FORSAKEN - Target: Zero

Від OddityMedia

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STARWARSFANS OFFICIAL FANFIC. At the dawn of the Empire, a mysterious figure only known as Pharos forges an... Більше



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Від OddityMedia

The team sailed in silence near the edge of the lake aboard a Wookiee corvette, a long wooden boat with a pair of parallel motorized sails. It had four thin lateral wings resembling those of a bug, allowing the vessel to fly if necessary. With an intimate knowledge of the terrain, Choyyssyk sat in the back and piloted the ship. The rest of the group sat by the bow. Elynn used her comm pack to monitor both Imperial and Partisan transmissions. She welcomed the distraction, otherwise she would have to wrestle with the anxiety of going to battle. Everyone else seemed alert but unbothered, which made her wonder how many times they found themselves in a similar situation.

"Theleema told me you served with MedStar during the war," Syrran said.

"I did," Jarriss said. "I was part of the Medical Corps."

"How come?" Elynn was glad someone broke the silence. She knew Jedi Healers were one of the smallest groups serving in the Jedi Service Corps under the Council of Reassignment.

"Healing is one of my Force abilities... but so is foresight."

"What do you mean?" Gorin said.

"I started to experience visions as I reached the end of my training as an Initiate in Master Yoda's Bear Clan, after of the Battle of Naboo."

"What kind of visions?" Theleema said.

Jarriss sighed, leaning his head back on the side of the ship. "It started around the Battle of Naboo. I would see a black substance oozing from the Jedi Temple's very foundation, blood covered the floors, and every Jedi I came in contact with appeared to be dead—even the younglings. With the passage of time, the visions became stronger and more frequent. It tormented me to a point where I couldn't function. I discovered I could center my mind when I practiced with my lightsaber and kept the visions away. So, I spend a lot of time training.

"The High Council became worried. At first, they thought I was falling to the dark side, due to the fact that my species could experience terrifying hallucinations when we dwell in it, which eventually drives us insane."

"Why?" Elynn had never heard of something like that.

"Due to our lack of eyes, we Miraluka rely on Force sight to perceive our surroundings and thus we develop a deep connection to the Force since birth. The Lore Keepers recorded my visions and the Jedi Seers tried to interpret them, but their obvious implications compelled the High Council to keep them secret, until they could better understand them."

Syrran scoffed. "The High Council and their secrets. Let me guess, they never managed to decipher them?"

A melancholic Jarriss shook his head. "No. But they decided that one of their members, Master Shaak Ti, should be my Jedi Master."

Syrran's eyebrows arched up impressed. The powerful Togruta was renowned for her wisdom and diplomatic talent, as well as her combat skills. She was an expert in both Makashi and Ataru lightsaber forms, and well-versed on the five others. "That's quite the honor," he said.

"It was." Jarriss smiled.

"Is that why your lightsaber has a bone sleeve?" Elynn said. "Is that part of an akul?" The dangerous predator, natural to Shili, was the highest trophy a Togruta could aspire to.

"It was part of my Trial of the Flesh." The dangerous test was meant to test a Padawan's ability to overcome pain, loss, and hardship.

"And the crystal?" Syrran said. "I've never seen an indigo blade before."

"I'll get to it," Jarriss said. "Because of Master Ti's tutelage, I always thought I'd end up serving as a Jedi Diplomat on the Council of Reconciliation. But my visions of death and destruction led me to gravitate toward healing once I was Knighted. So, when the war exploded, I served as a battle surgeon with the MedStar unit. But my lightsaber skills often compelled me to fight on the field, acting as a combat medic.

"A year after the First Battle of Geonosis, Master Eeth Koth, knowing of my precognitive abilities and lightsaber prowess, recruited me to help find the elusive General Grievous. I foresaw Grievous' flagship would be at the Saleucami system, regardless of intelligence reporting no Separatist ships in that sector."

"But you were right," Gorin said.

