Sonic: Legacy: Volume 1

By Projectcobra72

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He was a half breed... His father was a demon and his mother was an angel. Years ago he lost his family, his... More

Act 1: Chapter 1: The Stranger
Chapter 2: Overture
Chapter 3: A New Ally, And An Old Enemy
Chapter 4: New Problems, New Friends
Chapter 5: New Threats, New Plans
Chapter 6: Arnec's Journal (entry 1)
Act 2: Chapter 7: Scars Run Deep
Chapter 8: Heart To Heart
Chapter 9: The Needs Of The Many, The Power Of the Few
Chapter 10: Homecoming
Chapter 11: Old Wounds
Act 3: Chapter 12: A Surprise Turn
Chapter 13: Arnec's Journal (Entry 2)
Chapter 15: Epilogue

Chapter 14: Operation: Daredevil

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By Projectcobra72

Arnec sat down his journal and looked at Tangle. "So, we should probably get ready." he said before getting up, only having his pants and a pair of socks on. Tangle nodded and handed him a cassette tape and motioned her head towards a cassette player that wasn't there earlier... "Asmodeus said you'd like it." she said with a smile as she tilted her head. Arnec looked down at it before putting it into the player, pressing play and walking by the bed
(The show must go on - Queen)

Arnec's ears perked up as he heard the song start. Putting on his chaps before looping the belt around as the lyrics started. He grabbed his undershirt and waistcoat and put them on before tucking them. Then he tightened the belt, making sure it wouldn't move. As the song went proper he swayed his hips a little in sync with it, mouthing the lyrics. Tangle got up and grabbed a new jacket similar to the one Whisper had but a black and yellow color, and slid it on. Arnec put the scarf on and grabbed his jacket, Tangle smiling as she walked up to him, helping him make sure it was on good and the collars were out. She tightened the harness on his coat and he smiled "Jacket's nice."
"Heh. Try not to get too distracted." she said as she put her arms around his neck, both leaning from side to side as his hands were on her back. They shared a quick kiss before stepping out into the hallway, Whisper and Silver coming from behind and walking alongside them. Jewel came from another hallway and went alongside of them, Arnec whipping his hair out of his face as Tangle adjusted her jacket. They walked into the hangar to see everyone else getting ready. It felt strange, seeing some Mobians help some of the Demons load up and vise versa. He liked it though... If only his parents could see it... He then saw Nero and walked up to him as the Mobians joined the others.
"Hey, Nero... Is it okay if I give the final briefing?" he asked. Nero crossed his arms, leaning back a bit "Go ahead. We're set to warp soon anyways. Couldn't come up with a good name for the operation anyway. How was your rest, sleep well?"
"Good." Arnec responded before they gave each other a nod.
"By the way, the ship has a new name... Sacred Promise..." Nero said before walking off. Arnec hopped on top of a Vampyr and looked at the others before having one of the biggest smiles Tangle had ever seen. Arnec adjusted his coat collars before clearing his throat and giving everyone a chance to get close enough to hear him "Well, I think we're all just about ready. I've never given a proper briefing before so excuse me if I'm not that great at it." he said before looking around the hangar, mostly at Tangle who had a small smile. "...As soon as we leave warp, we're going to go down and make sure Angel Island is secure. Hopefully Knuckles can hold Grendel off long enough for us to get there. I'll go and face Grendel alone after getting him off of Knuckles, if he beats me I want every gun on this ship to fire on my last position. Operation: Daredevil is about to start. Everyone lock and load, we're ending this war..." Arnec said before stepping off of the Vampyr. Nero had his arms crossed but nodded before looking at the demons around him "Silent Shadow, rally up and prepare for battle! Tygrys will rue the day he started this war!" he yelled, drawing his longsword and pointing it up, the Demons around him cheering. Sonic looked at the Mobians "Alright guys, been a crazy few days but this is it. Nothing starts until we take action! When Eggman tried to roboticize our world, we stood against him and fought! We, together, can help end this fight. It's my fault that this Grendel guy has the Chaos Emeralds, but we can't get them back if we just sit and let our world die!" Sonic said, looking at everyone. Arnec walked next to him "We can let our past guide us... But we can't let it control us. We make our own future..." he crossed his his arms, looking at Tangle "...Almost all Mobians have something that most demon don't... A heart. That's why my father fell in love with my mother all those years ago. He understood that you can have all the power you want... But if you don't have the courage, the will to do what's right... Your power is meaningless... I'm honored that I get to fight alongside you all. Maybe after this over, we can get to know each other better..." he finished, smiling as he looked at Sonic. Sonic nodded and they all began getting ready,
A few minutes later and the Sacred promise spooled up its warp drive, the ship going into warp as the temperature slowly dropped inside. They left warp and Arnec, with Tangle, looked out the hangar door.

It was not what they expected...

There were tons of ships, Eggman's and Grendel's. It was going to be a three way fight to the bottom... Suddenly an explosion happened right outside the ship, knocking one of the Vampyrs off of it's rack and slinging it out of the ship, hitting Arnec and dragging him with Tangle out!
"Arnec, Tangle, you two okay!?" Sonic yelled over the radio. Arnec regained his focus as he saw the battle below, Tangle spinning as she plummeted. "I'm fine. Just try and clear the way for us!" he yelled before going into his demon form, hovering for a few seconds to go into it, and flying straight down towards her.
(117 - Halo 4 OST)

