A spider Frozen Adventure

By m4101542

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Original by @ Spiderfan626 from fanfiction.net Peter Parker is sent to Arendelle by SHIELD to see the new que... More

Chapter 1 : Spiderman
Chapter 2: A Stranger Like Me
chapter 3: Coronation day
Chapter 4: Peter Parker
Chapter 5: Typical Parker Luck
Chapter 6: be prepared
Chapter 7: The North Mountain
Chapter 9: Elsa's Ice Castle
Chapter 10: Fixer-Upper
Chapter 11: Revelations
Chapter 12: Return to Arendelle
Chapter 13: Race to Elsa
Chapter 14: Spider-Man's Last Stand
Chapter 15: Open Gates
Chapter 16: Let it go
End Credits

Chapter 8: A Snowman's Summer

132 3 0
By m4101542

After a day of walking, Peter, Anna, and Kristoff called it a night. They set up tents and started a fire. Anna was shocked that Peter knew how to set up a campsite. She asked, "Say, Par... Peter? How do you know so much about camping?"

"I used to do this all the time with my Uncle Ben when I was younger," Peter answered.

Anna raised an eyebrow, "Your Uncle? Why not your father?" Peter frowned, "Um... both my dad and mom died when I was really young. My Uncle Ben and Aunt May are the closest thing I have to parents."

"Oh... I'm sorry... I didn't know..." Anna frowned. She knew what it was like to lose her parents but at least she got to spend more time with them, unlike Peter.

He just shook it off, "It's okay... I'm over it."

Anna then tried to think of something to talk about, "So... um... you take pictures of Spider-Man? Do you get him to pose to you or something?"

"No... actually... I actually showed your sister last night..." Peter replied as he pulled out his camera, which thankfully wasn't broken.

He aimed his camera at her, "Smile!" Anna decided to go along with it and smiled as Peter took the photo.

He then showed it to her. Anna gasped and beamed, "INSTANT PICTURES?! THAT SO AWESOME!"

"That... was right in my ear... Kristoff winced.

Anna quickly turned to him, "Sorry..." She then turned back to Peter, "But seriously... that's awesome. So... you would just use that thingy to take pictures of Spider-Man in action."

"It's called a camera... but yes." Peter nodded.

Anna muttered, "I want one..."

Peter chuckled, "Maybe... for your Birthday... and if I have extra money by then."

Anna frowned, "Wait... you mean you don't get paid much for what you do..."

"Well... not usually... my interview with your sister was supposed to help get a raise... I might be able to finally keep up on my own bills." Peter replied.

Anna thought to herself, "And then my sister fell in love with you..."

While Anna and Peter had made up from their first meeting, Anna was still unsure if Peter was the right guy for her sister. Not for the same reason as before, mind you. Nice enough of a guy Peter was... he was no prince. Far from it actually, Princess and Queens should end up with Princes or Kings... just like the stories she has read. Like her and Hans. And then there was guy number 2. The Amazing Spider-Man. She was more than grateful to that man, he had saved her sister's life and her own. He was no doubt a hero in his own right and he was Arendelle's only hope against those super-powered criminals. However, she didn't exactly know who was behind the mask. Best-case scenario, he was a Prince in disguise, which Anna wouldn't mind... in fact... it was almost too good to be true... or he could be like Peter... a nice regular guy who just wanted to help. Both deserved a nice girl but not her sister. Just then she thought of something, "Say, Peter... if you know Spider-Man so well... do you know about the bad guys that are after Elsa."

"Yeah..." Peter nodded.

Anna asked, "You mind telling me? Cause I'd like to know who we're up against."

Kristoff raised his hand as Sven turned to Peter, "We would like to know as well."

"Well... sure..." Peter replied, "The old guy with the wings was once a scientist named Adrian Toomes. He invented Tech Flight that allowed a single man to fly. He showed his ideas to a man named Norman Osborn hoping to make a deal with OsCorp."

Anna paused, "Wait... Osborn? OsCorp? Does this guy related to the jer... your friend in any way."