Jarriss nodded. "Grievous' ship appeared out of nowhere, striking us hard. I came face to face with him when he boarded the ship, and I found out firsthand the stories about him were quite real. Fighting him felt like facing the raw embodiment of lightsaber combat."

"You survived a fight against General Grievous?" Theleema's respect for Jarriss couldn't be higher. She had seen the Kaleesh cyborg wipe out entire scores of her sisters.

"I didn't."

"What do you mean?" Elynn said.

"I died... or at least that's what Dr. Nema told me when I woke up back in the temple's hospital in Coruscant. I put up a good fight, but in the end, the general proved too much for me. He commandeered the ship and captured Master Koth. No one could explain how I came back and made a full recovery."

"How is that possible?" Theleema said.

"All I remember was the sensation of Grievous' lightsaber burning through my flesh." Jarriss touched his chest where a prominent scar ran diagonally across his torso under his clothes. "The next thing I knew, I was standing in a strange chamber; a black void covered in luminous patterns. Five beings appeared floating around me, formed from spheres of light. They were dressed in black robes and spoke with feminine voices behind masks, depicting different expressions."

"What were they?" Gorin said.

"I don't know, but I've never sensed a greater presence in the Force. The beings spoke to me, telling me it wasn't my time yet to join with the Force. They told me I was to help those lost find a path out of darkness and face chaos."

"What does that mean?" Syrran said.

Jarriss shrugged. "No idea. But when I came around, I was in a hospital, holding a kyber crystal in my hand. When I put it in my lightsaber, the blade glowed indigo. Whatever happened, my terrible visions ended. In fact, my capacity for foresight had become highly impaired. At the time, it was believed the cause was the rise of the dark side of the Force, which clouded the Jedi's ability to see the future."

"What about your afterlife experience?" Theleema said.

"Even though Master Yoda took great interest in the Force beings, the rest of the High Council decided to also keep it under wraps along with my visions."

"Figures," Syrran said. "How did you survive 66?"

"I went back to MedStar after I was discharged from hospital. Toward the end of the war, Master Ti confided in me about a strange discovery she found in Kamino. The clone troopers had behavioral modification biochips implanted in their brains. The Kaminoans explained it was a common practice—a safeguard—to keep the troopers loyal and obedient, but one of them had malfunctioned at the Battle of Ringo Vinda, resulting in the death of Master Tiplar. The cloners attributed breakdown to a rare parasite from the planet, but Master Ti wasn't so sure. She asked me to look into it in secret."

"You knew about the chips back then?" Elynn said.

"Of their existence, not what their real purpose was. That became apparent when Chancellor Palpatine issued Order 66."

"Darth Sidious," Syrran said. "Call him by his real name."

Jarriss nodded. "As the Force willed it, I was performing emergency surgeries in the rear at the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto when the order was issued. The clone troopers around were in no shape to face a Jedi. Thanks to Master Ti, I had a good idea what was really happening and managed to escape. Sadly, Master Mundi, who was fighting in the front, wasn't as lucky."

"Where did you hide?" Gorin said.

"Mandalore. I got there after the siege. I thought that being a neutral world, it would be a good place to lay low until I could work out what was happening. Little did I know the galaxy as I knew had crumbled with a single stroke from the newly self-proclaimed Emperor. Sadly, that plan came to an end when Mandalore was taken over by the Empire shortly after the end of the war. So, I became a smuggler, running guns to any groups willing to fight against it."

"You must be good at keeping a low profile, staying active all of these years," Theleema said.

"Good, but not great. I was once captured by the Order of Inquisitors, but managed to escape by the will of the Force."

Choyyssyk spotted the presence of fuel in the water and alerted the team, they were getting closer to the target. Gorin scanned ahead with a pair of electrobinoculars. By the time the lake turned dark and dead fish floated on the surface, Choyyssyk ran the corvette aground to dropped off Jarriss and Elynn as planned. Syrran could feel her trepidation as if it was his own.

"Remember what I taught you," he said in a soft voice by the side of the craft.

"I don't want to screw it up," whispered Elynn, using him to block the view from the others.

