Foster Care

By Always-Drarry

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Draco Malfoy ran away with his mother after the war. They both wanted to forget. They did. twelve Years late... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three.
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter 19

Chapter Six

931 42 0
By Always-Drarry

"She was miserable, Adam!" Draco fussed out and Adam let out a sigh. "She's just fine, back to her toddler sleep. Stop being so fussy. Dad's gonna head over soon." Adam said. "Wonderful." She smiled lightly. "Can I help you with something Adam?" Draco half whined, pushing his arm off his shoulder. "You were ranting, you'll get whinny." Adam said, but walked over to the diaper bag digging out the bottle and the formula. "I do NOT get whinny!" Draco whined. "Yes, yes you do, Draco." David said, but locked his arms around Draco find the side, giving him a big hug. Draco smiled lightly, giving him a pat. "Finished with your game already?" Draco asked and David shook his head. "Adam, Ko is fussy." David said. "I know. I know. I think he wants another bottle." Adam sounded a little confused, He already had one before they left. "How much did you give him?" Narcissa asked. "The same I have since Monday." Was his replied, Narcissa just started to back the bottle. "You have to start giving that baby some baby food. His growing and a hungry little boy, Adam. I told you this, yesterday. You wonder why he woke you up last night." She pointed out, getting the bottle removed slowly form her hand for him to start shaking it. "You don't know what asthma is, but understand the baby bottle or baby food." Adam sounded almost defeated. "You and that baby moved back in after he was born, of course I'm going to learn. I'm not about to let your father overpay some crummy little people watch place when I can just watch him." She pointed out. "Then you pick up the baby food." Adam half whined himself. "Richy is taking me tomorrow, somebody's little fingers ate all my muffins!" Narcissa lend down at the little toy stove, touching Lily on the cheek. She giggled. "It yummy!" Little Lily giggled.

Narcissa finished dinner not to much time later and Draco sent the boys upsets to get washed up for door. "There's a half bath off the kitchen,  You're welcome to use." Draco told Hermione and Ron, before easing down to the jumping little Koda was in. "Let's go get you some apple sauce!" Draco said, and picked up the baby boy.
Richard, the man Narcissa had been seeing the last couple of years, let himself on. He never did, unless Narcissa was already there. The only thing he brought inside the living room was that briefcase of his he laid on the coffee table, before being called into he dinning area. They had to extend the dinning room table to accommodate everybody, so the cover wasn't on it. It needed to be painted, but that could be done at a later time. "Can he be eating apple sauce?" Adam half whined. "He doesn't at all believe me." Narcissa pointed out. "It isn't that, he's five months old." Adam said. "We all know how old Koda is, and it looks likes somebody is very much enjoying his apple sauce." Richard reached over and give the little baby a small pat. His chin and a hand covered in apple sauce sitting on Narcissa Lap, and Hermione had been encouraging to feed him. "Fine, Fine." He threw a hand up in defeat, before the rest of the dinner got broke into.

Draco stood in the little room, by the front door, to walk the couple out. "Did you get everything you needed, or am I expecting you two again?" Draco asked, a little quietly. "A visit would be nice, only was nice to see the four of you, well, five. You guys are like a family. Outside of David. However...Is...your mother opened to babysiting?" Hermione asked and Draco called for his mother, who walked in holding Lily. "What's up?" She asked over the mild whinnying over Lily. She was sleepy. "Would...there be a possibility you could keep our kids? A time or two?" Hermione asked. "Sure. Richy can give you the cord cell phone number! later if I don't answer. I can barely call Draco." She pointed out. "Of course, that would be helpful. Thanks for dinner, we really should be going thought." She smiled lightly, and Draco walked the couple out and to the car.

"I can send a few texts each month on my phone. The boys have talked me into taking them to the hospital, I can...text you the information. Is there a way you could explain it took me different?" Draco asked, standing by the opened car door. "I'll do my best. You and her are at different understanding, but if I fail to explain it basic enough. I'm sure one of them can aid." Draco shrugged his shoulders. "I...don't really talk to Richard, personally." Hermione raised an eyebrow and Draco let out a sigh. "Ignore everything you've heard about what went on between us and my father. That's the first step." Draco pointed out  and Hermione let out a nod. "Thank you for dinner...Draco, but we really should be going." She said and Draco slowly shut her car door, and headed back inside the house.

Nine came, and it was just Draco and the kids. Little Lily was fighting asleep, sitting on his lap as Draco read a story to both the Potter boys. Albus falling asleep. "Did ... Hermione say anything before she left?" James asked, stoping his place in reading. "Should she of?" Draco frowned. "I...might have been...a little rude, I thought she was going to take us!" Draco frowned. "You are going to apologize the next time she comes over, I know your daddy taught you better then to be ugly." Draco said, putting down the book. "I...didn't want to leave..." He whispered and Draco let out a sigh. "You three aren't, but you must take responsibility for your actions. That means apologizing and your grounded." Draco said, puting Lily up on his hip.

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