Chapter 2: A Stranger Like Me

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The very next day, Elsa had been learning everything she could about the hero who saved her. Once Kai had given her everything; outside newspapers of the Daily Bugle and other sources, she dug right into it. She read through every article about him, and apparently, he's been around for years. However, he was very popular with the public, but despite every other media saying he was a hero, The Bugle had called him a menace and a criminal only printing out retractions on the back page in tiny font.

Not only that, he and Spot weren't the only ones with powers. There were other Superheroes and Supervillains. The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic 4, The Brotherhood, The Cabal, Masters of Evil. In fact, even some Superheroes got slammed by being called Monsters, like the mutants or the Hulk. Elsa was shocked, she never knew about any of this. Did her father know? Did her mother? If they did... Elsa whispered to herself, "Why didn't you tell me?"

She had spent the rest of the night and the start of the morning reading what she could, only stopping for sleep or breakfast. However, nothing in these articles showed any clue of who he was, where he lived, or how to contact him. Things seemed hopeless until she spotted something under the picture, She read, "Photos by Peter Parker."

She then looked at another newspaper and the photos were taken by Peter Parker. Another paper, same guy. She looked at one after another and all these pictures were taken by this Peter Parker. She felt she knew the name before all this. She then pulled out the guest list and sure enough, Peter Parker's name was there too. Elsa then called out, "Gerda?" The maid entered the room, "Do you know when Mr. Parker of the Daily Bugle supposed to be here?"

"Well, Your Majesty. It just so happens, Mr. Parker appeared to arrive in the Kingdom just the other day." She replied.

Elsa paused and thought to herself, "Hmm... it seems like my only chance of getting in contact with Spider-Man is with Mr. Parker's help."

She quickly wrote a letter before handing it to her, "Find out where he's staying and have someone give him this." Gerda nodded and walked off. Elsa prayed this worked...

"So... you think Kingpin's after the Queen?" Harry asked.

Peter explained what had happened the other day to Harry and Dr. Connors. They were currently having breakfast at a nearby restaurant. Peter nodded and replied quietly, "Yeah, the guy I fought even admitted so... of course, he never said his true name..."

"... and he's more likely to keep that to himself than rat on his boss." Harry sighed.

Dr. Connors thought, "Hmm... this Spot character... you said he could teleport using black portals."

Peter nodded as Connors stated, "You know, one of my former students, Johnathan Ohnn, had a theory he could open portals to any dimensions or places on earth by replicating that mutant's Cloak's ability. However, I warned him that the risk was too high, what if he brought something back from another world with him that could very well harm ours?"

"Well, clearly, he didn't listen because when my father was still in charge, he brought up the idea to him. However, he didn't want to risk... well, you and other superheroes coming after him in case he got caught." Harry stated.

Peter sighed, "So, he went to work the Kingpin and became a supervillain..."

"Well... too bad he got away." Harry sighed.

Peter raised an eyebrow, "But I caught him, remember."

"Yes, but Arendelle doesn't have the technology to hold supervillains. By the time your webbing dissolved, he'd probably teleport out." Harry pointed out.

Peter slapped himself on the forehead, "Ugh! What was I thinking?"

"Excuse me." The three turned to see a guard walk up to them, "Which one of you is Peter Parker?"

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