FORSAKEN - Target: Zero

By OddityMedia

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STARWARSFANS OFFICIAL FANFIC. At the dawn of the Empire, a mysterious figure only known as Pharos forges an... More



3 1 0
By OddityMedia

Due to the unexpected appearance of the freed Wookiees, Saw separated the assault team in two. He and Mirienna guided the Wookiees back to the camp through the jungle, while the mercenaries took Choyyssyk on the corvette over the lake, with Syrran at the helm. The wounded Wookiee lay on the deck, sleeping with a rolled-up blanket for a pillow, and Arash looking after him. Addia introduced the team to Ilum and they took time to explain how they came to be among them.

"And I thought our journey was strange," Theleema said.

"You are named after a planet?" Elynn found the concept curious.

"The Iron Knights took the names of planets where kyber crystals can be found," Ilum said. "My sister was Jedha, for example."

"Looks like your former Master's involvement in these events is more complex than we first thought, Sy," Gorin said.

What are you after, Quinlan? Syrran was confused by his Master's actions. "I know. Everything has to do with the Empire's interest in kyber crystals. And whatever he found out before his disappearance is menacing enough to go against his personal beliefs. I wish he had told me what this was all about instead of just sending me a cypher."

"Did Quinlan help you finish your training?" Addia said.

"He did... but that was some time ago."

"And you met at the Jedi Order?" Theleema said.

"In the library." Addia cherished the distant memory. "We used to spend a lot of time buried in holobooks."

"So did I—some years later," Elynn said.

"You have no idea how glad I am you survived," said Addia.

"Thanks to you," Syrran said.

"You know what I mean."

"I do—and I'm also glad to see you again. There are not many familiar faces left."

"This doesn't change anything, does it?" Arash said.

"Why would it?" Theleema said.

"No," Syrran said. "It just proves Quinlan had powerful reasons to ask me to carry out this mission."

"Which is?" Ilum hovered among them.

The question made the team look at each other in silence.

"We need all the help we can get, right?" Elynn said.

"Their arrival was anything but random," Gorin said.

"What are you guys up to?" Addia said.

Syrran spoke after Theleema and Arash gave him a nod. "We're heading to Coruscant to kill the Emperor."

"Oh... I see... wow..." Addia dropped back against the side of the ship, unable to process what she heard. "Forget I asked."

"Is that what your Master asked you to do?" Ilum said.

"Former Master—" Syrran said. "And yes, that's why we're all here together."

"The Force brought us together," Gorin said. "The mission is just the catalyst."

"That's a way of seeing it," Arash said. "But Elynn is right, we need all the help we can get."

"The star compass, you said Quinlan sent it to Lor San Tekka?" Syrran said.

"He did," Addia said.

"Can I see it?"

"Sure." Addia fished out of her backpack.

Syrran used psychometry to read the past of the object. He saw himself as his former Master, holding the compass. Quinlan was somewhere dark, a cave. And was handing the compass to a young Tukian Twi'lek. A sound made the Jedi turn around long enough to see what appeared to be a humanoid silhouette with a purple light on its torso holding a large cleaver. In a blur, the creature leapt at Quinlan, making Syrran jerk back.

"What happened?" Theleema said.

"Are you alright?" Arash said.

"I saw Quinlan in a cave somewhere, accompanied by a young Twi'lek," Syrran said. "Something attacked him."

"Something?" Gorin said.

"Some kind of humanoid—it was armed with a large cleaver. It was too dark for him to see what it was. I could only make out a purple light on its chest."

"You think that Quinlan—?" Addia left the question hang in the air.

"I don't know." Syrran returned the Jedi Star Compass to her. "Quinlan is as tough as a gundark. That thing would be lucky to still be around."

"Can you teach me to do that?" Elynn said.

"Psychometry can't be taught; you either have it or you don't."

"That's an interesting and rare ability you possess, Syrran," Ilum said. "Especially when Qui-Gon Jinn told us once we reached into our past—Addia's I guess—we would find our destiny. So, I agree with Gorin. The Force willed this and I would like to help you."

"Maclunkey," Theleema said.

"This will be the end of you?" Addia understood the Huttese phrase.

"It has come to mean, 'Your funeral,' among us," Gorin said.

"You spoke to Qui-Gon Jinn?" Arash said.

"He is the reason we find ourselves here."

"You knew him?" Elynn said.

"My Master did," Arash said. "They also shared the same teacher in Count Dooku. Though, Master Averross studied under him after he left the Order. But Qui-Gon Jinn has been dead for nearly twenty-years. How is that possible?"

"It is," said Syrran, thinking of Aayla.

"By the will of the Force," Gorin said.

"How are you going to help us without a body?" Theleema said.