"Yeah, Norman's his dad." Peter nodded, "Anyway, despite his success, Norman studied his inventions but ultimately rejected them. Four months later, Osborn announces OsCorp Tech Flight."

Kristoff gasped, "He stole his work!"

"I took it Toomes didn't take that too well." Anna assumed.

Peter shook his head, "No, he marched up to Oscorp and demanded an apology."

Anna recalled, "Except, your friend mentioned his dad never apologizes."

"No, so Toomes used his tech to become the Vulture and threatened Norman to publicly apologize or die and he didn't care who got in his way. However, Spider-Man was able to stop him before anyone got hurt. Since then, he has a major grudge against the Osborns and Spider-Man." Anna nodded.

Peter then went on, "The electric guy was once a man known as Max Dillion."

"Oh, so that's why Spider-Man called him Max! That's his name!" Anna realized, "But why doesn't want to be called by his name."

Peter sighed, "I was an intern for Dr. Connors at the time. When I met him, he was an electrician hired to upgrade the bio-electrical filters in Dr. Connors's ESU Laboratory. However, there was an accident and Max was bathed in its special fluid as he was being electrocuted. Dr. Connor's and my old friend, Eddie Brock got him to hospital. Max's body began to generate a constant stream of bio-electricity, which can only be contained by an isolation suit which they're willing to provide. Dr. Connors promised to find a cure for Max, but he lost his patience and ran away from the hospital. He went to get some coffee but got frustrated when he found out he couldn't drink it."

"That's awful..." Anna muttered.

Peter nodded as he continued, "Then in a panic, he ran out of the store which, by then, Spider-Man mistaken him for a common thug. That only made him angrier when Spider-Man learned the truth, he wanted to help Max but he took him and several other innocent people hostage demanding his cure. He believes without a cure, he's not Max Dillon, so he called himself, Electro. Spider-Man was able to stop him and save the hostages but Dr. Connors is still looking for a cure for Max, but Max had been working with criminals since to get a cure so..."

"He's been a criminal ever since..." Kristoff finished.

Peter nodded, "After a year since Spider-Man's first appearance, crime was getting low and a crime lord known as the Big Man hired a group called The Enforcers to kill Spider-Man while he was fighting the Vulture. He captured Vulture, Fancy Dan, and Ox, but their leader Montana, the guy in the yellow suit, escaped capture. However, a few weeks later, he hijacked an armored car..."

He got confused looks from everyone, Peter sighed, "Never thought I'd have to explain to two full-grown adults and a reindeer of what a car is... okay, it's what we use for transportation. Think of it as a wagon that doesn't need a horse." After receiving shocked looks from the group, he continued, "Anyway in the car was a high tech suit, and the Big Man wanted him to use it to destroy Spider-Man once and for all. With it, he became the Shocker. He actually came close, but Spider-Man beat him by dropping a building on him and then sent him off to prison."

"Dang..." Kristoff gasped.

Peter continued, "Flint Marko and Alex O'Hirn were criminals even before they got powers. They got stopped by Spider-Man on multiple occasions, but when Shocker was defeated, the Big Man wanted to distract Spider-Man with more super villains, so he turned to Norman Osborn to create them."

"Wait... didn't Spider-Man save his life from Vulture?" Kristoff gasped.

Peter nodded grimly, "Yeah... Harry's dad wasn't a good man."

"Well, let's get some sleep we need to find Elsa in the morning." Peter said when he went inside his tent.

The next day, Peter, Anna, Kristoff, and Sven made their way up the North Mountain. On their way up, Anna caught sight of something far below that caused her to gasp.


Kristoff's eyes widened, "It's completely frozen."

Peter stated, "And that's just Arendelle... I can't imagine what the rest of the world is like."

"... But it'll be fine. Elsa will thaw it." Anna stated.

Kristoff asked, "Will she?"

She nodded but was uncertain herself, "... Yeah. Now come on."

"This way to the North Mountain?" She pointed straight ahead.

Peter smirked as both Kristoff and himself pointed her finger up towards a perilously steep path towards the mighty mountain, "More like this way."

