and go to your room..”

RM gave another glass to Jungkook.

“This is the last then we should take them to their rooms..” he said smiling. “It’s almost midnight.. we have been drinking for three hours already..”

“How about we take these two to their rooms first then we have another drink?” asked Jungkook smiling. “I know you still have a lot to say..”

RM chuckled.

“Well.. should we do that?”

Jungkook smiled wide.

“Bring Lisa to her room and I’ll bring Taehyung to his..” said RM as he pulled Taehyung up.

“I can just drag Lisa to her room.. she won’t know it anyway..” said Jungkook pouting.

“How could you say that to a woman? She even paid for our drinks..” said RM in disbelief.

“A woman you say but Lisa is more like a brother to us..” said Jungkook. “We even bathed together when we were young..”

RM laughed as he started walking with Taehyung.

“That was ages ago!” he said smiling. “Carry her and let’s see each other here in 15 minutes..”

Jungkook sighed as she carried Lisa in his arms.

Good thing this girl is light as a feather!

He quickly went away leaving RM and Taehyung behind.

“Can you even stand up by yourself?” asked RM as he looked at Taehyung who had his eyes closed. “How can a professor in college not even know how to drink? What will your students tell you?”

Then he saw his eyes opening.

“Hyung is still here?” asked Taehyung smiling wide. “Did I pass out again?”

RM chuckled.

“You did.. so I’m about to bring you to your hotel room and-..”

Taehyung pulled himself away from him and almost fell down.

“Taehyung! Come here and I’ll help you-..”

“I’m okay.. I can walk by myself hyung.. just go on your way and leave me..” said Taehyung who barely managed to stand on his feet.

RM laughed.

This guy would have been perfect if not only for his bad drinking habits.

He literally has an amnesia the day after whenever he drinks.. and knowing he drank a lot tonight he might not remember anything he did tonight for the rest of his life..

“I have my key here so just go hyung..” said Taehyung showing him his keycard as he walked by himself.

“No.. wait.. I’ll accompany you-..”

Taehyung bowed his head and fell out of balance again.

“The ground feels comfortable.. should I just lie down here?” said Taehyung smiling as he touched the floor.

RM shook his head in disbelief. This guy has gone totally crazy after drinking!

He was about to walk towards him when he received a call.

He stopped on his feet right away.

That familiar number..

“Answer your girlfriend.. she will get mad again if you don’t..” said Taehyung standing straight.

RM looked at him.

Why does this guy suddenly look sober? Did something happen to him?

“Are you sure you can go by yourself?” he asked doubtful.

Taehyung nodded.

RM took a few seconds before he decided to finally leave him and pick up the call.

And as soon as Taehyung saw him going away, he went inside the hotel.

Was it the fourth floor? Or the fifth? Or maybe the sixth floor? Where the heck was his room again?

He was barely able to look at his keycard.

Ohh.. it was 608.. then the sixth floor?

He laughed as he dragged his feet to the elevator.

608.. he should remember that number..

As soon as the elevator doors opened on the sixth floor, he went out running towards his room.

Room 608.. right?

He opened the door with ease. He didn’t even need to insert the keycard. He only pushed it.. How did it happen? That was really easy..

And here it started.. he should have already realized it at this point..

But believing he wasn’t drunk.. thinking he was all fine..

He didn’t..


Jisoo was holding onto her robe tightly as she anxiously watched the door open.

She gulped.

She could hear his footsteps. She could see his hand holding onto the door.

This is her end. She cannot run away anymore.

The door opened widely and there entered a young looking man wearing a white shirt and a pair of green shorts.

Young man? He wasn’t someone old? And wait.. why does he look Korean? Wasn’t he a foreigner?

Ohh.. then maybe it was a Korean from abroad?

She gulped.

If it’s someone young.. then he might be a pervert who films all the women he sleeps with.. what if he does the same to her?

She was still busy thinking of all of this when she heard the door close and another one open.