"Procuring a new body is as simple as adapting any droid with electromagnetic interface network," Ilum said. "Preferably one suitable for combat. I have the knowledge to do so."

"We can find you one in Corellian," Syrran said.

"And I can adapt it for you," Gorin said.

"I would be most grateful."

"And then, you can put your crystal to good use," Addia said.

"You have a kyber crystal?" Elynn said.

"I was given one in the Jedi Temple in Lothal," Ilum said.

"What color is it?"

"Orange." Addia showed her.

"It's pretty." Elynn held it to the light. "I've never seen this color."

"It reminds me of the rare kohlen crystals found in the moon of Pijal," Arash said.

"What kind of saber do you use?" Elynn said.

"I'm partial to the great lightsaber due to the larger frame of my old body," Ilum said.

"What about you, Addia?" Syrran said. "We can use your help."

Addia hugged her knees, engrossed in her thoughts. "This kind of thing was never my glass of blue milk—but neither was fighting in the Clone Wars..."

"And the Inquisitors now have the Chronicles of Brus-bu," Ilum said.

"I know..." She took a deep breath. "Who am I to argue with the ghost of a Jedi? I'm in."

"Great," Theleema said. "First, we're scraping every corner of the galaxy to scrounge enough Force adepts to carry out this mission, and now we can't fit them in the kriffing starship."

Back at the Partisans' camp, Arash got busy providing medical attention. Saw, Mirienna, and the free Wookiees had linked up with the main assault force and made it back without trouble. Arash explained Addia's sudden presence in the battlefield: as a mercenary straggler whom he had contacted, but was too far away to make it in time with the rest of the team; Ilum remained hidden to avoid exposing him as a Jedi.

"I don't care who she is," Saw said. "As long as she fights for our side... and her timing was impeccable."

At dusk, the three crescent moons of Kashyyyk could be seen over the horizon, to a darkening sky of purple, pink, and orange gradations. Theleema meditated on a vast branch high above a wroshyr tree back in her regular clothes. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so at peace—it wasn't the objective of dark side meditation. Like in her native Dathomir, the Nightsister could feel a connection to the nature of this planet. Its energy pulsed with life and the light side of the Force. Underneath, Theleema could feel the planet's pain and suffering, caused by the Empire's despoiling—like she did in Jedha. It occurred to her the Empire was a malign tumor brought about by the Sith, rather than an oppressive regime.

"You know, one of these days, you're going to get shot for doing that." Theleema opened her eyes.

"I didn't want to disturb you." Syrran leaned against the tree behind her.

"You don't."

He sauntered over to her. "Beautiful sight."

"It's an amazing planet... with a festering Imperial wound."

"Like so many others."

"Being freed of the dark side—it's different. I can feel every living thing around me, not just the dying. It's like seeing the world with brand-new eyes."

Syrran sat next to her. "I was kind of hoping you kept the whole Sith warrior witch look, though. It really does it for me."

Theleema's laughter was free of malice or constraints. Its sound made Syrran like her even more. "Is that right? I got rid of the dark side, not my fashion sense. Feel free to shoot me, if you see me wearing robes."


"And since we're on the topic, I hope you don't start getting all formal on me now that you have a Padawan. I think your bounty hunter slash gunslinger style is hot."

"Good thing I have two guns. Here, I brought you something." Syrran offered her a small bag. Inside, there were large cookies with chunks of chocolate. "There's no direct translation for them, so people call them 'Wookiee Cookies.'"

Theleema laughed at the name and bit into one, her eyes rolling back from the rich, sweet flavor with a dash of rock salt—the pieces of chocolate melted in her mouth. "Hmm... that's good... okay, you're not touching these."

"Don't worry, I already had my fill. Arash said Choyyssyk is going to fully recover. He's performing some minor surgeries before we leave. Go is helping the Wookiees repair some of their ships too."

"It's like he has a kriffing compulsion to fix things." Theleema shook her head while chewing. "Here," she broke off half a cookie and gave it to him. "Please don't let me finish these in one sitting."

"Gladly," He bit the treat. "Arash is a great addition to the team. If he can use a lightsaber as good as Dooku, we're set."

"Let's hope so. What about the Addia and her floating crystal?"

"Ilum is an experienced Knight; he'll be just fine."

"And the archeologist?"

"The Exploration Corps was made out of Jedi Consular and she fought in the war. She can hold her own."

"And you trust her?"

"You don't?"

"She literally appeared out of nowhere after helping out an Inquisitor go through some sort of Force ritual."

"And that bothers you?"

"We don't know what happened at that temple; if or how that has changed what we're about to face."

"According to them, it's what needed to happen for things to align to the will of the Force."

"In favor of whom?"