"I know you won't. Just think of it as another high-end slicing job."

"With lot of guns."

"You only need to worry about the ones in front of your sights."

"What if we can't escape?"

"Then we'll crack the place open and get you out. Look at me." Syrran held her by the chin. "I will always have your back, no matter what. You hear?"

"Thank you."

"May the Force be with you."

"And with you as well."

Syrran stared at Jarriss.

"With my life." Jarriss understood.

"She'll be fine," Theleema reassured Syrran when he hopped back on the boat.

"How about you?"

"You know what I did for a living." She patted her carbine. "The only difference is the number of targets and the lack of discretion."

After a few kilometers, Elynn and Jarriss found their way to a main road. It took less than an hour for an Imperial patrol in a HCVw A9 turbo tank to find them. The Force-users laid down their weapons and surrendered. When questioned, Jarriss claimed they were deserters, fleeing the Partisans in the face of the impending Imperial victory over their desperate dwindling numbers. Shackled and stripped of their gear, the patrol took them to the nearby refinery.

On their way to the cells, Elynn and Jarriss saw emaciated Wookiees wearing shock collars with their matted fur covered in in fuel; their captors had no compunction about employing electrobatons to motivate them to work. The Imperial Army Troopers escorted their prisoners to a cell in the refinery's basement next to one occupied by three Wookiees, and then walked away.

"Okay, we're here," Elynn said. "Now what?"

"We wait to be interrogated while we gather intelligence," Jarriss said. "We're Partisans with Saw Gerrera, helping Chieftain Tarfful." He spoke through the bars in the direction of the Wookiees. "Do you know where their control room is?"

One of the prisoners answered at length.

"What did he say?" Elynn said.

"She said the operation center is located on the third floor of the west wing.

"Is it well guarded?"

The Wookiee told him.

"Mostly officers and technicians. There are guards inside the building, but most of them are posted outside and around the outer perimeter. Do you know where the drains to the river are located?"

The Wookiee answered, then added something else.

"They're here in the basement, on the eastern side," Jarriss said. "We can't miss them; we just need to follow the strongest scent of fuel. But she warns the fumes are intolerable. Many Wookiees have died while cleaning them. And her name is Nagdrrl—I'm butchering the pronunciation."

"Thank you for your help, Nag. I'm Elynn and he's Jarriss. Hang in tight, we're here to help you."

The Wookiee said something.

"As many as possible."

"What did she ask?" Elynn said.

"She wanted to know if we're here to free all of them. Can I ask you a question?"


"The Pantoran, is he your Master?"

"He is," a proud Elynn said.

"How long have you known him?"

Elynn became sheepish. "Oh... not very long. Why?"

"Do you know where he's from?"

"Pantora, where else? Unless he was born in another planet. Why?"

"Just curious." Jarriss crossed his arms and leaned his head back against the wall.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"You're a doctor. What made you decide to smuggle weapons? You could have laid low somewhere in the Outer Rim and made a good living."

"Is it me or does your tone imply you disapprove of Jedi who chose to hide after the Purge, rather than fight?"

"Is it that obvious? I just want to know what motivated you. That's all."

Jarriss took a deep breath, remembering. "It's a long story."

"We're not going anywhere." Elynn pointed at the bars.

"When the war ended, I was devastated. The Republic was no more, the Jedi Order had fallen and the survivors hunted, my former Master had died during the assault of the temple... So much suffering and destruction, only to hand the galaxy to a Sith Lord... When I arrived in Mandalore, the planet was devasted after the siege and its political future was uncertain. I kept my mind busy by helping its people; providing medical attention. There were so many wounded. That's when I met the woman who would become my wife, Kiani."

"You were married?"

"I was no longer beholden to the Jedi Order. Kiani was a former diplomat, running a makeshift hospital out of a spacecraft hangar, using her off-world connections to smuggle medical supplies and medicine. It didn't take long for us to fall in love, and we were married soon after." From inside his clothes, Jarriss produced a necklace with two wedding bands hanging from it. "When the Empire occupied Mandalore and appointed Gar Saxon as Viceroy and Governor, we had to escape. We couldn't risk it because of Kiani's political ties. We wanted to keep helping planets ravaged by the war, so we relocated to Onderon and ran a free hospital."

