Last First Kiss *COMPLETED*

By rockk_me_harry

1.7K 84 0

Olivia was a normal girl, but on her birthday she went to see One Direction and her whole life was flipped up... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

58 3 0
By rockk_me_harry

When we got to the bar, employees escorted us to the VIP section. We were the only people in the area, which was pretty cool! Harry took my hand and led me to the bar. We got a few shots and sat on the couch. We were just talking for a while. We got up and got some more drinks. I lost count of how many and started feeling very drunk. I saw a set of doors so I took Harry's hand and brought him over to them. We opened them to a room filled with tables and chairs. There was a small dance floor in the center. I dragged Harry in and shut the door, making sure it was locked. I stumbled over to one of the tables and got a chair. I brought it to dance floor, almost falling over it. I could tell he definitely wasn't as drunk as me. I told him to sit in the chair, and he did. I started to give him a lap dance. I was being all sexual. I was giving him a show. He started to get up. He took my hand and brought me back out into the bar where the boys and the girls were.

"Harry, where are we going?" I said, in a drunk voice.

"We are going back to see our friends."

"I don't wanna."

"Too bad for you."

"Can we get more drinks?" I asked him.

"Definitely not. You've had enough drinks for one night."

"No I haven't. I'm not even drunk."

"You are very drunk." He told me.

He brought me over to the couch and called Jenna over to sit with me while he talked to the boys. We all piled back into the limo. The three girls got out at our apartment, but Harry told me not to get out of the car. He was going to take me to his hotel because I was so drunk.

When we got to his hotel room, I was feeling a lot less drunk. I was able to see straight and I could speak much clearer. I had a pounding headache though. Harry carried me to the bed and kissed me. His tongue traced along my lips, pleading for access. I let him enter and his tongue explored my mouth. He left a trail of kisses and love bites down my neck, making me let out a moan. He brought his lips back up to mine as I slowly unbuttoned his shirt. I pulled it off him and threw it on the floor. He pulled my dress over my head and took off his pants. He pulled me on too of him and I ran my fingers through his curls. Our kiss got deeper. I pulled away.

"Harry?" I said

"Yes babe?"

"I don't want to do this now. I want to wait. We've only been dating for a day. I want it to be special, okay?"

"Of course babe. I completely understand. You're worth waiting for."

I giggled and got under the blankets. I laid in Harry's arms as he played with my hair. I immediately crashed and fell asleep.

The next morning I expected to wake up next to Harry. Instead, I woke up next to a box of chocolates and a note from Harry. The note said,

Good morning sleepyhead. I made us breakfast! Come into the kitchen. xx


That was sweet. Ow! I had a headache and a really bad hangover. I realized that all I was wearing was my bra and underwear. I picked Harry's shirt from last night off the floor and put it on. I walked downstairs to the smell of eggs and bacon. There was also pancakes with smiley faces made from fruit. This was so cute! I gave Harry a kiss and asked if he had any Advil. He gave me two pills and a glass of water before we sat down to eat. Breakfast was delicious! We left Harry's hotel at 12:00 and headed back to my apartment. He watched TV with the girls while I got in the shower and changed into a matching pink sports bra and shorts. I put a pair of sweats over my shorts and put on my dance team jacket. I threw my wet hair into a ponytail and grabbed my dance bag. I have each of the girls a hug and told them I would be back around 5:30. Harry said he would walk me to my car because he was leaving to go back to his hotel.

He walked me to the car and gave me a kiss.

"I'm leaving for LA tomorrow morning. I'm gonna miss you, Liv."

"I'm gonna miss you too. When are we gonna see each other again?"

"I will be back in New York after Christmas. We are performing on New Years Eve. I think we arrive on the 28th for some promoting."

*(I know they didn't really perform on New Years Eve, but I'm using it to keep the story going)*

"Okay, sounds like a date. Do you and the boys want to come over for dinner tonight? Me and the girls will cook!"


"Great! Come around 7:3o!

"Can't wait!"

"Okay! I have to go now or I'm gonna be late and get in trouble. Sorry!"

"Okay have fun! See you later!"

I gave him a quick kiss and got into my car. I drove to dance and got there just in time. Our competitions start in February, so I only have 2 more months of long practices.


Hey guys! Thank you again to anyone who is reading! Please vote and comment! Don't forget to leave suggestions! xoxo

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