Syrran realized what she worried about. "Does it matter? We may never have another chance like this."

"I know... Where's Eels?"

"I took her to see the ocean." A warm smile crossed his face. "Living in Coruscant all her life, she had never seen a natural body of water. She was fascinated—especially by the waves. It's funny how we forget how wonderful nature is just because we're used to it."

"You're a good Master, Sy. She's lucky."

Her words reminded him of what Aayla had told him in the Mortis Chamber. "So are you. She told me about your little fruit game—quite ingenious. I need to remember that one."

"Look, I promised I wasn't going to try to turn her to the dark side. I didn't say anything about not giving her some pointers. The more she knows, the better for our mission."

"I know. I was going to ask you to continue doing so."

Theleema stared at him. "You're serious?"

"I am. It's good for her... for us. Snark me all you want, but I see the effect she has on you when you teach her."

Theleema nodded. "I'm not going to lie; I miss having my sisters."

"Listen, if anything happens to me, I want you to continue teaching Elynn."

"The dark-sider?"

"Are you?"

Theleema thought for a moment. "I don't know anymore." She touched the luminous medallion he gave her. "Did you mean what you said before? About Maul?"

"Every word."

"Then why do you ask me to do this?"

"Because maybe the vision is showing me I can't defeat what we're about to face."

"You mean our vision."

Syrran nodded. "Just like it showed you the dark is no longer your path. And Elynn; the light—the future—needs to be protected."

"Maybe you need a bigger uneti tree, then. Syrran, we share a path—a destiny. And if you were indeed sincere, then you should know that whatever our fate is, I'll be right there facing it with you... and so will Elynn."

"You gave up your rage to the light side, Theleema. I surrendered my love for the one person I ever did to the dark. My lightsabers might as well turn red after that. I don't have anything grounding me in the light anymore."

"That's not true; you have Eels. In our vision, she's the light. Remember? It's what protected you... what saved me."

"Maybe that's what the vision is trying to teach us."

Syrran took her words in. "Where does that leave us?"

She couldn't look him in the eye. "I don't know... All these changes—it's happening so fast... I want to make sure what I feel is genuine. I need time. I was told to seduce you to the dark side or kill you if I failed."

He held her hand. "I think you should keep trying."

She laughed, flattered. "You're impossible. I like you—We had an instant rapport. But what if it's just an infatuation encouraged by a lie?"

"Let's find out." He leaned over and kissed her.

It surprised her at first, but she couldn't deny the electric feeling washing over her. Theleema surrendered to it, embracing him.

Night had fallen over the Partisans' camp when Theleema and Syrran returned. The soldiers almost finished packing for their departure. Gorin played his flute by the fire. An exhausted Arash slept nearby, while Elynn contacted No One on her datapad to request a body for Ilum, and see what she could do about his lightsaber request. Ilum hovered next to her, telling her what he needed. Addia warmed up by the fire, eating some Xachibik broth—a thick meat, herb, and spice potage enjoyed by the Wookiees.

On Tarfful's request, the team gathered around the fire along with Saw, Kosan, and Mirienna. The Wookiee chief lit the wooden ceremonial pipe. It had an elaborate engraved stem, an ivory mouthpiece, and a metallic cover ringed with holes. The special mixture of herbs, resin, spices, and sap burning inside smelled fragrant and pungent. The chieftain puffed first and passed it to the eldest person. The pipe would be shared from most senior to junior—Elynn being the last.

"Hold it with both hands," Syrran told her telepathically. "Don't inhale too sharply—and don't make faces—swallow the smoke, hold it in your lungs for as long as you can, and exhale it through your nose towards the fire—never the other guests. Then pass it back to Chief Tarfful with both hands, stem-first, to complete the circle."

Elynn followed the instructions, trying her best not to twist her face—and even worse—avoid coughing at all cost. She managed to give Tarfful a smile when she passed him the pipe. "Wow, that's pretty strong." She made everyone laugh.

Tarfful said something to Saw.

"Chief Tarfful has given me the honor to translate for him," he said and the Wookiee began to speak. "He wants to thank you for your help and your bravery. And he's most grateful for the Wookiees you saved. Chief Tarfful considers each and every one of you friends to his people and his tribe. He wants you to know you will always have a home and friends in Kashyyyk. He regrets circumstances prevent you from celebrating our victory. Nevertheless, he wants to present you each with a token of appreciation."

Tarfful presented Arash with a large wind instrument created from a bantha's horn and laminated in patterned hand-hammered bronzium with an orange lacquer finish, and cerulean gemstones set across its twisted design.

"Doctor, you summoned these warriors to fight for the Wookiees. Chief Tarfful wants you to have this Kashyyyk clarion a as symbol for your wise addition."

