My Christmas Storybook!

By CuteCartoonLover06

1.2K 11 16

A book filled with Christmas stories all my followers can enjoy! More

Sarah & Duck: Father Christmas's Grotto
A Bubble Guppies Christmas Party
Noddy's Christmas
Bubble Guppies : The Polar Express Adventure!

Postman Pat's Wonderful Christmas

221 2 15
By CuteCartoonLover06

It was a cold December morning in Greendale, (December 10th to be exact, remember that now) and Pat was in the bathroom with Jess, shaving.

"I expect it to be a right cold old day Jess."


"I'll have wake Julian up too. Heh, that should be fun. But I suppose he'll be more eager when he remembers his Christmas party!"


Meanwhile, Julian was asleep, completely covered with his blanket.

Pat walked in, and sat on the bed. He shook the blanket bump gently.

"Julian. Julian, it's time to get up."

"Mmm, it's too cold! Five more minutes!"

"Oh? Then I suppose I'll have to ring Mrs.Taylor and tell her you don't want to go to the Christmas party."

"Ok, I'll get up. It's still REALLY cold though, brrrr!"

"Oh thats just because you've been in bed all night. You'll get warmer."

Pat and Jess stood outside the bathroom, and a few seconds later, a flush was heard.

"Done!" said Julian. Pat came in.

Julian was now fully dressed, except for his shoes. He began to brush his teeth. When he was done, he began to comb his hair.

"Trying to look good for Meera eh?" joked Pat

"DAAD!" Julian blushed

"Hoho I'm only joking! Come on, let's go see what mum made for breakfast."

They went downstairs to the kitchen.

"PANCAKES WICKED!" said Julian. He immediately starts to eat.

"I can't wait for my party dad! We're going to watch a movie, and play games, and eat snacks!"

"Heh, looks like someone's excited!" said Sara

"Uh huh! You will bring snacks won't you mum?"

"Yes Julian, I'll bring them later."

"Mum made us cookies for the party!" said Julian

"Oh lovely!" said Pat

Soon, Julian finished his pancakes.

"C'mon dad!"

"Aren't you missing something?"

"Oh yeah my shoes! Uh, would you tie them for me?"

"Of course."

Julian walked to the living room, and sat in a chair while Pat tied his shoes.

"There you are. Now let's get you to that party eh?"


"Heh, bye you two."

Pat takes Julian to school. All the children were playing in the courtyard. Pat, Julian, and Jess all get out.

"Hi Julian!" said Merra running over

"Oh, uh, hi Meera. Are you excited for the party?"

"Yeah! I can't wait! I wonder what movie we're gonna watch!"

Then, Mrs.Taylor came out.

"Hello Pat, hello Julian." she said

"Hello Lauren. Having a party today are we?"

"Hehe, yes. The children are very excited."

"I can tell. Well, I won't keep you all waiting. I've got post to deliver. Cheerio!"

"Bye Pat!"

Pat drives off.

Mrs.Taylor turns around.

"Alright everyone, let's go inside and get ready for this party!"


They all go inside.

Meanwhile, Pat arrives at the post office.

"Morning Ms.Goggins!"

"Oh good morning Pat. There's only a bit of post today. Most of it seems to be some last minute Christmas presents ordered online."

"I see. You know today is Julian's Christmas party!"

"Oh how lovely! I used to love Christmas parties in school!"

"Me too. We always had cookies and watched The Snowman."

"How nice."

"Well, we better get on with the post. Come on Jess. Goodbye Ms.Goggins"

"Goodbye Pat!"

At the school, the children were so excited, that they were running all over the classroom.

"Excuse me everyone!" called Mrs.Taylor

"Let me handle this miss." said Sarah.


Everyone is silent.

"Uh, thank you Sarah." said Mrs.Taylor

"You're welcome."

"Now, I know you're all excited. I am too. But is this any way to act?"


"Right then. So, let's all put our listening ears on."

The children turn imaginary switches on the sides of their heads.

"Alright, what we're going to do first is we're all going to take a vote for which movie we're going to watch. Now I've got two movies here. I've got The Polar Express, and Arthur Christmas. Now, raise your hand for Polar Express."

Sarah, Lucy, Charlie, and Lizzie raised their hands.

"Ok, how about Arthur Christmas?"

Julian, Meera, Bill, Sarah, James, Mandy Norman, Katy, and Tom raised their hands.

"Right then, Arthur Christmas it is!"


Pat arrived at Greendale Station. He walked into the Cafe.

"Morning Nisha, morning love."

"Hello Pat!" They both say.

"Say, are those the cookies for Julian's party?" asked Pat

"Yes they are. Pat, would you mind taking them to the school for me?" asked Sara

"Of course not!" said Pat, and he grabbed the tray.

"Bye you two!" said Pat

"Goodbye Pat!" Pat and Jess leave.

Pat Soon arrived at the school. The children were still watching Arthur Christmas, being about 20 minutes in. When Mrs.Taylor saw what Pat had brought, she paused the movie.

"Everyone, Pat's brought the cookies!" said Mrs.Taylor

"HOORAY!" The children yelled

Julian ran up to Pat.


"Oh, Arthur Christmas eh? How lovely. Well, I must be off, goodbye. "

Each child had four cookies each. They also had a glass of milk. Unfortunately, Lucy tripped. She caught herself, but she spilled her milk, though her cookies were fine. The milk however, got all over her.

"Miss, miss!" Lucy panicked

"It's ok Lucy, is just a bit of spilt milk. Nothing to worry about. Just take your jacket off, and I'll wash it."

Her green shirt was fine, so she simply gave her jacket to Mrs.Taylor, and sat down next to Sarah.

Meanwhile, Pat arrived at Granny Dryden's house. Pat walked in.


"Hello Pat, I've just been decorating me house. Just look at the tree."

"Oh, it's lovely. Here's a letter for you."

"Oh, I expect it's from me sister in Pencaster wishing me a happy Christmas."

"Oh I see. Any special plans for Christmas this year?"

"Nay, I think I'll just have a nice quiet Christmas."

Oh, well there's nothing wrong with that. Well, I better be off, bye Granny Dryden.

"Goodbye Pat."

Meanwhile, at Greendale Fire Station, Elvis was making a special Christmas treat.

"Cooking pudding, in the pot. Cook it till its nice and hot. It'll taste so yummy. Oh so good and chocolatey."

Sam walks through the front door.

"Ah hello Elvis! Making something special?"

"Oh yes I am. I'm making my special Christmas pudding."

"Why it uh, sounds delicious!"

Station Officer Steele came out of his office.

What's this about Christmas pudding?

"Elvis is making Christmas pudding sir."

"I see. Well erm, better try it to see if it's any good I suppose."

Steele tries the pudding.

"*clears throat* Erm, well, not bad, but it needs a bit more sugar."

"Oh, um, yes sir."

Pat walks in.

"Morning all, happy Christmas!"

"Ah, happy Christmas Pat!" said Sam

"I've some post for you all." said Pat handing out the letters, which ever Christmas cards from family.

"Thank you." said Sam

"Oh yeah!" said Elvis

"Oh yes, thank you Pat." said Steele

Pat sniffs the air.

"Oh, is that Christmas pudding I smell?"

"Yes it is. I just made some. Would you like to try it?"

Steele leaned in towards Pat, putting his hand up as one does when whispering.

"I must warn you, it's a bit on the bitter side." whispered Steele

"Oh, erm, no thank you Elvis." said Pat


"Well, I've got to get going." said Pat

"Bye Pat!" They all say.

Back at the school, the movie was just ending, and now it was recess.

"Alright everyone, get your coats on, it's time for recess!" said Mrs.Taylor


"BUT, there's a few rules you have to follow. Now, you must be sensible when running and watch for ice. You may play with the snow, but be respectful."


They all went outside. Everyone began playing in the courtyard. Everything was going fine, until...

Hey Meera, let's have a race across the courtyard!

Julian and Meera began running. However, Julian slipped on an ice patch, and although he caught himself, he landed on his knees pretty hard.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow OWIEHEHEHE! AAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA!" Julian began crying.

Mrs.Taylor ran over.



"Alright, let's get you inside and look you over. Come on.

*sniff* "ok-k."

"Bill, you're in charge." she said

"Ok miss."

Mrs.Taylor walks Julian into the school, and sits him down on a table.

Julian whimpered, but then Meera sat next to him, and put an arm around him.

"*sniff* Thanks M-Meera."

"Alright, let's take a look at your knees." said Mrs.Taylor. Then, she rolled his trouser legs up.

Due to his trousers, his knees were mostly fine, albeit a bit scratched and bruised.

"Ow" said Julian

Oh, it's not so bad. We just need to clean the scratches so they don't get infected. I'll be right back.

Julian whimpered.

"It's really not that bad Julian. You'll be fine." said Meera

"Oh, I know Meera, but it still hurts!"

Mrs.Taylor came back.

"Alright, now let's clean it with a bit of water."

She takes a paper towel and soaks it with water. Then, she gently dabs each knee a few times.

"Now I'm going to put some antibiotic ointment on it."

She does the same for the ointment.

"Ok, now for the plasters."

She puts a plaster on both knees.

There we are, good as new. It's time to come in, so you stay here and I'll get the others.

Mrs.Taylor got the others inside.

"Ok everyone, now what we're gonna do is write a letter to Father Christmas. In this letter, you're going to tell him what presents you want, and maybe something else. Remember, try not to sound too greedy."

Everyone started writing immediately..