The bathroom door? Did he go there directly without even looking at her? Then why did she even put on some makeup? Wait.. is she supposed to worry about it now?

She carefully went towards the bathroom and just a few seconds later.. she heard him coughing.. and puking.. and more..

Just how much.. did he drink?

She heaved a long sigh..

That man is very drunk.. is she supposed to have that thing with a drunk man? With that smelly guy?

No matter how goodlooking he is.. yes.. she did see he looked fine.. but still.. if he’s smelly.. how is she supposed to bear with him?

“Excuse.. me?” she knocked on the door gently.

But the door opened and there stood the drunk man.

Jisoo gulped.

Standing face to face with him like this.. she suddenly feels nervous..

He looked at her in the eye.

He seems to have washed his face.. his hair was wet..

“Good.. eve-..” Jisoo was stuttering.

What is she supposed to say? Like.. hello sweetie? Hello hottie? Hello daddy?

She hasn’t even said a word when she felt his hands on her shoulders.

Oh no! Is he going to push her against the wall and kiss her hard?

She closed her eyes tight immediately.

Just thinking about it disgusts her..

Well.. it’s her own imagination that sucks to be honest..

It’s either she has too much fantasy or she lacks one..

Then she felt herself being pushed aside.

“Lemme sleep.. I’m too tired..” said the man as he jumped onto the bed directly.

Jisoo was left speechless.

Sleep? Too tired?


It’s fine that he didn’t even compliment how she looked.. but how could he push her like that?

She went after him and found him sleeping comfortably on bed.

“Excuse me?” said Jisoo getting near him.

She should be happy instead but why does she feel a little disappointed?

She sighed.

Well.. it’s better like this! She doesn’t need to do anything..

She should run away now! Before this man wakes up and asks her for it!

That’s right.. she better dress herself and go away!

But no.. her money.. the enrollment fee.. the bills.. and.. her mom..

How will she pay for all of those?

She stood frozen in front of the bed. Her eyes turned to the drunk man sleeping peacefully before her..

Should she.. just do it?

She needs that money.. desperately.. she gotta have it.. or else she’ll die..

She took a deep breath as she sat on the bed.

Lying down beside him is a man who is willing to pay a lot in exchange for one night..

He doesn’t really look like the type to be paying women for it.. but.. since it was him who asked for it..

Maybe it’s even better that he’s asleep.. he will not know how lame she is..

She held on her chest tightly.

She has never felt this nervous in her life..

She had never once thought that she would find herself in this situation..

She turned to him slowly.

She gulped.

He is sweating.. a lot..

What should she do? Should she get something to wipe his face? But.. will he also be sweating later? Oh no.. her stupid brain isn’t working fine anymore!

She was still trying to get a grip of herself when the man turned his back against her and something fell out from his pocket.

A wallet!

Jisoo clenched her fists.

What if.. she just steals his money and just run away with it?

No.. she can’t.. the agent will contact her.. they have her details although they have never met face to face..

She picked his wallet up and was about to put it on the table when her curiousity kicked in..

Should she take a look at how much this man is willing to pay her?

Well.. just a quick glance maybe?

She opened it carefully.

She couldn’t believe her eyes..

“What? 200 dollars?” she said aloud as she sighed.

She can’t believe it.. does he think he can buy her for 200 dollars? Is he crazy? He should just walk down the streets and ask a random woman to do it for him at 200 dollars!

She is risking everything here and she will only get paid that much?

She quickly put away the money and looked through his wallet.

Maybe he has a lot of cards? Will he transfer the money to her account?

But no.. this guy didn’t even bring any card with him! Is he a bum? Why doesn’t he have any money with him? No cards at all!

Only his Identification Card was there!

Ohh.. wait.. maybe just by looking at his name, she will be able to know if he’s someome important..

What if he turns out to be the son of a CEO?

She took it out carefully from his wallet..

Kim Taehyung? 26 years old?

She knows no one with this name.. then does that mean that he’s just an ordinary guy?