The battle was insane, explosions everywhere as he flew through it, the Sacred Promise launching it's forces.
"Woah, this is bigger than i thought!" Tails said over the radio.
"This is probably the biggest fleet Eggman's ever massed!"
"It's probably all he's got." Rouge responded. The Vampyrs flew in front of the two, clearing out any fighters headed for them. Arnec glided down towards the earth, Tangle in sight. He could hear Sonic on the radio
"Hey Egghead, I know you can hear me!"
"Sonic!? What the-!? How did you even get my frequency!?"
"Doesn't matter. Right now we're going to have to work together."
"And why should I!?"
"Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If Grendel wins... Everyone dies."
"Grendel won't win, because I will!" Eggman yelled. Sonic sighed but Arnec got onto the radio "Let him die with the past if he wants to!" Arnec yelled. He looked down and saw Tangle still falling. He sped up, feeling the wind hitting him and trying to push back. Suddenly he heard a loud boom and the wind suddenly lightened up! Then Tails got on the radio "Arnec, you just went past Mach 1! Are you okay!?"
"I'm fine. Tangle's in sight!" he yelled. He could see the earth getting closer and went faster.
"Oh my god... Mach 2!?" Tails yelled. Arnec staying silent before finally he caught up to her, slowing down so he could safely grab her. Arnec put his arms around her and spun her around, her face in his chest as he held her, leveling out as his wings spread like a bird. "Arnec!?" Tangle yelled before wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist so she wouldn't fall.
"I'm here!" he yelled.
"My head's spinning..." Tangle said, rolling her eyes. Arnec smiled "I bet..." he said quietly. Tangle smiled too as she put her head against his chest
"Thanks... Pretty Boy...."
"No problem... Love bug." Arnec said in response, looking down at her. Tangle smirked "Oh, I ain't snuggle muffin now?" She asked. Arnec chuckled ""Wanna hug, love bug?" rolls off the tounge better I think." Arnec said as he flew through an exploding ship, using his body and wings to shield her from the flames before spreading his wings yet again as they left the burning wreckage. Tangle looked up at him, smiling as he flew them through the battle. Suddenly a Vampyr flew in front of them, the rear hatch opening. Tails got on comms
"Get in!" he shouted. Two hostile Vampyrs got behind them, their reddish purple hulls shimmering. Tangle looked at Arnec "Use my tail!" She yelled. Arnec nodded and went to grab her tail, blushing as he accidentally grabbed her rear end. Tangle blushed too but didn't say anything as Arnec grabbed her tail, swinging it to the Vampyr's troop bay. Tangle's tail grabbed it, pulling them to the dropship. Arnec sat Tangle down and jumped out the hatch, spreading his wings to catch himself. He flew up to one of the Vampyrs and blasted it with his wing lasers, it falling in a fireball. Tangle was on her side but looked up, seeing Sonic awkwardly smiling "Long time no see, eh?" he said before watching Arnec latch onto the back of the hostile Vampyr, kicking his foot into the roof before prying the dropship in two with his hands! He quickly caught up to Tails and got in. Tails closed the door and smiled as he got onto the radio "That was crazy! You two okay?" he asked, Arnec huffing as he got out of his demon form. "We're fine. Shaken, but fine." he replied. He looked at Tangle and smiled "One way to make an entrance." he said with a smirk. Tangle chuckled as she looked out of a window on the rear hatch, explosions and ships everywhere. Arnec sat down by Silver and smiled a little "Hey Silver." he said, the Ivory Hedgehog doing a little wave "You okay? Looked like that ship hit you pretty hard."
"Im fine, thanks. Glad to see you're alright too."
Silver nodded, adjusting his bracelets. Arnec saw Whisper beside of Silver and got up, standing by Tangle. They then heard Nero on the radio...
"Hold on... We've got a new contact..." he said, Tails opening the rear hatch "Arnec, can you tell me what's going on?" he asked. Arnec looked and saw something at the bottom. Suddenly several ships exploded and that's when he saw what it was... A robotic centipede...

Eggman had joined the battle.

Eggman laughed as he got on the radio "Like I said, I would beat your Grendel and here's what I'll use! Allow me to demonstrate the power of Egg-ipede!" he yelled before flying it up to the Sacred Promise and wrapping the machine around the ship. Arnec could hear the alarms from the ship on Nero's comms as the ship twisted and shriveled
"What's he- oh my... Arnec, there's noth-"
Suddenly the Sacred Promise's center glowed before a large purple explosion engulfed it's hull, like a bomb. several pieces falling towards the ground, including the front of the ship which threw up dust as it landed in a forest... The Egg-ipede was fine though and Eggman could be heard laughing over the radio. Arnec jumped out of the dropship, nobody able to stop him, and also could be heard on the radio, although he wasn't laughing...
"Eggman... I know you can hear me..."
"Arnec again... The flag ship is destroyed, Grendel is all that's left... As soon as your power is mine!" Eggman said before twin railguns folded out on the machine's face. Arnec snarled as he took out an entire squadron of Interceptors with his wing lasers and shredding a few frigates while he was at it, stopping to hover in front of the mech
"Unfortunately Eggman, these skies are mine, Angel Island is going to become a graveyard for your machinations. If you want my power, come and take it!" Arnec yelled before his demon form changed in appearance. It had more spines on it, looking like armor.
(Image below, art by me. :P)