"I'm asking him for rollerskates, some new dolls, and Legos! How about you Julian?" asked Meera

Julian was distracted by Meera, because of his crush on her. He was staring at her.


"OH! Um, I'm asking him for the new Captain Zapp figure and DVD."

"Oh wow! I hear it's really cool!" said Meera

"It is! He can even talk!"

The other children asked for things you would expect, it's up for interpretation.

"Alright everyone, now lunchtime!" called Mrs.Taylor

Julian was sitting next to Meera. They both had pb and j's. Julian was thinking.

"I have to tell her, but how? I can't do it in front of everyone. I know! I'll tell her after lunch!"

Little did he know, Meera felt the same.

"Yeah, I'll tell him after lunch! That's what I'll do!"

Soon, lunch finished, and it was time for free play. Julian walked up to Meera.

"Hey Meera, would you um, come with me?"

"Oh, uh, sure Julian."

They both walked to a corner of the room.

"Meera, I know now may not be the best time what with all the noise, but I need to tell you something."

"Oh! W-What is it Julian?"

"Well you see Meera, I've fancied you for a while, ever since we met in person, and well, I was wondering. Would like to be my girlfriend?"

Meera was surprised.

"Julian, I've felt the same way! Yes of course I will!" Meera hugs him. And Julian's face turns red.


Yeah! That's a great idea! Let's do it!

About two hours later, it was home time. Everyone was outside. Pat came to pick up Julian, and Ajay came to pick up Meera

"Dad dad, can Meera stay the night tonight? Please?!" asked Julian

"Yeah, can we dad?!" asked Meera

"Well, what do you think Pat. I'm fine with it."

Well, I certainly don't see a problem with it. It IS Friday after all.


"Well, I'll tell mum, then one of us will bring your pajamas and things to Pat's house, alright Meera?"

"Alright dad!"

"Well, let's go you two." said Pat "Bye Ajay."

"Bye Pat!"

They all got in the van.

"Hey dad, I need to tell you something that happened today."

"What is it Julian?"

"Well, I fell at recess today, and scraped my knees."

"Goodness me! Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Mrs.Taylor patched them up."

"Well that's good."

"But, there's also another thing."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"You won't laugh will you?"

"Of course not!"

"Me and Meera are kind of a um, couple now."

"Oh how wonderful! Swept Meera off her feet I bet?"


"Hehehe, I'm only joking!"

Julian blushed.

They all arrived at Pat's house. Sara was on the phone in the kitchen.

"Oh yes, thank you. Bye."

"Hello love!"

"Hello Pat. I'm so happy you're here Meera, because I'm gonna need a lot of help."

"What do you mean mum?" asked Julian

:Well, I'm going to make some Christmas cookies, and I need two little helpers to help me make them. Think you two can help me?"

"OH YES!" They both say

"Hehe, alright then. Go wash your hands, and come right back."

The two of them rush off with adorable amounts of excitement.

They both run back giggling.

"Right then, ready?" asks Sara


"Ok, first put these aprons on. You wouldn't want to get your clothes dirty now would you?"

They both put the aprons on.

"Ok, now we're make homemade cookies. And that means we have to make the dough first."

"How do we do that mum?"

"Well, we need sugar, eggs, vanilla and some chocolate chips. Can you both get them for me?"


Julian and Meera rushed about the kitchen getting everything they needed. Then, they gave the ingredients to Sara.

"Can we crack some eggs mum? Can we? Can we?"

"Ahalright, you can." Sara laughed

Julian was first. However, he cracked the egg too hard, and some shell fell in.

"Sorry!" said Julian

"That's ok. I'll get the shell out. Your turn now Meera."

Meera cracks the egg perfectly.

"Ok, now let's put the sugar and vanilla in."

"And now for the chocolate chips."

Sara pours them in.

"Now what Mrs.Clifton?" asks Meera

"Now we stir it."

Sara putz the bowl order the wisk and urns it on. After it gets all mooshy, she forms pieces of it into cookies on a tray, and puts them in the oven.

"And now, we wait."

"How long mum?" asks Julian

"About 15 minutes." But mum, that'll take ages!"

"It'll pass before you know it. Come on, let's go see what your dad is up to."

Pat was sitting in the sitting room watching Top Gear.

"Hello Julian. Are the cookies ready yet?"

"No, mum says they'll be 15 minutes."

"Oh, I see. Oh I just remembered! Love, I left my keys in the van, I'm going to get them."

'"Alright Pat." said Sara

Pat opened the door.

"Hello what's this?"

Pay looks down and sees a box with red wrapping paper and a green bow.

"What is it Pat?"

"It's a, a present!"

"A present? We that's odd. Bring it in anyway."

Pat brings it in and sits on the sofa with it in his hands.

"Look dad, there's a tag!" said Julian

Pat reads the tag.

"It says, to the Clintons, for Father Christmas!"

"Open it dad open it!"

"Ok, ok, I will."

Pat opens the gift. It's the Elf on the Shelf box. There's also the DVD.

"The Elf on the Shelf, a Christmas Tradition. How interesting."

"Open it up dad!"

"Alright, I am."

Pat opens the box. Inside is the book on the right, and a compartment with the elf on the other.

"Look dad, a book! Let's read it!"

"Oh, uh, alright."

Pat gets the book out, and begins reading.

"Have you ever wonder how Santa could know if you are naughty or nice each year as you grow? For hundreds of years it's been a big secret. It now can be shared if you promise to keep it.

At holiday time Santa sends me to you. I watch and report on all that you do. My job's an assignment from Santa himself. I am his helper, a friendly scout elf.

The first time I come to the place you call home you quickly must give me a name of my own. Once you are finished my mission can start. What will you call me-Markle or Zart? Will it be Foddle, Criddle, or Clyde? Fisbee's cute, too, but you must decide.

Each night while you're sleeping to Santa I'll fly to the North Pole right through the dark sky. Of course Christmas magic helps me to be quick. I laugh with my friends and report to Saint Nick.

I tell him if you have been good or been bad. The news of the day makes him happy or sad. A push or a shove I'll report to "the boss," but acts of kindness will not be a loss.

In the car, at the park, or even at school the word will get out if you broke a rule.

I'll be back at your home before you awake, and then you must find the new spot I will take. You'll jump out of bed and come running to see: who'll be the first to spy little old me?

Maybe the kitchen, the bathroom, or den is where you will find me your special elf friend. I can hide on a plant, a shelf, or a frame. Where will I be? Let's make it a game.

There's only one rule that you have to follow so I will come back and be here tomorrow:

Please do not touch me. My magic might go, and Santa Won't here all I've seen or I know.

I won't get to tell him that you said your prayers, or helped to bake cookies, or cleaned off the stairs. How will he know how good you have been? He might start to think you forgot about him.

I can't speak to you, so says Santa Claus. All of us elves have to follow his laws.

I'll listen to you. Tell me your wishes. Would you like a game or some tiny toy dishes? The gleam in my eye and my bright little smile shows you I'm listening and noting your file.

The final decision with Santa now rests. What do you think? Will you get your request? The night before Christmas my job's at an end. The rest of the year with Santa I'll spend.

So blow me a kiss and bid me farewell. I'll fly away when I hear Santa's bell. Of course I will miss you, but wait till next year. When the holidays come I'll again reappear.

Until then I wish every girl and each boy a Christmas of peace and a year full of joy."

"Well, I'll be!" said Pat

"How exciting!" said Sara

"I suppose we have name him now. Any ideas Julian?"

Julian thought for a moment.

"Hmmmmm. *gasp* I KNOW! Zap! Like Captain Zapp!"

"Well, I think that's a great idea!"

"I agree Julian!" said Meera


"Oh, looks like the cookies are done."

Mum, can me and Meera watch the DVD and eat cookies?

"I don't see why not. Go ahead and put it in."


And so, they both began watching.

After they finished the movie and ate some cookies, it was bedtime. Of course it was Friday, so they didn't have to go to sleep right away, Pat and Sara just wanted them to wind down. So, they both had a bath (separately), brushed their teeth, and put their pajamas on.

As the children reached the stairs, Meera noticed something.

"Julian, look!"

Julian looked up, and saw mistletoe above them both.

"You know what that means, riiight Julian?"


"Julian, you know we don't have to if you're not ready."

"I-It's ok. Do you want to, um, kiss?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Julian kissed Meera for about 2 seconds. Afterwards, both their faces turned dark red, with Julian rubbing the back of his head, and Meera rubbing her right arm.

"Do you um, wanna go to my room now?" asked Julian

"Sure." said Meera

Julian and Meera were chilling on Julian's bed.

"I can't wait for Christmas, can you Meera?"

"No I can't! I'm so excited!"*YAAAAWN*

"Are you tired Meera?" asked Julian

"Yeah, a little. Aren't you Julian?"

"Yeah, I guess. We should probably get to sleep. Goodnight Meera."

"Night Julian" said Meera

The two children cuddled, and fell fast asleep.

The next morning, Julian got up and used the loo (as you do). Because of the cold, he had grabbed a spare blanket, and wrapped it around himself.

He walked down stairs, and went to the kitchen.

What he saw made his face light up.

Zap was sitting on the table with 2 presents, and a note.

Julian practicly jumped for Christmas joy. He walked upstairs and went to his room.

"Meera, Meera wake up. Zap moved!"

"Mmm, Julian, it's cold!"

"Come on Meera! Come see! He left us presents, and a note!"

"R-Really? Why didn't you say so!? Let's go wake your mum and dad!"

The two children ran to Pat and Sara's room, and began jumping on the bed.