Arash waited for the chieftain to place it on his waiting hands and brought it to his forehead. "I accept this gift with pride, honor, and friendship."

Tarfful offered a blade to Syrran; a curved one-handed sword with a sharp point and a bent, long handle crafted from strips of leather, bone, and dark wood.

"Chief Tarfful is giving Syrran a Blade of Nyenthi'Oris for leading his team into battle," Saw interpreted for the others. "They are created by members of the Kerritamba village in the Kkowir Forest, and it's said to shine with the pride of the Kerritamba people. It is only given to the most honorable of citizens."

Once placed in his waiting hands, Syrran touch it to his forehead and recited the mantra.

"Addia, I don't know how you came to be involved in all of this, but I am very glad you did," Saw said. "Your timely intervention saved my life, and Syrran's, and helped turn the tide of the fight. Because of this, Chief Tarfful wants you to have his long-gun."

Tarfful gave Addia a long-barreled blaster made out of bronzium. It was meant as a symbolic gesture, as its weight, dimensions, and powerful recoil made it impractical for the use of non-Wookiees. Tarfful turned to Gorin with a bowcaster and an ammo halter with blaster gas ampule ammunition, pouches, and a side satchel.

"The chief heard of his prowess with the energy bow during battle," Saw told the others. "He hopes the weapon of his people serves your friend well in battles to come." Gorin thanked accepted the gift and thanked Tarfful in Shyriiwook.

The chieftain addressed Theleema, holding a pair of articulated pauldrons decorated with linear patterns, made for a Wookiee child, and a bronzium carbine of unusual design with a ring-grip.

"Chief Tarfful heard of your fearlessness and ferocity in battle," Saw translated. "He knows this X1 disruptor carabine will help you strike fear in the heart of your enemies."

Theleema had heard of the infamous Wookiee "Malevolent bowcaster." Illegal during the Republic, disruptor rifles disintegrated their victims, tearing them apart at the molecular level, and bypassing most personal energy shields.

"I accept this gift with pride, honor, and friendship." Theleema grinned.

"And finally, the slicer," Saw said to Elynn. "Chief Tarfful would like you to have the Klorri-clan battle shield as a symbol of your selfless actions to protect the people of Kashyyyk. These two-thousand-year-old shields are normally used in important ritual and ceremonies. This one in particular was employed during the Battle of Kashyyyk in the Clone Wars."

Elynn received the tall, thin, and teardrop-shaped wooden shield. It was banded with bronzium, carved with symbolic motives, and encrusted with cerulean gemstones. The ceremonial pipe made another around. After that, the Force adepts said their goodbyes.

"Well, I hope the Empire never accepts officers like you, Pantoran," Saw said to Syrran.

"I don't think that's something you need to worry about," Syrran said. "Besides, I wouldn't serve in their army even if their ranks looked like All-Species Week."

"Well said." The comment amused Saw. "How funny... Your Kiffar mentor, he came searching for a man called Galen Erso."

Syrran looked at Elynn. "Do you recognize the name?" he said with his mind.

"I do," Elynn said in her mind. "It was one of the two I saw in the file. He's the missing human."

"He's a good man and a brilliant scientist," Saw said. "Erso used to work for the Empire. I helped him and his family escape from Coruscant years ago."

"What's he running away from?" Theleema aid.

"Whatever secret the Empire was using his research for—he never knew. But he became suspicious of their intention."

"What was the focus of his research?" Arash said.

"Kyber crystals." Saw let the words hang in the air for a moment, knowing where the team had come from. "How to stabilize them so they can be used in great quantities to create energy. When his minders refused to show him how his research was being employed, he became fearful he had been lied to. You see, Erso thought he was helping create clean, sustainable energy for the galaxy."

"So, where can we find him?" Syrran said.

Saw regarded the Pantoran with suspicion.

"I don't care about him, Saw. I just want to find my mentor and this scientist is the only solid lead I have."

It took Saw a moment to volunteer the information. "He lives in a farm in a planet in the Outer Rim called Lah'mu, near Dantooine. You have to understand, Erso wants to be left alone with his family and raise his young daughter. He doesn't want to be found. And if you truly wish to see the Empire fall, I suggest he remains so."

"He has nothing to fear from us," Gorin said.

"I hope so, for all our sakes. I dread to think what the Empire was planning to do with his studies."

Tarfful spoke.

"Yes, nothing good," Kosan said.

"Thank you, Saw," Syrran said.

Due to the unexpected appearance of the freed Wookiees, Saw separated the assault team in two. He and Mirienna guided the Wookiees back to the camp through the jungle, while the mercenaries took Choyyssyk on the corvette over the lake, with Syrran at the helm. The wounded Wookiee lay on the deck, sleeping with a rolled-up blanket for a pillow, and Jarriss looking after him. Addia introduced the team to Ilum and they took time to explain how they came to be among them.