Anna gasped as they had a long way to go. As they continued walking up, Anna cleared her throat, "Peter... about what happened last night..."

"I told you it's alright, Anna..." Peter reassured her.

Anna shook her head, "I didn't mean to bring up a sensitive topic... I was... I didn't think you're right for my sister because..."

"And you're right." Peter nodded.

Anna paused, "Wait, what?"

"Look... I don't deserve your sister... not after what happened to Gwen... I don't deserve any girl." He explained.

Anna gasped in horror, "WHAT?! NO! WAIT! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT AT ALL!"

"It doesn't matter..." Peter told her.

Anna frowned before placing a hand on his shoulder, making him turn to her, "Hey... if you ever want to talk about it... I'm willing to listen."

"Maybe... just... just not yet." Peter nodded before they tripped on something.

As they got up Anna groaned, "What did we trip on?"

"What's this?" Kristoff wondered.

Peter and Anna got up to see Kristoff stare at what they tripped as Sven sniffed it. Peter observed it and easily recognized it, "It's an air tank..."

"Air tank?" Anna wondered.

Peter explained, "You would use it to breathe underwater... but what's it doing all the way out here?"

Anna looked up, "Whoa..."

Peter looked up to see several crates frozen over. Peter brushed off the snow to reveal the OsCorp logo. Peter turned to Anna, "Anna, did OsCorp ever visit Arendelle before the Coronation?"

"Um... I didn't know what it was called at the time, but I think my dad might have met a guy hoping to make a deal with him... but he didn't like whatever he was selling." Anna thought back as she examined some of the items in the crates.

Peter thought to himself, "I guess Gobby wanted to trade off with Arendelle. Elsa and Anna's dad hoped for a cure but saw through his disguise and rejected his offer. He must have had not enough time to organize his stuff return before our final battle..."

Just then he heard beeping as Anna stated, "Hey, guys... check this out."

Peter turned to see Anna holding something... a pumpkin bomb! Peter's eyes widened in horror, "Anna... drop it!"

Peter took the device from Anna and threw it with a little spider strength to get it away, but not enough to draw suspicion. The bomb went off causing an explosion knocking everyone to the ground. As they got up, Kristoff glared at Anna, "Maybe.. you shouldn't touch anything you don't know..."

"Yeah... that's probably a good idea..." Anna laughed sheepishly as they got up.

Just then, all thought of the OsCorp Tech disappeared as they walked beneath frozen willows. The hanging branches glistened like Christmas lights. Sven knocks them with his antlers. They tinkled like chimes. Sven beamed as he started playing with them. The other three gasped, "Whoa..."

"I never knew winter could be so beautiful." Anna gasped.

Peter nodded, "Neither could I."

Suddenly, a voice comes in from nowhere, "YEAH... It really is beautiful, isn't it? But it's so white. You know, how about a little color? Must we bleach the joy out of it all? I'm thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse..."

While that was going on, Peter, Anna, and Kristoff look around for the source of the rambling. They look at Sven. The reindeer looked back at them, his antlers tangled in branches, just as baffled as they are. In the meantime, a nose-less snowman wanders up behind them, "How bout yellow... no, not yellow. Yellow and snow? Brrrr... no go."

He stops between Kristoff and Anna. Everyone looked down at him. How did he get there? He suddenly looked up at Anna, "Am I right?"


Reflexes take over and she kicks the snowman's head, sending it flying off his body and into Peter's arms. The head smiled, "Hi!"

"You're creepy." Peter stated as he tossed it to Kristoff who tossed the head back to Anna and Peter thought, "Is it just me or did we just commence a game of hot potato with a talking snowman's head?"

"I don't want it!" Anna stated before tossing it back to Peter

The photography passed it to Kristoff, "Backatcha!"

The head told them, "Please don't drop me."

"Don't!" Anna passed to Kristoff .

He passed it back to Peter as he commented, "Come on, it's just a head."

Peter stated, "Well, I don't want it! Especially after the way you said that last sentence."

