You Interest Me \\L x F!Reader

By entriico

326K 11.7K 12.9K

"Would you mind if I asked for your assistance?" She looked up from the ground to meet his eyes that were alr... More

1: Pandas In A Candy Shop
2: Sweet Coincidences And Home Sweet Home
3: Ever Met A Candy Man That Hates Sour Candy?
4: Reaper of Death? Is that You?
5: Confess Your Sins To The Detective And You Shall Be Free
6: KIRA (Japanese); Meaning: Biggest Pain In The Ass
7: Ironically, Death Is Not An Option
8: Apple For Your Thoughts?
9: Mother Dearest That Was Sent From Hell
10: Realizations And Sugar Rushes
11: They're The Yagami's, Apparently
12: Nice Guys Get Shot
13: Watari's Loyal Helper
14: Solving Crime and Looking Good While Doing So
15: It's Not Home If Matsuda's Stupidity Is Not There
16: It's The 31st Of October, Can We Prepare For Christmas Now?
17: Cuffs and Kicks, It All Makes Her Sick
18: Welcome Home, My Precious Child
19: Date Nights, Romance and Murder
20: Forgive Thy Enemy, But Only After They Have Been Hanged
21: Walk With Hope And You'll Never walk Alone Again
22: Memories In Your Photograph
23: If Ghosts Aren't Real, Then What The Hell Is This?
24: Do You Believe in Eternal Happiness?
25: The Harboured Tales of Grief And Fear
26: That's Our Mello Alright
27: Terrifying Situations And Terrifying Phone Calls
28: Don't Stand Too Close The Heart, Plastic Melts
29: Young Kids And Stupid Mistakes
30: Whoever Said 'Communication Is Key', Fucking Lied
31: Tears Come From The Heart, Not The Brain
32: Party Time and Past Times
33: "If I Can't Have You, No One Can"
35: Anxiety Is A Reminder Of What You Have Done Wrong
36: The Greatest Detective's Hardest Case Yet
37: Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
38: Leave No Stone Unturned. They're Gonna Get You
39: She's A Human With An Independent Will. Freedom? Not So Much
40: Welcome To The Club, Pal
EPILOGUE: A Fairytale Prince Wears A Crown, Ours Wear Jeans

34: He's Just A Soul Whose Intentions Are Good

3.6K 144 53
By entriico

The warehouse

Cold, empty, spacious.

Pipes settle in the distance which echoes, the wind causing the roof to creak though it was sturdy.

The ceiling fan whips around and around which doesn't provide all that much breeze because of how big the warehouse is.

Light Yagami and his father along with Aizawa, Matsuda and Mogi stood on one side, all dressed in suits as usual.

A few meters away from the group sat two crouched men.

Near wore his usual attire. An oversized white long sleeve shirt and pants that look like pajamas whilst L had on a pair of sweats and a black long sleeve shirt.

L's hair had been trimmed and slicked back a bit with water.

Can't have the task force realizing he's L right away now.

Both the crouched men wore masks.

"Who's your friend Near?" Asked Light.

"His identity is not of importance at the moment."

Matsuda scoffed, "Mind telling us why you're wearing masks while we are risking our lives? Kira can kill us at any moment!"

Near spoke again, "This is a precaution. As you are aware, Kira can control his victims so we will let 30 minutes pass for any effect on any person here to wear off."

The task force weren't all that happy they had to stand around for so long doing nothing.

L glared daggers at light behind that mask.

The men sat in utter silence for the duration of the 30 minutes. The occasional creaking and bang from the warehouse.

"Mr. Aizawa." Near called. Aizawa's head shot up with the mention of his name, "Do you have the notebook?"

"Yeah." Aizawa grumbled as he pulled is out of his coat. He strided towards Near with his arm out holding the book.

"No." this caused the man to stop. The rest of the task force exchanged confused glances, even Light. Near continued, "I don't want it."

"So why did you ask us to bring it?" Mogi asked. He was the only level headed man in the room who wasn't angry.

Mr. Yagami stayed quiet as he was afraid that he say something he would regret. After all they were blaming his son for the deaths of over thousands of people.

"Just place if on the floor will you?" Near instructed.