"And I thought our journey was strange," Theleema said.

"You are named after a planet?" Elynn found the concept curious.

"The Iron Knights took the names of planets where kyber crystals can be found," Ilum said. "My sister was Jedha, for example."

"Looks like your former Master's involvement in these events is more complex than we first thought, Sy," Gorin said.

What are you after, Quinlan? Syrran was confused by his Master's actions. "I know. Everything has to do with the Empire's interest in kyber crystals. And whatever he found out before his disappearance is menacing enough to go against his personal beliefs. I wish he had told me what this was all about instead of just sending me a cypher."

"Did Quinlan help you finish your training?" Addia said.

"He did... but that was some time ago."

"And you met at the Jedi Order?" Theleema said.

"In the library." Addia cherished the distant memory. "We used to spend a lot of time buried in holobooks."

"So did I—some years later," Elynn said.

"You have no idea how glad I am you survived," said Addia.

"Thanks to you," Syrran said.

"You know what I mean."

"I do—and I'm also glad to see you again. There are not many familiar faces left."

"This doesn't change anything, does it?" Jarriss said.

"Why would it?" Theleema said.

"No," Syrran said. "It just proves Quinlan had powerful reasons to ask me to carry out this mission."

"Which is?" Ilum hovered among them.

The question made the team look at each other in silence.

"We need all the help we can get, right?" Elynn said.

"Their arrival was anything but random," Gorin said.

"What are you guys up to?" Jarriss said.

Syrran spoke after Theleema and Jarriss gave him a nod. "We're heading to Coruscant to kill the Emperor."

"Oh... I see... wow..." Addia dropped back against the side of the ship, unable to process what she heard. "Forget I asked."

"Is that what your Master asked you to do?" Ilum said.

"Former Master—" Syrran said. "And yes, that's why we're all here together."

"The Force brought us together," Gorin said. "The mission is just the catalyst."

"That's a way of seeing it," Jarriss said. "But Elynn is right, we need all the help we can get."

"The star compass, you said Quinlan sent it to Lor San Tekka?" Syrran said.

"He did," Addia said.

"Can I see it?"

"Sure." Addia fished out of her backpack.

Syrran used psychometry to read the past of the object. He saw himself as his former Master, holding the compass. Quinlan was somewhere dark, a cave. And was handing the compass to a young Tukian Twi'lek. A sound made the Jedi turn around long enough to see what appeared to be a humanoid silhouette with a purple light on its torso holding a large cleaver. In a blur, the creature leapt at Quinlan, making Syrran jerk back.

"What happened?" Theleema said.

"Are you alright?" Jarriss said.

"I saw Quinlan in a cave somewhere, accompanied by a young Twi'lek," Syrran said. "Something attacked him."

"Something?" Gorin said.

"Some kind of humanoid—it was armed with a large cleaver. It was too dark for him to see what it was. I could only make out a purple light on its chest."

"You think that Quinlan—?" Addia left the question hang in the air.

"I don't know." Syrran returned the Jedi Star Compass to her. "Quinlan is as tough as a gundark. That thing would be lucky to still be around."

"Can you teach me to do that?" Elynn said.

"Psychometry can't be taught; you either have it or you don't."

"That's an interesting and rare ability you possess, Syrran," Ilum said. "Especially when Qui-Gon Jinn told us once we reached into our past—Addia's I guess—we would find our destiny. So, I agree with Gorin. The Force willed this and I would like to help you."

"Maclunkey," Theleema said.

"This will be the end of you?" Addia understood the Huttese phrase.

"It has come to mean, 'Your funeral,' among us," Gorin said.

"You spoke to Qui-Gon Jinn?" Jarriss said.

"He is the reason we find ourselves here."

"You knew him?" Elynn said.

"My Master did," Jarriss said. "They also shared the same teacher in Count Dooku. Though, Master Averross studied under him after he left the Order. But Qui-Gon Jinn has been dead for nearly twenty-years. How is that possible?"

"It is," said Syrran, thinking of Aayla.

"By the will of the Force," Gorin said.

"How are you going to help us without a body?" Theleema said.

"Procuring a new body is as simple as adapting any droid with electromagnetic interface network," Ilum said. "Preferably one suitable for combat. I have the knowledge to do so."

"We can find you one in Corellian," Syrran said.

"And I can adapt it for you," Gorin said.

"I would be most grateful."

"And then, you can put your crystal to good use," Addia said.

"You have a kyber crystal?" Elynn said.

"I was given one in the Jedi Temple in Lothal," Ilum said.

"What color is it?"