"Eh? What?!" asked Pat

"W-What time is it?" asked Sara

Sara turned her phone on and looked at the time.

"It's 6:00 in the morning Julian."

"Oh well, we might as well see what all the fuss is about eh love?"

"Oh, I suppose. Let's go."

They all went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Well would you look at that!" said Pat

"Looks like Zap's brought you both a little gift." said Sara

"Can we open them mum?"

"Of course you can!"

Julian and Meera tore the presents open.

"*gasp* IMAGINEXT FIGURES!" said Julian

Meera opened her present.


"Why don't you read the letter Julian?" asked Pat

"Oh yeah!"

"Dear Julian, thanks for the name! Since you gifted me with it, I figured I'd gift you and Meera with something as well. Keep in mind that this won't be a regular thing, as Father Christmas is supposed to bring all the gifts. Make sure you continue to be the best you can be in order to stay on the Nice List.

Merry Christmas, from Zap."

"Well, looks like you better better be good then!" said Sara

"I will mum!"

"Come on Julian! Let's go watch TV and play with our toys!"


Pat looked at Sara.

"Did you?"

"Me? I thought you."

Of course, given that Pat LITERALLY met Father Christmas, it wasn't that him and Sara didn't believe, rather they were shocked that such a small thing could do so much.

Anyway, Pat and Jess got ready and went to the post office.

"Good morning Ms.Goggins!"

"Morning Pat."

"ARF ARF!" barked Bonnie

"Hehe, good morning to you too Bonnie!" said Pat. "So, any post today Ms.Goggins?"

"Well, as a matter of fact Pat, no." Ms.Goggins said shocked. "Looks like you've got an unofficial day off!"

"Oh, that will be nice! Well, I suppose we better be off. Cheerio!"

"Bye Pat. Mind how you go!" said Ms.Goggins

As Pat was walking to his van, he got a call on his non-SDS phone. AKA, his personal phone.

"Hello? Yes yes I know. Tonight. I won't be late. See you!"

Who was Pat talking to? Well, we'll have to see.

Pat arrived at home. Ajay had just pulled up in his Volvo Estate, as it was much too cold for the motorbike.

"Hello Ajay! Here to pick up Meera?"

"Yep. Let's get inside. It's cold!"

They, along with Jess, walked in.

"Hello love!" said Pat

"Hello Pat. What are you doing here? Isn't it a bit early to be done with the post?"

"That's the thing. There was no post."

"Oh, I see. Meera, your dad's here to pick you up!" Sara called

Meera came downstairs.

"Do I have to leave dad? Me and Julian have had soooo much fun!"

"I know, but you must come home. We have decorating to do."

"Oh, ok. But look what I got dad!" She shows Ajay her ponies.

"Oh wow! And who brought you that then? Father Christmas isn't due for a few weeks yet."

"Father Christmas sent Julian a special elf that watches him and reports back to the North Pole at night! Come see!"

Meera took Ajay to the kitchen, and the others followed.

"Goodness me, how interesting! What's his name?" asked Ajay

"He's an Elf on the Shelf, and his name is Zap, like Captain Zapp!" said Julian

"Well, I'll be!"

"You can't touch him though, because then he'll lose his magic, and get sick!"

"I see."

"He also can't talk to you, but you can to him."

"Well you certainly have had fun! Perhaps Father Christmas will send us an elf as well. But we really must go. Come on Meera."

"Hold up Ajay, we made cookies. Would you like one?" asked Sara

"Oh, don't mind if I do!"

Ajay eats one.

"This cookie sure is good Sara! Would you mind if we took some home for Nisha and Nikhil?"

"Not at all. Take as many as you like."

Ajay put some in a Ziplock bag, and him and Meera left.

Sara whispered to Pat

"So, when will you be picking up the special surprise?"

"Around seven. We should get back at 9:30 to 10."


Throughout the day, everyone relaxed until 7, when Pat got ready to leave. He decided to leave Jess at home, since the place he was going wouldn't allow pets, and he'd be there too long to leave him in the van.

"Well, I'll be off love. Gotta be quick if we're to beat that snowstorm tonight." said Pat

Julian overheard.

"Where are you going dad?"

"Well, your dad had a special surprise to go pick up." said Sara


"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" asked Pat

"Oh, you're right. You won't be long though will you dad?"

"I'll be as fast as I can. Bye!"

Pat left.

I suppose I better tell you what, or rather, who, the surprise was. You see, Cousin Matt and his cat Polly were coming from America to spend the holidays with Pat and his family, and Pat was picking them up from Blackpool Airport.

After about an hour and twenty minutes, Pat reached the airport. After he parked the van, he made his way to the building. He was very surprised to see Matt and Polly already out front waiting for him.

"Matt!" said Pat

"Pat!" said Matt

"How on Earth did you find your way out to here?" asked Pat

"Ha Har! This ain't my first time in the UK Pat! I'm a sailor, and a sailor never forgets!"

"Alright then. Let's get going. We've a snowstorm to beat, and I know Julian will be pleased to see you!"

"Alright, to the van Pat!"

Pat drove for a good while, but then there was trouble! They were about to reach Pencaster, when the snowstorm hit.

"There's so much snow I can't see! And the snows getting deep. We'll have to stop Matt."

"What are we going to do Pat?"

"The only thing we can do. Call the Fire Brigade."

Pat dialed 999.

"999, what service do you require?"

"Fire service please. I'm stuck in a Royal Mail van on the road to Pencaster."

Meanwhile, in Greendale Fire Station.


"Now who needs the Fire Service?" asked Steele

He rips the piece of paper from the fax machine.

"Van stuck in snow on road to Pencaster!"

The tune started playing, as Sam and Elvis slid down the pole and got into Jupiter with Steele.

"All present and correct sir." said Sam

"Right, let's go!" said Steele

Jupiter raced off with her lights flashing and sirens wailing.

Meanwhile, PC Selby was sitting in his Panda car at his Police house, when...

"RING! RING! Calling PC Selby! Calling PC Selby! Assistance required with stuck van on the road to Pencaster." said the dispatcher

PC Selby picked up his radio.

"Roger that! I'm on me way!"

PC Selby turned on his lights and sirens, and sped off.

Pat, Matt, and Polly were still waiting on the van.

"I better call Sara. Her and Julian are probably worried sick." said Pat

They were, in fact, very worried. Julian was looking out the window, watching for the van.

"Mum, I'm scared! What if something happened to dad?"

Sara hugged him tight.

"Now don't you worry love. Your dad is a very sensible man. He'll be alright."

*sniff* I-still-want-hiiiiiiiiim!" Julian cried

Sara rubbed Julian's head

"Shhhhhh, there there now, it's ok. Tell you what? Why don't we call him to see how he's getting on?"


Sara got her phone, and called Pat.

"Oh, there Sara is calling me." said Pat

Pat answered.


"Hello Pat. Where are you? Are you almost here?" asked Sara

"Erm, well, we're a bit held up at the moment. We're stuck in the snowstorm on the road to Pencaster."

"Oh dear. Are you alright?"

"Yes we're fine. I've called the Fire Brigade, and they should be here soon."

"I see. Well, Julian's really upset. He's scared something's happened to you."

"Oh really? Put him on then."

"Here you are Julian."


"Hello Julian. Mum tells me you're scared."


"Well don't be. I'm perfectly fine. Just a bit stuck is all. I'll be home soon I'm sure."

Julian whimpered through the phone.

"Julian, I need you to be brave, ok? Can you do that for me?"

"I, I guess."

Pat heard sirens in the distance.

"Looks like help has arrived. Bye you two!"


Jupiter pulled up, followed by PC Selby, who would be blocking the road.

Sam walked to the cans window on Pat's side. Pat rolled the window down.

"Are you alright Pat?" asked Sam

"Yes, we're fine. Thank goodness the ."

"Don't worry. Well have you two out in two ticks."

Sam turns to face Steele.

"Shall we get the tow rope sir?"

"What? Ah yes. THE TOW ROPE CRIDLINGTON!" Steele called to Elvis.

"Uh, tow rope coming up sir."

Elvis brings the tow rope to Sam, who clips it onto the van's bumper.

"Right then, now I'll get in Jupiter and uh, tow." said Steele

Steele got in Jupiter, and pulled the van out.

There you are Pat. Now you can be on your way.

"I wish I could Sam, but look!"

It shows Pat's petrol Guage, which said low.

"I must've run out of petrol by leaving the van running all this time. What am I going to do?"

I know! I'll call Penny and tell her you bring Phoenix! Then, she can tow you back to your house.
(BTW, in case you don't know or forgot, this is Phoenix.)

Meanwhile, Penny was sitting at the fire station watching the telly, when she got a call on her radio.

"Sam to Penny, come in Penny, over"

"Penny to Sam over"

"We need you to bring Phoenix to us. Pat's van has run out of petrol, and we need you to tow him to his house"

"Alright, be there soon."

Penny got in Phoenix, and was off.

At home, Sara was sitting on the couch, with Julian's head in her lap, covered with a blanket, sleeping.

Sara knew Pat would be ok, especially with Matt, but she was still worried.

Just then, she heard a load, bus-like engine running out front, then stopping.

"There you are you two. Home and all filled up!" said Penny putting a petrol container away.

"Thanks Penny."

Penny left.

Inside, there was a knock on the door.

Sara got up, and answered it.

"OH, THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE BOTH SAFE!" Sara said, hugging then kissing Pat.

Julian woke up.

"Dad? DAD!"

Julian ran up and gave Pat the biggest hug in the world, not even noticing who else was there.