He then passed to Anna as the snowman's body turned to her, his arms waving, "All right, we got off to a bad start."

"Ew, ew, the body!" She was grossed out and slammed his head back on the body, upside down.

The snowman smiled happily, then looked confused, "Wait, what am I looking at right now? Why are you hanging off the earth like a spider?"

"Okay... why am I so freaked out? I've seen stranger things... talking snowman shouldn't be too different plus, my spider senses aren't going off so I don't think he's a threat." Peter thought to himself.

Anna had similar thoughts as she walked up to the snowman, "... Okay. Wait one second."

Anna kneels in front of the snowman and rights his head, "Oooh! Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Anna smiled.

The snowman beamed, "Now I'm perfect."

She looks over his innocent face, and gets an idea, "Well, almost. Peter, hand me a carrot..."

Peter knew what she was thinking and dug into Kristoff's satchel, and pulled up a carrot and handed it to Anna as the snowman turned to Kristoff, "It was like my whole world was turned upside down."

Just as he turns towards back to the princess, the carrot accidentally slams all the way through his head, "Woo! Head rush!"

"Oh! Too hard. I'm sorry! I... I... I was just... Are you okay?" Anna asked with concern.

He saw a tiny piece of carrot sticking out between his eyes. He lights up, "Are you kidding me? I am wonderful! I've always wanted a nose."

As Peter walked up behind him, the snowman went cross-eyed to look at his tiny nose, "So cute. It's like a little baby unicorn."

Peter reaches behind the snowman to the bulk of the carrot sticking out of the back of his head, and pushes it forward, "What? Hey! Whoa."

Anna glared as she scolded, "Peter!"

She couldn't believe ruining the happy moment of the snowman, but that was short-lived, "Oh, I love it even more!"

"Oh... never mind. Sorry for yelling." Anna smiled at Peter, who smiled and shrugged.

The snowman smiled, "All right, let's start this thing over. Hi everyone. I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs."

Olaf opens his arms wide to Anna. That triggers a memory. She takes a moment to place it, but then she does, "Olaf? ...That's right, Olaf."

"The snowman you and Elsa built as children?" Peter assumed, recalling what Elsa told him, "Elsa must have built him, but brought him to life without realizing it. She's way more powerful than Iceman."

Anna smiled and nodded before wondering, "How did you know that?"

Peter paused, he remembered Elsa told Spider-Man, but not his alter ego, "Uh... just a lucky guess."

Anna stared at Peter before shrugging as Olaf asked, "... And you are?"

"Oh, um... I'm Anna... and this is Peter. " Anna introduced herself and Peter.

Olaf then turned to Kristoff and Sven before whispering, "And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?"

"That's Sven," Anna answered.

Olaf nodded, "Uh-huh. And who's the reindeer?"

Anna paused as Peter tried to hold back his laughter as the former answered, "...Sven."

Olaf looks from Kristoff to Sven, thinking they shared the same name, "Oh. They're... oh, okay... Makes things easier for me."

Sven tries to bite Olaf's nose, but he missed. Olaf laughed, "Ha. Aw, look at him tryin' to kiss my nose. I like you, too!"

Anna wondered, "Olaf, did Elsa build you?"

Olaf nodded, "Yeah. Why?"

Curious, Kristoff takes one of Olaf's twig arms off, studies it. It seems to move in sync with his other arm. Peter asked, "Do you know where she is?"

Kristoff muttered to himself as he studied the arm, "Fascinating..."

"Yeah. Why?" Olaf nodded.

Both Peter and Anna ask at the same time, "Do you think you could show us the way?"

"Yeah. Why?" Olaf nodded.

Kristoff bent his arm, "How does this work?"

Olaf's dismembered arm slaps Kristoff across the face, "Stop it, Sven. Trying to focus here." He turned back to Peter and Anna, "Yeah, why?"

"I'll tell you why. We need Elsa to bring back summer." Kristoff told him.

Olaf gasped, "Summer?" He then beams, "Oh, I don't know why but I've always loved the idea of summer, and sun, and all things hot."