He had less of Tangle's features and more his own. Two almost black wings spread from his body and a roar echoed across the battlefield. Arnec clenched his fist and held it in front of him, smiling as cyan lightning crackled off of it. The Egg-ipede charged at the demon, Arnec running across the machine's body as it twisted. It reared it's head and fired it's guns, Arnec dashing between shots as they ripped by him, decimating any ships caught in their path. "Arnec, be careful!" Tangle yelled. Arnec nodded to himself "Don't worry, I'll be coming home." he said, his voice distorted and more growly. The Egg-ipede attempted to blast him some more, Arnec consistently dodging each shell before retaliating with some lasers from his wings. "When you get to hell, tell them I sent you." Arnec said as he flew back. Explosions blanketed the mechanical beast, dealing little damage. Eggman charged again, several Vampyrs coming to assist with a bombing run. Eggman turned the Egg-ipede, locking onto the dropships. Then Arnec grabbed a hold of one of them, ripping it off violently. The Egg-ipede turned and Arnec jammed the gun into the Egg-ipede's hull, blasting a hole through it before swinging around and hitting it with the gun so hard it snapped the beasts head clean off! It hit one of Eggman's ships where he could be heard coughing. Arnec went to finish him but heard Tails
"My mech survived!? And... Hold on... There's life forms inside!" he yelled. Arnec smiled a little, but still wasn't very happy with everyone else on board the ship being dead. "Please... Let it be the twins..." Arnec said to himself. Tails saw the mech as it flew towards the planet, it looking like a robot wolf. He flew straight at it and managed to catch it with the Vampyr, the mech on top. "Get them out of here!" Arnec yelled. "Don't worry, I'm already doing it. Take care of Grendel!" Tails yelled back. Arnec nodded before going straight for Angel Island, most of the ships destroyed. It was just a straight drop down. When he reached the bottom, Knuckles was actually holding his own! Grendel tried his best to beat the Guardian but Knuckles seemingly had a counter for everything. Unfortunately, he was tiring out... When Arnec joined the battle, Knuckles' defense had finally been widdled down enough that Grendel had gotten a good gut punch in and knocked him back. Arnec ran by and tackled Grendel
"Knuckles, tag out! He's mine!" he yelled, getting out of his demon form. Knuckles scooted himself back, trying to get some air. Grendel shoved Arnec off of him and the two looked at each other "You're lucky my fleet had to regroup." Grendel said, growling. Arnec smirked "I'm not going to let you win... Doppelganger, let's do this!" Arnec yelled before summoning Doppelganger. Both ran at Grendel and he teleported to the side, grabbing Doppelganger by the leg and lifting him before grabbing him by the face. Arnec looked over and couldn't be fast enough as Grendel crushed Doppelganger's face, causing him to instantly dissipate. Arnec growled before rushing at him again, making sure he could hit him when he moved. Grendel didn't though and instead teleported behind him, rushing towards the Master Emerald. Knuckles tried to stop him with a clothesline but Grendel was too quick as he shot by him and headed for the Emerald. Arnec could see Tails and the others in a Vampyr behind them. Grendel dove and placed his hand on the Master Emerald, a flash of light blinding everyone. When everyone's vision returned, they were in a literal dark place, with floating chunks of earth and metal. The Vampyr disappeared as they were teleported beside Arnec by some unknown force... "What the... Where are we!?" Tails said before pulling out his scanner, something jamming it. Arnec stepped forward, recognizing the place.
"Limbo..." he said quietly. Suddenly Sonic felt a warmth and pulled out a Chaos Emerald! "Hey, how did this get here!?"
A Sol Emerald appeared in Blaze's hand, her looking down in surprise... Grendel stood in front of them before smirking "Good luck!" he said before jumping backwards into the abyss. Arnec ran up to the edge and saw nothing, looking at the others confusingly. He dashed to them and shrugged "He jumped, I have no clue what to do." he said before looking under his scarf and pulling out his amulet. Suddenly the ground shook and something appeared behind him.


Arnec looked behind him "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me!" he yelled. Sonic looked at the others "Alright, we all have to go super... Me, Shadow and Silver were barely able to stop Solaris and this is apparently his bigger sister, so... Just be careful!" he said before the Chaos Emeralds surrounded them and slowly spun. Arnec turned and smiled a little before looking at Blaze, who did something similar and went into her Burning Blaze form. Everyone else went Super and they all hovered in front of Artemis, her letting out a low howl like a whale... Arnec looked at the others "Well, let's do this!" he yelled before they all flew at Artemis, the god charging up muiltple balls of energy before lasers went in different directions, everyone having to dodge one. Arnec was the fastest, dashing forward several times to decrease the time it would take to reach her, Artemis attempting to flick him away with one of her "winglets". He slid under it, grabbing onto it and being taken with it to it's normal position. He looked at Artemis "Gotta be a weak spot on you somewhere..." he said before sliding down the winglet and hopping onto her head, Artemis turning and attempting to sling him off. It worked sort of, him falling but being right where he needed to be, his amulet falling off without him even noticing. He jabbed Amaterasu into her neck, doing nothing apparently before being flung off. Artemis looked at him in particular before suddenly everyone except Arnec was frozen in time! Arnec looked around and smirked as he landed on the platform, exiting his demon form "What the hell is this!?" he yelled, spreading his arms a little. He then grinned as he had a realization. He looked up at Artemis, swaying his hips a little to the side as he chuckled
"Well, you froze my friends so I guess I'm the main star of your little show! But I like that. Because that means you know who I am, what power I hold. My father killed a god once. Being his son, I should be able to do it as well!" Arnec yelled before going back into his demon form, drawing his sword. Artemis let out another howl...
(Sorrow - Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles OST)

