The Wedding Planner's Affair...

By Doodlewritez04

31.7K 878 390

In this story, Katsuki Bakugo is a very well known and professional wedding planner. He's known for making su... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

5.3K 93 68
By Doodlewritez04

"Do you, Camie Utushimi, take Inasa Yoarashi to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked her for an answer of approval while tapping his finger on the cover of the book. The bride under the veil gave one look at the man she's about to marry and turned her attention back on the priest.

"I do, I do with all my heart." She responded as some tears escaped her eyes.

The priest took a deep breath and turned to the groom. "Do you, Inasa Yoarashi, take Camie Utsushimi to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Not a moment too soon, he quickly picked up his bride, bridal style and shouted, "I do anything for the woman I love. Yes, I'll spend the rest of my life with you!!"

"Inasa!" She giggled at this sudden action. Her hands reached for the veil and showed her face to him, with a giddy, cheerful smile. "You're crazy, you know that?"

"Only for you, I'll always be crazy about you!"

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss-. Oh look at that, they already beat me to it." He replied and mumbled to himself and threw the book in a fountain and walked away. The newly wedded couple kissed and pulled away. Everyone cheered in celebration as the groom with his bride in his arms ran in the aisle.

A few people in the background gave a small clap for them and looked at one another. "Ready for the reception?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." The one with dark blonde hair replied as he grabbed a tray full of food in his hands.

"Those two are really sweet together, man I'm jealous!" The pink haired girl squealed and joyfully laughed at the thought of being married.

"I still don't see why it's a big deal." The girl with short purple hair added as she took an instrument and put it in the case and packed it up to take with her. "I mean, people spend so much money just to approve a lifelong bond for a couple. And yet, they don't do the same for divorces."

"Jiro, the difference between marriage and divorce is that divorce is more depressing and has more paperwork to deal with on who gets what." The dark blonde shook his head as they started to walk to a building.

"You're only saying that because you don't have to deal with the math and paperwork. With a wedding, people hired us to make this party or wedding perfect. And the one who has to deal with the paperwork is," Jiro mentioned and when they arrived at the building, she opened the door and found someone sitting down, looking over the bills with someone, "is Bakugo, the wedding planner."

"Hm?" The pink haired girl peaked her head up from behind and noticed something different about the wedding planner. "Since when did Bakugo wear glasses?"

"Mina, those are his reading glasses." Jiro explained as she set her instrument carefully on a table.

"Oh... Well, it's just unusual to see someone you know wears glasses. Especially if it's someone who gives us the strangest nicknames," that last part she said to herself and no one else.

The wedding planner known as Bakugo, had been going through all the bills with the bride's father and explained why some stuff went over budget. The father rubbed the temple of his eyebrows and skimmed through the bills he had to pay for the wedding. "I really hate this tradition where the father pays for everything. Thanks for helping me out with all of this."

"Don't mention it, I don't want to interrupt your father daughter dance with the bill. It's better we get this done and then. Did you get to see them before coming here?" He asked and picked up another piece of paper.

"Yup, saw everything I needed to see and came straight here," he answered in confirmation and his fingers fiddled with one another as he waited in anticipation with the final result.

Bakugo puffed out a huff in relief and handed him the bill for the cost of the wedding. The man looked at it, his eyes widened, but went back to normal. Mutters to himself 'That makes sense' and kept looking. After he was done he handed him the paper. "Are you seriously charging me for these flowers?" He tapped on the paper rapidly and pointed to what he meant.

"Yes... because the florist had to make this sculpture of them in detail. Do you have any idea how hard it was to find those kinds of flowers to match their skin tone? Apparently, it's a lot."

"But flowers-. Nevermind." The father dug in his pocket for his phone and turned it on, "Do you have a pay account?"

"Yeah, and if you'll excuse me, I have other things to take care of," he pushed himself off the chair and stacked the papers up nice and neat and pushed it to him. "You can deal with these tomorrow, mark it on your calendar, okay?" Bakugo asked and walked away from him and noticed his friends were here.

He rolled his eyes and walked up to them with his hands in his pockets, "Nice glasses, Mr. Wedding Planner!" The blonde one winked and stuck his tongue out teasingly.

