The Wolf and the Bastard - A...

By Gersemi_Odrdottir

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Yara Stark accompanies Sansa back to Winterfell to meet her sisters future husband. Even if Yara heard terrib... More

Authors note


535 13 0
By Gersemi_Odrdottir

I waited for another opportunity to talk to Theon. I soon got one because Ramsay left the castle with his father on the next day. It took a while to find him but I eventually spotted him in the Godswood. He faced the other direction, staring at the heart tree.
"Theon ...", I called out to him in a gentle voice because I didn't want to scare him.
He jumped in surprise nevertheless.
"Lady Yara", he greeted me. "I have to apologize ... I ... talked to him. I told him."
"I know. It doesn't matter. You didn't tell him everything though."
I had expected that he would go to Ramsay right after we had talked. It even was important that he had. Ramsay had to believe that Theon was still loyal towards him. Ramsay had mentioned that Theon and I talked about my brothers yesterday. But he hadn't said anything about my plans to get Sansa out of here. That was proof enough for me to trust Theon.
"Did he punish you for it?", I asked him then.
"No. He claimed I have to be rewarded for revealing our secrets."
At least it hadn't backfired on him. Ramsay already had caused enough damage on him. I couldn't let him suffer only because I had dragged him into my plans. There was still something that needed to be discussed. I had to ask him.
"Theon, why did you tell him that Sansa is my weak spot?"
Theon bowed his head to avoid to look at me.
"I am very sorry. I know I shouldn't have. But he ... he reassured me that he won't use it against you. He said he will never harm you."
"And you believed that?", I asked him incredulously.
"He ... he promised", Theon insisted.
I let out a short, bitter laugh.
"Does this look like he didn't harm me?"
I raised my dress high enough for him to see the welts that were still fresh and red. I had made a bad attempt to treat the wounds with some ointment but it didn't ease the pain. Instead they hurt every time I took a seat or bend down. I even felt them with every step I took. A constant reminder that I was helplessly exposed to his moods. Theon quickly put his hand over his face which had turned red in embarrassment. The Theon I had known would never be ashamed of seeing naked skin. Especially not of a woman.
I was loosing my patience.
"Look at it!", I commanded. "Look what your stupid loyalty towards this bastard had caused!"
Finally he took his hands away while his eyes wandered down my body. Guilt appeared in them when he forced himself to inspect the damage Ramsay had done to me. I didn't tell him that it had been my own fault as well. I kept it a secret that I obeyed him. And I certainly didn't reveal that I had loved every second of it. I needed to get him on my side. I had to appeal on his conscience.
"It's alright", I reassured him. "I can take it. I am strong enough to endure his torture."
"You don't know what you are talking about. You don't know what he is capable of."
A pained expression crossed my face.
"What did he do to you, Theon?", I whispered.
He pressed his lips together and slowly shook his head. I sighed heavily. When I stepped in front of him he didn't back away this time. Gently I touched his face and brushed my thumb over his cheek. While he closed his eyes he leaned his face against my hand. It had helped the last time to pull him on my side so I hoped it would also work now. I hated to manipulate him like that but it was my only way to keep Sansa safe. To keep him safe. I hoped he would understand me someday.
"I've got a plan, Theon. We still have some allies around here. Someone told me we just have to lit a candle in the window of the old tower. They are going to send help. You must lit the candle, Theon. I can't do it. They don't let me up there. But I am sure as Ramsays ... " I scrunched my face. I was about to say 'pet' because that was how he treated him. But I would never say that out loud. " ... I am sure you are allowed to go nearly everywhere."
His head shook repeatedly.
"You have to do that for me! Tonight is the wedding. We don't have enough time!"
"No. No. No. He will find out. He will find out that I did it and then he will punish me. And he will punish you."
"Theon!", I shouted which let him flinch. "You know him! You can imagine what he would do to Sansa on their wedding night!"
Instead of replying his eyes darted to something behind me. His mouth went open slightly and his posture became completely stiff. I turned around to see what frightened him so much. To be honest I didn't need to look though. Ramsay had returned. After he dismounted from his horse he spotted us standing in the godswood. With my hand still on Theons cheek. Ramsays face went dark and he started to make his way over to us.
"He is going to find out", Theon whispered. "He is going to find out what we talked about."
"Not if you keep your mouth shut", I contradicted.
"But he will want to know. He will torture me again until I tell him. Then he will torture you, only for his enjoyment-"
"Then we need to get him another reason why we are standing here", I interrupted him. "Kiss me."
"What?", he asked me.
If he had looked frightened before he now seemed to be just about to panic. I already heard approaching footsteps so we needed to hurry.
"It would distract from the actual reason why we are here. Come on! We don't have time!"
Once again he shook his head.
"Reek!", I heard Ramsay shouting.
I rolled my eyes in annoyance and grabbed Theon by his collar. I pulled him down to me to press my mouth gently against his. His lips felt slightly rough but the kiss was still soft. His posture went stiff and he even stopped breathing. A second later his mind started to work again and he pulled away quickly.
"Reek!", Ramsay shouted again, his voice had become a deep growl now.
I hurried to turn around and blocked his way. Ramsay opened his mouth to say something but I was faster.
"Mylord. May I have a word?"
"In a moment. I need to talk to Reek first."
He wanted to step past me but I didn't let him.
"In my chambers?", I added quietly.
That earned me his attention. His eyes wandered from Theon to me. His lips turned up into a childish grin.
"Of course, mylady."

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