"Is that where you met Saw?"

"Yes. We were picking up a shipment of medicine. Unbeknownst to us, the crew were also smuggling arms for the Partisans. An Imperial platoon showed up and a vicious fight broke out. The smugglers tried to escape, but a TX-255 blew up their ship before it could take off." He stared at the floor. "I woke up from a coma to weeks later—apparently I died a couple of times during surgery. My leg was missing... and so was Kiani—it took me awhile to recover, but when I did, I joined the Partisans."

"You fought with Saw?"

"For a while. I was angry, hurt... lost. My only concern was revenge."

"Then what happened? What made you change your mind?"

"Time. Saw is an extremist. His methods are callous, caring little for civilians or the destruction he causes."

"Yeah, I got a glimpse of that. He sounds no different than the Empire.'

"He's worse. At least the Empire follows rules of engagement. I was fine with it in the beginning. All I cared about was killing as many Imps as possible. Then one day, during an ambush, one of the merceries fighting for us began to execute the wounded Imperial soldiers." Jarriss sighed. "I was about to do the same... I found an officer—he was missing both legs and was screaming for help. Instead of shooting him, I began to make a medical assessment of his wounds in my head." The absurdity of the memory made him laugh. "I couldn't do it. At the end of the day, I am a doctor... I thought what Kiani would think of what I had become. I was disgusted with myself. I left Onderon after that."

"Where did you go?"


"You're kidding? I was born in Canto Bight."

"Something else we have in common then. I spent my time crawling inside spice dens, stumbling out of cantinas, wasting away in gambling halls, and burning credits with exotic dancers."

"I get the picture."

Jarriss laughed. "Being in Canto Bight, I came in contact with a lot of powerful people, high-ranking Imperial officers, crime lords, Moffs, politicians, bankers, diplomats, and CEOs—a lot of them weapons manufacturers. Thanks to Master Ti's teachings, I was a rather capable diplomat, despite my choice of dedicating my life to healing. I found myself collecting intelligence, influential friends—and most importantly—favors. An idea began to form in my head. I could honor Kiani's death by continuing the work we were doing, rather than wasting my life away. So, I founded a non-profit organization, Medics Across the Galaxy, to provide medical aid to planets ravaged by the war."

"And you used it as a front to smuggle weapons."

"Exactly. So, I pretended to clean up my act—somewhat—and began to help anyone brave enough to stand up against the Empire, while at the same time, give medical help to those in need."

"Genius. Where did you get the money?"

"There's no shortage of corporations and politicians looking for a good PR opportunity. Czerka might use slave labor in their factory in Pijal and sell weapons to kill people in Lasan, but they finance a children's hospital in Skako Minor, and so on. There was also plenty of millionaires looking for tax breaks, nobles trying aggrandize themselves to their subjects, bored trophy wives, and criminals looking to launder credits. And the Empire is more than happy to let a third party pick up the pieces after the Clone Wars."

Elynn cringed. "It kind of makes me sick to hear that."

"To quote Hari Seldona:

'In an imperfect galaxy

where good fails to achieve utopia

and evil never attains hell,

morality is not defined by absolutes,

but by how sentients tip the scales."

Elynn had to admit, he made a good point. "But now that man wants to commit the ultimate act of sedition. Is that why you agreed to help us?"

Jarriss chuckled both amused and impressed. "I didn't know you were a philosopher too. Remind me to introduce you to the works of Sio Bibble when this is over. I think you'll find him a kindred spirit. But to answer your question, yes. If there's a chance to put an end to the Empire's tyranny and the reign of the Sith in one single stroke, I want to be part of it no matter the cost."

"Is that how you met Leema, by helping Crimson Dawn laundry their money?"