"Really? I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat." Kristoff smirked.

Olaf shook his head, "Nope. But sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come."

Peter mentally groaned as he asked the living snowman, "You're going to sing about it, aren't you?"

"Yep!" Olaf nodded cheerfully as he started daydreaming. He walked through a grassy meadow with the sun shining behind him,"Bees'll buzz... Kids'll blow dandelion fuzz... And I'll be doing whatever snow does... In summer..." He then held a cold beverage in his hand as he walked on the beach, "A drink in my hand... My snow up against the burning sand... Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned... In summer..."

Olaf sailed in a boat as he sang, "I'll finally see a summer breeze... Blow away a winter storm..." He then jumped in the water as all his pieces begin to separate, "And find out what happens to solid water... When it gets warm..."

Olaf tumbles on a sandy beach with sand-snowmen, "And I can't... wait to see... What my buddies all think of me! Just imagine how much cooler I'll be... In summer!" Olaf and the nearby seagull break out into a tap-dance, "Da da... Da doo A bah bah ba baba boo..."

Olaf and another snowman held hot chocolate in a hot tub, "The hot and the cold are both so intense... Put 'em together, it just makes sense!" Olaf then went back to tap dancing with a gaggle of seagulls, "Rat dadat dadat dadat dadadadadoo..."

Olaf bounds down a grassy hill, "Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle... But put me in summer and I'll be a..." He stopped at a puddle, looked down at it before hopping over it, "HAPPY SNOWMAN!"

Olaf runs with a checkered blanket that he spreads out. He relaxes and stares at the blue sky, "When life gets rough I like to hold on to my dream... Of relaxing in the summer sun just lettin' off steam!" He sighed as he reached to the sky, "Oh the sky will be blue..."

"And you guys will  be there too..." Olaf sang as he imagined a confused Peter, Anna, and Kristoff there with a picnic as Sven just ate the pies. That's when he happily got up and sang, "When I finally do what frozen things do... In summer!" Anna smiled as Peter looked concerned, "Uh... should we... tell him?"

"I'm gonna tell him," Kristoff smirked. Anna glared at the two men, "Don't you dare." Olaf finished, "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNN SSSSSUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR!"

He then straightened up and smiled, "So, come on! Elsa's this way. Let's go bring back summer!"

Olaf grabbed Anna's hand and pulls her along up the mountain. The princess laughed, "I'm coming!"

Sven hops along, happily following them. Kristoff and Peter watched all of them like they're nuts. They turned to each other, as the latter stated, "Somebody's gotta tell him."

"At least there's at least one other sane man here." Kristoff sighed in relief.

Peter nodded as he thought, "This is coming from the guy who sings and speaks for his reindeer! When did my life get this crazy... probably when that spider bit me and gave me these powers... thing's just got crazier from there."

As they caught up to the others, Olaf wondered, "So tell me, how do you know Elsa?"

"She is my sister," Anna answered, then pointed at Peter. "And his crush."

Peter just blushed and lightly pushed Anna on the shoulder, "Anna..."

Olaf, however, squealed in delight, "OH, you go all the way through the frozen woods and mountains to find your beloved! Oh, how romantic!"
But-" Peter's spider senses went off as they hear something big coming. "Uh-oh..."

Rhino comes smashing through the forest and chuckles at the sight of the four of them who jump at his appearance. "Sorry, tiny children, but you've gone far enough."

Scorpion then then leaped on top of a container to join them. "We'll be taking the Princess."

The humans and reindeer stared in horror as the two villains made their way toward them.

Olaf, on the other hand, didn't realize how dangerous they were in. "Are you guys here to bring back summer, too? What a big group of friends I've made!"

Scorpion and Rhino stared at the snowman in shock.

"Is that a...talking snowman?" Rhino asked, getting more and more confused by this place. "This place is the strangest."

"Yeah. And that's coming from us." Scorpion agreed with his partner before getting back on topic. "Anyway, you and your sister are coming with us!"