"Orange." Addia showed her.

"It's pretty." Elynn held it to the light. "I've never seen this color."

"It reminds me of the rare kohlen crystals found in the moon of Pijal," Jarriss said.

"What kind of saber do you use?" Elynn said.

"I'm partial to the great lightsaber due to the larger frame of my old body," Ilum said.

"What about you, Addia?" Syrran said. "We can use your help."

Addia hugged her knees, engrossed in her thoughts. "This kind of thing was never my glass of blue milk—but neither was fighting in the Clone Wars..."

"And the Inquisitors now have the Chronicles of Brus-bu," Ilum said.

"I know..." She took a deep breath. "Who am I to argue with the ghost of a Jedi? I'm in."

"Great," Theleema said. "First, we're scraping every corner of the galaxy to scrounge enough Force adepts to carry out this mission, and now we can't fit them in the kriffing starship."

Back at the Partisans' camp, Jarriss got busy providing medical attention. Saw, Mirienna, and the free Wookiees had linked up with the main assault force and made it back without trouble. Jarriss explained Addia's sudden presence in the battlefield: as a mercenary straggler whom he had contacted, but was too far away to make it in time with the rest of the team; Ilum remained hidden to avoid exposing him as a Jedi.

"I don't care who she is," Saw said. "As long as she fights for our side... and her timing was impeccable."

At dusk, the three crescent moons of Kashyyyk could be seen over the horizon, to a darkening sky of purple, pink, and orange gradations. Theleema meditated on a vast branch high above a wroshyr tree back in her regular clothes. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so at peace—it wasn't the objective of dark side meditation. Like in her native Dathomir, the Nightsister could feel a connection to the nature of this planet. Its energy pulsed with life and the light side of the Force. Underneath, Theleema could feel the planet's pain and suffering, caused by the Empire's despoiling—like she did in Jedha. It occurred to her the Empire was a malign tumor brought about by the Sith, rather than an oppressive regime.

"You know, one of these days, you're going to get shot for doing that." Theleema opened her eyes.

"I didn't want to disturb you." Syrran leaned against the tree behind her.

"You don't."

He sauntered over to her. "Beautiful sight."

"It's an amazing planet... with a festering Imperial wound."

"Like so many others."

"Being freed of the dark side—it's different. I can feel every living thing around me, not just the dying. It's like seeing the world with brand-new eyes."

Syrran sat next to her. "I was kind of hoping you kept the whole Sith warrior witch look, though. It really does it for me."

Theleema's laughter was free of malice or constraints. Its sound made Syrran like her even more. "Is that right? I got rid of the dark side, not my fashion sense. Feel free to shoot me, if you see me wearing robes."


"And since we're on the topic, I hope you don't start getting all formal on me now that you have a Padawan. I think your bounty hunter slash gunslinger style is hot."

"Good thing I have two guns. Here, I brought you something." Syrran offered her a small bag. Inside, there were large cookies with chunks of chocolate. "There's no direct translation for them, so people call them 'Wookiee Cookies.'"

Theleema laughed at the name and bit into one, her eyes rolling back from the rich, sweet flavor with a dash of rock salt—the pieces of chocolate melted in her mouth. "Hmm... that's good... okay, you're not touching these."

"Don't worry, I already had my fill. Jarriss said Choyyssyk is going to fully recover. He's performing some minor surgeries before we leave. Go is helping the Wookiees repair some of their ships too."

"It's like he has a kriffing compulsion to fix things." Theleema shook her head while chewing. "Here," she broke off half a cookie and gave it to him. "Please don't let me finish these in one sitting."

"Gladly," He bit the treat. "Jarriss is a great addition to the team. If he can use a lightsaber as good as Dooku, we're set."

"Let's hope so. What about the Addia and her floating crystal?"

"Ilum is an experienced Knight; he'll be just fine."

"And the archeologist?"

"The Exploration Corps was made out of Jedi Consular and she fought in the war. She can hold her own."

"And you trust her?"

"You don't?"

"She literally appeared out of nowhere after helping out an Inquisitor go through some sort of Force ritual."

"And that bothers you?"

"We don't know what happened at that temple; if or how that has changed what we're about to face."

"According to them, it's what needed to happen for things to align to the will of the Force."

"In favor of whom?"

Syrran realized what she worried about. "Does it matter? We may never have another chance like this."

"I know... Where's Eels?"

"I took her to see the ocean." A warm smile crossed his face. "Living in Coruscant all her life, she had never seen a natural body of water. She was fascinated—especially by the waves. It's funny how we forget how wonderful nature is just because we're used to it."

"You're a good Master, Sy. She's lucky."

Her words reminded him of what Aayla had told him in the Mortis Chamber. "So are you. She told me about your little fruit game—quite ingenious. I need to remember that one."

