It Comes the Dawn (Merlin Fan...

By ladyofthecelts

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After every dusk and the darkest hour it always comes the dawn. ~ What if Merlin managed to take Arthur to Av... More

Chapter I - The Journey to Avalon Part I
Chapter II - The Journey to Avalon Part II
Chapter III - The Grail
Chapter IV - Kingdoms in Disarray
Chapter V - Galahad's Story
Chapter VI - The Purest and Most Perfect of All Knights
Chapter VII - The Coming of the New Age
Chapter VIII - The King's Advisor
Chapter IX - Impostors
Chapter X - An Unexpected Message
Chapter XI - Road to Essetir
Chapter XII - Keep Your Enemies Close
Chapter XIII - The Secret of the Cave
Chapter XIV - To Befriend an Enemy
Chapter XV - A Flight to the Fair Land
Chapter XVI - Small Actions Shape the Future
Chapter XVII - Courage, Strength and Magic
Chapter XVIII - A Seed of Suspicion
Chapter XIX - Regained Trust
Chapter XX - Calm Before the Storm
Chapter XXI - Under Attack Part I
Chapter XXII - Under Attack Part II
Chapter XXIII - Tears of Sorrow
Chapter XXV - The Light of the Sun

Chapter XXIV - The Once and Future King

113 6 0
By ladyofthecelts

The next day, around noon, the rulers of the friendly kingdoms began to come to Camelot from the four corners of the world. Among them were queen Annis of Caerleon, king Lot of Essetir, king Rodor of Nemeth, king Godwyn of Gawant, king Bayard of Mercia and king Odin of Cornwall. Each was accompanied by several knights, and some took a member of their family with them.

By the time of their arrival, an Airgialla's messenger came to Camelot with a question note about the condition of Arthur's kingdom. The king took the letter seriously and was admiring king Torin's and his men's courage in helping them and taking up the fight against Saxons. Sir Leon though couldn't help but laugh as the note mentioned princess Ragnell's expression of concern about Gwaine. Then the knight explained that they couldn't be more open about it. Arthur sent back a note with thanks and wrote that the kingdom survived and Gwaine is very much alive.

King Arthur and queen Guinevere welcomed their guests. The servants were entrusted with the task of leading the rulers and their companions to specially prepared chambers. Everyone would later meet during the supper, and the next day Arthur planned a round table meeting. This time, however, not with his knights, but with his allies.

At the round table, Arthur was of course accompanied by Merlin, Guinevere and two knights, Leon and Galahad. All of them took their places, the queen sat on the king's left side and the warlock on his right. Merlin looked around at everyone's faces and he could tell that some of them weren't delighted that the servant was sitting with them as equals at the round table. They also knew very well Merlin had magic and that didn't make it any less better. Though they had dealt with sorcerers before, they might still have bad associations with them.

"King Arthur," Lot began. "Isn't it inappropriate that your servant is sitting with us?" his piercing gaze wandered to Merlin.

"Merlin is not my servant anymore," Arthur answered. "He is my advisor and has every right to be here and sit with us."

"Of course his ability to juggle was just a magic trick, wasn't it?" queen Annis chuckled softly.

"Yes," Arthur smiled. "I am sure he would love to please you with another story next time."

"And there are plenty of them," Merlin laughed.

"Indeed, but now is the time for politics," the king stated. "I have heard and, of course from your letter, I know that Vortigern has been raiding villages within the borders of your kingdoms."

"They were practically razed to the ground. Saxons burned crops," Rodor spoke up. "People started coming for help, but we could not give it to everyone. And it is not only in Nemeth," he glanced at them all.

"Their invasions have intensified even in Cornwall to such an extent that we are slowly unable to cope with them, despite the fact that the borders are constantly patrolled," said Odin.

"If we do not put an end to this, the collapse of our states will be quite certain," Bayard said. "Mercia was also the target of their attacks."

Arthur was listening to them carefully and from time to time nodding. He knew that they had to do something about it.

"It was not even half of what happened to your kingdom, Arthur. And we are all devastated by the loss to the people of Camelot," said queen Annis.

"It was one of the worst battles we have had to fight so far," Arthur agreed. "But we would not be victorious if it was not to Merlin's magic and the king of Airgialla, who fought the Saxons from the west with his army."