"Oh dad, I was so scared!"

"Well, it's alright now. And guess what? I've brought you your present! Look!"

"Yo ho ho! Is that Julian?"

"COUSIN MATT!" Julian ran up to Matt, who picked him up.

"What are you doing here?" asked Julian

"Well, I decided to come and spend Christmas with you and your family, and I brought Polly too!"

"HOORAY! Erm, did you, bring me, a present?" Julian asked bashfully

"Hehe, yes of course I did! But, you'll have to wait til Christmas to open them."

"Aw, alright. OH OH! COME SEE OUR ELF!"

"Pardon? An elf? What on Earth would an elf be doing here?" asked Matt

"You'll have to come and see." said Pat

They all went to the kitchen where Zap was.

"Well blow me down! It is an elf!"

Julian explained the elf to him.

"And his name's Zap, like Captain Zapp!"

"Amazing!" said Matt.

"Cousin Matt, are you staying here, or at a hotel?" asked Julian

"Well, I'm staying here."

That's right Julian. He's staying in the guest bedroom." said Pat "Come along Matt, I'll help get you settled in."

"And YOU have to go to bed young man." said Sara

"Aw, but I want dad to put me to bed!"

"Hey, tell you what, once I've got Cousin Matt settled in, I'll come see you, ok?" asked Pat

"Oh, ok dad" said Julian

Pat took Matt to his room.

"Here you are! Make yourself at home"

"Thanks Pat. Goodnight."


Pat went to Julian's room. Julian was laying in bed. Pat sat on the bed.



"I'm glad you're ok. I love you." Julian falls asleep.

"I love you too Julian. Goodnight." Pat gets up and leaves the room.

It was next Friday, the 17th. Julian had just gotten out of school. He was excited because that night him, Pat, Sara, Jess Matt, and Polly would be going to Father Christmas's Grotto in Pencaster.

Pat arrived at the school.

"Hi dad! I drew a picture for Cousin Matt!" said Julian, holding up a picture of a boat with fairy lights on it.

"Well, I'm sure he'll love it. But we've got to get going. We have to get ready to see Father Christmas."

Just then, Ted Glen and Reverend Timms walked up.

"Ello Pat!" said Ted

"Hello Ted!" said Pat

"We heard what happened to you and Matt. We're so glad you're alright." said Ted

"Yes. If it wasn't for Sam, I don't think we'd EVER get back!" said Pat

"The Lord will help those who need it most." said Reverend Timms

"Well we must be off. Bye now!" said Pat

"Bye Pat!" They said

When they got home, they all got ready to go. Julian was wearing his hat and gloves, Pat had his blue and orange coat, Sara had her green coat, and Matt stayed the same.

"I made a picture for you Cousin Matt!" said Julian as he showed it.

"Why thank you Julian! I love it!"

When they were ready, they all got in the van.

"Ready to go Julian?" asked Sara

"Yes mum!"

"Alright then, let's go!" said Pat

When they got to Pencaster Square, it was quite busy! Some Pencaster children, as well as Julian's friends were there. The police had also blocked the streets.

Pat parked the van aways from the roadblock, and they all walked to the square.

The entire area had lots of pretty decorations, with a huge tree in the center of the square. The Father Christmas Helper was sitting in a small open hut. After some Pencaster children went up, it was Julian's turn. But there was one problem. Julian was a bit nervous.

"I'm nervous dad!" said Julian

"You'll be fine Julian! Go on."

"HO HO HO! And who might this lad be?"


"Ah, very good! Now then, have YOU been good this year?"

"Erm, well, not always. Sometimes I don't clean my room."

"Oh. Well you know Julian, it's very good to be honest. Is it clean now?"

"Um, mostly."

"Excellent! And what would you like for Christmas?"

"The new Captain Zapp action figure."

"Ah, of course! Those seem to be very popular right now!"

"I named my elf Zap also."

"Have you now? Ho Ho, I'm sure he loves it! But I'm afraid it's the next child's turn. Would you like to take a picture mum?"

"Yes thank you sir."

Sara gets out her phone.

"Ok, say cheese!"


"Bye Father Christmas!" said Julian


"Ready to go Julian?" asked Pat

"Yes dad."

Matt spoke

"Ya know Julian, I heard that Rudolph is playing tonight on CITV. If you hurry up and get ready when we get home, maybe we all can watch it."

*GASP* OH can we mum? PLEASE!?"

"Only if you quickly take a bath. put pajamas on, and brush your teeth."

"Oh yes mum! Step on it dad!"

"Doho you want me to get pulled over by PC Selby?" asked Pat

*sigh* "no"

"We'll be home soon Julian. Be patient."

"Wait. Hey mum, do you think Zap moved when we were gone?"

"I don't know. We'll have to wait and see."

They got home, and they all got ready. Luckily, they were just in time. They each had hot chocolate and cookies!

Just then, Julian noticed Zap in an armchair, watching with them.

"Look! Zap wants to watch too!" said Julian

"Aw, how cute!" said Sara

"He must've had the idea before us." said Pat

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's watch!" said Matt

A male presenter was on screen.

"And now we've a very special program for you, about a reindeer with a very special nose, and some even say it glows. Who is he? Well his name is Rudolph, and you're about to see his story right now, so get your family, get comfy, and let's see!

After the movie, they all went to bed.


It was Christmas Eve morning, and Julian was lying in bed. Suddenly, he got out of bed, and walked to Pat and Sara's room, then climbed into their bed.

An hour later everyone began to get up. After doing their morning routine, they all had pancakes for breakfast.

"What are we gonna do today mum?" asked Julian

"Well, nothing really. But Granny and Granddad are coming for dinner, then we're all going to go drive around Greendale and look at the Christmas lights."

(NOTE: They are not having Christmas dinner tonight. They're coming over just cause, and to see Matt. On Christmas they will have Christmas Dinner.)

"Wow! HEY! Let's see where Zap is!"

They all got up and start looking.

"Look, he's in the tree!"

Zap had a little suitcase, and a piece of paper that said "Almost time to go home!"

"Looks like Zap is getting ready to go home!" said Sara

"Aw! But I'm gonna miss him mum!"

"It's ok Julian." said Pat "He'll come back next year."

"I guess."

"Come on, let's get the house ready. We have to clean it before Granny and Granddad come."

"Ok mum."

It was 6:00 PM, AND Julian's grandparents, George and Mary, had arrived. (If you forgot or don't know what they look like, check my other Postman Pat story, The Date)

Julian runs to them as the walk in.


"Hello darling!" said Mary

"Hey there lad!" said George

Julian showed them the elf and explained it to them.

"Oh, how cute!" said Mary

"Yes, how interesting." said George

The others walked in.

"Hello mum, hello dad!" said Pat

"Hello Pat!" They both said

"We're so glad you could make it!" said Sara

"We're just lucky we did what with George's driving." joked Mary

George blushed.

Matt walked in.

"Why, if it isn't Auntie Mary and Uncle George!" said Matt

"Is that our Matthew? Oh you've grown so much!" said Mary

"Good to see you Matt! How's America?" asked George

"Good to see you both too! And America is, well, America."

"Ah, I see."

Jess and Polly walked in, and purred while rubbing themselves against Mary and George's legs.

"Aw, hello to you two as well!"

"Well, enough talking, let's eat!" said Pat

They all sat down at the dinner table.

"Granny, Granddad, did you bring me presents?" asked Julian

"Oh yes of course! But, you'll have to wait til tomorrow to open them." said Mary


"But, you may open one present tonight." said Sara

"YIPPEE!" said Julian "Can I do it now? Can I? CAN I?"

"Oh alright." said Pat

"They all go to the living room, and sit down."

"Go on Julian. Pick any of them you wish." said Pat

Julian picked a small present. He opened it.


"I'll be!" said Matt

"Chuffing!" said George

"Come on everyone, we better get going. We still have to see the lights." said Sara

It was a cold December morning in Greendale, (December 10th to be exact, remember that now) and Pat was in the bathroom with Jess, shaving.

"I expect it to be a right cold old day Jess."


"I'll have wake Julian up too. Heh, that should be fun. But I suppose he'll be more eager when he remembers his Christmas party!"


Meanwhile, Julian was asleep, completely covered with his blanket.

Pat walked in, and sat on the bed. He shook the blanket bump gently.

"Julian. Julian, it's time to get up."

"Mmm, it's too cold! Five more minutes!"

"Oh? Then I suppose I'll have to ring Mrs.Taylor and tell her you don't want to go to the Christmas party."

"Ok, I'll get up. It's still REALLY cold though, brrrr!"

"Oh thats just because you've been in bed all night. You'll get warmer."

Pat and Jess stood outside the bathroom, and a few seconds later, a flush was heard.

"Done!" said Julian. Pat came in.

Julian was now fully dressed, except for his shoes. He began to brush his teeth. When he was done, he began to comb his hair.

"Trying to look good for Meera eh?" joked Pat

"DAAD!" Julian blushed

"Hoho I'm only joking! Come on, let's go see what mum made for breakfast."

They went downstairs to the kitchen.

"PANCAKES WICKED!" said Julian. He immediately starts to eat.

"I can't wait for my party dad! We're going to watch a movie, and play games, and eat snacks!"

"Heh, looks like someone's excited!" said Sara

"Uh huh! You will bring snacks won't you mum?"

"Yes Julian, I'll bring them later."

"Mum made us cookies for the party!" said Julian

"Oh lovely!" said Pat

Soon, Julian finished his pancakes.