"I bought a shipment of weapons from them, which led to their crime lord, Dryden Vos, to take an interest in my business."

"Didn't Theleema sensed you were a Force-user?"

"She did, but kept it to herself. I guess I was more valuable as a vehicle to launder money and as a smuggler, than dead."

"Plus, it would have thrown a spinner into their plans, if you had turned into an Inquisitor."

"There's that too." Jarriss loved the way Elynn's mind worked. He turned his head toward the bars, perceiving the auras of people approaching. "Someone's coming." Jarriss lifted a finger asking for silence.

An Imperial army soldier and two stormtroopers appeared at the door moments later, commanding them to stand up. They were taken to the operations center on the third floor. All the while, the Force-users studied the layout of the refinery, counting the number of guards and slaves. The guards shoved them inside adjoining offices guarded by a pair of stormtroopers each. Moments later, officers walked inside the rooms accompanied by Pinpricks—IT-O Interrogation droids.

"My name is Lieutenant Guestt," said a swarthy woman, a few years older than Elynn. "I've been assigned to your interrogation. May I have your rank and name?"

"Corporal Xinia Togch of the Partisans Third Column," Elynn said.

"Corporal Togch. Am I under the correct impression you will fully cooperate with these proceedings?"

"Absolutely. I hate needles." Elynn glanced at the Pinprick floating by the lieutenant. "I'm a communications specialist. I can give you codes, frequencies, encryptions, and security protocols to all current Partisan's operations in the area. All I ask is to be taken out of this kriffing jungle and be given some sort of deal."

"We'll see about that. First, I need to verify the validity of your information. Why don't you give me something I can take to my superiors to show them you're serious?"

Here goes nothing. Elynn reached with her mind, sensing the woman's thoughts. Using what Syrran had taught her, Elynn ignored the incessant murmur, isolating everything but the human's unconscious. Then, she used Theleema's exercise to manipulate the quality of the Force in the lieutenant's mind. "Bring me all my gear and I will gladly show you anything you want."

Guestt blinked confused. "Why would I do that?"

Poodoo. Elynn remained focused. "I need my comm pack to show you." She defaulted to old habits. "Bring all the gear to me." I can't believe I just said that.

"You only need your pack then?"

Sad fruit, angry fruit, happy fruit. Elynn concentrated. "You will bring all my gear to me and have the guards wait outside."

"Go outside and bring all the confiscated gear to me," Lieutenant Guestt said to the guards.

"Sir?" one of them said.

"You heard me."

"All of it?"

"Yes, all of it. Go."

"Yes, sir."

The guards left.

Confused fruit? Elynn thought. Oh well. Close enough.

In the neighboring office, a contemptuous tall and blonde officer regarded Jarriss with measured disdain. "I am Captain Dall Kyffer of the Imperial Army. I've been informed you and your companion are Partisan deserters."

"We want to make a deal," Jarriss said. "We're willing to provide you with information about our army, if you can promise us amnesty."

"And to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"

"Commander Tor Arros of the Third Column."

"Well, commander. I'm sure you're aware of the Empire's policy of not negotiating with terrorists. So, let me tell you how this is going to unfold. You will tell me everything I need to know, and I'll make note of your cooperation in my report. I'm sure my superiors will take it in consideration during your trial. Fail to do this, and I'll leave you to the ministrations of my interrogation droid until it runs out of power. Then, I will personally see to it that you spend the rest of your life fitted with a shock collar, working alongside the other filthy creatures in the deepest level of this refinery. Do I make myself clear?"


"Good. Now, where are the Partisans?"

Distant explosions triggered a general alarm.

"I believe they're right outside," Jarriss said.

"What in the name of Grist is going on?" Captain Kyffer stared at the door and exchanged a confused look with his stormtroopers.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Jarriss used the Force to lose his shackles. His prosthetic leg opened a secret compartment, providing him with a snubble special pistol—a small snubbed-nosed and double-barreled blaster. The doctor fired at the stormtroopers before they could react, and then aimed it at the shocked captain.