Then.. he is just a nobody?

This guy is only 3 years older than her! Then he must have only finished his studies!

He must be really penniless! How could he ask for a female escort when he is jobless himself?!?

She quickly put his wallet back on the table and was about to stand up when she felt her robe being lifted. The cold air hit her legs the more she tried to move herself..

She looked at her robe and found this Taehyung guy’s hand pulling it down.

“Is he awake or not? How could he be a pervert even in his sleep?” she said to herself as she pulled her robe back.

But Taehyung pulled her robe tighter causing her to fall down beside him.

She was facing him.. their bodies almost touching..

She could smell the alcohol coming from his mouth..

His breath was warm.. his cheeks were red.. his nose is tall.. and his eyes..

Jisoo gulped.

His eyes opened.

Taehyung was looking at her with an intense gaze that it made her nervous.

“I’m sorry.. I.. I didn’t want-..” Jisoo’s voice was trembling as her hands automatically covered her chest.

This position is very intimate.. it’s very close to him.. if he wants to kiss and do more to her.. he can freely do it..

She should have ran away when she could! Why did she have to go through his wallet?!?

“Taehyung-ssi.. please-..”

Then Taehyung opened his mouth.

“Pretty woman..” he said softly.

Jisoo had to blink a few times. What did he.. say? Pretty? Her?

Really? Did he really compliment her?

Her cheeks flushed red automatically.

Then she felt her whole body being wrapped in his arms.

“Taehyung-ssi.. I mean.. if you’re going to do this.. you cannot only have 200 dollars in your wallet..” said Jisoo as she pulled herself away from him.

And a few seconds later..

She felt something warm flowing down on her neck.. down to her chest..

She screamed at the top of her lungs before pushing his face away from her.

How could he.. vomit on her? Does he think she’s a kind of toilette or what?!?

She’s all smelly and dirty thanks to him! Her make up is ruined and her pretty hair is sticky!

She stood up and put her hands on her waist.

“Get up!” she said angry as she kicked his legs. “Hey Mr. 200 dollars! Wake up and get out of here-..!”

Then she saw him taking off his shirt.

She covered her eyes immediately.

What does he think he’s doing? She thought he looked decent before but he’s nothing but a beggar pervert!

She turned to him slowly and found him completely shirtless.

She looked at the mess he made. The bed is all ruined..he is reeking of alcohol.. and she is covered with his vomit from head to toe..

She took a deep breath.

“Since we have come this far.. I’ll make you pay for this.. a lot..” she said as she took her robe off.


Taehyung could feel his head being broken into two even without opening his eyes yet.

What did he even do last night that his head hurts like this?

Did he break his skull or what? Did he bump it somewhere?

He opened his eyes slowly and noticed he was in a hotel room.

It doesn’t seem like it’s his.. maybe RM hyung or Jungkook brought him to theirs..

He must have passed out again.. why did he even get competitive last night?

He swears this will be the last time he’s going to drink! He will kill himself the next time he does!

His eyes travelled from the ceiling to the bed and his heart started beating fast right away..

There was a pair of women’s underwear on the bed.

And just a second later, he heard a woman’s voice..

“Are you awake now?”

He went on a sitting position right away and before headache could hit him, he realized he was shirtless..

He covered his chest right away.

“Goodmorning.. are you.. okay?”

Taehyung turned to the woman sitting on a chair in front of him.

Jisoo chuckled.

Taehyung’s face became pale.

Who is she? What is she doing here? Why is he here with her?

“Who.. are you?” he asked softly as he pulled the blanket to his chest.

Jisoo tightened the knot of her robe as she went towards him.

“How could you ask me who I am after.. what we did the whole night..?” she asked as she sat before him.

Taehyung gulped.

The whole night? What.. is it that they did?

He looked at himself again. He’s shirtless..

He peeked inside the blanket and found himself only wearing his boxers.. and then he turned to see that pair of women’s underwear on the bed.