Artemis launched several lasers at him, Arnec flying by them as he headed straight for the center. He flew up as he rapidly slashed, bright cryan streaks going everywhere. Artemis flew back and launched more lasers with what looked like comets, bright cyan cores and trails. It was like she was just picking up stars and throwing them at him... Thankfully they were easier to dodge though thanks to their slower speed. Large booms echoed throughout the area as large blue explosions blanketed where he was. He twirled around the lasers before doing a higher powered version of Dimension Slice, bright cyan streaks going all over the place. Her hold on everyone else slowly breaking as Silver was freed! He flew by Arnec "I'll stop those... Whatever they are!" Silver yelled, Arnec nodding. They flew side by side, Silver flicking the comets away with his telekinesis while dodging the main lasers. Artemis then spread her winglets before a large ball of energy formed in front of her.
"Silver, move!"
"Got it!" Silver yelled before they spread out, a large laser flying between them. The grip on the Mobians faded as Sonic and Shadow were freed! They both flew with Silver and Arnec, Shadow speaking "I'll draw her fire, Silver you make sure she doesn't hit anyone with a comet. Sonic, you and Arnec do whatever it takes to take this thing down!" Shadow yelled. Everyone looked at each other and nodded. Shadow summoned a chaos spear and stood in front of the angered god, his arms crossed. Artemis fired some comets at him, Shadow dodging before throwing some chaos spears and using Leviathan like a grappling hook to swiftly get out of Artemis' firing path . Silver was able to keep the comets away as Sonic and Arnec flew away from them, out of Artemis' view
"So, how did you take out Solaris!?"
"He had a core and we hit it!"
"I don't think Artemis has a core!"
"Or maybe we haven't exposed it yet..." Sonic said to himself. Blaze suddenly flew beside of them! "Does hitting it do any good?" She asked. Arnec looked over at her as he got an idea "If we hit it hard enough, maybe that will do it?"
"That's what worked on Solaris, maybe Artemis is the same!?" Sonic yelled. Arnec smirked "Well why didn't you just say that!?" he said with an eye roll. Tangle was unfroze and flew beside him, Asmodeus summoned. "Tangle, Blaze, let's do a bombing run." he said before flying above Artmeis' center and firing balls of fire, energy daggers, and lasers. It didn't do much, but Artemis howled as she noticed them. She turned and lasers flew at the Mobians. One flew right by Tangle, the heat causing her to sweat a little before Arnec flew by and pulled her away. He turned and one of the lasers hit him right in the stomach, launching him backwards! He slammed into a floating building and saw a skeleton by him, old rotted and feathered wings on it... "Lucifer... Is Limbo...?" Arnec asked. Lucifer sighed
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You think I'm proud of it either?"
Arnec sighed before flying out of the building, rubbing the ash off of his stomach and chest. Everyone else had managed to break free and were attacking Artemis, lasers launching everywhere as a shockwave knocked everyone back except Arnec as his distance was closing.
"Hey Artemis, for a god you're having a real hard time with a bunch of Mobians!" he yelled, chuckling. "Did you just... Make fun of her?" Lucifer asked. "Yeah, trying to draw her to me."
"Well that's one way of doing it."
"Bad idea?"
"You tell me if threatening a god that could consume an entire dimension is a very bad idea."
Arnec chuckled before running up Artemis' side, slashing left and right rapidly. Artemis released a shockwave and launched him back, freezing everyone again. Artemis' body opened, her winglets combining to make proper wings. Arnec shook his head before he flew at Artemis' core at a blinding speed, jamming Amaterasu into it. Artemis howled before swiping him away. He smirked, his sword still by his side as he hovered in front of her. Artemis made another low howl, a gust of wind flying outwards. Arnec flicked off a piece of dust that had landed on his shoulder and smirked before letting out a small chuckle. Artemis charged up her energy beams and fired them all at Arnec, him teleporting out of the way as the purple lasers blasted by him.
"It's my birthday and instead of getting to have some peace and quiet with the love of my life, I get to kill a god... Great." he said to himself. He then smirked "Artemis, I've been told you can consume an entire dimension! Well, I can slice them, let's see which is better!" Arnec said before gripping his sword's handle tightly, lighting crackling off of it before Arnec disappeared, everything being pitch black before a bunch of cyan streaks went everywhere, lighting the place up with a faint teal color. Artemis had even been frozen by the move, Arnec standing in front of her before sheathing his sword. Artemis flew back, stunned. Arnec took his chance, spinning like a drill straight at her. The core drew closer and closer, Artemis still stunned. He struck the core, hearing Artemis howl... Then there was a flash of light... He stood up and was in a new part of Limbo, it looked like Mobius, but fractured... Chunks of the planet floated around him. "So, Artemis was heading for Mobius next? Hmph, convient." he said to himself. He could see Grendel standing in front of him
"Suprised you survived Artemis' wrath." Grendel said, looking down at his hand. Arnec shrugged
"Well, had to get to you, Artemis was only an appetizer compared to the main dish!" Arnec said with a chuckle.
"Well I'm gllad you came... Because to get my world, I must eliminate everything that stands in my way. That includes you... brother!"
"What did you just call me!?" Arnec yelled. Grendel chuckled before the smoke and hellfire went away, revealing a familiar timber wolf.... Arnec recognized him immediately... "Fayn!?" Arnec yelled. Fayn smiled, his eyes a dark purplish red "Been a while, big brother..." he responded, having a thick Australian accent. He had on a new outfit, gray pants, a lack of a shirt and a large green coat, some black combat boots as well. Arnec was at a loss for words as the person he thought for sure was dead was just standing in front of him... "I... I thought you died during the attack!" Arnec yelled. Fayn smirked
"I would've, had it not been for Phobos and a bedroom window..." he said before drawing the sword from his back. Arnec hadn't seen the blade in so long he almost forgot what it looked like. Although he swore the blade's edge didn't glow a dark red... Fayn smirked
"You know, before I sent the fleet here I asked myself something... What if our places were swapped, would I be the Devil Hunter, and you the Exile? Or is our fates decided before our birth?" he said, rubbing his fingers across the Phobos. Arnec stepped forward
"Fayn, we make our own future."
"Hmph... Alright... Then I'll make mine!" Fayn yelled before dashing at him, Arnec barely able to get his sword up in time.
"C'mon Arnec... Come on!"
"Fayn, I don't want to fight you! I spent six years trying to kill Tygrys and get revenge for you, mom and dad!"
"He's already dead, I killed him! While you waited politely..."
"You... Did?"
"Yeah. Because I'm the better son!"
"Fayn, we're not children anymore... It doesn't matter who's better now."
