The Red Alpha and Her Dark An...

By sambhattacharjee

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Nicole Haught arrived in Purgatory and felt different way . Something within her called for Purgatory . Init... More

Chapter 2 - Lunch ?
Chapter 3 - New Lead
Chapter 4 - My Girlfriend ?
Chapter 5 - Wolfy
Chapter 6 - New Wolf
Chapter 7 - Alpha Powers
Chapter 8 - First Rut
Chapter 9 - Good Newz
Chapter 10 - Truth Reveals
Chapter 11 - Let's have fun
Chapter 12 - Meeting With Alpha Holliday
Chapter 13 - Run With a Pack
Chapter 14 - Identity of Alice's Mother
Chapter 15 - Alice-Wynonna Reunion
Chapter 16 - She Can't Be Dead
Chapter 17 - History of Titan
Chapter 18 - Willa-Waverly reunion
Chapter 19 - Dragon !!! - Part 1
Chapter 20 - Dragon !!! - Part 2
Chapter 21 - A Witch
Chapter 22 - Rescue Mission
Chapter 23 - War Begins
Chapter 24 - Seven's End Game
Chapter 25 - Rise of Bulshar

Chapter 1 - Welcome to Purgatory

342 5 0
By sambhattacharjee

Nicole POV

I finished my police training and applied for job around my state . I didn't get any job near my state over five months . They said there was no vacancy recently available . That make me quite sad but I hope for chances to finally get a chance to serve the people and now its over five months and sorry to say that I have totally lost all the hope . I just woke up in my bed and looking through the window and thinking about all these its nearly 8 am when my phone buzzed in the night stand beside my bed . I quickly got up and received .

" Hello ? "

" Hello , um is this Nicole Haught speaking ? "

" Yes "

" Ok so this is Sheriff Nedley speaking . "

" Yes sir . "

" Um so Haught we are in need of a deputy over here and its urgent are you ready to take the job ? "

My ears cant believe what it just heard Did he really called me for being his deputy or I am dreaming ? To make sure I asked him to repeat again .

" Sir can you please repeat ? "

" We are in an immediate need of an deputy officer . Are you ready to do this job ? "

My eyes filled with happy tears and I cannot control it .

" Yes sir . I . I am ready sir . "

" Well you day starts from this week Monday . "

" Ok sir I would report on Monday at . "

" Oh yes sorry about that

Station 62
2004 - 20th Street
Purgatory , Ghost River County . "

Purgatory ? That creepy town ? I thought for 1 sec but quickly replied .

" Ok sir . "

" Yeah and Haught your duty starts from 8 am on Monday . Report before the mentioned time cause we need to do some formalities . And your uniform will be delivered to you before Monday . "

" Got it sir . "

" Yeah thank you . "

The phone hangs . I still cannot believe that I recently got a job in .. Well Purgatory BUT AS A DEPUTY OFFICER . OH GOD I AM SO EXCITED NOW .

Well the name of Purgatory feels strange to me not only because of its name but something exciting . I think I reacting differently . Before when I heard of the name of Purgatory , I used to avoid it like plaque but now I am really excited about just visiting the town . Well it can be because of the job which I recently got or something else . I really don't care .

" MUM !!!!!!!!!! " I yell at the top of my voice .

My mum came rushing from the kitchen .

" Hey whats up whats bothering you sweetie ? "

" MumIgotmunewjobasdeputy . "

" Wait honey a little slow , I couldn't get what you said . "

"Mum I got my new job as deputy . "

" Oh sweety how sweet , where to ? "

" Purgatory , Ghost River County . "

Mum stiffens at the name I could feel it . So I just asked her .

" Mum whats wrong ? "

" Huh ? Nothing .. Nothing is wrong .. just bad memories about purgatory . "

" Hey mum you can always speak to me you know and you don't have to hide anything from me you know , right ? " I said hugging her .

Tears started to soak my night shirt shoulder but I didn't care . Although my mother would never say anything about it any sooner but she has a bad feeling about Purgatory from the beginning . That was very clear when my Aunt proposed to take me with her to Purgatory Music Festival and mother strongly protest it . At the end I actually didn't remember anything but was sure that something horrified happened there which resulted in the death of my aunt and everywhere scattered with fire and smoke and a grumpy man came and found me out and help me out to get me back to my mum , but I knew that was not the only reason behind it , there's another story behind it which I maybe will find out someday.

I went to the market with my mum to buy some stuffs . My mum was supposed to come with me to Purgatory but she said that its better if she stayed until I got a stable amount of salary and I dint pushed her much . But I felt sad cause she is the only member in my family still alive she is much like my best friend than just only my mum . now don't ask about my dad to be honest I don't even know if he exists or not cause I have never seen him in any album or any frames hung on the wall . My mum , me , my aunt and uncle were used to lived together happily until the day came and ended up in harsh effect of their death in there . After that it was just two of us in this small home .

The weekends passed by rapidly and it was 2 fucking am at Sunday morning but guess what excitement took over me and I still cannot sleep to catch the flight at 10 : 30 am tomorrow to purgatory well I know its early but I need a day just thought about adjusting a little bit with everyone .

Next Day

I woke up at the sweetest warm kiss placed on my forehead . I opened my eyes and saw the face of the beautiful woman with red haired and beautiful brown eyes in front of my eyes . Yes she is none other than my mum , my best friend .

" Good morning sweetie . "

" Good morning mum . What time it is ? "

" Its 9 am honey . "

" Oh shit , why didn't my alarm woke me up ?