"Look, I promised I wasn't going to try to turn her to the dark side. I didn't say anything about not giving her some pointers. The more she knows, the better for our mission."

"I know. I was going to ask you to continue doing so."

Theleema stared at him. "You're serious?"

"I am. It's good for her... for us. Snark me all you want, but I see the effect she has on you when you teach her."

Theleema nodded. "I'm not going to lie; I miss having my sisters."

"Listen, if anything happens to me, I want you to continue teaching Elynn."

"The dark-sider?"

"Are you?"

Theleema thought for a moment. "I don't know anymore." She touched the luminous medallion he gave her. "Did you mean what you said before? About Maul?"

"Every word."

"Then why do you ask me to do this?"

"Because maybe the vision is showing me I can't defeat what we're about to face."

"You mean our vision."

Syrran nodded. "Just like it showed you the dark is no longer your path. And Elynn; the light—the future—needs to be protected."

"Maybe you need a bigger uneti tree, then. Syrran, we share a path—a destiny. And if you were indeed sincere, then you should know that whatever our fate is, I'll be right there facing it with you... and so will Elynn."

"You gave up your rage to the light side, Theleema. I surrendered my love for the one person I ever did to the dark. My lightsabers might as well turn red after that. I don't have anything grounding me in the light anymore."

"That's not true; you have Eels. In our vision, she's the light. Remember? It's what protected you... what saved me."

"Maybe that's what the vision is trying to teach us."

Syrran took her words in. "Where does that leave us?"

She couldn't look him in the eye. "I don't know... All these changes—it's happening so fast... I want to make sure what I feel is genuine. I need time. I was told to seduce you to the dark side or kill you if I failed."

He held her hand. "I think you should keep trying."

She laughed, flattered. "You're impossible. I like you—We had an instant rapport. But what if it's just an infatuation encouraged by a lie?"

"Let's find out." He leaned over and kissed her.

It surprised her at first, but she couldn't deny the electric feeling washing over her. Theleema surrendered to it, embracing him.

Night had fallen over the Partisans' camp when Theleema and Syrran returned. The soldiers almost finished packing for their departure. Gorin played his flute by the fire. An exhausted Jarriss slept nearby, while Elynn contacted No One on her datapad to request a body for Ilum, and see what she could do about his lightsaber request. Ilum hovered next to her, telling her what he needed. Addia warmed up by the fire, eating some Xachibik broth—a thick meat, herb, and spice potage enjoyed by the Wookiees.

On Tarfful's request, the team gathered around the fire along with Saw, Kosan, and Mirienna. The Wookiee chief lit the wooden ceremonial pipe. It had an elaborate engraved stem, an ivory mouthpiece, and a metallic cover ringed with holes. The special mixture of herbs, resin, spices, and sap burning inside smelled fragrant and pungent. The chieftain puffed first and passed it to the eldest person. The pipe would be shared from most senior to junior—Elynn being the last.

"Hold it with both hands," Syrran told her telepathically. "Don't inhale too sharply—and don't make faces—swallow the smoke, hold it in your lungs for as long as you can, and exhale it through your nose towards the fire—never the other guests. Then pass it back to Chief Tarfful with both hands, stem-first, to complete the circle."

Elynn followed the instructions, trying her best not to twist her face—and even worse—avoid coughing at all cost. She managed to give Tarfful a smile when she passed him the pipe. "Wow, that's pretty strong." She made everyone laugh.

Tarfful said something to Saw.

"Chief Tarfful has given me the honor to translate for him," he said and the Wookiee began to speak. "He wants to thank you for your help and your bravery. And he's most grateful for the Wookiees you saved. Chief Tarfful considers each and every one of you friends to his people and his tribe. He wants you to know you will always have a home and friends in Kashyyyk. He regrets circumstances prevent you from celebrating our victory. Nevertheless, he wants to present you each with a token of appreciation."

Tarfful presented Jarriss with a large wind instrument created from a bantha's horn and laminated in patterned hand-hammered bronzium with an orange lacquer finish, and cerulean gemstones set across its twisted design.

"Doctor, you summoned these warriors to fight for the Wookiees. Chief Tarfful wants you to have this Kashyyyk clarion a as symbol for your wise addition."

Jarriss waited for the chieftain to place it on his waiting hands and brought it to his forehead. "I accept this gift with pride, honor, and friendship."

Tarfful offered a blade to Syrran; a curved one-handed sword with a sharp point and a bent, long handle crafted from strips of leather, bone, and dark wood.

"Chief Tarfful is giving Syrran a Blade of Nyenthi'Oris for leading his team into battle," Saw interpreted for the others. "They are created by members of the Kerritamba village in the Kkowir Forest, and it's said to shine with the pride of the Kerritamba people. It is only given to the most honorable of citizens."