"Let me tell you how this is going to unfold, captain," Jarriss said. "You're going to hand me your code cylinders and tell me where my equipment is, and I'll leave you shackled to this desk, instead of with two smoking holes in your head."

Moments later, Jarriss came out of the room with a stormtrooper carabine, blasting the guards he sensed outside. Much to the doctor's surprise, the soldiers had been hauling his and Elynn's gear to the office. All became clear when he stormed the room and found a free Elynn handcuffing Lieutenant Guestt.

"The attack started," said Elynn under the sound of the alarm and the muffled explosions outside the refinery. "Oh good, our things are here."

"Are you alright?" Jarriss dragged their equipment inside the office.

"Better than she's going to be when she wakes up. I used the Force to knock her out with the interrogation droid."

"I got something for you." Jarriss gave her the code cylinders."


Out by the ravine, Saw's mercenary team took their positions. Gorin camouflaged himself with a net covered with the surrounding flora; he used it on his war helmet to which he also attached a rangefinder. Lying prone, he began to locate the guards and called out their number and positions through him communicator. Saw and Choyyssyk found the best spots they could to place their targets in a crossfire.

Meanwhile, Theleema, Syrran, and Mirienna were snaking close to the building as they placed half a dozen fragmentary charges. Syrran and Theleema used the Force to distract the soldiers—or in her case—create illusions to mask their movement and get much closer than the human. Once they were finished, they used hand signals to find their covered positions.

Syrran held up his hand for a few seconds and lowered it, making a fist. The charges went off and the team began to fire at the Imperial troops. The guards never had a chance to retaliate. A second alarm sounded. Further chaos descended upon the refinery. Frantic orders sent the soldiers inside to fend off the second attack, leaving a skeleton crew to look after the Wookiee workforce. Protocol dictated the slaves be taken to their cells until the threat had passed, thus avoiding a possible uprising by the powerful creatures.

On the third level, Elynn and Jarriss walked down a long corridor toward the operations room. On the way, they ran into a couple of KX-security droids that Jarriss shot down, as well as some armed technicians. When a specialist came out from a room behind them, Elynn pointed at his center mass and squeezed the trigger of her percussive cannon without hesitation. The blast radius took care of the rest. She had no time to register the aftermath as a second man appeared through the same door, and she took aim. Elynn shot another explosive bolt, hitting her target.

Control your emotions. Keep breathing, Elynn told herself, remembering her Master's advice.

She had no time to think. The Partisans' assault had sent the place into disarray. Frantic Imperials rushed down the corridors and out of rooms. Sensing his targets, Jarriss signaled Elynn to either cover him while he lobbed grenades inside rooms, or he asked her to do it herself. After every explosion, they rushed inside and eliminated whatever enemies remained standing. They repeated this tactic until they reached the control room.

Once cleared, Jarriss kept watch from the door, taking out enemies when they came into view. Elynn used one of the code cylinders to access the internal network. She connected a data spike to the computer terminal to upload a computer virus into the Imperial internal network which would cripple every system. The cyber-attack had the potential to shut down the refinery's operations for several months. In the meantime, Elynn connected the comp link of her datapad to the central terminal, and began to disrupt all Imperial communications, denying them the ability to coordinate their efforts, and cutting the ground forces off from the Star Destroyer above. Connecting to the capital hip in outer space with the refinery's antenna, Elynn sliced into their network, and uploaded another virus. Hooking her radio to the communications array, the Theelin gave the armored units contradicting orders, keeping them away from the action—at least until they realized what had happened.

"Everything's set." Elynn reloaded her percussive cannon.

"The end of the hallway is packed with Imperial specialist and security droids." Jarriss returned fire. "We're going to have to get creative if we want to get out." He shot again.

"I heard over the comm they took the Wookiees to the cells. We should let them out before we go."

"We can sure use the help." Jarriss firing back and reloading. "Then stay close behind me and shoot everything to my right."

"What are you going to do?"

Jarriss peeked out to shoot. "Cheat. Call it."