Peter quickly grabs a handful of snow and threw a snowball at Rhino, knowing he's gonna regret this. But he needs to get away to change into Spider-Man.

"Run!" Peter yells as Rhino charged at him and rammed Peter into the forest as Anna gasped.

"Peter!" Anna cries as Kristoff takes Olaf and her before hopping on Sven to run. However, before they could get far, poison cuts them off as Scorpion lands ahead of them.

"Leaving so soon?" Scorpion asks. "There's no way I'm failing this time for my big score!"

"Funny! I thought I was still ahead on the leader board." Peter says and hopped in and kicked Scorpion in the face, sending him face first into the snow before turning to the others. "Go! I'll keep them busy."

Just then, Rhino knocked him into some trees. "Did someone happen to get the number on that sleigh?"

"I'm more like a tank!" Rhino said as his eyes narrowed, then ran at Spider-Man, wanting to impale him but he leaped over, him making him crash in a nearby cliff.

"What's up with the team up, Rhino? Thought you were a loner." Peter informed him as he turned around.

"Means and ends, pauk." Rhino told him and gets ready to keep him distracted as Scorpion gets ready to attack. "All of life is means and ends."

Peter senses Scorpion's attack and quickly dodges it, kicking him in the back as he leaps onto a container. That's when Peter noticed it's a containment module; the one's that S.H.I.E.L.D. uses for powered people.

But, whilst he was thinking, Rhino came in and smacked the container and Peter flying.

Anna and Kristoff winced as they saw him getting his butt kicked while they hid behind a tree.

"Who's the guy in the red and blue tights?" Olaf asked.

"That's Spider-Man, Olaf. He's our friend." Anna whispered.

"So, you do this, Fisk promised to free you of your suit? Aww, I always liked the suit. So distinctive." Peter told Rhino whilst getting back up, ready for another go.

"Be thankful, pauk. Without suit, I make less trouble for you." Rhino says as Peter dodged and him flipped over his head.

"Be thankful that you have to kill me to be free? Kinda redundant, don't ya think?" Peter asks as Scorpion shoots more poison from his tail.

"Never send an eight ton infant to do a man's job." Scorpion says, getting annoyed by how long this is taking. "Let's finish this!"

Anna began to look around and spotted one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. crates. Her eyes light up as she ran to one and finds some strange device which was an EMP.

"Get him, you idiot!" Scorpion shouts as Peter dodges and the two enemies ram into one another.

"Me? Why don't you try keeping him still, durak." Rhino replies.

"Guys, please, there's plenty of me to go around." Peter promised them.

Kristoff, worried for Anna, went after her as Rhino was throwing Spider-Man around like a rag doll.

"You couldn't save the girl, and you will fail once again." Rhino told Peter who suddenly was thrown into a flashback to that day when he failed to save a life.

Everyone else also heard that as Anna and Kristoff looked confused just as Rhino tossed Spider-Man over to Scorpion who has a new batch of poison with his name on it.

Anna then grabbed an EMP and tossed it, "Spidey! Catch!" She says as she throws the device as Peter caught it and slammed it into the ground, causing it to activate and shuts down all of their outfits.

"Do you know what Octavius will do if he finds out you failed?!" Scorpion asks Rhino who gets angry.

"I FAILED?!" Rhino asks.

"Yes you, freak show." Scorpion confirmed as Rhino charged at him and Scorpion runs away as Peter leads him in the direction of the containment module as the two of them go inside and Peter closes the container and webs it down.

"A little forced together time might help you boys learn to play nice. Now you stay here while-" Peter stopped himself as the entire container suddenly vanishes. "Ugh, forget it."

"You'll get them next time." Anna walked up to reassure him. "Hey, during that fight, what did they mean by that girl?"

Peter sighs and knows it should come from him, not from Spider-Man. "Ask Peter." He says, needing to get going. "What happened to Peter anyway?"

Anna frowned as her eyes widened when she remembered what happened before the fight. "Oh my gosh! Peter!"

She ran to where she believed Peter had landed as everyone as Spider-Man followed before quickly going ahead and changed back, pretending to be unconscious under a tree.

