Infatuation (Nalu)

By queen3468

2.1K 113 12

Natsu struggles to control his growing feelings for his long time bestfriend. While Lucy remains oblivious to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

162 9 3
By queen3468

The weekend had ended, and it was time to go back to school. Not only that, but Lucy would have to go home today. Lucy and the Dragneel children woke up, ate breakfast, got ready for school, and then hopped into Natsu's car.

Nobody said a word during the ride; everyone had things on their minds that kept them occupied: Wendy thinking about her friends at school, Natsu thinking about how good breakfast was, and Lucy thinking about how she woke up this morning.

It wasn't the fact that she woke up in Natsu's room that was bothering her, since she expected just that; it was that she woke up with both Wendy and Natsu wrapped around her. She didn't mind sleeping with them, but her mind was going a mile a minute trying to figure out how they all ended up sleeping together in the first place.

Natsu soon drove through the entrance of the fairy tail campus and pulled to the middle school building before coming to a stop so his sister could get out. Wendy bid Lucy and Natsu goodbye and left the car, but not before giving Lucy a kiss on the cheek and receiving one in return. She happily skipped to the entrance of her building but stopped to cast a sly smile at her clearly irritated older brother.

Natsu let out an irritated sigh before driving off to the high school building, which was only a 2-minute drive from the middle school building.

Natsu pulled into his parking space before switching off the ignition and getting out. He and Lucy walked side by side towards the school building. He could hear and see girls squealing and talking about him, but he ignored them and continued walking with his beloved by his side.

Natsu was the best basketball player at the school, and that got him a lot of attention. It didn't help that he was incredibly handsome and had a body that a lot of boys and men desired to have. His friends were the same way. Girls practically threw themselves at him; some even begged him to do certain activities with them (sexual activities, which he refused, of course), but he paid them no mind since Lucy was the only girl he saw himself doing anything with.

Unfortunately for Natsu, Lucy received the same attention, but from boys, they would ogle her every chance they got, and he absolutely hated it. Lucy, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to the attention she got. Lucy didn't notice when guys and sometimes girls were looking at her; she didn't hear the lewd comments they made on her body, nor did she hear their very detailed conversations on what sexual things they would like to do to her. With her, Natsu absolutely hated this, especially since he could hear everything they said clearly. Even now, as they were walking inside the building, he could hear and see people catcalling and ogling Lucy, which pissed him off greatly, but he kept his cool and continued walking.

Lucy must have noticed Natsu's shift in mood because she held onto his wrist, pulling his attention towards her. "Are you alright?" she asked, concern lacing her voice. Natsu looked down at her and flashed her his signature smile. "I'm fine," he replied, reassuring her that all was well. Lucy pulled her hand back after making sure he was actually alright. Natsu didn't like the loss of physical contact with her, so he pulled her closer and draped his arm around her shoulder, which she didn't seem to mind; in fact, she smiled at him, making him grin even wider.

The two teens met up with their friends at their lockers before they all headed to homeroom.


By lunchtime, Natsu was visibly irritated; every time he would try to talk to Lucy, some loser would interrupt just to flirt with her in front of him.

Natsu and Lucy walked into the cafeteria and sat down at their table with the rest of their friends before taking out the lunches that Grandeeny had made for them. Natsu got some pasta and spicy snacks along with his favourite drink for lunch. Lucy got the same pasta as Natsu, but in a smaller portion. She also got her favourite chips and candy along with her favourite drink.

As they were eating, Natsu took notice of the items in Lucy's lunchbox. "How come you got candy, but I didn't?" he asked with a small pout. Lucy looked at him, then smiled. "It's because Auntie loves me more," she replied, teasingly sticking her tongue out at him, which Natsu found adorable. Natsu chuckled before taking some of Lucy's candy, to which the girl pouted and slapped his arm, making him laugh harder than before.

"Can you guys not flirt in front of me, I'm trying to eat lunch." Gajeel said he was disgusted, causing Lucy to blush and Natsu to scowl at him before he slipped his arm around Lucy's waist, pulling her close to him. He was tempted to pull her onto his lap but realized Lucy probably wouldn't react so well to that.

The group continued eating and talking, with Natsu occasionally glancing down at Lucy.

Lunch came to an end, so they packed up and went to class.  "Natsu," he heard a high-pitched voice call out to him. The boy ignored the voice and continued walking with Lucy to their next class. Natsu heard footsteps coming up from behind him, then felt someone grab his hand; he didn't need to even look to see who it was.

He took his hand out of her hold before sighing "hello, Lisanna," his face remaining stoic as she greeted him happily, not noticing that he wasn't alone. "Natsu, I've been calling you for a while now, and you weren't answering," the white-haired girl said, pouting.