Elynn spoke in her communicator, "Nomad, this is Spike. We're 15-13. Over."

"This is Nomad," Gorin said over the radio under the sound of blaster fire. "The sooner, the better. Over."

"Copy that, Nomad. Over and out."

Jarriss slung his carabine, removed the fake fusioncutter head from his lightsaber, and drew out his pistol. He deflected blaster bolts—some back to his foes—while gunning his way down the hallway, with Elynn shooting from behind him. With a whirl of his blade, the Miraluka took out the last of the opposition.

"We're going to have to take a shortcut." Jarriss looked over the railing. "Can you jump?" He switched back to his carbine.

"That's something I have a lot of practice with," Elynn said. "It comes in handy when running away from the cops."

"You're going to have to tell me more stories later."

The four stormtroopers on the first floor had no idea how the intruders landed behind them, nor did they have a chance to ask questions. The Force adepts dispatched them and moved toward the basement. Caught by surprise, a handful of guards and four security droids kept watch over the prisoners; they never knew what hit them as Elynn and Jarriss descended.

Choyyssyk roared as he let his T-21B rip from behind a tree. The rapid bolt mowed down everything in their path.

"How many are they?" an Imperial Army Soldier yelled over the gunfight at the east of the refinery.

"I think there's a whole platoon," said another soldier, behind cover.

He pulled the pin off a grenade and rose to throw it, when a sniper shot blasted through his chest.

"Grenade!" a soldier warned as the body hit the deck.

The explosion killed the three troopers around it.

Gorin watched through his rangefinder from his hiding spot. "Heads up. We got two E-Webs coming. One on the left side of the first level. The other on the right side of the second level," he said on his communicator. "I'll take care of the latter." He took out the assistant gunner before the triggerman.

"I got the other." Theleema took cover behind a large tree stump. "Cover me."

Mirienna opened fire with her powerful boiler rifle. Theleema used the Force to detect the E-Web gunners and threw a grenade in their direction, guided with her mind.

"Changing barrels." Mirienna hid behind a boulder. The modification to her weapon doubled its rate of fire but melted the gun's barrel.

Syrran waited behind a curtain of thick roots until he telepathically saw his enemies come out to shoot, taking them out one by one before they could fire at him. When he spotted a grenade being tossed, Syrran used the Force to halt it and it detonated at the thrower's feet.

Saw dipped his DLT-20A in the multi-level waterfall he stood in to cool it down. Once the vapor stopped, he sent another burst of fire from around the rock protecting him. The sound of heavy metallic steps made him look down the ravine.

"Scout Walkers!" Saw watched two AT-STs emerge from between the trees.

Their crews had heard the commotion on the east side of the building, but the orders on the radio urged them west. After some deliberation, the senior person made a judgement call, disregarding the confusing command, and told her fellow drivers to back her up while she instigated. Her hunch paid off.

"Cover me!" Saw laid down some suppressive fire and, running toward the wall at the edge of the waterfall, switched to his rocket launcher.

Spotting the running rebel, the lead Walker fired its twin cannons. The blasts trailed Saw by a few meters, getting closer with every shot, making him wobble. He jumped off the waterfall as the guns hit the spot he had been standing on, and he disappeared under the murky water.

"Saw!" Mirienna cried.

Syrran fixed the pilot in his mind's eye and fired a single shot through the armored vehicle's small viewport, killing the man. The copilot took over and shot at the Pantoran. Propelling himself with the Force underwater, Syrran crossed to the other side of river, eluding the devastating returning fire.

Saw emerged from the water, firing his rocket launcher at the lead AT-ST, blowing its cabin clear off.

The second Walker shot several times at Choyyssyk, taking large chunks out of the massive tree protecting the Wookiee, and leaving smoking craters in the ground. The tree came crashing down with over the ridge. Its top plunged into the ravine.

