Where Is He!? (discontinued)

By Ash_Chaos

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Iruma is, as we know, a human in the demon world that can't use magic by himself right? Wrong! He finds a boo... More

Ch1: Assignment
Ch2: Tournament
Ch3: Aftermath
Ch4: Life goes on
Ch5: Enter - The High ranks!
Ch6: Children Of The Valley
Ch7: Meeting
Ch8: New Students and Old Teachers
Ch9: Dumb Kids
Ch10: Starting School Again
Ch11: Show of Dominanz
Ch12: Of Stoned Bonds And Foul Moods
Ch13: Walter Park!
ch15: Collaboration
Ch16: Cold Hand
Ch17: In the Enemy's Hands
Ch18: New Allies
ch19: The highest place
Ch20: The Lone King Returns?
ch21: The Fool
alternative Ending
The Tower (Oneshot)
Summoning The Fam
Chaos Quiz

Ch14: Hidden Group, Old Friend?

1.2K 45 16
By Ash_Chaos

Lucifer finally managed to pull a slip on his female companions, however, he wasn't fast enough to catch up on their idea of making him wear the choosen outfits. Though they were the ones to pay for them, Lucifer was still the one who was forced to wear 'em cuz of them. Reason for that was he could only change into his own original clothes if he transformed into his beast form first - an impossible task to do as he's at the amusement park - or go into a halfway state of it which would still result in him having to speak to the authorities or staff here.

So now he was stuck in the last outfit, a summerdress of sorts, till the end of their class trip. He atleast untied his hair but as his hair was long enough to fall down till his spine, he could still be mistaken for a girl.

'...', he went into a small alley, getting out his horns and eyes, 'Something to ward off pests'. With that out of the way, he walked around the attractions: the ferris-wheel, a mirror house, those weird pull-machines where you can win something, a shooting booth, the long water slides (he would've gone for a swim if his clothes were..) and then there was the petting zoo.

Lucifer took to sitting down with his legs outstretched as he petted the rather cute animals of the underworld, he was petting a horned sheep while getting stared at by a snake who was as long...as Lucifer's human form was tall. He smirked at this. The snake closely resembled a certain familiar he knew... only smaller and maybe less dangerous/intelligent. The sheep layed down next to his left while the snake went on top of the sheep's presented back, serving as the reptiles bed it seemed.

As Lucifer caressed the two animals, he saw a woman leaning against the zoo's railings looking at the animals in a half-aware daze. Lucifer's mouth opened, he recognized her... Soft silverwhite hair, dark olive-brown eyes, a black bra of sorts with fitting black shorts that held a belt, last but not least was her softly coloured yellow cape with a hood. '... Shiida', Iruma's memories resurfaced from his first time at Walter Park, she had helped his past self out of a bad situation.

...She deserved to be thanked by his new self in his opinion.

He picked himself up making the animals look after him, the snake apperantly didn't like where he was going. It slithered after him and up his figure almost going to choke him by his neck!, he halted however. The snake on him stopped as well.

"What is this supposed to mean?", glowing blue eyes looked at the snake calmly, his face was relatively passive. The snake's mouth opened as slowly its tongue flitted in and out, it's eyes were constricted and wary "Don't you dare try anything with her fool...She doesn't deserve it".

"What do you think I'm planning to do?", the snake almost spit back at him for those words. "Your kind (demon) tries only one thing, flirting, and that's not what she needs. She's already lost someone she held dear, don't rile her up with fake sympathy". Iruma looked at the snake, then at Shiia and then back to the animal again, he laughed.

"What's your name snake?", it huffed, "Levi (AOT spelling), not that it should matter to you". "Well then, Levi, I'm not going to 'woo' her, I'm going to thank her. This isn't my first time here. Back then, she helped me when I had accidentally landed up in one of the back alleys of the park, ok?", it wasn't really convinced, but settled to stop trying to choke his neck...which to Levi's dismay didn't work.

Lucifer walked over to her, as he came closer he noticed how she noticed that he came closer, she didn't visibly react however. When he stood before her waiting, she took a breath before looking at him with those eagle-like eyes of her's, "What do you want?". Not really said nicely, but from their first meeting he already knew that she's actually a good person deep down... A good person that can fight and scare men to shit themselves.