"Sorry Lisanna I didn't hear you since I was talking with Lucy." He lied. Lisanna had then finally taken notice of the blond girl who was tucked into Natsu's side with his arm draped over her shoulders.

Lisanna glared at Lucy momentarily, which didn't go unnoticed by Natsu, before forcing a smile. "Hi Lucy," she said through clenched teeth. Lucy greeted back with a cheerful 'hello' and smile before turning away.

Lisanna had wrapped her arms around Natsu's, pushing her breasts against him, making him shiver in disgust, which Lisanna had misinterpreted to be some sort of sexual reaction (AN: idk man 🤷‍♀️). As they were walking, Natsu kept receiving angry stares from a lot of other guys and girls. "He's so lucky," "I wish I was on his arm too," "It's not fair how he gets the hottest chicks," they kept whispering clearly, not noticing Natsu's discomfort.

Natsu had successfully gotten Lisanna off of him when he stopped in front of his and Lucy's classroom, and he wasted no time to rush in and close the door behind him before pulling Lucy to the back of the class, where their seats were. The moment they sat down, Lucy took her text books out of her bag along with a romance novel she brought with her, while Natsu just sat quietly and watched her as she got immersed in her novel.

Natsu always loved it when Lucy would read; he enjoyed her facial expressions; he loved how her face would visibly brighten whenever she opened up a new book; he absolutely loved the way she would smile and squeal whenever her favourite ship was making some progress (AN: Nalu fans don't really know that feeling 😭), he also loved how she would be so engrossed in her book she wouldn't notice him staring.

Five minutes had passed and the teacher still hadn't shown up. Nobody really cared though, so they just did whatever they wanted while waiting until a student showed up to inform them that their teacher wasn't coming and that they didn't have a substitute either, so it was basically a free period.

Natsu looked to the side of him where Lucy sat at her desk, still reading "Lucy." He called out, but the blonde didn't hear him, so he got up, walked over to her, and picked up her chair (while she was still in it), startling the girl. He placed her chair right beside his before getting her desk and doing the same with her chair before sitting back down.

"You almost made me lose my page!" Lucy exclaimed, hitting Natsu lightly on the shoulder once he got settled into his seat. The boy just laughed and said, "Sorry about that.".

Lucy huffed cutely before turning back to her book. Natsu grinned, loving her reaction, before laying his head on the desk to take a nap. He turned his head to the window, closing his eyes before snapping them back open when he felt Lucy's fingers run through his hair, massaging his scalp and lulling him to sleep.

Something like this was a usual occurrence for the two. Whenever they didn't have class, Lucy would read and Natsu would sleep, but overtime, Lucy had become intrigued by Natsu's hair because of how soft it looked, so one day while he was napping, she ran her fingers through it. Lucy was surprised by the softness and was too engrossed to see that Natsu woke up, but when she did notice, she apologized profusely, but Natsu assured her that she did nothing wrong and that he actually liked it. So it was now their routine whenever they had a free period.

~Natsu's Dream~

Lucy stood in her bathroom, panicking as she looked down at the pregnancy test in her hand. 'No, this can't be happening right now; we've only been married for two months' she thought, slowly seating herself on the toilet.

'There's a chance the test could be wrong I should probably take another just to be sure.

Six pregnancy tests later, she was on the verge of tears. "They all said positive," she whispered to herself before breaking down and crying. Lucy cried  for a long while before calming down to once again stare at the pregnancy tests scattered around her on the floor before the face of her husband popped up in her head. 'How is he going to react to this?'

Lucy heard the front door slam, indicating that her husband was home. Her assumptions were proven correct when she heard his voice from downstairs: "Luce! I'm home.". She hurriedly picked up all the tests before wrapping them in toilet paper and stuffing them in the trash. She quickly opened the bathroom door and stepped out before bumping into the hard chest of her husband.

"Hey honey, you're home early." Lucy said, taking a step back and not looking at him.

"Yeah, I came home early to spend time with you. Your eyes are all puffy and you look pale. Have you been crying? Baby, what's the matter?" Natsu asked, stepping forward to hug his wife. Lucy smiled as his arms wrapped around her. "Don't worry, Natsu, I'm fine. My favorite character in a book I was reading died is all," she lied. She gave him a smile when he shot her a doubtful look.

"I'm a bit tired; let's take a nap," Lucy said, pulling her husband to their bedroom. When they got to the bedroom, Natsu changed out of his suit and into some sweatpants before lying down beside his wife, who snuggled into his side, already falling asleep.

Natsu watched his wife as she slept, wondering what happened today while he was gone. The moment he saw her walk out of the bathroom, he knew something was wrong, and Lucy was never the best liar, but he didn't push any further on the matter since she clearly didn't want to talk about it. He pondered more on the matter before he fell asleep.