"C'mon dad!"

"Aren't you missing something?"

"Oh yeah my shoes! Uh, would you tie them for me?"

"Of course."

Julian walked to the living room, and sat in a chair while Pat tied his shoes.

"There you are. Now let's get you to that party eh?"


"Heh, bye you two."

Pat takes Julian to school. All the children were playing in the courtyard. Pat, Julian, and Jess all get out.

"Hi Julian!" said Merra running over

"Oh, uh, hi Meera. Are you excited for the party?"

"Yeah! I can't wait! I wonder what movie we're gonna watch!"

Then, Mrs.Taylor came out.

"Hello Pat, hello Julian." she said

"Hello Lauren. Having a party today are we?"

"Hehe, yes. The children are very excited."

"I can tell. Well, I won't keep you all waiting. I've got post to deliver. Cheerio!"

"Bye Pat!"

Pat drives off.

Mrs.Taylor turns around.

"Alright everyone, let's go inside and get ready for this party!"


They all go inside.

Meanwhile, Pat arrives at the post office.

"Morning Ms.Goggins!"

"Oh good morning Pat. There's only a bit of post today. Most of it seems to be some last minute Christmas presents ordered online."

"I see. You know today is Julian's last day of term. They're even having a Christmas party!"

"Oh how lovely! I used to love Christmas parties in school!"

"Me too. We always had cookies and watched The Snowman."

"How nice."

"Well, we better get on with the post. Come on Jess. Goodbye Ms.Goggins"

"Goodbye Pat!"

At the school, the children were so excited, that they were running all over the classroom.

"Excuse me everyone!" called Mrs.Taylor

"Let me handle this miss." said Sarah.


Everyone is silent.

"Uh, thank you Sarah." said Mrs.Taylor

"You're welcome."

"Now, I know you're all excited. I am too. But is this any way to act?"


"Right then. So, let's all put our listening ears on."

The children turn imaginary switches on the sides of their heads.

"Alright, what we're going to do first is we're all going to take a vote for which movie we're going to watch. Now I've got two movies here. I've got The Polar Express, and Arthur Christmas. Now, raise your hand for Polar Express."

Sarah, Lucy, Charlie, and Lizzie raised their hands.

"Ok, how about Arthur Christmas?"

Julian, Meera, Bill, Sarah, James, Mandy Norman, Katy, and Tom raised their hands.

"Right then, Arthur Christmas it is!"


Pat arrived at Greendale Station. He walked into the Cafe.

"Morning Nisha, morning love."

"Hello Pat!" They both say.

"Say, are those the cookies for Julian's party?" asked Pat

"Yes they are. Pat, would you mind taking them to the school for me?" asked Sara

"Of course not!" said Pat, and he grabbed the tray.

"Bye you two!" said Pat

"Goodbye Pat!" Pat and Jess leave.

Pat Soon arrived at the school. The children were still watching Arthur Christmas, being about 20 minutes in. When Mrs.Taylor saw what Pat had brought, she paused the movie.

"Everyone, Pat's brought the cookies!" said Mrs.Taylor

"HOORAY!" The children yelled

Julian ran up to Pat.


"Oh, Arthur Christmas eh? How lovely. Well, I must be off, goodbye. "

Each child had four cookies each. They also had a glass of milk. Unfortunately, Lucy tripped. She caught herself, but she spilled her milk, though her cookies were fine. The milk however, got all over her.

"Miss, miss!" Lucy panicked

"It's ok Lucy, is just a bit of spilt milk. Nothing to worry about. Just take your jacket off, and I'll wash it."

Her green shirt was fine, so she simply gave her jacket to Mrs.Taylor, and sat down next to Sarah.

Meanwhile, Pat arrived at Granny Dryden's house. Pat walked in.


"Hello Pat, I've just been decorating me house. Just look at the tree."

"Oh, it's lovely. Here's a letter for you."

"Oh, I expect it's from me sister in Pencaster wishing me a happy Christmas."

"Oh I see. Any special plans for Christmas this year?"

"Nay, I think I'll just have a nice quiet Christmas."

Oh, well there's nothing wrong with that. Well, I better be off, bye Granny Dryden.

"Goodbye Pat."

Meanwhile, at Greendale Fire Station, Elvis was making a special Christmas treat.

"Cooking pudding, in the pot. Cook it till its nice and hot. It'll taste so yummy. Oh so good and chocolatey."

Sam walks through the front door.

"Ah hello Elvis! Making something special?"

"Oh yes I am. I'm making my special Christmas pudding."

"Why it uh, sounds delicious!"

Station Officer Steele came out of his office.

What's this about Christmas pudding?

"Elvis is making Christmas pudding sir."

"I see. Well erm, better try it to see if it's any good I suppose."

Steele tries the pudding.

"*clears throat* Erm, well, not bad, but it needs a bit more sugar."

"Oh, um, yes sir."

Pat walks in.

"Morning all, happy Christmas!"

"Ah, happy Christmas Pat!" said Sam

"I've some post for you all." said Pat handing out the letters, which ever Christmas cards from family.

"Thank you." said Sam

"Oh yeah!" said Elvis

"Oh yes, thank you Pat." said Steele

Pat sniffs the air.

"Oh, is that Christmas pudding I smell?"

"Yes it is. I just made some. Would you like to try it?"

Steele leaned in towards Pat, putting his hand up as one does when whispering.

"I must warn you, it's a bit on the bitter side." whispered Steele

"Oh, erm, no thank you Elvis." said Pat


"Well, I've got to get going." said Pat

"Bye Pat!" They all say.

Back at the school, the movie was just ending, and now it was recess.

"Alright everyone, get your coats on, it's time for recess!" said Mrs.Taylor


"BUT, there's a few rules you have to follow. Now, you must be sensible when running and watch for ice. You may play with the snow, but be respectful."


They all went outside. Everyone began playing in the courtyard. Everything was going fine, until...

Hey Meera, let's have a race across the courtyard!

Julian and Meera began running. However, Julian slipped on an ice patch, and although he caught himself, he landed on his knees pretty hard.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow OWIEHEHEHE! AAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA!" Julian began crying.

Mrs.Taylor ran over.



"Alright, let's get you inside and look you over. Come on.

*sniff* "ok-k."

"Bill, you're in charge." she said

"Ok miss."

Mrs.Taylor walks Julian into the school, and sits him down on a table.

Julian whimpered, but then Meera sat next to him, and put an arm around him.

"*sniff* Thanks M-Meera."

"Alright, let's take a look at your knees." said Mrs.Taylor. Then, she rolled his trouser legs up.

Due to his trousers, his knees were mostly fine, albeit a bit scratched and bruised.

"Ow" said Julian

Oh, it's not so bad. We just need to clean the scratches so they don't get infected. I'll be right back.

Julian whimpered.

"It's really not that bad Julian. You'll be fine." said Meera

"Oh, I know Meera, but it still hurts!"

Mrs.Taylor came back.

"Alright, now let's clean it with a bit of water."

She takes a paper towel and soaks it with water. Then, she gently dabs each knee a few times.

"Now I'm going to put some antibiotic ointment on it."

She does the same for the ointment.

"Ok, now for the plasters."

She puts a plaster on both knees.

There we are, good as new. It's time to come in, so you stay here and I'll get the others.

Mrs.Taylor got the others inside.

"Ok everyone, now what we're gonna do is write a letter to Father Christmas. In this letter, you're going to tell him what presents you want, and maybe something else. Remember, try not to sound too greedy."

Everyone started writing immediately..

"I'm asking him for rollerskates, some new dolls, and Legos! How about you Julian?" asked Meera

Julian was distracted by Meera, because of his crush on her. He was staring at her.


"OH! Um, I'm asking him for the new Captain Zapp figure and DVD."

"Oh wow! I hear it's really cool!" said Meera

"It is! He can even talk!"

The other children asked for things you would expect, it's up for interpretation.

"Alright everyone, now lunchtime!" called Mrs.Taylor

Julian was sitting next to Meera. They both had pb and j's. Julian was thinking.

"I have to tell her, but how? I can't do it in front of everyone. I know! I'll tell her after lunch!"

Little did he know, Meera felt the same.

"Yeah, I'll tell him after lunch! That's what I'll do!"

Soon, lunch finished, and it was time for free play. Julian walked up to Meera.

"Hey Meera, would you um, come with me?"

"Oh, uh, sure Julian."

They both walked to a corner of the room.

"Meera, I know now may not be the best time what with all the noise, but I need to tell you something."

"Oh! W-What is it Julian?"

"Well you see Meera, I've fancied you for a while, ever since we met in person, and well, I was wondering. Would like to be my girlfriend?"

Meera was surprised.

"Julian, I've felt the same way! Yes of course I will!" Meera hugs him. And Julian's face turns red.


Yeah! That's a great idea! Let's do it!

About two hours later, it was home time. Everyone was outside. Pat came to pick up Julian, and Ajay came to pick up Meera

"Dad dad, can Meera stay the night tonight? Please?!" asked Julian

"Yeah, can we dad?!" asked Meera

"Well, what do you think Pat. I'm fine with it."

Well, I certainly don't see a problem with it. It IS Friday after all.


"Well, I'll tell mum, then one of us will bring your pajamas and things to Pat's house, alright Meera?"

"Alright dad!"

"Well, let's go you two." said Pat "Bye Ajay."

"Bye Pat!"

They all got in the van.

"Hey dad, I need to tell you something that happened today."

"What is it Julian?"

"Well, I fell at recess today, and scraped my knees."

