A single Promise (Wegberg tri...

De Rain12bow

17.8K 776 155

Abigail Moreno had a relatively normal life, living in a trailer park with her mother and having a shitty job... Mai multe

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's note

Chapter 7

794 33 4
De Rain12bow

The taxi was waiting for her, just like Valeria had promised. The man sitting inside was chatty, talking about the news, the weather and most importantly how low-paid the taxi drivers were.

'Poor him.' Abigail was annoyed. She worked almost 24h and still got minimum wage while this man could go home after his shift, sleep 8 hours, and get more money than her.

It was unfair.

When they arrived, Abigail grabbed her wallet. "How much?"

"It was already paid for, Miss." This made Abigail look up in question. "But- I mean if you want to tip, I gladly accept it, you know us taxi drivers get basically nothi-" he was cut off by the door slamming shut behind the girl.

She had enough.

Men in business attire were eyeing her breasts as she made her way toward the entrance. 'Fuck you, Valeria.' She thought, stepping in the towering building.

This time she wasn't stopped at the information desk. The woman from yesterday nodded towards her with a smile, greeting her. Abigail nodded back and stepped into the waiting elevator, ready to bring her to the devil's realm.

Pushing button 21 the doors closed this time without any interruption. The awkward elevator music played in the background while Abigail looked at her watch. 09:55.

'This time I won't be spanked.' Letting out a relieved sigh, she slumped against the carpeted walls watching herself in the full-length mirror. She clipped half her locks up in a messy bun, leaving the lower section brushing against her midback. Honestly, she looked like a lost teenager going on her first job interview ever. Maybe that's what the woman wanted.

The soft ding brought her back to reality. Stepping through the open doors they greeted each other with the secretary. "Good morning, Miss Moreno!"

"Good morning, Miss...Uhm I am sorry but-" Abigail gestured with her hand. "It's Angela."

"Oh, right then, good morning Angela to you too." This was getting awkward, so she softly knocked on the wooden door.

"In." came the woman's unusual sharp voice. Pushing in the doors she was surprised seeing the woman pacing back and forth in front of her desk.

Blueprints were scattered around with a few dossiers on the glass coffee table. It looked like something had blown up.

Looking up from her pacing, Valeria let out a sigh seeing the familiar cleavage, but soon her blood was boiling with lust and anger. Abigail could barely close the door behind her when a strong hand fisted itself in her hair dragging her in the middle of the office. Tossing the girl down not so gently, Valeria started to button open her pants.

The kneeling girl didn't understand what was happening. She was right on time, if not early. To the sound of a belt buckle clinking, she looked up seeing the woman already working her black lacy underwear off.

Then, when the woman's bare pussy appeared, a rough hand grabbed the girl's hair again pushing her head forward without any second thought.

All Abigail could think of was what did she do wrong? She understood what the woman wanted so she started gently lapping at the woman's lower lips, but her thoughts were drifting off.

The fist in her hair tightened pulling the roots painfully from her scalp. "You send me a picture of a whore, then you will be treated like one, little girl..." the woman hissed thinking about the photo the girl sent her. She was right in the middle of an online meeting, but when her phone dinged and she saw that it was from Abigail she needed to open it.

Huge mistake, but still...the best one she ever made.

Abigail was now tongue deep in the woman, wetness constantly dripping on her tongue, while she was gripping the woman's thighs.

'She is surprisingly good.' The woman thought getting lost in pleasure, holding the girl's head tightly against her pulsing center.

The wet tongue was curiously exploring the woman's most private parts, finding the spots which made Valeria moan and curse out loud. When the girl decided that Valeria was close enough, she sucked on the woman's clit with her tongue flicking against the rosy bud.

"Fuck" the woman leaned forward, her fingers knotting into the dark locks. Her hips came alive pushing herself into the girl's open mouth. She could faintly hear a phone ringing in the background which made the warm mouth back away in question.