With no one to provide cover for Gorin, the Imperial troops concentrated their fire on his position. Two bolts glanced off his war helmet. The Kyuzo slung the sniper rifle over his shoulder, and Force-jumped atop a gargantuan treetop. Gorin extended his energy bow and shot an arrow into the sky, making it turn in a sharp angle and hitting the new gunner on one of the E-Web heavy repeating blasters. The second arrow he released angled to strike the assistant gunner before he could even man the weapon.

"Target to the right," the Walker's gunner warned his comrade of Saw, who was reloading his rocket launcher.

"Blow him up." The driver got into fighting position.

Syrran broke surface by Saw, killing the driver with a Force-aimed shot. Before the gunner pressed the trigger of the grenade launcher, Addia appeared out of thin air, slicing the leg of the Walker with her lightsaber. The grenades detonated on the side of the ravine, as the armored vehicle crashed down into the river.

"That wasn't us." Saw was confounded, as the slope of the gorge had kept Addia from view.

"Syrran?" Addia appeared from above, having switched weapons to her blaster.

"Addia?" said Syrran.

"You know her?" Saw said.

"We're old friends."

"Where are we?" Ilum said in Addia's head, as confused as everyone else.

"Where we need to be—I think," said Addia.

"Get to that heavy blaster." Syrran pointed at the base of the fallen tree.

"We're pinned down," Mirienna said to Theleema under heavy fire.

"We'll see about that." Theleema reached for her lightsaber.

Before she could grab it, a volley of heavy fire made the Imperials duck for cover. The women saw a Mirialan, shooting Choyyssyk's gun from the stump of the broken tree.

"Who's that?" Mirienna said.

"Someone shooting for our team." Theleema reengaged the enemy with her rifle. "Fall back to the tree."

"Who are these people?" Ilum said.

"I don't know, but the Pantoran is a Jedi from my days in the Order." Addia fired back.

"Reaching into the past to unlock our future," Ilum said.

Mirienna had reached the fallen tree and covered Theleema as she ran over to her, when dozens of Wookiees rushed the Imperial soldiers, brandishing tools, stolen weapons, or their bare hands. Jarriss and Elynn were among them, fighting alongside the enraged Wookiees.

"Hold the line!" Saw fired his heavy blaster.

With their foes ranks decimated, the Partisans and the free Wookiees began to withdraw down the gorge, led by Mirienna.

"Your idea?" Syrran said to Elynn, firing back at the Imperials.

"Am I that obvious?" Elynn shot next to him.

"I was going to say 'remarkable.' But sure, obvious will do."

"Who's the Mirialan?" Jarriss reloaded.

"A friend from the old days."

"Who just happened to be wandering around in the middle of the jungle?" Elynn said.

"As far as I can tell."

"There is a Wookiee up here that needs a medic," Ilum's voice sounded inside the Force adept's minds.

"Who said that?" Theleema took cover.

"There'll be time for answers when we get back," Syrran said.

"Doc, we need you here." Gorin shot arrows from above the tree.

Jarriss climbed to the ledge where Addia was and saw Choyyssyk with some serious wounds.

"I need cover," Jarriss said to Addia.

"This thing just melted." Addia had fired the heavy blaster for too long without breaks to cool it down.

Gorin landed next to her. "Here you go." He handed Addia the sniper rifle, while he continued to shoot his energy bow. "I'm Gorin."

"Addia." She joined him in providing cover.

"And the voice in my head?"

"I'm Ilum,"

"It's complicated," Addia said.

"I bet," Gorin said.

Triaging him with the Force, Jarriss strapped an IV pack to Choyyssyk's arm, and sprayed the wounds with dermaseal to close and disinfect them. He shot the Wookiee with anticeptin-D to prevent infection and antishock, enkephalin to deal with the damage from the burns, and kouhun to numb the intense pain. Then he applied bacta patches. Laying his hands on Choyyssyk, Jarriss used Force-healing to give the Wookiee enough vitality to walk.

"Gorin, give him a hand." A drained Jarriss took over firing duties.

With the Wookiees at a safe distance away from the refinery, the team peeled back until they could break contact with the enemy, disappearing into the jungle.

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