"Like hell!" Fayn yelled before rolling to the side, walking sideways as his sword was in one hand, a sawed off shotgun in his other. He fired twice as he rolled, Arnec spinning his blade the deflect the pellets. Blades clashed and shed sparks as the brothers fought, Fayn not holding back as he was acrobatic with his style. Arnec tried his best, but only to dodge and block. He couldn't kill Fayn, not after nearly losing him... Fayn however didn't care if he killed him or not. It was who was better that mattered to him... Arnec could have sworn he heard a portal open but didn't see anything when he got the chance to look around. Fayn was fast with his strikes, dashing between some to try and throw Arnec off. He was still holding on though, hoping Fayn would stop. Sadly, he knew he wouldn't. Fayn jumped into the air and slammed his sword down, narrowly missing before lunging forward like a stinger, slashing the air so fast it was like he slicing well over a million times. Arnec did the same, sparks flying each time their swords collided. Fayn then kicked him in the stomach, launching Arnec back and causing him to drop his sword. Fayn pulled out his shotgun, loading a slug round before pointing it at Arnec "Father always wanted one of us to take his place. Inside us is his blood... Now? Now I take my place as the better brother, the better son! My legacy will live on as I make sure that Nephilium aren't the trash of the universe. You remember when we were kids, the weird looks we got... Tygrys had the right idea, just not for the right people. Us half breeds could rule everything because we have the powers of Demons and angels in our very DNA! You however... You use your power for a fruitless cause... Every Mobian you helped will die before you will... Mobians, Demons, Angels... All of them can break... We can't. We have all their strengths without any weaknesses! You proved to me how unwilling you are to change. Tygrys was the same way." Fayn yelled before pulling the trigger shot ringing out... Everything went silent for Arnec as he was very much alive and saw Fayn drop his gun. He looked over and saw Tangle, laying on the ground! Arnec grabbed her and held her before realizing that she was gone...
"What the...!? No... I didn't..." Fayn said, shocked by what happened as he took a step back. He wanted to kill Arnec sure, but not Tangle... He didn't even know her, and yet now she's dead in his brother's hands. He heard Arnec's sobs as he rubbed his hand across her forehead, putting his forehead against hers
"I'm sorry Tangle..." Arnec whispered. "...I couldn't even keep my promise... I said it wouldn't happen again..." he said quielty. Fayn walked towards him but before he could do anything, Arnec shoved him away "Get away from me, demon!" he yelled. Fayn was taken by surprise but didn't say anything. Arnec's hair was puffed up, his fangs out "...We may share blood... But you are not my brother! The Fayn I know died six years ago!" Arnec yelled before standing up, moving away from Tangle's body. Fayn moved too, drawing the Phobos from his back. "Arnec, I'm-"
"Shut it! Your words mean nothing to me anymore! I do not know what or who you are, but you are not my brother!" Arnec yelled, getting into his fighting stance as his demon form came over him. Fayn went to blast him with his shotgun again in desperation, Arnec dashing from side to side before summoning Lucifer and punching him in the stomach. A swift knee to the face before a swinging kick that knocked Fayn down to the ground. Arnec climbed on top of him and went to punch him, Fayn grabbing his fist as Satan formed over his hands and feet, the familiar metal mask forming over his mouth. Both struggled as they tried to overpower the other, snarls and growls coming from both. Fayn did manage to throw him off, but Arnec was already up and at him, Fayn raising his sword just in time. Both pushed, it seemingly equal... Until Fayn felt Arnec pushing even more, him leaning back before doing a back flip to try and get some breathing room. Arnec snarled before freezing everything and doing Dimension Slice. He breathed heavily as everything was quiet before sheathing his sword, launching Fayn back. Fayn went to get up, weakened. Arnec rushed at him and jammed his sword into Fayn's stomach. Fayn coughed and hacked up blood, looking at his brother with two blue eyes, the corruption gone...
"Maybe in the next life... We can have a happy ending..." Fayn choked out before slumping forward. Arnec removed his sword and held his brother, Fayn's breaths heavy as he looked at Arnec. Arnec felt the tears go down his cheeks "Why you... Cryin'?" Fayn asked.
"I... Lost everything..."
"Not... Your life... You still... Have that..." Fayn said, his blue eyes getting heavier. "...Who was she?"
"The closest thing to mother... I loved her Fayn... Just like I did you..."
"She... looked nice... I... Wish I could undo my action... Maybe... Next... Time... I... Still love you, brother..." Fayn said before his eyes closed, his breathing slowing to a standstill... Arnec sobbed as he rubbed his head against Fayn's "I still loved you too..." he whispered, regretting what he said earlier. Whatever Fayn had become, it didn't matter now. Fayn, Tangle, both were dead now. He got up, roaring into the abyss. He walked over to Tangle and picked her up, his crying worsening as he gritted his teeth. He opened a portal and went through, seeing everyone staring at him, Tangle in his arms. Sonic hesitantly walked up to him "What happened?" he asked. Arnec shook his head "She saved my life... But gave hers up..." he said weakly. "What was in there?"
"Doesn't matter now... It's dead too..." Arnec said, mostly to himself. He felt something draw him to the portal. Whisper was silent as she took Tangle's body from him, trying her best to not break down. Arnec turned and walked towards the portal "Where are you going?" Sonic asked. Arnec shrugged "My fight isn't over." he said before entering. He was in a place similar to the one where he fought Fayn, except... Someone else was there... Someone that looked a lot like Szakala, but with green eyes... Tygrys.
"Tygrys!?" Arnec yelled. The demon knight smiled as he looked at Arnec "So you recognize me, nephew."
"I am NOT your nephew!" Arnec yelled, wiping his tears away. Tygrys sighed "Why do you deny simple facts so much? Your mother was the same way, and... Well... You know how well that ended for her... She became just another angel crushed in my talons."
"Unless you want to die, I'd shut my beak. You murdered billions just for your own pleasure!" Arnec yelled. Tygrys smirked as he drew his own sword, a katana with a jagged back edge.
"Oh don't worry, you, then Tangle, then the rest of your kind will be dead long before I turn this universe into a paradise for demon kind. Such a shame too, I thought you would understand..."
Apparently Tygrys didn't know about Tangle's death... Arnec decided to play along and growled
"The one person that can hold me back from tearing your arm off and bitch slapping you with it and you threaten her!?!" he yelled, growling. Tygrys smirked "Such fowl language... You don't think my paradise would be beautiful?" he asked, smiling as his tounge hung out of his mouth a little. Arnec chuckled as he spread his arms
"Quite frankly, I think it'd be like looking into a backed up toilet!" he yelled. He then smirked before he had a cyan glow around him, the glow turned to flames and he smiled "...Unfortunately, I've already lost everything... I've got nothing left to lose now. I will take back what you stole from me... MY HONOR, MY PRIDE, MY LIFE!" he yelled as two angelic wings sprouted from his back! Except they had scales along with the feathers, them being a dark purple with aqua green wingtips. He pulled out Amaterasu and pointed it at the demon "I'm ready... How about you?" Arnec said as Tygrys smirked.
"Please child, I've killed a demon lord! One of those muppets you worshipped like a god... What was his name? Belphegor? I remember breaking that fox piece by piece... Sadly he didn't beg too much. Guess you can't do that when you haven't eaten in half a decade!" Tygrys said as he slid his hand across his blade, letting out a small chuckle. Arnec growled, his wings flowing in the wind as his eyes narrowed "I'm already stronger than my father... And he could have taken you down..."
"He couldn't, I was his brother. He couldn't have that dishonor on him. As for you? I will cut you down like the mere chaff you are... It is nigh time for Demons to take their rightful throne! Every Mobian, Sol, and Angel will burn when I do what is necessary. Actually... The angels are all dead... Your mother should know."
Arnec teleported in front of him and Tygrys raised his blade. But Arnec rushed by, Amaterasu's edge glowing. Bright cyan streaks flew through the air, Tygrys teleporting out of the way. Arnec smirked "Good, you know how to dodge. Guess I won't get bored!" Arnec yelled before assuming his fighting stance. Tygrys simply smirked...