"No." Valeria hissed pushing back the girl's face. "You stay here." The woman's hand was painfully tugging at Abigail's hair, making the poor girl cry out soundlessly as her pain was swallowed by the velvety pink folds.

She just wanted to get over it.

The woman above her suddenly stiffened, her hips not moving anymore. Wetness dripped from Abigail's chin as she was finally let go. Looking up at the woman, she was waiting for her command when to get up.

Valeria bended forward, slowly caressing the girl's glistening chin. "This was not your first time, was it?" she had a smirk on her face, her skin smoothed out by the afterglow of her orgasm.

Abigail looked away in shame. The woman let her go with a light chuckle. "Knew it." But to her utter relief the woman didn't ask any more questions as she made her way towards her desk while buttoning up.

"As much as I like seeing you kneeling, I need you to start doing the paperwork." She sat down in her leather chair reaching for her slick black colored phone. Pushing a few buttons, she watched the girl slowly standing up, her cheeks burning in shame about what she just did.

"Come here don't just stand there. I promise I won't bite." She winked at the girl.

The girl rolled her eyes showing the woman her bruised chest. "Liar." She walked next to the woman, who immediately grabbed onto the girl's bare chest.

"I did a good job." Valeria mentally patted her shoulder. She marked the girl as hers. Gently squeezing the soft globes, her grip became painful when she looked at the girl. "If you ever roll your eyes at me again, I'll beat the shit out of you. Understand?"

"Yes, mistress." the girl mumbled for forgetting her place.

"Now be a good girl and put these in a syllabic order." The woman stood up and handed the girl a thick dossier stuffed with papers. "You can sit on the sofa and use the glass table. Don't make a mess." And with that she looked at her monitor signaling the end of their conversation.

Abigail could barely lift the heavy object, balancing it in both hands. Syllabic order. How hard could that be?


Leaning back into her huge leather chair she let out a tired sigh. Valeria made at least 50 phone calls during the day, stopping at 1pm. She had only one more client before lunch: Lucinda Hill, the woman who had a rather flirty and sensual voice during their phone talk.

Glancing at the girl, she could see the bulging nipples trying to break free from the black dress as she leaned forward putting some papers next each other. She was such a distraction for the woman, who founded herself staring at the girl's chest more than at her own computer. Of course, she would never admit this to anyone.

"Whose pussy did she eat before mine?" the woman's curiosity reached its high, not letting her brain focusing on work.

She was still eyeing the girl when Abigail looked up feeling someone staring at her. And she was not wrong as the woman was basically fucking her with her eyes, holding the pencil midway in the air not caring about work at all.

Abigail quickly looked away blushing from the look Valeria was giving her. The woman was so... honest. Not hiding herself and not caring what others would think about her breast fetish, because Abigail was sure the woman's attraction toward boobs was a bit too much, which she didn't mind of course. But what amazed her most about the woman was her confidence. The woman was not shy.

She was flirty and her aura was pulsing with sexuality, drawing people in like a magnet. Drawing in Abigail like a magnet. Which she would never admit, of course.

Valeria cleared her throat embarrassed that she was caught in act. "Ohm I just wanted to ask what you would like for lunch. It's on me." She already opened her drawer grabbing a handful of restaurant prospect she was receiving every day handing it to the standing girl, with hundreds of daily menus on it.

"Thank you." Abigail grabbed them, bending directly forward. Valeria swallowed thickly seeing the soft globes dangling in front of her. She couldn't take her eyes off them, making Abigail turn around victoriously knowing too well that the woman's eyes were following her like a lost puppy.

"When is your new client coming?" she swayed her hips on purpose while walking back to her pile.

Valeria, who was still in a daze looking after the girl, didn't need to answer as a knock was coming from door. "Come in." she regained her posture, her voice transforming into her regular cold tone.

The door creaked open and a woman in her thirties stepped through confidently holding her huge pink bag as a ridiculous shield. Her fake tan was almost orange as she walked in the well-lit office, wobbling on her hot pink high heels.