He covered his mouth in shock.

“What are you doing here?” he asked her again. “Why.. am I here with you? Who are you?”

Jisoo smiled onesidedly.

“You asked for me.. and I came for you..” she said shrugging her shoulders. “Why did you have to get so drunk last night? I had a hard time because of you..”

Taehyung’s brows were knit as he tried to think of what happened the night before.

He was drinking with his friends then he passed out.. then he kinda remembers RM hyung talking to him.

Jisoo sat closer to him as she folded her arms.

“Don’t come closer.. I don’t know you-..”

Jisoo put her face close to his.

“You don’t know me.. yet you hugged me like crazy last night after taking off my robe..” she said in a whispery voice giving Taehyung goosebumps. “And..”

She smiled a little before continuing..

“You were sweating a lot as you called me pretty..”

Taehyung moved himself backward.

There is no way he said that.. and it’s impossible that he.. did it with her..

“And.. you were so into it that I had to take a shower in the middle of the night.. how could you just do it on my-..?” Jisoo bit her lip as her eyes went to his lower part.

Taehyung quickly stood up and covered himself completely with the blanket.

He noticed that the bed had some stains and was all crumpled. His shirt and shorts were on the floor and just beside her heels.

Did he really.. sleep with this woman?

How did this happen? And whose room is this? Did he willingly come in here? On his own feet?

Jisoo was also taken aback by his reaction.

Why does he look like he’s the woman here? Why is he so shocked to find out that they spent the night together? Didn’t he ask for her? Why does he look so traumatized?

“Well.. if you don’t want the details.. I will not tell you anymore..” said Jisoo pouting her lips.

She reached her arm shyly towards him while she turned her head away.

“I need.. the payment..” she said biting her lower lip. “That’s all I need.. and I’ll leave you..”

Taehyung blinked a few times. What payment? What is she saying?

Jisoo turned to him completely after not getting any response from him.

“Do you think I did it for free?” she asked baffled.

He must be nuts! How could he feign ignorance like this?

“W-what is it? Why.. should I pay..? I mean.. Miss.. I think there is a misunderstanding here..” said Taehyung trying to think reasonably.

“What misunderstanding are you saying after.. what we did last night?” asked Jisoo raising her tone. “How can a man who asked for a female escort not have any money to pay for her?”

Taehyung’s eyes widened.

Female.. escort? Is she saying he asked for her? That he wanted to sleep with her? Is she nuts?

“I think there’s a mistake here Miss-..”

Then he heard his phone ringing.

It was Jungkook.

He picked it up immediately.

“Hyung! Where are you? Why aren’t you in your room? Your bed looks like it wasn’t used.. you didn’t sleep in the hallway, did you?” Jungkook asked over the phone.

Taehyung sighed.

He’s in trouble.. so he came into this room by himself?

Oh no.. seems like there’s a huge misunderstanding here..

He hung up right away.

“Why?” asked Jisoo impatiently. “Don’t tell me you need to go now.. you can’t go until you have paid-..”

She saw him picking up something from the pocket of his shorts that were on the floor.

It seemed like a card.

Did he have one? Will he tell her he needs to go and withdraw some money?

Her mouth fell open when she saw what kind of card he was holding.

A keycard.. in particular.. the keycard to room 608.. the room next to the one they are staying at now..

608? And this room is.. 606..

She gulped.

And this time, it was her phone that rang startling her.

It was the agent.

She gulped. She has a bad feeling about this.

“Why did you lock the door last night? Our VIP client was very mad at me!” the agent screamed at the top of his lungs scolding her. “He said he had to book a room for himself! You aren’t going to get even a cent from us!”

Then the call was cut.

Jisoo looked at Taehyung who was also looking at her.

“W-why did you.. come to this room?” she asked almost in tears.

Taehyung was silent.

All he remembers about last night was drinking.. nothing else..

Jisoo ran to him and grabbed the blanket pulling him closer to her.