(5oul On D!splay - Daiki Kasho)

This was it... One last fight... Arnec knew he could give up now.

Metal grinded against metal as the two blades met, sparks flying through the air. Arnec spun and swung his blade, Tygrys blocking with no expression. His strikes were heavy, like a freight train behind each swing. With a well timed dash Arnec was able to dodge, retaliating with a spin of his body that turned him into a bladed whirlwind. Tygrys, one hand behind him, simply lifted his blade and blocked the thousands of slashes. Arnec dashed back to a standing position, not wanting to risk just landing, and smirked as he twirled his blade. Both flew at each other, swords swinging wildly. Steel against steel, sparks flying as it felt like the universe itself was hinging on this one fight... Both blades pushed against each other, their wielders looking into each other's souls as not a single word was said... Arnec pushed, his wings glowing brightly before Tygrys began to bend back, his guard breaking. Arnec did a twirl around him, a backward blade swinging from him and barely getting dodged. Tygrys smirked, Arnec doing the same as he popped his neck. "I can do this... He underestimated me, the proud son of a lark... He'll regret it..." he said in his head. He then thought of Szakala, Lucetta, and Tangle... A grin grew across his face "...This is for them..." he uttered quietly. Arnec growled before suddenly the sky got darker, rain drops falling. Tygrys swung his arm out as he sprinted at the wolf. He swung his blade in a perfect arc, Arnec leaning back and doing a back flip before they dueled some more, sparks sizzling as they touched the puddles. Arnec slid back, pulling something from his side as Tygrys jumped into the air, wings spread like an angel before he flew at him. Arnec dashed forward, cyan ash being the only part left in his old position. Tygrys turned and saw Arnec twirling in the air at him, Amaterasu and the Ravensword in his hands! Tygrys smirked as he raised his blade, Arnec spinning at blinding speeds as he became a whirlwind of blades, sparks flying off of Tygrys' sword like a buzz saw as the wolf hovered in the air from the opposing forces. Tygrys shoved the wolf away and Satan formed over his arms and legs, the metallic mask going over his beak. Arnec summoned Lucifer and smiled as he cracked his knuckles. Arnec swung first, Tygrys catching his hand and head butting him to the ground. Arnec spun, smirking before dashing into a tackle, getting Tygrys onto the ground before going to town on his face. Tygrys simply just let him before grabbing his hand and tossing him off. Arnec wiped his mouth and raised his hands, smiling before dashing side to side, going too fast to be countered as he jabbed his sides. Finally he spun and kicked Tygrys in the jaw, knocking him back. Before Tygrys could regain his senses he had a pair of boots in his face as Arnec drop kicked him. Arnec landed and wiped his shoulders as Lucifer disappeared, his coat forming back on. Tygrys snarled as his own sword formed from green embers into his hand. He then glowed green, his wings spreading as he powered up. Arnec got into his fighting stance as he glowed bright aqua green, electricity going around him and Amaterasu... He felt like Szakala and Lucetta were right beside him, watching as he finished the fight they never got to. He swore he could hear Tangle too, alongside everyone else... Both warriors looked at each other, aqua green and pure green... Evolution and purity... It was a duel between the past and future... This was it, the final charge... Arnec's hands tightened as a low crackle came from his body. And then like it was all in slow motion, they charged. The rain intensified as they got closer and closer, both blades shimmering brightly as their wielders got closer. Arnec swung Amaterasu in an arc as Tygrys passed by, Tygrys' arm shooting up as his torso was cut open, narrowly missing. Arnec skidded to a stop, his wings still swaying as he panted. He turned and watched as Tygrys healed himself! Tygrys laughed as he turned around
"To think, this was the only secret that Angels kept from me... Now, it's mine..." Tygrys said as he clenched his fist. Anger didn't begin to describe how Arnec felt. He had him beat, and yet he was still alive... Tygrys cackled as he rubbed his talon across the jagged edge of his sword. He then let out a sigh
"Killing you sadly doesn't bring me as much pleasure as I'd like it to."
Arnec smirked as he sheathed his sword, shrugging "Sounds like something an insane person like you would say. The demon realm was beautiful before you destroyed it!"
"It was dying! Your father allowed our kind to be weak! Your father and I were the last of our kind... And he created you... Least Fayn was useful for me." Tygrys said in a disqusted tone. Arnec growled as he lashed out
"You took everything from us! I had to kill my own brother because of you!" he shouted, Tygrys laughing
"Good... You'll get used to getting your hands dirty eventually!" Tygrys said before laughing. Suddenly he felt something jab into his stomach... He looked down and saw Arnec, the wolf's blade jammed completely into his stomach as Arnec's arm was around him to make sure it went as deep as it could. Arnec growled as he noticed the fear in Tygrys' green eyes.
"I thought... You had... Honor?" Tygrys choked out with a grin, blood seeping from his beak. Arnec growled a little before twisting the blade and ripping it out. Tygrys' body fell with a thud, dust getting kicked up like smoke. Arnec sheathed amaterasu and smirked "There, got my hands dirty like you said!" he said before walking through the portal...