"Oh please, they're just my reading glasses," he scoffed and took his hand out of his pocket to take his glasses off. "What happened to the bride and groom?"

"Well, they basically kiss and run from the altar and my guess is they are going in a circle as their way of celebration."

"That's an odd way of celebrating," Mina interjected as she was about to take a bite of the pastries.

"Not as odd as when you celebrate after breaking up with your ex, by stuffing yourself up full of cake."

"Oh hush, let me celebrate my way as I please. Speaking of celebrating, Kaminari. Wanna get a drink after this?" Mina nudged her elbow at his arm.

"Believe me, I would love to, but we have to stick around for the entire party to make sure nothing bad happens." Kaminari tried to put his words in a genuine nice way, but that only made Mina give him sad eyes.

"Pinky... Dunce face is right, besides, we'll all be tired once it's all over." Bakugo agreed with Dunce face and gave them a serious look, "Look, if we go out drinking tomorrow, will you continue to keep working?" He offered and that made Mina give him a look like he's asking if he's serious.

"What's there to do? I'm only a makeup artist. If the bride's mascara is ruined let me-." She stopped what she was going to say and saw the bride and groom enter the room. The both of them look like a mess. Mina worked on the bride for so long, it was a masterpiece that had gone to waste. "I'll accept your offer, only if you pay for everything that I get."

"Whatever that will get you to work, works for me," he said and opened up his planner book. "Headphones, get your band ready, we are way behind schedule. Dunce face, find Dumb hair and get him to start shooting." He ordered for them to do so. Mina just whined and groaned at the bride's attire and walked up to her.

Dunce face touched Bakugo's shoulder and held a light grip on it, "Hey, you think you can pay for me too?"

"Tch. In your dreams, Dunce face." Bakugo waved Dunce face off and kept his eyes on the planner and walked away to check on everyone else.

-That night-

Clank! The sound of beers clanged together as the group of friends celebrated their happy hour. Mina leaned back into her seat and took one huge gulp of beer and exhaled after a sip. "This is the best yet!" She exclaimed as she took yet another sip of her drink.

"She's only saying that because she couldn't drink any champagne last night," a black haired male mumbled and took a tiny sip of his beer.

The black haired man was sitting next to a redhead who was drinking a shot and squinted from the aftertaste. "Wow, that stuff's heavy." He blinked a few times and took a cup of water to gulp down to avoid getting drunk. "Sero, you sure you don't want a drink?"

"I'm sure. I have to teach a dance class at five in the morning, and I'm pretty sure I don't want a hangover as an excuse to skip it. They paid good money for it, so I'm not backing out," he explained and ate some of his teriyaki chicken.

"If you say so, I was only gonna have a shot anyway. After this is all over I have to edit some of the clips from the wedding and make a memorable video." He added and sighed.

Sero made a little whistle as it got lower, "Good luck with that, Kirishima. You're gonna need it."

"Thanks, I'll try not to rush it," he smiled and took some sushi with his chopsticks and put the food in his mouth. He chewed it up good and swallowed it down and looked over at a friend of his sitting across from him. "Any plans tomorrow?"

"Probably not, dumb hair. After the endless planning, I'm getting a day off for tomorrow," he replied as he scrolled through his phone.

"Of course he would, he does this every time he's finished a wedding, maybe he wants to add plans in advance for a little vacation with a certain someone, " Jiro grinned and chuckled at her little theory and that got some of the guys attention. She looked back at them with a smile and then made a deadpan face, "You guys seriously don't know? He's literally wearing an engagement ring!" She pointed out and the two boys looked back at Bakugo and noticed a little bit of hog old around his ring finger.

"What?! Since when have you been engaged!? I thought I was your best friend, man, why didn't you tell me??" Kirishima shouted at him and all Bakugo did was scoff and went back to his phone.

"I'm not engaged. I just like to wear rings a lot." He stated as he kept typing and scrolling on his phone. "Besides, shouldn't your main concern be the two idiots who are about to do some crazy shit," his thumb pointed at a pair who were standing on top of a table. A guy with a camera was sitting next to Bakugo and smiled. "Half n' half, please don't record it."