Once placed in his waiting hands, Syrran touch it to his forehead and recited the mantra.

"Addia, I don't know how you came to be involved in all of this, but I am very glad you did," Saw said. "Your timely intervention saved my life, and Syrran's, and helped turn the tide of the fight. Because of this, Chief Tarfful wants you to have his long-gun."

Tarfful gave Addia a long-barreled blaster made out of bronzium. It was meant as a symbolic gesture, as its weight, dimensions, and powerful recoil made it impractical for the use of non-Wookiees. Tarfful turned to Gorin with a bowcaster and an ammo halter with blaster gas ampule ammunition, pouches, and a side satchel.

"The chief heard of his prowess with the energy bow during battle," Saw told the others. "He hopes the weapon of his people serves your friend well in battles to come." Gorin thanked accepted the gift and thanked Tarfful in Shyriiwook.

The chieftain addressed Theleema, holding a pair of articulated pauldrons decorated with linear patterns, made for a Wookiee child, and a bronzium carbine of unusual design with a ring-grip.

"Chief Tarfful heard of your fearlessness and ferocity in battle," Saw translated. "He knows this X1 disruptor carabine will help you strike fear in the heart of your enemies."

Theleema had heard of the infamous Wookiee "Malevolent bowcaster." Illegal during the Republic, disruptor rifles disintegrated their victims, tearing them apart at the molecular level, and bypassing most personal energy shields.

"I accept this gift with pride, honor, and friendship." Theleema grinned.

"And finally, the slicer," Saw said to Elynn. "Chief Tarfful would like you to have the Klorri-clan battle shield as a symbol of your selfless actions to protect the people of Kashyyyk. These two-thousand-year-old shields are normally used in important ritual and ceremonies. This one in particular was employed during the Battle of Kashyyyk in the Clone Wars."

Elynn received the tall, thin, and teardrop-shaped wooden shield. It was banded with bronzium, carved with symbolic motives, and encrusted with cerulean gemstones. The ceremonial pipe made another around. After that, the Force adepts said their goodbyes.

"Well, I hope the Empire never accepts officers like you, Pantoran," Saw said to Syrran.

"I don't think that's something you need to worry about," Syrran said. "Besides, I wouldn't serve in their army even if their ranks looked like All-Species Week."

"Well said." The comment amused Saw. "How funny... Your Kiffar mentor, he came searching for a man called Galen Erso."

Syrran looked at Elynn. "Do you recognize the name?" he said with his mind.

"I do," Elynn said in her mind. "It was one of the two I saw in the file. He's the missing human."

"He's a good man and a brilliant scientist," Saw said. "Erso used to work for the Empire. I helped him and his family escape from Coruscant years ago."

"What's he running away from?" Theleema aid.

"Whatever secret the Empire was using his research for—he never knew. But he became suspicious of their intention."

"What was the focus of his research?" Jarriss said.

"Kyber crystals." Saw let the words hang in the air for a moment, knowing where the team had come from. "How to stabilize them so they can be used in great quantities to create energy. When his minders refused to show him how his research was being employed, he became fearful he had been lied to. You see, Erso thought he was helping create clean, sustainable energy for the galaxy."

"So, where can we find him?" Syrran said.

Saw regarded the Pantoran with suspicion.

"I don't care about him, Saw. I just want to find my mentor and this scientist is the only solid lead I have."

It took Saw a moment to volunteer the information. "He lives in a farm in a planet in the Outer Rim called Lah'mu, near Dantooine. You have to understand, Erso wants to be left alone with his family and raise his young daughter. He doesn't want to be found. And if you truly wish to see the Empire fall, I suggest he remains so."

"He has nothing to fear from us," Gorin said.

"I hope so, for all our sakes. I dread to think what the Empire was planning to do with his studies."

Tarfful spoke.

"Yes, nothing good," Kosan said.

"So, you're staying in Kashyyyk?" Jarriss said.

"Everyone fights for a cause they believe in, and after seeing what the Empire is doing here, I can't turn my back on the Wookiees."

"The galaxy can use some more people like you, Mari. But in case you ever need it, you can have my ship." Jarriss gave her an activation cylinder.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. We might need the space, but stealth is more important for us right now. Treat her well."

"You bet, doc. Thanks."

"You and your people gave us another chance to continue our fight against the Empire," Saw said. "Too bad you can't join us. At least I have the comfort of knowing you're out there, fighting our common enemy. I want to give you gift of my own, so you don't forget us." He handed him a folded flag with the Partisans' three-pronged symbol. They hooked forearms and each bade the other, "Good luck."

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