Everyone was there, and a very alive Tangle with them! Arnec sprinted at blinding speeds and tackled her, Tangle yelping in shock. "Arnec!?"
"I thought I lost you!" Arnec yelled, burying his face in her chest fluff. Tangle made a confused chuckle as she felt his kisses on her chest "O-okay Pretty Boy, c-calm down now!" she said, smiling embarrassingly as everyone just stared at them. Whisper chuckled to herself, just happy that Tangle had him back as she tried to hide her ruined makeup.
"What happened, how did you get brought back to life!?" Arnec asked as he unburied himself, his hands on her wrists. Tangle shrugged "Something to do with your amulet. I woke up and it was around my neck, purple instead of blue..." Tangle explained, Arnec's smile slowly fading as he let out a saddened sigh. Tangle looked at him confusingly
"What's wrong?"
"My mother... I realize now what she did all those years ago..." he said as he rubbed his hand across the amulet, it's former blue eagle now purple.
"What are you talking about?"
"My amulet was clear but after she touched it, it turned blue... I always felt like she was there, watching me... And..." he looked up at her "...She sacrificed herself to bring you back..." he said, his mouth turning to a slight smile as his eyes were on the verge of tearing up. "I'm sorry... I..." Tangle started before he cut her off
"Im not crying because of her... You taught me not to tear myself up over my lost family..."
"Then... Why are you?" Tangle asked. Arnec smiled before softly kissing her "Because I thought I lost another." he said before getting up, helping Tangle up and hugging her. He wiped his eyes and smiled as he looked at the others, clearing his throat "Thanks everyone. It's been a crazy day... But we did it... I'm forever grateful for what you all did for me. You ever need me... You know where to find me." he said before opening a portal with Amaterasu and going back to Mobius, Tangle and the others following. They were back on Angel Island, Knuckles getting up with a groan as he noticed everyone "So, it's over? You're all alive." he said before glancing over and letting out a surprised "hm?" everyone else looked over and saw the Master Emerald, it shining in the sunlight. Several vampyrs landed, several Silent Shadow hunters stepping out. Arnec turned and looked as they approached him, one kneeling "Nero is dead, he asked me to give you this..." he said before placing a small disc in Arnec's hand. It had a button, Arnec pressing it. A light on the disc flickered before a hologram of Nero appeared. "Arnec, I know we never knew each other that well, but me and your father were close friends a long time ago. At first I was hesitant in trusting the Mobians you brought but thanks to you... My uncertainty was misplaced. Your father a while back mentioned having peace between demons and Mobians and I laughed... I was blinded, but you showed us the way. If I am to fall during the final fight, I would be honored if you would take my place as Zealous Champion of the Silent Shadow. It's a lot of responsibility, but I know you can do it. Don't worry about making mistakes, six years ago there were plenty..." Nero said before sighing, looking over "...Yidia, make sure he gets this." he said before the recording shut off. Arnec looked up at Yidia, the demon kneeling. All the others Demons did the same, the Mobians looking as confused as Arnec. Yidia then got up, the others following suit as they waited for their leader's orders. "Hey, can I get a picture?" Jewel asked as she walked up to Armec. He shrugged as Tangle smiled "Heck yeah! Whisp, Silver, come here!" Whisper got beside of Tangle and Arnec was by Whisper, Silver at the end. Jewel snapped the photo before showing it to them...

"Nice!" Arnec said with a slight blush. Sonic looked around at all the Mobians "Well, it's over. We won! Let's go home and celebrate!" he yelled as the Mobians cheered. Arnec got into one of the Vampyrs and looked at the Silent Shadow pilot "Let's get to the Sacred Promise's crash site." he said. Tangle had followed him "What are you doing?"
"Paying my respects." he said as the dropship lifted off, Tangle not having any time to get off. The demons were all silent as they stared at Arnec, him scratching his neck before putting an arm around Tangle, leaning against her. It was a quiet ride, the Demons not saying a word. The hatch opened and they were in the forest where the Sacred Promise had crashed, smoke and flames spread throughout the area. Arnec sighed as he looked at it. He then turned to Tangle "Stay out here, I don't know if you want to see what's probably left of some of them..." he said before kissing her goodbye. "Silent Shadow, with me!" he yelled, waving towards himself as the Silent Shadow and him all entered. It was like a maze of hallways and twisted metal as they tried to get to the bridge. Several bodies laid on the floor, most dead from the impact. When he reached the bridge he saw Nero's body, a piece of metal sticking out of his stomach. Arnec kneeled by Nero's body, putting his hand on his chest as he looked at the dimmed eyes of the helmet. "Nero, I got your message..." he said before smiling. "...Don't worry, I won't leave your body here." he said before drawing Amaterasu and slicing the piece of metal off of Nero before putting his arms around him, lifting him. Nero was pretty heavy, mostly thanks to his armor, but Arnec was able to put him over his shoulder. Several Hunters entered and bowed as they saw their former leader in their new leader's hands. "Get everyone else out. We're giving everyone a proper burial. They've earned some rest." Arnec said before stepping out, placing Nero's body on one of the benches in a spare Vampyr. Tails' mech walked by and opened, revealing the Gecko mother and her twin children. Arnec smiled as he walked up to them "How did you get in there?" he asked, the mother growling and clicking as she motioned towards her children.
"Well if you hadn't chased them to the hangar and followed them into the mech, you may not have survived." Arnec said with a smile. The Gecko mother made an "I dunno" little growl before hopping out, her two twins following as they paid their respects to Nero and the other fallen Shadows. Tangle looked at Arnec and smiled a little before glancing behind him "Uh... Someone's back."
Arnec spun and saw Fayn again! Except... He had his old hoodie and clothes on. "Fayn?" Arnec asked. Fayn hugged him, sniffling "Where is she?"
"Where's who?"
"Wait... You don't remember?"
"Remember what?"
"The attack."
"I do, I dove out a window. But..." Fayn couldn't even finish a sentence. Arnec sighed as he rubbed his back
"Fayn... I'm sorry, she's gone. It's been six years..."
Arnec sighed, thinking to himself "Did Tygrys cause this? Or maybe Grendel? Artemis maybe!?" he asked himself. Fayn pulled away hesitantly, looking at his brother "Wait... Your 17? But we're the same size!"
"I think it's your older body but your memories from the past six years are gone."
"Oh, can I get them back?"
"You... probably don't want them back."
"Oh. They... bad?"
"A lot of people were hurt, to say the least. But that wasn't the real you. Listen, I know we fought a lot... And I'm sorry. I'm supposed to set an example, I'm your older brother."
"By two minutes!"
"Still, that's my responsibility."
"Okay, if you say so. So... What do we do? We lost our home obviously."
"We've got a new one."
"Wait, we do?"
"Spiral Hill Village. There's a museum, I'm staying there with someone."
"Who, your girlfriend??" Fayn asked, teasing. Arnec blushing though made Fayn realize that he was indeed dating someone, Tangle covering her mouth as she tried not to laugh.
"You got a girlfriend!?"
"Well, you beat me to something again... I'll get one that's hotter!"
"Yeah, good luck with that!" Arnec said, narrowing his eyes and smiling as he looked at Tangle. Fayn chuckled "So, let's go to this home." he said before all three began to walk off.
"Who's she?" Fayn asked.
"My girlfriend, you twit." Arnec said, chuckling as he held Tangle's hand...