"Goodness me! Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Mrs.Taylor patched them up."

"Well that's good."

"But, there's also another thing."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"You won't laugh will you?"

"Of course not!"

"Me and Meera are kind of a um, couple now."

"Oh how wonderful! Swept Meera off her feet I bet?"


"Hehehe, I'm only joking!"

Julian blushed.

They all arrived at Pat's house. Sara was on the phone in the kitchen.

"Oh yes, thank you. Bye."

"Hello love!"

"Hello Pat. I'm so happy you're here Meera, because I'm gonna need a lot of help."

"What do you mean mum?" asked Julian

:Well, I'm going to make some Christmas cookies, and I need two little helpers to help me make them. Think you two can help me?"

"OH YES!" They both say

"Hehe, alright then. Go wash your hands, and come right back."

The two of them rush off with adorable amounts of excitement.

They both run back giggling.

"Right then, ready?" asks Sara


"Ok, first put these aprons on. You wouldn't want to get your clothes dirty now would you?"

They both put the aprons on.

"Ok, now we're make homemade cookies. And that means we have to make the dough first."

"How do we do that mum?"

"Well, we need sugar, eggs, vanilla and some chocolate chips. Can you both get them for me?"


Julian and Meera rushed about the kitchen getting everything they needed. Then, they gave the ingredients to Sara.

"Can we crack some eggs mum? Can we? Can we?"

"Ahalright, you can." Sara laughed

Julian was first. However, he cracked the egg too hard, and some shell fell in.

"Sorry!" said Julian

"That's ok. I'll get the shell out. Your turn now Meera."

Meera cracks the egg perfectly.

"Ok, now let's put the sugar and vanilla in."

"And now for the chocolate chips."

Sara pours them in.

"Now what Mrs.Clifton?" asks Meera

"Now we stir it."

Sara putz the bowl order the wisk and urns it on. After it gets all mooshy, she forms pieces of it into cookies on a tray, and puts them in the oven.

"And now, we wait."

"How long mum?" asks Julian

"About 15 minutes." But mum, that'll take ages!"

"It'll pass before you know it. Come on, let's go see what your dad is up to."

Pat was sitting in the sitting room watching Top Gear.

"Hello Julian. Are the cookies ready yet?"

"No, mum says they'll be 15 minutes."

"Oh, I see. Oh I just remembered! Love, I left my keys in the van, I'm going to get them."

'"Alright Pat." said Sara

Pat opened the door.

"Hello what's this?"

Pay looks down and sees a box with red wrapping paper and a green bow.

"What is it Pat?"

"It's a, a present!"

"A present? We that's odd. Bring it in anyway."

Pat brings it in and sits on the sofa with it in his hands.

"Look dad, there's a tag!" said Julian

Pat reads the tag.

"It says, to the Clintons, for Father Christmas!"

"Open it dad open it!"

"Ok, ok, I will."

Pat opens the gift. It's the Elf on the Shelf box. There's also the DVD.

"The Elf on the Shelf, a Christmas Tradition. How interesting."

"Open it up dad!"

"Alright, I am."

Pat opens the box. Inside is the book on the right, and a compartment with the elf on the other.

"Look dad, a book! Let's read it!"

"Oh, uh, alright."

Pat gets the book out, and begins reading.

"Have you ever wonder how Santa could know if you are naughty or nice each year as you grow? For hundreds of years it's been a big secret. It now can be shared if you promise to keep it.

At holiday time Santa sends me to you. I watch and report on all that you do. My job's an assignment from Santa himself. I am his helper, a friendly scout elf.

The first time I come to the place you call home you quickly must give me a name of my own. Once you are finished my mission can start. What will you call me-Markle or Zart? Will it be Foddle, Criddle, or Clyde? Fisbee's cute, too, but you must decide.

Each night while you're sleeping to Santa I'll fly to the North Pole right through the dark sky. Of course Christmas magic helps me to be quick. I laugh with my friends and report to Saint Nick.

I tell him if you have been good or been bad. The news of the day makes him happy or sad. A push or a shove I'll report to "the boss," but acts of kindness will not be a loss.

In the car, at the park, or even at school the word will get out if you broke a rule.

I'll be back at your home before you awake, and then you must find the new spot I will take. You'll jump out of bed and come running to see: who'll be the first to spy little old me?

Maybe the kitchen, the bathroom, or den is where you will find me your special elf friend. I can hide on a plant, a shelf, or a frame. Where will I be? Let's make it a game.

There's only one rule that you have to follow so I will come back and be here tomorrow:

Please do not touch me. My magic might go, and Santa Won't here all I've seen or I know.

I won't get to tell him that you said your prayers, or helped to bake cookies, or cleaned off the stairs. How will he know how good you have been? He might start to think you forgot about him.

I can't speak to you, so says Santa Claus. All of us elves have to follow his laws.

I'll listen to you. Tell me your wishes. Would you like a game or some tiny toy dishes? The gleam in my eye and my bright little smile shows you I'm listening and noting your file.

The final decision with Santa now rests. What do you think? Will you get your request? The night before Christmas my job's at an end. The rest of the year with Santa I'll spend.

So blow me a kiss and bid me farewell. I'll fly away when I hear Santa's bell. Of course I will miss you, but wait till next year. When the holidays come I'll again reappear.

Until then I wish every girl and each boy a Christmas of peace and a year full of joy."

"Well, I'll be!" said Pat

"How exciting!" said Sara

"I suppose we have name him now. Any ideas Julian?"

Julian thought for a moment.

"Hmmmmm. *gasp* I KNOW! Zap! Like Captain Zapp!"

"Well, I think that's a great idea!"

"I agree Julian!" said Meera


"Oh, looks like the cookies are done."

Mum, can me and Meera watch the DVD and eat cookies?

"I don't see why not. Go ahead and put it in."


And so, they both began watching.

After they finished the movie and ate some cookies, it was bedtime. Of course it was Friday, so they didn't have to go to sleep right away, Pat and Sara just wanted them to wind down. So, they both had a bath (separately), brushed their teeth, and put their pajamas on.

As the children reached the stairs, Meera noticed something.

"Julian, look!"

Julian looked up, and saw mistletoe above them both.

"You know what that means, riiight Julian?"


"Julian, you know we don't have to if you're not ready."

"I-It's ok. Do you want to, um, kiss?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Julian kissed Meera for about 2 seconds. Afterwards, both their faces turned dark red, with Julian rubbing the back of his head, and Meera rubbing her right arm.

"Do you um, wanna go to my room now?" asked Julian

"Sure." said Meera

Julian and Meera were chilling on Julian's bed.

"I can't wait for Christmas, can you Meera?"

"No I can't! I'm so excited!"*YAAAAWN*

"Are you tired Meera?" asked Julian

"Yeah, a little. Aren't you Julian?"

"Yeah, I guess. We should probably get to sleep. Goodnight Meera."

"Night Julian" said Meera

The two children cuddled, and fell fast asleep.

The next morning, Julian got up and used the loo (as you do). Because of the cold, he had grabbed a spare blanket, and wrapped it around himself.

He walked down stairs, and went to the kitchen.

What he saw made his face light up.

Zap was sitting on the table with 2 presents, and a note.

Julian practicly jumped for Christmas joy. He walked upstairs and went to his room.

"Meera, Meera wake up. Zap moved!"

"Mmm, Julian, it's cold!"

"Come on Meera! Come see! He left us presents, and a note!"

"R-Really? Why didn't you say so!? Let's go wake your mum and dad!"

The two children ran to Pat and Sara's room, and began jumping on the bed.


"Eh? What?!" asked Pat

"W-What time is it?" asked Sara

Sara turned her phone on and looked at the time.

"It's 6:00 in the morning Julian."

"Oh well, we might as well see what all the fuss is about eh love?"

"Oh, I suppose. Let's go."

They all went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Well would you look at that!" said Pat

"Looks like Zap's brought you both a little gift." said Sara

"Can we open them mum?"

"Of course you can!"

Julian and Meera tore the presents open.

"*gasp* IMAGINEXT FIGURES!" said Julian

Meera opened her present.


"Why don't you read the letter Julian?" asked Pat

"Oh yeah!"

"Dear Julian, thanks for the name! Since you gifted me with it, I figured I'd gift you and Meera with something as well. Keep in mind that this won't be a regular thing, as Father Christmas is supposed to bring all the gifts. Make sure you continue to be the best you can be in order to stay on the Nice List.

Merry Christmas, from Zap."

"Well, looks like you better better be good then!" said Sara

"I will mum!"

"Come on Julian! Let's go watch TV and play with our toys!"


Pat looked at Sara.

"Did you?"

"Me? I thought you."

Of course, given that Pat LITERALLY met Father Christmas, it wasn't that him and Sara didn't believe, rather they were shocked that such a small thing could do so much.

Anyway, Pat and Jess got ready and went to the post office.

"Good morning Ms.Goggins!"

"Morning Pat."

"ARF ARF!" barked Bonnie

"Hehe, good morning to you too Bonnie!" said Pat. "So, any post today Ms.Goggins?"

"Well, as a matter of fact Pat, no." Ms.Goggins said shocked. "Looks like you've got an unofficial day off!"

"Oh, that will be nice! Well, I suppose we better be off. Cheerio!"

"Bye Pat. Mind how you go!" said Ms.Goggins

As Pat was walking to his van, he got a call on his non-SDS phone. AKA, his personal phone.

"Hello? Yes yes I know. Tonight. I won't be late. See you!"

Who was Pat talking to? Well, we'll have to see.