“Why did you come here if your room was the next one? Why? How could you-..?”

She pushed him away before sitting down on the floor and crying.

She thought she could have tricked this man and asked him for money but it seems like she was the one who was tricked!

Well.. it isn’t like something happened to them.. all she did was to take his clothes off because he reeked of vomit and alcohol..

That’s right.. she had to babysit him last night! She even had to wipe his whole body because she was afraid he’d be sick!

She thought she’d ask money from him by pretending to have slept together but now he’s saying he entered the wrong room? So.. all of her efforts are now in vain?

How could this disgrace fall upon her?

“Then.. who’s going to pay me now? How am I supposed to pay for my bills?” asked Jisoo as she continued crying loudly. “How could a grownup man enter the wrong room? Don’t you have eyes? Why would you get wasted and come into my room?”

She stood up and looked at him angrily.

Taehyung looked away from her.

“Shouldn’t you feel bad.. for yourself first?” he said in a low voice. “I mean.. you are saying that.. the two of us.. I mean.. that we.. slept and.. you are worried that-..”

He looked at her slowly and noticed she has stopped crying.

What he said made Jisoo wake up from her foolishness.

She should be thankful to him instead.. if he hadn’t entered this room.. she would have slept with a stranger last night and would be regretting this very moment..

“Just how much money do you need that you chose this kind of work?” Taehyung looked worried as he scolded her. “I.. I am also in disbelief of what happened.. I mean.. if something really happened between us.. just like what you are saying.. I mean-..”

He sighed loudly.

Did something really happen? This is making him go crazy!

“I mean-..”

Jisoo turned her back against him.

“Please put your clothes on.. you’ll catch a cold..” she said sitting on the edge of the bed with her back turned against him.

She just made a fool out of herself twice.. by choosing to do this and fooling him to get some money..

She’s literally a parasite.. she’s worse than a criminal at this point..

“Go to your room.. and please forget what happened here..” she said sighing.

What else could she tell him? He’s the victim here.. she’s too embarrassed to even face him..

What would have happened if she had really tried to do it with him?

She’s really a fool! Stupid!

Taehyung cleared his throat.

“I’ll take a shower first.. I need to organize my mind.. then.. meet me at the hotel’s lobby..”

Jisoo turned to him.

Why would he ask her to meet her at the lobby?

“We.. still need to talk.. about what happened last night..” Taehyung continued.

Then he went out of her room.

Jisoo heaved a sigh.

Why does he seem so kind that it’s making her feel more guilty than how she already is?


“Where did you sleep?” asked RM as soon as he saw Taehyung coming out of the elevator.

Taehyung looked around the hotel lobby.

Why isn’t she here yet? He has a lot to ask her after getting a grip of himself.

“Are you looking for someone hyung?” asked Jungkook as he held his arms. “Do you know how worried I was? I thought a random woman kidnapped you last night!”

Taehyung turned to him.

More like.. he entered the wrong room of a random woman..

“Where were you exactly?” asked Lisa worried. “Did something happen?”

Something did happen.. something really big happened to him..

And that moment Taehyung noticed Jisoo sitting down at the furthest seat in the most corner part of the lobby.

“Can you wait for me here? I just need to talk to someone..” he said looking back at them.

“With who? A woman?” asked Jungkook.

Lisa tapped Jungkook’s arm.

“Do you think he’s like you?” she said almost irritated.

Then RM noticed the woman Taehyung was looking at.

Did something really happen to him? Who is that woman? He doesn’t seem to have met her before.. why would he need to talk to her?

“We’ll wait for you here.. just go..” he said pulling Lisa and Jungkook with him. “Let’s have coffee..”

“But I already had some..” said Jungkook as he looked back at Taehyung who was approaching Jisoo.

On the other hand, Jisoo was feeling nervous as she waited for Taehyung.

Should she have just gone away without waiting for him? Why would she have to talk to him after all the embarrassment she made?