Lucy woke up two hours later. She got up and went downstairs to start dinner. She was still panicked about the test results and was wondering what she should do. But before she could even think about what to do with the baby (it's not like she wasn't going to keep it), she would have to tell her husband since he had a right to know. She was scared of his reaction, though; she had never heard him say anything about wanting kids, especially not this early into their marriage.

Lucy sighed as she finished setting the table. She had finally come to the decision that she was going to tell Natsu about the pregnancy they had.

Natsu woke up to find the other side of the bed empty, so he went downstairs to look for her. He was hit with the heavenly scent of his wife's cooking the moment he walked into the dining room. He followed the scent to the kitchen, where he saw his wife, deep in thought, staring at the kitchen counter, not noticing that he had entered the room.

Natsu sighed as he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, breaking her out of her trance-like state "Oh, you're awake; dinner is ready, and I'm sure you're starving," she said, smiling as she looked up at him. Natsu only stared at her; without saying anything, he placed a kiss on her forehead before letting her go.

Natsu watched as his wife played with her food; she hadn't said a word since dinner started, and she wouldn't even look at him, making him increasingly worried with each passing second.

"What's wrong?" He asked, making Lucy's head snap towards him. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off. "And don't tell me it's nothing since I know you're lying.".

Lucy slouched back in her chair before getting up and walking away. She then came back a minute later with a large wad of toilet paper in her hands. "I was going to wait until after dinner, but here," she said, placing the wad in Natsu's hands. Natsu moved his plate to the side so he could place the wad on the table. He unwrapped the toilet paper and froze when he saw seven positive pregnancy tests lying before him.

He didn't react; he just stared at the tests with a blank expression, making Lucy rethink her decision to tell him. Natsu jumped up, shouting "Yes!" and grinning from ear to ear. He walked over to his wife, picked her up, and spun her around before passionately kissing her while she just stood there, shocked at his reaction.

"So you're not mad?" she asked, still in shock from his reaction.

"Of course not, why would I be, The love of my life is carrying my child (AN: or children 😉 wink wink), we are starting a family" Natsu exclaimed, grinning wider than he already was, if that was at all possible.

Lucy wrapped her arms around her husband's torso, sighing in relief, "I love you.". Natsu chuckled at his wife's actions before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you too."


Natsu could feel himself being shaken awake. "Natsu, you big lug, get up; we are going to be late for our other class," he heard the voice of his angel say. He couldn't help but smile when he came face to face with the blonde beauty the moment his eyes opened.

Lucy found herself blushing when Natsu opened his eyes and smiled at her. 'He's so cute' she thought before shaking her head and trying to rid herself of such thoughts.

"Quit grinning like an idiot and get up," Lucy whined, making Natsu laugh as he got up, pulling her along with him.


It was now the end of the school day, and Lucy was currently trying to convince Natsu that she could go home alone.

"Come on, just let me drop you off," Natsu said, trying to persuade the blonde.

Lucy sighed for what seemed like the millionth time today. "No, Natsu, you have basketball practice, and I can walk. My house isn't even that far."

Eventually, Natsu reluctantly let her go, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen, so he followed her, making sure to stay a few feet away at all times.


⚠TRIGGER WARNING: The following contains sexual assault and may make some readers uncomfortable.


Lucy was walking quietly along the sidewalk when a hand grabbed her and pulled her into an alley, leaving her shocked as this mystery person pushed her up against the wall.

"Well, aren't you just the prettiest thing? Too bad I'll have to ruin this pretty body of yours. But who said I couldn't have  a little fun with you before that?" The mystery man spoke, smirking while tracing his fingers down Lucy's neck to her chest. Only then did Lucy snap out of her shock.

"Get away from me!!!" She screamed, trying to push the man off of her. The man smirked at her feeble attempt. "I love it when their feisty," he said.

The man grabbed Lucy's arms and held them, preventing her from hitting him. He used his legs to trap Lucy's so she couldn't kick him.

The man tore Lucy's shirt open, ripped her bra off, and began to grope her, not paying any mind to her pleas.

"Help!!! Somebody help me, please!!!" She screamed, but no one seemed to have heard.

Natsu, who had been down the block, noticed that Lucy had vanished and became frantic when he heard a scream that could only belong to her. He ran until he reached the entrance of the alley, and the sight before him made him see red. His beloved was held against the wall, chest bare, and crying as the man he recognized as Bora placed his hand up her skirt, ignoring the blonde's pleas for him to stop.

Without giving it any thought, Natsu ran up to Bora and punched him in the face with enough force to make him fly back. Natsu was seething, and the only thing on his mind was to end Bora's life.