" Sweetie , calm down . I know you much well and so I knew that you didn't sleep well last night so I came just before the alarm shut it off . "

" Mum but I would be late ."

" Hey you are not going to be late honey there is still an hour and half left for your flight . "

" Yeah right but need to hurry right now . "

' Sweetie calm down and don't let your nerves get your best in your work honey . "

" Ok mum , God how would I do without you ? "

" Well that you would know when you left for Purga .. your job . "

" Yeah right . Ok so now I going to get ready . "

" Yeah right . "


I reached Purgatory just few hours ago and currently on my to meet Nedley in the station . I went to the reception saw a pretty lady sitting there .

" Hey .... um can you please tell me the way to the Sheriff's office ? "

" Yeah sure just second floor down the hallway last room with SHERIFF written on it . "

" Ok thanks . "

I went to the second floor of the building and looked at the end of the hallway and found a door which has written SHERIFF written on it . I quickly passed through the hallway and knocked the door twice . I heard a grumpy but kind voice inviting me inside .

" Come in . "

I quickly opened the door and let myself in and stand in the front of the desk

" Well sheriff , its Nicole Haught . "

He looked up from what looks like a pile of paperwork and smiles at me .

" Well Nicole I thought I told you to join from Monday . "

" Well yes actually you did but the fact that I wanted to get settled over here , looking for rents and all so I decided it would be better if I just come a day ahead and well I like to know the place better where I would work so . "

" Ok its well , so well as you can see that its a lot of paperwork , so it needs to be sort out and from tomorrow it will be your duty to look after so let me show you about something or you can say the way things work here . "

" Yeah sure . "

It took very long when I get out of the station it was nearly 8 : 30 and I still have to look for a decent rents . So I just walk from the hall way down and in the first floor when I was about to go to the descending stairs I bumped into someone well someone bumped into me . I look up and saw a beautiful brunette with her beautiful hazel eyes . immediately I was dumb-stuck at her beauty .

" Well sorry about that . "

She says pointing towards my royal blue shirt now I noticed that she spilled coffee on my shirt .

" Its ok I didn't noticed you coming . "

" Hey , new girl ? "

" Well yeah just came today for job . "

" Job ? Well are you the new deputy officer Haught ? "

" Well yeah "

" Welcome to Purgatory Haught . "

" Thanks , well you can me Nicole . "

" Nice name anyways Waverly , Waverly Earp . "

" Nice to meet you Waverly . "

" You too . "

" Um can you tell me where to find the rents for house to leave ? "

" Well we have a small house in which two people can adjust easily . Its my aunt and uncle's house .They died recently and the house in somewhat empty unless you came in and fill it ."

" Well that would be great . "

" So it seems that I need to talk to Wynonna about it then . "

She says and went back to the room from where she emerged from earlier . She came back within minutes and this time she bring another brunette with her taller in height than her but still shorter than me .

" So you are officer Haughtshot . "

" WYNONNA !!!!!!!!!! Sorry Nicole , you know big ass sister . " she said and I chuckled .

" Well no offense taken makes me feel accepted gladly in this new creepy town . Anyways yes to your question Wynonna . "

" Well yes you can take it for rent if you decide to take care of it . "

" Oh you be sure about that . "

" Ok so . yeah lets get your ass to the famous Earp-homestead . "

We all drove back to the Earp homestead . Wynonna got inside and grab some keys which I assume to be the keys of my new house and got inside Waverly 's red jeep . We drove for nearly 10 mins until we reach a doubled-storeyed house . We got out of the jeep and the Earp sisters showed me the entire house and agreed on me staying from that day . Since it reminds Waverly about her aunt and uncle she regularly came over here and cleaned it up so it feels like used recently and don't need to clean it now at all .

The Earps leave the house and I went to the bedroom upstairs and change the sheets although it looked like new I had a great obsession with my choice for blue so I cant resist the urge to change it . I quickly freshened up myself and slowly opened my phone and saw 99 missed calls and only one person - my mum .

" Shit . "

" Hello mum . "

" Hey how many times I told you to call me when reach there !!! You know how tensed I was . "

She says and I can get a hint of tears from her voice .

" Mum its ok I am ok hey don't shed your precious tears mum and now don't give me the damn look I know which you are giving me . "

" Ok ok honey , now say about your journey . "

" The journey was fine . I reached here at the evening and then directly went to the station . The sheriff showed me different thing and many rules how things work here . "

" Well that was great . "

" Yeah , that was . And guess what when I was just moving down someone bumped into me and spilled the coffee in my shirt and apologized for it and then I told her that she could help me finding me rents . She said that she has a house of her aunt which was empty and brought her sister with her to know her decision about that and both the Earp sisters agreed and finally I am living in their aunt's house . "

" Wow that's great . Wait .. did you just said Earp ? "

" Yes why ? "

" Nothing . Just your aunt was a friend of August Gibson during their uni , so Gus said that her sister was in love with some Ward or Weird Earp . "

" Oh ok I can surely ask them . "

" Ok now goodnight sweetie , All the best for tomorrow . And DONT forget to call me , ok ? "

" Alright mum . "

" Oh and you know full moon is near . "

" Yeah I know mum and still don't know why you always keeps me warning about it . "

" Just so you know any change in your behaviour . "

" Mum relax , everything is gonna fine . "

" Yeah , ok bye ."

" Bye mum . "

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