Valeria, if she was surprised wasn't showing it, as she smiled at the woman offering her hand for a shake. "Miss Hill, glad you could make it." The woman's long fake nails closed around Valeria's hand, almost reaching her elbow with them.

"Oh, Valeria." Lucinda laughed out loud. "How could I not come?! I already told you, I am only willing to work with you...being in charge of everything..." she sighed the last few words out in a sensual whisper still holding onto Valeria's hand. The girl sitting on the sofa was invisible for the woman, not sparing a second glance in her direction.

"Well, I am always happy to be on top." She winked at the woman, motioning for her to sit. Hearing this Abigail cringed. The woman's cleavage almost reached her belly button, gaining attention from everyone with her huge silicone boobs as she bended forward to sit her equally huge ass in the soft chair.

'They are almost ripping the skin.' Abigail thought, seeing the reddened skin at the base. This obviously didn't escape Valeria's attention, as she couldn't stop looking at the enormous breast in front of her. 'Horn dog.' The girl rolled her eyes.

The woman finally put down her pink bag onto the ground, making Abigail's eyes met with a growling chihuahua with bulging eyes.

The girl shuddered with disgust. She always hated this kind of dogs. Looking away she glanced at the menus, her stomach growling in anticipation. Grilled cheese with rice on a vegetable bed didn't seem so bad, maybe-

"Abigail." The woman's strict voice brought her back from daydreaming about her food.

"Yes?" she turned towards them, seeing both women watching her.

"Be a darling and bring Lucinda a cup of coffee." 'Are you kidding me?' Abigail's eyes could've killed the woman right there.

"I drink it with a splash of milk and three sugar cubes." She almost made a small hurricane as she was batting her fake eyelashes at the girl.

'I need this job, I need this job...' Abigail kept repeating in her head while standing up and walking to the mini kitchen, which Valeria showed her just a couple of hours ago. "Oh, and Abigail I'll have a regular cappuccino." The girl gritted her teeth. "With almond milk." 'Noted, bitch.'

Valeria moved closer to the blonde woman in an intimate matter. "I am lactose intolerant." Lucinda had a sympatric look on her face, pursing her silicon lips together. "Poor thing. It must be so hard to live with it." She nodded to herself.

'Are you kidding me?' Abigail's eyes widened. 'Someone is born without any limbs or is forced to live in a wheelchair, and you call a milk allergy hard?

Entering the hidden kitchen, which was bigger than her own trailer home, she grabbed a golden rimmed white coffee cup, placing it under the coffee brewer. Now, for Valeria she started to heat up a cup of almond milk on the stove, while searching for a sack of cappuccino powder. When she had finally found it, she stood there waiting for everything to be done, slightly eavesdropping from the door. Discreetly, of course.

"You know Valeria, it always amazed me, how a woman could do such an interesting job, where usually men are the one working..." Abigail could imagine the woman bending forward on a purpose showing her plastic goods. "I mean it's so motivating to see you in the boss chair, commanding over who knows how many people working...under you..."

"It's really not that hard." Abigail could hear Lucinda giggling like a stupid schoolgirl, then a slight slapping.

"Oh, my Valeria you are hilarious!" 'My Valeria?' the girl was trying not to groan out loud. 'This bitch is stupid.' But what Valeria said next took her off guard.

"I know darling, but tell me ...Are those F cups?"

"They are!" the woman squealed loudly. "Valeria you nasty girl, how did you know?"

"I have a lot of practice behind my back." 'I bet she is wearing one of her stupid smirk now.' Abigail grumpily snatched up the full coffee cup, pouring in sugar and milk.

"You can touch them if you want." Lucinda purred and the girl dropped the last sugar cube on the floor hearing this.

'I swear Valeria if you-'

"Lucinda as much as I want to take you upon your offer, I am a serious businesswoman who doesn't mingle with her customers." Abigail rolled her eyes. "This is a meeting, so please if you would cover yourself..."

Abigail put the cow milk down, which she was holding threateningly over the blonde woman's cappuccino. It took everything in her not to pour some in Valeria's cup hearing her ridiculous and manipulative answer.