Anna looked around and finally spotted him. "I found him! Please don't be dead! Please don't be dead." As everyone ran up to Peter, he groaned as Anna sighed in relief. "Oh, thank God. You're not dead."

"Oh my head. Did we win?" Peter wondered.

Anna assured him with a nod. "Yeah, we did. You okay?"

"Yeah, nothing's broken. Except my spine, maybe a few ribs...and likely everything else. Ow." Peter groaned as he stood up.

Anna began to look concerned as she saw his bruises, "If you want, we can sit down for a few minutes...take a little break."

"I'm alright. It's fine. Besides, if Rhino and Scorpion are here, than the rest of them can't be too far behind." Peter answered.

"Right...just take it easy. I don't want Elsa seeing you like this when we caught up to her." Anna told him as she smiled, thinking what he did for them. "Thanks again...for what you did for us back there."

"Don't mention it." Peter says as he tries his best to stand as he ends up laying against the tree. "Okay, I'm gonna take a minute."

Kristoff puts a hand on his shoulder, showing they can wait until he's ready and they all could use a minute.

"Hey, Peter, during the fight, Rhino mentioned a girl and Spider-Man said to ask you..?" Anna says, wanting to know what he meant.

Peter sighs and knows that it's time she knows about his reality. The reality where people don't get a Happily Ever After.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out an old photo of Gwen Stacy he carried on him and handed it to Anna.

"Who's this?" Anna wondered and Peter looks down in sadness.

"That's Gwen Stacy. We've been friends for years." Peter started as he took the photo back. "And we dated for a while. "

"What happened between the two of you? Why aren't you with her?" Anna asked then suddenly gasped as an assumption comes to mind. "Wait, let me guess; she broke up with you, didn't she?" Peter tried to explain, but this was a sensitive topic for him, and not only that, Anna wouldn't give him a minute to explain. "She did! That's okay. With my help, maybe you can win her back! Just get a bunch of flowers, do something super romantic, apologize for anything you did wrong."

As Anna went on and on, Kristoff and Olaf noticed Peter's expression.

"Why does Peter look so sad?" Olaf wondered as Kristoff seemed to be the only one who knew why Peter wasn't with that girl today and turned to the Princess.

"Anna. Anna." Kristoff tried to stop her as she went on and on until Kristoff covered his mouth, "Anna...stop talking!"

"Really? Again?" Anna muffled before removing his hand. "What is it this time?"

"Have a little respect for the dead." Kristoff whispered to her as Anna looked confused until her eyes widened as she slowly turned to Peter.

"Wait, that's not true, is it, Peter? You're not saying she's..." Anna watched as a single tear slid down his check and she gasped. "Peter-that's-that's awful. I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"It's all right. I know you didn't know." Peter reassured her. "It was actually because of the Sinister Six that she died. At least their original members, they go through a few different members over the years. I was trying to fight them before they killed people downtown while another villain of mine, named the Green Goblin, kidnapped her and then...No, forget it. Come on, Elsa needs us." He says, wanting to get off the subject and gets up before limping away as Olaf decided to be generous enough to help him walk. They think it's because of the ramming from Rhino, but he has several more injuries due to the fight itself.

The two watched Peter and Olaf walk off as Kristoff stared at Anna who raised her eyes and hands in defense.

"I-I swear...I didn't know...If I knew I wouldn't of-" Anna tried to explain when Kristoff interrupted her.

"Why did you bring it up in the first place?" Kristoff wondered, feeling Rhino and Scorpion made it clear what happened to her.

"Well...I was curious." Anna frowned as she looked at the ground.

"You don't want him and your sister to get together." Kristoff realized. "Do you?"

"Well, yes...but not because I hate him or anything!" Anna tries explaining to him, in fact she actually likes Peter after getting to know him better. "Look, my sister's the Queen...we're both royalty."

"And that has to do with Peter because..?" Kristoff asked.

"Well, Peter's not a Prince or royalty of any kind, and we're not supposed to end up with anyone else." Anna explained as she watched as Peter slipped and nearly fell until Sven wrapped his other arm around his head.

