Exes with passion *Hollyoaks*

By Carolineeexx

447 21 23

Chloe nightingale was in a relationship with Sami Malik. They were happy until sami started to put her second... More

Ch. One
Ch. Two
Ch. Three
Ch. Thirteen
Ch. Seventeen


13 1 1
By Carolineeexx

Chloe groaned to herself as she sat in the flat, she heard a knock at the door and sighed as she opened the door and saw warren. Chloe looked to him and rolled her eyes

"what do you want" she asked as he looked to her and smirked

"charming aren't you, I wanted to see you, I want you back Chloe. Look I know what happened with Esmè and I know I messed up but I am sorry. You have to know that the last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you, I love you still" he said as Chloe looked to him and sighed.

Chloe knew what her relationship with warren was like. She knew it was toxic but she knew that she had teddy with him and she knew that she couldn't go there again

"look you and me. It isn't going to happen and you need to accept that. But I am not going to stop you seeing teddy as long as we come to some sort of arrangement and as long as you won't let teddy down again. She is your daughter at the end of the day" Chloe said as warren looked to her and nodded, he knew despite everything he didn't want to loose his daughter

Chloe got to Samis and smirked as he answered the door. He pulled her inside and kissed her. She moaned into the kiss as she ran her hands through his hair and pulled him close, he lead her to the bedroom as they started to strip off.

He pushed her onto the bed as she sat up looking at him and smirked, Sami got between her legs and pulled her close as he pulled her him and pushed into her.

Chloe moaned in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her, she dug her nails into his back and pulled him close, she felt herself get close as she rolled her head back and reached her high as he followed her and smirked as he rolled over beside her and smirked

"it's all going to be okay. I promise" he said as Chloe looked to him and smiled. Chloe knew how things were with warren and she knew that she didn't love him anymore.

She knew how she had always loved Sami and how nothing she did was going to stop that but she knew just how complicated that things were right now and she had to try and sort things with warren and teddy before she committed to anything else

Chloe answered the flat door and frowned as she saw marnie "I got your message what's going on mum" Chloe asked as marnie looked to her and sighed

"I need to talk to you, I don't know what is going on but something has happened to Esmè and I need your help. We need to get her home before she gets in any more trouble" marnie said.

Chloe looked to her mum and sighed, she could tell she was desperate by asking her for help but she knew what Esmè had done to her but could Chloe put her pride to one side and help her sister and forgive her for once and for all?

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