Pat arrived at home. Ajay had just pulled up in his Volvo Estate, as it was much too cold for the motorbike.

"Hello Ajay! Here to pick up Meera?"

"Yep. Let's get inside. It's cold!"

They, along with Jess, walked in.

"Hello love!" said Pat

"Hello Pat. What are you doing here? Isn't it a bit early to be done with the post?"

"That's the thing. There was no post."

"Oh, I see. Meera, your dad's here to pick you up!" Sara called

Meera came downstairs.

"Do I have to leave dad? Me and Julian have had soooo much fun!"

"I know, but you must come home. We have decorating to do."

"Oh, ok. But look what I got dad!" She shows Ajay her ponies.

"Oh wow! And who brought you that then? Father Christmas isn't due for a few weeks yet."

"Father Christmas sent Julian a special elf that watches him and reports back to the North Pole at night! Come see!"

Meera took Ajay to the kitchen, and the others followed.

"Goodness me, how interesting! What's his name?" asked Ajay

"He's an Elf on the Shelf, and his name is Zap, like Captain Zapp!" said Julian

"Well, I'll be!"

"You can't touch him though, because then he'll lose his magic, and get sick!"

"I see."

"He also can't talk to you, but you can to him."

"Well you certainly have had fun! Perhaps Father Christmas will send us an elf as well. But we really must go. Come on Meera."

"Hold up Ajay, we made cookies. Would you like one?" asked Sara

"Oh, don't mind if I do!"

Ajay eats one.

"This cookie sure is good Sara! Would you mind if we took some home for Nisha and Nikhil?"

"Not at all. Take as many as you like."

Ajay put some in a Ziplock bag, and him and Meera left.

Sara whispered to Pat

"So, when will you be picking up the special surprise?"

"Around seven. We should get back at 9:30 to 10."


Throughout the day, everyone relaxed until 7, when Pat got ready to leave. He decided to leave Jess at home, since the place he was going wouldn't allow pets, and he'd be there too long to leave him in the van.

"Well, I'll be off love. Gotta be quick if we're to beat that snowstorm tonight." said Pat

Julian overheard.

"Where are you going dad?"

"Well, your dad had a special surprise to go pick up." said Sara


"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" asked Pat

"Oh, you're right. You won't be long though will you dad?"

"I'll be as fast as I can. Bye!"

Pat left.

I suppose I better tell you what, or rather, who, the surprise was. You see, Cousin Matt and his cat Polly were coming from America to spend the holidays with Pat and his family, and Pat was picking them up from Blackpool Airport.

After about an hour and twenty minutes, Pat reached the airport. After he parked the van, he made his way to the building. He was very surprised to see Matt and Polly already out front waiting for him.

"Matt!" said Pat

"Pat!" said Matt

"How on Earth did you find your way out to here?" asked Pat

"Ha Har! This ain't my first time in the UK Pat! I'm a sailor, and a sailor never forgets!"

"Alright then. Let's get going. We've a snowstorm to beat, and I know Julian will be pleased to see you!"

"Alright, to the van Pat!"

Pat drove for a good while, but then there was trouble! They were about to reach Pencaster, when the snowstorm hit.

"There's so much snow I can't see! And the snows getting deep. We'll have to stop Matt."

"What are we going to do Pat?"

"The only thing we can do. Call the Fire Brigade."

Pat dialed 999.

"999, what service do you require?"

"Fire service please. I'm stuck in a Royal Mail van on the road to Pencaster."

Meanwhile, in Greendale Fire Station.


"Now who needs the Fire Service?" asked Steele

He rips the piece of paper from the fax machine.

"Van stuck in snow on road to Pencaster!"

The tune started playing, as Sam and Elvis slid down the pole and got into Jupiter with Steele.

"All present and correct sir." said Sam

"Right, let's go!" said Steele

Jupiter raced off with her lights flashing and sirens wailing.

Meanwhile, PC Selby was sitting in his Panda car at his Police house, when...

"RING! RING! Calling PC Selby! Calling PC Selby! Assistance required with stuck van on the road to Pencaster." said the dispatcher

PC Selby picked up his radio.

"Roger that! I'm on me way!"

PC Selby turned on his lights and sirens, and sped off.

Pat, Matt, and Polly were still waiting on the van.

"I better call Sara. Her and Julian are probably worried sick." said Pat

They were, in fact, very worried. Julian was looking out the window, watching for the van.

"Mum, I'm scared! What if something happened to dad?"

Sara hugged him tight.

"Now don't you worry love. Your dad is a very sensible man. He'll be alright."

*sniff* I-still-want-hiiiiiiiiim!" Julian cried

Sara rubbed Julian's head

"Shhhhhh, there there now, it's ok. Tell you what? Why don't we call him to see how he's getting on?"


Sara got her phone, and called Pat.

"Oh, there Sara is calling me." said Pat

Pat answered.


"Hello Pat. Where are you? Are you almost here?" asked Sara

"Erm, well, we're a bit held up at the moment. We're stuck in the snowstorm on the road to Pencaster."

"Oh dear. Are you alright?"

"Yes we're fine. I've called the Fire Brigade, and they should be here soon."

"I see. Well, Julian's really upset. He's scared something's happened to you."

"Oh really? Put him on then."

"Here you are Julian."


"Hello Julian. Mum tells me you're scared."


"Well don't be. I'm perfectly fine. Just a bit stuck is all. I'll be home soon I'm sure."

Julian whimpered through the phone.

"Julian, I need you to be brave, ok? Can you do that for me?"

"I, I guess."

Pat heard sirens in the distance.

"Looks like help has arrived. Bye you two!"


Jupiter pulled up, followed by PC Selby, who would be blocking the road.

Sam walked to the cans window on Pat's side. Pat rolled the window down.

"Are you alright Pat?" asked Sam

"Yes, we're fine. Thank goodness the ."

"Don't worry. Well have you two out in two ticks."

Sam turns to face Steele.

"Shall we get the tow rope sir?"

"What? Ah yes. THE TOW ROPE CRIDLINGTON!" Steele called to Elvis.

"Uh, tow rope coming up sir."

Elvis brings the tow rope to Sam, who clips it onto the van's bumper.

"Right then, now I'll get in Jupiter and uh, tow." said Steele

Steele got in Jupiter, and pulled the van out.

There you are Pat. Now you can be on your way.

"I wish I could Sam, but look!"

It shows Pat's petrol Guage, which said low.

"I must've run out of petrol by leaving the van running all this time. What am I going to do?"

I know! I'll call Penny and tell her you bring Phoenix! Then, she can tow you back to your house.
(BTW, in case you don't know or forgot, this is Phoenix.)

Meanwhile, Penny was sitting at the fire station watching the telly, when she got a call on her radio.

"Sam to Penny, come in Penny, over"

"Penny to Sam over"

"We need you to bring Phoenix to us. Pat's van has run out of petrol, and we need you to tow him to his house"

"Alright, be there soon."

Penny got in Phoenix, and was off.

At home, Sara was sitting on the couch, with Julian's head in her lap, covered with a blanket, sleeping.

Sara knew Pat would be ok, especially with Matt, but she was still worried.

Just then, she heard a load, bus-like engine running out front, then stopping.

"There you are you two. Home and all filled up!" said Penny putting a petrol container away.

"Thanks Penny."

Penny left.

Inside, there was a knock on the door.

Sara got up, and answered it.

"OH, THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE BOTH SAFE!" Sara said, hugging then kissing Pat.

Julian woke up.

"Dad? DAD!"

Julian ran up and gave Pat the biggest hug in the world, not even noticing who else was there.

"Oh dad, I was so scared!"

"Well, it's alright now. And guess what? I've brought you your present! Look!"

"Yo ho ho! Is that Julian?"

"COUSIN MATT!" Julian ran up to Matt, who picked him up.

"What are you doing here?" asked Julian

"Well, I decided to come and spend Christmas with you and your family, and I brought Polly too!"

"HOORAY! Erm, did you, bring me, a present?" Julian asked bashfully

"Hehe, yes of course I did! But, you'll have to wait til Christmas to open them."

"Aw, alright. OH OH! COME SEE OUR ELF!"

"Pardon? An elf? What on Earth would an elf be doing here?" asked Matt

"You'll have to come and see." said Pat

They all went to the kitchen where Zap was.

"Well blow me down! It is an elf!"

Julian explained the elf to him.

"And his name's Zap, like Captain Zapp!"

"Amazing!" said Matt.

"Cousin Matt, are you staying here, or at a hotel?" asked Julian

"Well, I'm staying here."

That's right Julian. He's staying in the guest bedroom." said Pat "Come along Matt, I'll help get you settled in."

"And YOU have to go to bed young man." said Sara

"Aw, but I want dad to put me to bed!"

"Hey, tell you what, once I've got Cousin Matt settled in, I'll come see you, ok?" asked Pat

"Oh, ok dad" said Julian

Pat took Matt to his room.

"Here you are! Make yourself at home"

"Thanks Pat. Goodnight."


Pat went to Julian's room. Julian was laying in bed. Pat sat on the bed.



"I'm glad you're ok. I love you." Julian falls asleep.

"I love you too Julian. Goodnight." Pat gets up and leaves the room.

It was next Friday, the 17th. Julian had just gotten out of school. He was excited because that night him, Pat, Sara, Jess Matt, and Polly would be going to Father Christmas's Grotto in Pencaster.

Pat arrived at the school.

"Hi dad! I drew a picture for Cousin Matt!" said Julian, holding up a picture of a boat with fairy lights on it.