"Of course, I am ashamed of my behavior, please forgive me!" Lucinda apologized. "But I mean...my phone number is in our contract soooo..."

Abigail decided to put the dirty sugar cube in the coffee and stepped out the kitchen shutting up both women.

"Here you go ladies." She put the tray down. Not a single thank you was heard as she made her way back to the sofa. Only Valeria was nodding at her as a thank you.


'If she says Valeria one more time, I will break this glass table with my head.' Abigail thought after 1 hour of listening to their ridiculous conversation. It became obvious that Lucinda was rich as fuck and only wanted to get laid by her architect, willing to pay thousands of dollars if needed.

As the girl had already finished her tiring work, she was getting bored. She was thinking that maybe the dog had given up on life too, but a single look at the hot pink bag showed the white thing still looking at her like a statue.

"Stupid little shit." The dog was basically staring into her soul with its bulging eyes.

By a sudden idea she raised her middle finger at the dog, who seeing this started to bark on an abnormally high-pitched tone.

"Puppy! Quiet we will go soon!" she bended down petting the dog who made a biting motion scaring off its owner's hand.

"Puppy, sweety stop ittttt!" she whined the last word, begging for the fucking dog to finally shut up. "Here, your favorite treat." She offered the chicken shaped treat, but the dog was still staring at the slender middle finger.

Valeria hated loud noises and the dog was most certainly irritating.

"Lucinda, darling, we are already finished for today and I think the dog needs to go to the toilet." She stood up not leaving the half plastic woman a choice, but to stand up too.

"You must be right...It was so nice meeting you, Valeria! I can't wait to work with you." She kissed the woman on both cheeks, then left the office not even looking at Abigail, hurrying out with the rat dog.

Seeing the door shut, Abigail let out a relieved sigh. "Finally."

Valeria was still standing at her desk massaging her temple annoyingly. "I hate dogs."

"Well, I hated this one too. Did you see its alien eyes? I mean it must be soooo pleasurable to wake up every day seeing that snarling face, ready to bite your nose off." Abigail imitated Lucinda's voice. "And then there's the dog too..."

"Stop it." The woman groaned sitting back in her chair smiling at the girl's humor. "I want to you to rub my back."

"What?" the girl looked up from her stack of paper, glancing at the woman in question. "I am not your massager."

"You are what I say you to be. Now get over here." The woman answered sassily. The girl huffed and puffed but didn't dare to be disobedient.

Standing behind the blonde woman she waited for her to take off her black suit jacket, throwing it carelessly onto the guest chair. "You may start." And with that she started to type on her computer forgetting that the girl even existed.

Abigail had only massaged once, when her mother had a stiff back from all that sitting in one place.

Not knowing how to start, she placed her shaking hands on the white silk shirt, gripping the woman's shoulders. Softly digging her thumbs in the neck muscles, the woman let out a light groan of pleasure. Working her way down, she was surprised to feel hard muscles hiding under the luxurious material. Valeria was not buff nor overly worked out, but her body showed signs that she was doing some kind of sport in her free time. Who knows, maybe the woman liked to run, or do some yoga.

'Okay that's ridiculous.' Abigail could not imagine the hot-headed and impatient woman doing yoga.

She was now at the woman's lower back, grinding it with her knuckles and earning soft sighs and moans from Valeria, who was strangely still on the exact same page than five minutes before. Enjoying her superiority over the woman, she made her way back to the lean arms, rubbing them sensually while bending forward, so the woman could feel the outline of her breasts. Valeria's breath hitched feeling the unmistakable shape of soft breasts squishing against her neck as Abigail leaned forward glancing at the woman's lap while still rubbing the arms.

Brown locks appeared in Valeria's peripheral vision, then a swan like neck. The girl's intoxicating scent was made off peach and something Valeria could not put her finger on.