"Hello Shiida, nice seeing you again", she looked at him pointedly, "Pretty sure I don't know you".

"No, but you used to. We met in...my former life -I'm not trying to hit on you so please don't pick up that dagger from behind your belt!!", she had grabbed behind herself before he shot his request. Her eyes narrowed, so he wasn't only looking at her face, clothes or 'assets', fine. She let go of the dagger looking at him,"Explain what you meant when you said former life". Lucifer looked away slightly, scratching his cheek. This would be the first time he revealed himself to anyone other than... than... ..? Wait a minute. 'No, this IS the first time right?'.

He looked down in a shy pose before dropping a few memories, "Don't you recognize your little brother? You told me not to look down in the amusement park back then or did you forget? You even bought me ice-cream and... saved me from two thugs at the back alley.. Btw I'm a boy". Shiida was going through her memories, for a while, she tried to place the petite girl before hearing she mistook the gender. It clicked.

Instead of getting a nice greeting back from the kid and stuttering nee-San (Chan?), this time she really did draw her dagger and glared at him, "Is this some sick joke? Who are you and how do you know about that?".

Iruma blinked, he was confused, 'Are? What does she mean?'. "Why do you ask 'How do I know that?', its because I lived it. I'm Irum-", he got stopped by her as with widened eyes she slickly and fluidly moved her dagger backwards inside her pocket while she held his mouth closed with the same hand, "Shh!!".

Both Lucifer and Levi looked at her confused, she looked around them before dragging him over the fence and into one of the alleys. She let him go as no one followed them (A/N: why though? No one saw the threatening dagger or the pet snake?).

She looked him up and down, he moved a hand in her direction slowly, "Nice to see you again Shiida, by my name of (whisper) Iruma Suzuki, (end) I'd like to thank you for your help for the first time".
She stood there shooked, before blinking, shaking her head in a tense posture and going to grab his shoulder, "You're really him right? No lying... or I'll not hesitate to kill you!".

Lucifer was confused as he looked at her anxious expression, "I'm not lying to you, here", next to Lucifer two flying crystals appeared next to him, the ones seen previously at the... The school tournament..
He quickly hid them. Her mouth opened into a speechless gasp, she closed it quickly grabbing a small wooden instrument hidden under her belt, 'A flute? Or is it a whistle rather?'.

She blew into it making a sound come out of it. After she finished, she grabbed his hand again and ran off into an alley, she seemed to lead the way to somewhere else. "Woah! What- Where are you-!?", they turned left and right, a kurve to the right and a jump to the ceilings before running further along the map of the amusement park. They stopped before a big crevice in the ground below them, they were behind the.. Mirror house?

Of course they jumped down without any hesitation. Although, during their run, Lucifer had cast +Barriere multiple+ which consisted of protection against impacts, magic and objects. He liked Shiira, but he'd rather have a reason to be sure.

They landed in the middle of a small pathway, they took towards the front which revealed a kinda submarine door.. She let go of his hand turning the heavy metal lock. The inside was dark, a bit bluish.. shortly, they were joined by some other hidden presences. Lucifer didn't recognize them, but, according to his senses, there were a total of seven around him. But except him, only 5 were seen. One demon hid themselves really well.

One wearing a military helmet came forward to Shiida, "Who's this? And why'd you call us together so urgently? The boss wouldn't be happy if we skipped out on our positions you know".

She looked back at him, then she turned to me, "I called you here because of him. Can you *looks at Lucifer or rather Iruma* bring those out again and show them who you are? This is urgent and... don't worry, they won't attack you, you have my word". Iruma gave a suspecting ?-face but decided to go with it, his two magic crystals soon shone light in the dark room enlightening the outfit of the 7th person hiding in the shadows. Well, his boots and jeans... The seventh person leaned off the wall, he went closer so you could see his chest but nothing more.

His voice however, was all that Iruma needed to recognize them.
"...If it isn't Iruma.. This is unexpected", "Kiwico-senpai-!".

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