"Why not? Shouldn't it be a good idea for them to remember what happened?" He asked while his finger pressed the record button and waited for his answer.

"Do whatever you want, I need to get home," he let the others be and started to grab his coat and left the table. He walked up to a waitress and handed him some of his money. "Oh, and put the pinky haired girl's stuff on my tab." The waitress nodded and wished him goodnight.

Bakugo put his coat on and lifted his hand up for a cab to come by and pick him up.

The cab driver looked back at him and asked in a hoarse voice, "Where to?"

"Riverside Estates," he answered and rubbed his hands together as he relaxed into the seat for a bit. The driver nodded and started to drive to the destination.

When they arrived at his place, Bakugo got out of the cab and handed him the cash and started to walk away, but the driver hollered at him to get his attention. Bakugo turned around and glanced at the driver. The driver pointed at a black car that was parked by the gate. "How come you didn't drive to the bar?"

"I was out with some lunatics at the bar and I took a ride from my friend, so..." the driver shook his head and drove off wherever he went. Bakugo puffed out a sigh and headed to the gate and showed the guard his ID and let him in.

He kept walking up until he went to the right apartment and went upstairs. He took the keys out of his pocket and opened the door. As soon as he entered his apartment, he felt something nudged by his leg. A cat purred up against his leg and kept doing it as a way of showing they're happy to be home.

"Alright, alright, I'll get you your food, boombox." He carefully made sure he didn't harm his cat and walked to the kitchen and took out a can of cat food and picked up a bowl off the ground. The can opener was by the stove and used it to cut the cut open. He then dumped the food in it and placed it back on the ground. "There you go, you little impatient gremlin." The cat instantly ran up to him and started eating their food.

Bakugo put his hand together and then to his face as they glided down halfway from his face. His ringtone started going off and took his phone from the back pocket and looked at the caller and answered. But after a few seconds, he then quickly hung up. Then he got another call, he got tired of this and answered it again, but only this time with more aggression. "Okay, don't you ever call me ever again, because I swear-!"

"Swear what?" He got interrupted by a stern voice from the other line of the phone and covered his mouth with his free hand.

"Oh shit. Enji, is that you?" That was all that he could utter out of his mouth.

"Yes, and that's boss to you, sir." He sighed and continued, "Anyway, I need you back tomorrow morning, there's something I wanna discuss."

"Ha? What about my day off?"

"You can still have your day off, you're only going to come by, listen to what I have to say and then you can go home." He explained.

"That's still having to get up in the morning," he flopped down on the couch and took the tv remote off the coffee table.

"Look, I don't care what time you get there, I just prefer to deal with it in the morning because I have a meeting then."

"Okay, I'll be there at 9:00. Then I get to go home, final offer."

"Fine, see you at 9:00." The call ended and Bakugo set his phone next to him on the couch and flipped it to one of his favorite shows, "Choose your dress!" Bakugo started it on the part where the bride has picked 3 dresses as her final pick.

"Oh, please don't pick the birthday cake dress, Monica. We both know it's too poofy and it should be dress number two. I mean, why is it-. And now I'm talking to myself," he shut himself up and crossed his arms and paid attention to the tv and glanced back at his cat who meowed. "Oh be quiet and finish your meal."

He noticed the ring on his finger and sighed at it. He shook his head and looked up at the ceiling to be lost in his thoughts for a moment. But those thoughts would have to come back later as soon as he heard an applause and paid his attention back on the tv, showing the bride picking dress number two.

"Hah. Wouldn't you know, I was right," he proudly grinned at the moment and watched them hug it out. "Maybe a few more episodes will do for tonight." That ended up being a little more than just a few episodes. He ended up staying past 4:30 in the morning.

A/N: Hello readers and new readers! Thank you for reading the first chapter of this new story that I wrote. Please enjoy the next couple of chapters I've written for you guys. It's going to be challenging to write chapters when I can. But don't worry! I plan on getting as much written as I can!

If you can't wait for more chapters, then in the meantime, check out my other completed works. "The Merman from Ashore" and "The Broken Arrangement"!

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say!

As always, have a good day or night, take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask, stay safe, eat plenty of food, drink lots of water, and get plenty of sleep. Bye!

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