Natsu stalked up to Bora, grabbed him by the collar, and continued to punch him repeatedly until his face was covered in blood, but that wouldn't make him stop.

Lucy was both shocked and relieved when Bora was thrown off her; she instantly brought her hands up to her chest to cover herself. She looked up to see who her saviour was and was elated to see her salmon-haired best friend. By the look on his face, she could tell that he was beyond angry. She then looked down at her unconscious attacker, who was still getting beat up.

'He'll kill him if he doesn't stop,' she thought. The more she thought about it, the more she knew that she had to stop Natsu. Even though this man molested and almost raped her, she didn't want him to die. She also knew that killing a man would weigh heavily on Natsu's conscience (AN: any other man, sure, but not this one).

"Natsu!" she called out; this seemed to snap him out of whatever state he was in. Natsu dropped Bora before turning around and rushing back to Lucy. Without saying anything, he took his shirt off and put it on her, not paying any mind to her naked chest (that wasn't the time for that right now). He then picked her up, grabbed her stuff, and walked straight to his house. Lucy cried the whole way there.

Natsu opened his front door and went straight to his room. He laid a now-asleep Lucy on his bed before grabbing a shirt and going downstairs. He picked up his phone, called the police to tell them what happened, and told them where he left Bora. The police told him that they want Lucy down at the station to get her statement whenever she is ready. After hanging up, he called both his and Lucy's parents (AN: they were all on one call) to tell them what happened, and as he expected, they were all angry and worried and told him that they were on their way home.

Natsu decided that he wouldn't tell anyone else about what happened until he knew Lucy was okay with that. He remembered that he left all his stuff and car at school, so he called Gajeel to bring them over. At first, Gajeel resisted and asked why he couldn't get them himself, but after hearing the seriousness in his voice, he did as he was asked.

Natsu sighed angrily and went to the indoor gym to blow off some steam. His rage hadn't dwindled, and he was still very furious. 'How could someone do this to my beloved Lucy? How could anyone even think of harming her? How can someone have the nerve to make her cry? How could someone touch what is mine? What kind of psycho would want to cause her pain?' The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, and the harder he would punch the punching bag.

All of a sudden, Natsu heard a scream, one he could easily recognize as his angel's. He rushed up to his room and slammed the door open. His heart shattered at the sight before him. Lucy was thrashing around in her sleep, saying, "Stop! Please stop, please!" over and over and over again. It was obvious that she was having a nightmare. He darted to her side and pulled her into a loving embrace.

 "Shhhhh. It's okay, Lucy; it's just me. I'm here with you; no one can hurt you now," Natsu whispered, stroking her hair. This effectively calmed her thrashing, but then she started crying. She tightened her grip on Natsu as he rocked her back and forth. Eventually, she stopped crying and fell into a deep sleep. Natsu let out a sigh of relief before laying Lucy back down on the bed. It was easy since her grip on him had loosened. He kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

The moment he stepped downstairs, the front door flew open, and in came both his and Lucy's parents. The moment they see him, they start bombarding him with questions about what happened and how Lucy is doing. He simply told them that she was not okay and that she was sleeping at the moment.

"Do you know the bastard that hurt my daughter?" Jude, Lucy's dad, asked. Natsu could practically feel the anger radiating off of him; the same went for his parents and Lucy's mom too.

"He is known as Bora, a thug from the bad side of Hargeon," he replied through clenched teeth, getting angry just at the thought of the piece of sh*t. 'I should have killed his ass,' he thought angrily.

Natsu then told them that he had already called the police and that the situation was being handled. This information did nothing to calm the raging adults who remained silent.


Natsu heard the doorbell ring. He got up and went to the front door, and he wasn't surprised when he was met with the faces of his cousin and Levy. Gajeel shoved Natsu's car keys and backpack in his hands before Natsu said a quiet "thanks.".

Natsu was about to close the door when he was stopped by Levy. "Have you seen Lu-chan? I have been calling her, but she isn't picking up," she asked. Natsu's grip on the doorknob tightened as memories of what happened flooded his mind.

"She wasn't feeling too good so she's here now taking a nap, I'll make sure she calls you."

With that, Natsu closes the door, not caring that he may have seemed rude. He walked upstairs and into his room so he could put his stuff down. He froze when he saw Lucy sitting upright in bed, silently crying. "Luce," Natsu called out quietly, and instantly Lucy's head snapped towards him.

Natsu set his backpack down at his desk before going to Lucy's side. The moment he was seated, Lucy flung herself at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his chest. Natsu eagerly wrapped his arms around her. "Thank you," she whispered.

Natsu tilted her head up before wiping her tears. "There is no need to thank me because I will always protect you," he said quietly before the two lay back down on the bed in silence, still in a warm embrace.

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