Aizawa obeyed and placed it on the center of the two groups

Near took of his mask and placed it beside him and smiled at the task force.

Adorable and creepy.

Gasps and murmuring were heard among the group.

"So Near." Mr. Yagami started, "What about your friend?"

L bent his head down, facing the floor and slid his mask off. A couple seconds passes and L inhaled deeply.

He looked up.

The faces he got was priceless, especially Light's

"I thought you were dead?!" Light yelled, trying not to come off as the one who wanted him dead in the first place

"L, its really you!" Matsuda placed a hand on his chest.

"How is this possible Ryuzaki?!" Mr. Yagami asked with wide eyes.

"That is not important." L cleared his throat.

Near whispered to L, "I'm concerned as to why the sensors aren't going off. His accomplice should be here."

"Stall them. Keep them talking." L whispered back.

"L where have you been all these years?" Mogi asked.

"Again. Not important."

Aizawa anger cap flew off as his blood boiled with anger, "Why the hell are we here then?!" He yelled, "Since clearly our questions won't be answered!"

Just then and there the entrance of the warehouse, which was on the side of the two groups, slid open.


Y/n eyes fluttered open to be met with blurry vision. She blinked a couple times in hopes of clearing her vision.

Her neck pained as she was laying on her own shoulder.

Y/n tried to move but simply couldn't. She wiggled some more then looked down.

She was on a chair with her legs tied to the legs of the chair and her arms tied at the back of it. She was in a dark concrete room. There was nothing in there, for what she could see anyway.

"You're awake! Finally," the familiar voice sighed, "I've been waiting forever, angel."

From the shadows, Will appeared.

Anger rose in Y/n so badly that if this was a cartoon, steam would be emitting from her ears.

"What the fuck, Will?!" She screamed, "Let me go!"

The black haired man chuckled kneeled in front of her. "Now angel, is that how you ask for something?" Will smirked.

Y/n laughed, "Wait, you expect me to say 'please'?"

"Yes. So be a good girl and ask properly."

Y/n couldn't help but smile as she leaned closer to his face to the point their noses were centimeters from touching.

Will bit his bottom lip and looked at her lips.

Then Y/n spat on him.

"Go to hell, you fucking pig."

Will laughed darkly as he wiped his face, "I always knew you were a kinky one, Y/n."

"I swear when I get my hands on you-"

"Yeah? What you gonna do, baby?~" Will cooed.

"You want me to spit on you again?"

"Wouldn't mind it." Will said as he stood to his feet, letting out a groan as he did.

"What do you want from me, Perkins?"

"I told you, Y/n but you don't listen." Will shook his head, "If I can have you, no one can."

Y/n scoffed at that, "You know, if you're alone and horny; there's no shame in saying so."

Will slapped a hand over his chest, "Ouch Y/n." he sighed then smirked, "You loved me before, I'm pretty sure you can do it again."

"Um...hello?!" Y/n yelled, "How the fuck am I going to love you after this shit?!" She then groaned and rolled her head back, "I hate your ass even more than I did before and I didn't even know that was possible."

Will smiled and snapped his fingers, "This is why I love you Y/n. You're fucking feisty, attractive, smart-"

"Yeah tell me I didn't know." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"I missed that sarcasm of yours too, did you know that?"

"I did actually because luckily for you, last week I became a mind reader."

Will knelt in front of the girl again and took held her chin, pulling it down slightly to look into his eyes.

"You're mine, do you understand?"

"Like the fuck I am." Y/n seethed, "I'm not yours, Will. I will never love you. You hurt me too much, mentally and now physically." she gestured to the tight restraints that bruised her skin.

"Don't be difficult." he said darkly which made her uneasy. She gulped under his intense gaze and eye contact, "You just need time."

Will stood again and got something from the table.

"Remember how good we were?" he let a breathy laugh as he shook his head, "Stargazing, the fairs, the dancing, the cheesy Christmas sweaters you always made me wear with you."

Y/n almost pained at the memory but the anger she felt for him right at that moment weighed more

He neared closer and placed a hand over her eyes that made her panic.

She felt a slight sting in her neck, like a needle. Whatever was in that worked instantly as she felt her eyelids dropping," I won't hurt you Y/n. Not again."

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