Should she have just told him the truth? That nothing happened between them? Why did she have to try to look fierce in front of him? She even spoke in a seductive way.. just thinking about what she did gives her goosebumps..

She was disgusting.. how could she have said those words to a man?!

She was still thinking deeply when she saw someone stop in front of her.

He’s here.

That Taehyung guy is here..

“Shall we talk outside?”

His voice was very calm and soothing to hear.

Jisoo stood up and followed him out.

They were standing in front of the beach.

It was sunny yet windy.

The weather was really great.

“W-what is it.. that you-..?”

“Did something really happen between us?” asked Taehyung seriously. “I am not asking to embarrass you but.. it’s because I really can’t remember anything from last night..”

Jisoo lowered her gaze.

If she tells him something happened between them, he will see her as a woman who sells her body for money.. but..

If she tells him that nothing happened she will be seen as a liar who just wanted to take his money..

What will be a better choice for her? A prostitute or a scammer?

She sighed loudly.

And Taehyung, not hearing anything from her, walked even closer to her..

“Forget what happened.. I beg you.. I must have been out of my mind..”

He believes that something did happen.. seeing her looking so distressed makes him think so..

“I.. I mean-..” Jisoo stuttered.

“I’m sorry..” said Taehyung again. “I believe it’s your loss.. so I’m.. very sorry to you..”

Jisoo sighed.

Of all the men she had to encounter, she’s thankful that it was him..

This man is the real definition of a gentleman..

She thought he was a pervert last night but he turns out to be a decent guy..

“Me too.. I’m sorry..” said Jisoo reaching her hand to him.

She will just let it be.. It’s just like what he said.. it’s the woman’s loss anyway..

She doesn’t need to explain him the details.. she’ll let him believe in whatever he wants to..

As long as she knows that she took nothing from him.. and he did nothing to her.. then.. that will be fine, right?

“And.. thank you..” she said softly.

She noticed his cheeks turned red.

Was that not appropriate?

It’s just.. she’s thankful that he saved her from last night..

Had it not been from him who mistakenly entered her room, she would have been crying miserably now..

“Anyway.. my name is Ji-..”

Taehyung pulled his hand away from hers.

“Let’s not even exchange names.. we aren’t going to see each other anymore after this anyway..” he said taking a step back.

Jisoo smiled faintly.

That’s right. This will be the last time they will see each other.

There’s no need to tell him her name.

And his name.. Taehyung.. she will just forget it.. no.. she will forget it eventually..

“Then.. I’ll take my leave.. my friends are waiting for me..” said Taehyung bowing his head. “Have a safe trip..”

Jisoo nodded before turning her back against him.

And before she could even take a step away..

“I don’t mean to offend you but.. you should.. find yourself another job..” said Taehyung softly. “You deserve way better.. than this..”

Jisoo turned to him again but he has already gone away.

She smiled a little as she saw him going further.

If only he knew what she’s going through right now.. would he tell her the same thing?

She’s about to be kicked out of her house.. she might not be able to enroll for her last year of university.. she doesn’t even have money to eat anymore.. and her mom.. might die in the hospital soon..

She sighed as she looked at the sky.

“I should have just taken his 200 dollars..” she said laughing to herself in disbelief of what she just thought of.

The only money she has in her wallet is the money she needs to go back to Seoul.

She wished she could have even another cent right now..

She’s totally broke..

She put her hand inside the pocket of her jacket to get her phone but she touched something else.

She took it out and was surprised to have found money.

Where did she get this? She’s sure not to have anything.. how could it..?

She counted them.

And a big smile appeared in her lips.

She looked back at where Taehyung was before but he was nowhere to be seen anymore.

“200 dollars..” she uttered as a tear fell from her eyes. “How could he give me all the money he had?”

She doesn’t know how Taehyung managed to put those 200 dollars inside her pocket..

“Mr. 200 dollars.. I’ll call you Mr. 200 dollars then..” she said smiling as she held the money tightly. “I wish you all the happiness you deserve in your life..”

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