-A short time later-

"So is it over?" Sonic asked as him and Arnec stood outside the museum.
"Demons breed like rabbits, we'll definitely see more that follow Tygrys' example. But the head of the snake's been cut off. Today is a victory. " Arnec said as he looked at the horizon. Sonic smiled as he put his hands on his hips "Well, we'll take them down as they come. And Arnec? Thanks... If it weren't for you, I dunno if our world would still be standing. Artemis was a lot tougher than anything I've ever faced.
"We all played our part. But... I think this is the best birthday I've ever had..." Arnec said before smiling.
"Wait, it's your birthday!? How old!?"
"Huh, didn't know you were older than me."
"Heh, how old are you again?"
"15. Tangle know you're older than her?"
"We already had that discussion. It's only two years. If it were twenty it'd be a problem but that's... A sickening thought. Speaking of relationships, have you been thinking about anyone?"
"Not really."
"What about Amy? She seems to like you." Arnec said, Sonic rolling his eyes
"And have to deal with her dark knight? No thanks, we bicker enough!"
"True, her and Shadow are close too." Arnec said with a shrug.
"Who asked who out first?" Sonic then asked, smiling. Arnec blushed "Well... I... I did, actually."
"Dang, you did? Thought she'd take initiative..."
"I dunno, my anxiety was all kinds of bad though. Thought for sure she'd say no. Which granted I'd be fine with, but... There's just something about having someone to hold you... Tell you that you're life isn't meaningless... That's what I needed."
"Heh, gonna shoot me with a love arrow, cupid?" Sonic asked, chucklimg.
"Nothing, it's... Okay, you know what valentine's day is?"
"You're kidding... It was just last month!"
"What day?"
"Lucifer didn't tell me about it. What is it about?" Arnec asked. Sonic grinned
"It's a holiday all about writing fanfictions about your favorite fictional characters! Just kidding, it's about love. We call it Valentine's day." Sonic said, Arnec nodding as he smirked
"Of course Mobians have a love themed day. Why am I not surprised?" he said, Sonic shrugging
"You sure like to romantize us, so I'm surprised you haven't heard of it."
"Well, anyone can be terrible. Anyone can also be good. It's up to us to decide who we are. I let my blood dictate my fate for far too long. I'm not a half demon, or a half angel. I'm mostly angel apparently, two thirds. Only around 10% Mobian and around 30 demon."
"Tails got the results back?"
"So what's that make you?"
"A blackened angel." Arnec said, smiling a little. Sonic chuckled "You come up with that yourself?"
"Got anything else I could call myself?"
"Your name?"
"Well yeah, but a cool nickname would help! Isn't yours like Blue Blur or something along the lines of that?"
"Yeah, I guess I get what you're saying. I'm still gonna call you Arnec though."
"That's fine." Arnec said quietly. Suddenly their radios went off "Amy here, you two need to get ready, we're having a big celebration outside of Spiral Hill!"
Sonic looked at Arnec "Well, guess I'll see you around."
"If you need me, I'll be here. I'll let you know later if it's otherwise."
"Alright. See ya!" Sonic said before racing off. Arnec walked into the museum...

-Several hours later, around 7 pm-

(Heaven is a place on earth - Belinda Carlisle)

Fireworks exploded and crackled over Spiral Hill, the Restoration celebrating their victory. Arnec leaned against a tree outside the village as he saw the fireworks. It was beautiful, seeing that he finally had helped someone. He heard leaves crinkle behind him and saw Tangle as she walked beside of him. He got up and they held hands, her resting her head on his shoulder. She looked at him as they faced each other before jumping on top of him, him falling back with a surprised face as she pinned his wrists to the floor. Tangle grinned before kissing him, his hands on her back underneath her jacket as he kissed back. The fireworks continued, seemingly intensifying as their lips touched. Both smiled as they stared at each other "Thanks Tangle... Swore I could hear you cheering me on at the end..."
"I was." Tangle said before hugging him tightly "...That was before I was brought back... Glad you pulled it off."
"Thanks... I sometimes wonder if I had never met you, what would change... Would I still be human? Or would I be like what Fayn became? It scares me..."
"Dont worry about, you're alive and kicking, and in the end as long as you're okay, I am too." Tangle said as her tail swished, her smiling before they kissed again. "So... This the date you wanted?" Tangle asked. Arnec's cheeks got rosy as he chuckled "You did read my journal didn't you?"
"Yep. Spilt some cookie crumbs in there too. Saw that drawing..."
"Oh no..."
"No, I really liked it. But yeah, me and books don't go well together."
"Kinda expected that. But... What kind of date did you want?"
"Arnec, you're the one who's been through hell and back..."
"Yep, literally. And with all you've been through, I think you deserve some peace and quiet." Tangle said before getting comfy on top of him. "...We're sleeping outside too!" She said with a chuckle. Arnec laughed too, making sure she was comfy and he wasn't feeling any discomfort before they both yawned together, Tangle unfastening his armor. "Oh, my bad, I should have-"
"It's fine. Just get some sleep... You earned it, Pretty Boy..." Tangle said before resting her head on his chest. A few seconds later she fell asleep, snoring a little. Arnec smiled as he rubbed her back, his eyes getting heavier before passing out himself...

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