The small hands appeared again on the broad shoulders, making their way down questioningly towards the woman's chest. Not hearing any resistance, the girl softly cupped the small breasts in her palm, immediately feeling the nipples hardening through the bralette. Remembering what the woman did to her yesterday, she tried to use this experience to her advantage. Fondling them a little more, she used her thumbs to slowly circle around the hard peaks, making Valeria stiffen in her seat. Pinching them lightly she decided to kill two birds with one stone.

"So, about our deal...you won't buy the park, right?"

"Keep going and you will find out."

When the girl's curious hands sneaked towards the woman's belt, she waited for Valeria's reaction nervously. The woman could feel the hand lingering near her privates, ready to fully explore her, so she only nodded closing her eyes and leaning back in her leather chair.

Abigail quickly opened the expensive belt and unbuttoned Valeria's pants. Excitingly, she slid her hand under the lacy underwear, feeling the woman's hairless mound. She liked how smooth the skin was down there. Caressing where her mouth was a couple of hours ago, she slid her finger across the older woman's slit, feeling the warm wetness sticking to her fingers.

Valeria groaned out as she felt the curious girl testing the waters. She didn't mind the small break from her work at all.

Finding the pulsing clit, Abigail toyed with it, circling around it with her fingers, dipping one fingertip in the moaning woman occasionally and enjoying the view. She wanted to take this to another level when there was a sudden knock on the door. Abigail jumped away from the woman who quickly started to button herself back with a flushed face.

"Miss Wegberg?" Angela, the secretary, knocked again.

"What?!" Valeria yelled out angrily trapping toward the door and swinging it open, only to reveal Angela, who was holding a delivery bag which smelled amazing.

"The food you o-ordered." The poor woman was taken aback by the anger showing on her boss's face. "I-I am sorry if I interrupted something." Hearing this Valeria had softened, smiling at the best secretary she ever had so far. "No problem, Angela. Did you already take out yours?" The blonde woman looked at the content of the bag, seeing one box missing.

"Yes, Miss Wegberg."

"Good. Eet smakelijk!" she closed the door as the woman turned around with a grateful nod.

Piling the boxes onto the glass table she sat down next to Abigail, offering her some plastic fork and knife.

"I don't need it." And with that she bit into the huge hamburger, which was basically the size of her own head. The woman looked away horrified, making the young girl smile at her widely, sauces smeared all over her cheeks. She loved pushing the woman's comfort zone.

"Why are you chewing so loudly?" the woman asked, irritated by the girl's unladylike behavior. Just to annoy the woman more, Abigail started to chew more loudly watching the woman shudder with disgust. But one death glare from Valeria made the girl swallow the piece she was eating, continuing her burger silently.

"Finally." The woman sighed digging in her pasta, carefully swirling it onto her fork and placing it in her mouth without smudging her lipstick.

'Impressing.' Abigail rolled her eyes. She never ate this much in her life for one meal. She had ordered some fries and a huge chocolate milkshake too.

Valeria was already done, when the girl finished half of her burger. "I am soo full." Abigail patted her barely bulging belly. "I hope you are not going to throw up..." the woman stood up placing the plastic wraps and boxes into the rubbish.

"I won't." But it didn't sound as confident as in her head. "You better." Pulling the left over away from the satisfied girl, she wrapped them back and placed them inside the mini fridge. Walking back, she stood over the girl eyeing her still messy face.

"Gosh, wipe your face already! You have ketchup all over it."

"I had you all over my face a few hours ago and you didn't seem to mind that." Abigail stretched across the sofa sleepily. However, she let out a yelp as the woman, who had apparently grabbed a wet towel, started to rub the girl's cheeks roughly as the mess was already dried.

"Auch, it's hurting!" it felt like the woman was planning scrub the girl's skin to the bones. "There you go. You won't mess up my sofa." Valeria let her go.

"Whatever." She grumpily turned to her side, facing the back of the couch and showing the woman that she had obeyed the only rule for today. Not wearing any panties.

Hi guys! Hope you liked today's chapter. Have a nice day everyone!

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