"We cannot let it pass," Odin spoke up. "I won't let them ruin my kingdom. We have to lead an army against Vortigern. But I cannot do this alone, the Saxons have a huge advantage," he looked at Arthur.

"His army was practically wiped out," Merlin interjected.

"Yes, and twice as many are in Kent waiting for an order," Lot replied. "Besides, they are not on the run. They are still there in forests and may soon attack again."

"We are all aware of this," said Arthur.

"My lords," queen Annis stood up, everyone's eyes turned to her; "from the moment I arrived here, a thought arose in my head that I believe is also in your heads. Like king Odin of Cornwall said, there is no way we can defeat the Saxons alone. We must act together."

As she said that, king Rodor, king Godwyn and king Bayard joined her and also stood up with Annis nodding slightly their heads as an agreement to her words. After a moment, king Odin was with them, too. Arthur watched them surprised. He had no idea that until some time ago hostile kingdoms would be able to unite in the face of the threat. It was crucial, however, to stand up to Vortigern's army.

"And you, Lot?" Bayard turned towards the king of Essetir. "Are you with us? Otherwise why did you come here?"

King Lot rose slowly, and Merlin could tell that he was doing it reluctantly.

"If there is no other choice," Lot said.

"There is always a choice," Annis replied.

The king of Essetir nodded. "You have my support."

"I don't know what to say," Arthur stated and got up. "I am honoured."

"We are honoured, Arthur," said Annis. "You once gave us hope and now we see this hope even more clearly."

"One common army, but we don't have a person to lead it," Bayard remarked.

A moment of silence fell between them. Merlin didn't want to say anything, though he knew who the rulers were going to choose. Arthur seemed a little bit overwhelmed as he felt everyone's eyes on him. As a prince and now as a king, he has always been in the limelight, but this time it was more serious. He would have a great responsibility. He would not only command his army, but also the men of other rulers who placed their trust and all hope in him.

"I do not wish to speak for anyone in this room, but I think that Arthur should be our leader," Rodor suggested. He looked around and saw that the other five rulers were nodding their heads in agreement.

"A while ago, I wouldn't have said that, but we are all ready to stand by your side against the Saxons, Arthur," Odin stated.

"I would laugh at anyone who had ever told me that such a thing would happen," Lot added, smiling slightly.

"I cannot believe that either," Arthur smiled, shaking his head.

"So," spoke Annis; "Arthur Pendragon, do you accept the challenge?"

Arthur's smile faded. He looked at Merlin whose eyes were already on the king's face. The warlock didn't say anything, he just nodded and that was enough.

"I accept it," said Arthur. "I really appreciate your support. And also I believe that our reconciliation should not only be temporary. I propose a union whereby all kingdoms will get mutual benefit. In case of a threat, I undertake to help any state belonging to the union. In the event of a plague, I will be able to provide any help, be it food, water or medication. In return, I hope you will do the same."

"A union, indeed," nodded Bayard.

"For the love of Albion," said Annis and after a while they all repeated simultaneously.

Arthur, together with Leon, Guinevere and Merlin, prepared the union treaty and on the next day the rulers of seven kingdoms signed the letter. They also agreed that the most sensible solution would be to send Vortigern a message ordering him to withdraw his men from Camelot territory and the rest of the kingdoms. Now, all they had to do was wait for his response.

When they walked out from the council chamber, Merlin couldn't help but smile. Arthur noticed immediately his best friend's better mood.

"I see you're feeling good," he smiled.

"Of course I am," Merlin replied. "The old religion was restored to the kingdom, and now the union treaty. How not to be happy? We have everything we have been striving for."

"Yes, couldn't agree more," said Arthur.

"And it's all my merit," the warlock stated proudly, smirking at the king.

"Ah, yes," Arthur walked closer to him, the corners of his lips rose a bit. "What have I been doing all this time then?"

"Well," Merlin shrugged; "you can say you helped a little."

"If you say so, Merlin," Arthur smirked, patting his friend on the shoulder, and headed down the corridor.

Merlin watched Arthur go with a big grin on his face. He was so proud of him. It was the next step to build a fair and just land. And as the day before they chanted 'for the love of Albion', now Merlin repeated in his mind, but the words 'long live the king'.

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