"Don't you think you should let your sister decide that? Besides, he's not a bad guy, is he? "Kristoff asked.

"Well...no. He's a really nice guy." Anna shook her head while Peter quickly sat back down, seeing he needs a rest for a minute after battling four of his greatest enemies with no break or rest.

"Then I don't see what's wrong." Kristoff said as they looked to the man as he tries to assure the snowman and reindeer that he's okay, even though they can tell he's not. "Plus, this might be good for both Peter and your sister. Peter needs to move on and your sister needs to learn to love."

Anna sighed, seeing she was wrong. "I guess I owe him an apology."

Anna was actually a little concerned for Peter now. What lead to Gwen's death must've drove Peter to believe that he should never love again.

Those words haunted her. Peter needed help with love as much as her sister did. She was having second thoughts about not liking the two of them ending up together.

"Come on, he's gonna need our help." Kristoff says as they head over to Peter and both know he isn't going to stop so they each took an arm and draped him on top of Sven and follow Olaf as he leads them to Elsa.

Back in Arendelle, the town is completely covered in snow as two men argue in the town square, "No, no. You've got the bark facing down. The bark needs to be face up."

"Bark down is drier!" They both start pulling at the bark as they argued, "Bark up!"

Hans and two guards gave out cloaks to the people, "Cloak? Does anyone need a cloak?"

He offers one to a woman, "Arendelle is indebted to you, Your Highness."

"The castle is open. There is soup and hot glogg in the Great Hall." He then hands the stack of cloaks in hand to a guard, "Here. Pass these out."

"Prince Hans... with the little technology I have here, I can make sure people won't freeze over. However, unfortunately, there's not enough for everyone." Fisk told him.

That's when Harry and Dr. Connors walked in as the former added, "That's why OsCorp is also helping up anyone we can."

Hans nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Fisk and Mr. Osborn. Arrendelle will not forget your kindness."

At that moment The Duke walks towards him with his two guards, "Prince Hans, are we just expected to sit here and freeze while you give away all of Arendelle's tradable goods?"

"Princess Anna has given her orders..." Hans told him.

That's when the Duke cut him off, "And that's another thing! Has it dawned on you that your princess, the Spider Beast, and the other monsters may be conspiring with a wicked sorceress to destroy us all?"

"Well, I don't believe our good Princess or Queen would ever side with criminals but Spider-Man has been dubbed a menace by the Daily Bugle." Fisk nodded.

Harry's eyes narrowed, "I admit, I too was skeptical of Spider-Man when my father died but then I realized what the world would be like without him. He's saved both my city and the world many times and I have no doubt he's trying to do the same now."

"I don't know much about this Spider-Man but do not question the Princess. She left me in charge, and I will not hesitate to protect Arendelle from treason." He told the Duke.

He looked flabbergasted, "Treason?!"

Just then, Anna's horse returns looking frightened. Hans tried to calm him down with the help of others, "Woh! Woh! Woh, boy. Easy. Easy."

Hans looks out to the mountain and then turns to face the crowd, "Princess Anna and the others are in trouble. I need volunteers to go with me to find them."

Some of the crowd stepped forward to volunteer as The Duke told them, "I volunteer two men, my Lord!" He then whispered to his two guards, "Be prepared for anything. And should you encounter the Queen, you are to put an end to this winter. Do you understand?"

They nodded as Kingpin added, "I too offer some of my men."

Just then Hammerhead, Fancy Dan, Ox, and a slightly tall goon stepped forward from the shadows. Harry's eyes narrowed, three out of the four were definitely criminals from back home and he could assume the fourth was the Chameleon, "I also volunteer..."

"Harry, are you sure?" Dr. Connors asked.

Harry muttered, "I brought some of my dad's old Green Goblin tech just in case Peter needed to be somewhere else."

Harry showed his bag was full of pumpkin bombs and razor bats. Dr. Connors sighed but nodded. With that, the volunteers walked their way after Princess Anna...

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