"Well, I'm sure he'll love it. But we've got to get going. We have to get ready to see Father Christmas."

Just then, Ted Glen and Reverend Timms walked up.

"Ello Pat!" said Ted

"Hello Ted!" said Pat

"We heard what happened to you and Matt. We're so glad you're alright." said Ted

"Yes. If it wasn't for Sam, I don't think we'd EVER get back!" said Pat

"The Lord will help those who need it most." said Reverend Timms

"Well we must be off. Bye now!" said Pat

"Bye Pat!" They said

When they got home, they all got ready to go. Julian was wearing his hat and gloves, Pat had his blue and orange coat, Sara had her green coat, and Matt stayed the same.

"I made a picture for you Cousin Matt!" said Julian as he showed it.

"Why thank you Julian! I love it!"

When they were ready, they all got in the van.

"Ready to go Julian?" asked Sara

"Yes mum!"

"Alright then, let's go!" said Pat

When they got to Pencaster Square, it was quite busy! Some Pencaster children, as well as Julian's friends were there. The police had also blocked the streets.

Pat parked the van aways from the roadblock, and they all walked to the square.

The entire area had lots of pretty decorations, with a huge tree in the center of the square. The Father Christmas Helper was sitting in a small open hut. After some Pencaster children went up, it was Julian's turn. But there was one problem. Julian was a bit nervous.

"I'm nervous dad!" said Julian

"You'll be fine Julian! Go on."

"HO HO HO! And who might this lad be?"


"Ah, very good! Now then, have YOU been good this year?"

"Erm, well, not always. Sometimes I don't clean my room."

"Oh. Well you know Julian, it's very good to be honest. Is it clean now?"

"Um, mostly."

"Excellent! And what would you like for Christmas?"

"The new Captain Zapp action figure."

"Ah, of course! Those seem to be very popular right now!"

"I named my elf Zap also."

"Have you now? Ho Ho, I'm sure he loves it! But I'm afraid it's the next child's turn. Would you like to take a picture mum?"

"Yes thank you sir."

Sara gets out her phone.

"Ok, say cheese!"


"Bye Father Christmas!" said Julian


"Ready to go Julian?" asked Pat

"Yes dad."

Matt spoke

"Ya know Julian, I heard that Rudolph is playing tonight on CITV. If you hurry up and get ready when we get home, maybe we all can watch it."

*GASP* OH can we mum? PLEASE!?"

"Only if you quickly take a bath. put pajamas on, and brush your teeth."

"Oh yes mum! Step on it dad!"

"Doho you want me to get pulled over by PC Selby?" asked Pat

*sigh* "no"

"We'll be home soon Julian. Be patient."

"Wait. Hey mum, do you think Zap moved when we were gone?"

"I don't know. We'll have to wait and see."

They got home, and they all got ready. Luckily, they were just in time. They each had hot chocolate and cookies!

Just then, Julian noticed Zap in an armchair, watching with them.

"Look! Zap wants to watch too!" said Julian

"Aw, how cute!" said Sara

"He must've had the idea before us." said Pat

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's watch!" said Matt

A male presenter was on screen.

"And now we've a very special program for you, about a reindeer with a very special nose, and some even say it glows. Who is he? Well his name is Rudolph, and you're about to see his story right now, so get your family, get comfy, and let's see!

After the movie, they all went to bed.


It was Christmas Eve morning, and Julian was lying in bed. Suddenly, he got out of bed, and walked to Pat and Sara's room, then climbed into their bed.

An hour later everyone began to get up. After doing their morning routine, they all had pancakes for breakfast.

"What are we gonna do today mum?" asked Julian

"Well, nothing really. But Granny and Granddad are coming for dinner, then we're all going to go drive around Greendale and look at the Christmas lights."

(NOTE: They are not having Christmas dinner tonight. They're coming over just cause, and to see Matt. On Christmas they will have Christmas Dinner.)

"Wow! HEY! Let's see where Zap is!"

They all got up and start looking.

"Look, he's in the tree!"

Zap had a little suitcase, and a piece of paper that said "Almost time to go home!"

"Looks like Zap is getting ready to go home!" said Sara

"Aw! But I'm gonna miss him mum!"

"It's ok Julian." said Pat "He'll come back next year."

"I guess."

"Come on, let's get the house ready. We have to clean it before Granny and Granddad come."

"Ok mum."

It was 6:00 PM, AND Julian's grandparents, George and Mary, had arrived. (If you forgot or don't know what they look like, check my other Postman Pat story, The Date)

Julian runs to them as the walk in.


"Hello darling!" said Mary

"Hey there lad!" said George

Julian showed them the elf and explained it to them.

"Oh, how cute!" said Mary

"Yes, how interesting." said George

The others walked in.

"Hello mum, hello dad!" said Pat

"Hello Pat!" They both said

"We're so glad you could make it!" said Sara

"We're just lucky we did what with George's driving." joked Mary

George blushed.

Matt walked in.

"Why, if it isn't Auntie Mary and Uncle George!" said Matt

"Is that our Matthew? Oh you've grown so much!" said Mary

"Good to see you Matt! How's America?" asked George

"Good to see you both too! And America is, well, America."

"Ah, I see."

Jess and Polly walked in, and purred while rubbing themselves against Mary and George's legs.

"Aw, hello to you two as well!"

"Well, enough talking, let's eat!" said Pat

They all sat down at the dinner table.

"Granny, Granddad, did you bring me presents?" asked Julian

"Oh yes of course! But, you'll have to wait til tomorrow to open them." said Mary


"But, you may open one present tonight." said Sara

"YIPPEE!" said Julian "Can I do it now? Can I? CAN I?"

"Oh alright." said Pat

"They all go to the living room, and sit down."

"Go on Julian. Pick any of them you wish." said Pat

Julian picked a small present. He opened it.


"I'll be!" said Matt

"Chuffing!" said George

"Come on everyone, we better get going. We still have to see the lights." said Sara

George and Mary got in their car, while the others got in the van.

It was truly magical. Different coloured fairy lights covered the village. Julian was pretty tired when they got back.

"Mum, I'm tired!" said Julian when they got back.

Well, you can't go to sleep just yet. You still have to take a bath and brush your teeth. Then, we have to leave out a mince pie, cookies, and milk for Father Christmas.

"Oh ok!" Julian unbuckled himself and ran inside.

George and Mary walked up.

"We're gonna go Pat. Tell Julian goodbye for us." said George

"Will do. Bye mum, bye dad."

When he had his bath, he was going so fast, Sara could barely wash him.

"Hold on now Julian! We've plenty of time!"

"But I really wanna set out the food!"

"You will, but let me wash you!"

When he was done, he got his pajamas on and brushed his teeth. Then, he ran to the living room, where Pat had everything ready.

"Julian, why don't you go get 9 carrots for the reindeer?"

"Good idea dad!" Julian ran to the kitchen and got them.

"Do you think Father Christmas will like it Cousin Matt?"

"Why of course he will!"

Julian walked over to the tree, where Zap was.

"Bye Zap. I had a lot of fun!"

"Come on, time for bed." said Pat

"Ok dad."

Julian was in bed.

"Goodnight Julian, we love you." said Sara

"Night mum, night dad." Julian falls asleep.

It was finally here. Christmas Day! Julian slowly woke up.

*GASP* It's Christmas!" he said

Julian ran to Pat and Sara's room, and proceeded to jump on the bed.


"EH? WHAT?" said Pat

GOODNESS ME! said Sara

"Oh, we'd better get up love" said Pat

"Oh, I suppose." said Sara

Pat and Sara got out of bed.

"Should we wake Cousin Matt up dad?"

"Well knowing him, he probably IS up!"

They, along with Jess, walk downstairs into the living room.

There were tons of presents under the tree. The stockings were also full.


"My goodness!" said Pat "So he has!"

Matt walked in.

"Hey! I was wondering when you lot would wake up!"

"It's more like Julian woke us up!" said Sara

"Can we open the presents now dad? PLEAAASE!"

"What do you think Pat?" asked Sara

"Oh I don't see why not, but mum and dad are still coming with their presents."


"Hold on. look Julian, looks like Father Christmas left you a letter!" said Sara

"Wow! Read it dad!"


"Dear Julian. Thank you so much for being good to Zap! He told me he was very happy to be your elf, and can't wait to come back next year. I hope you enjoy your presents I've brought, and remember to be good! HO HO HO!

Love, Father Christmas"

"How nice." said Sara

"Can I open my presents now?"

"Hehe, go on then."

Julian got his stockings, as well as everyone else.

Julian got little cars, sweets, and chocolates.

Pat, Sara, and Matt also got sweets, as well as grown up gifts.

Afterwards, Julian opened his first gift.

It was the new Captain Zapp action figure.


The grown ups got basic things grown-ups would, but they did have special gifts.

Pat got a box cutter, Sara a new pot and pan set, and Matt a ship in a bottle.

Jess and Polly also got cat nip, as Jess had grown to like it.

Julian's other presents were little cars, Imaginext, and Legos.

Soon, George and Mary came, and their presents were Thomas Trackmaster.

"Here's my present for you Julian" said Matt


"You're very welcome!"

Later on, everyone had Christmas Dinner, with roast turkey and vegetables, and all the trimmings. They also had cranberry and bread sauce, as well as Christmas pudding.

After dinner, Matt was taken to the airport by Pat. George and Mary also went home. That night, Julian slept with Pat and Sarah in their bed, along with Jess, and they were all happy that they had such a lovely Christmas.

The End

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