Revenge of the Hunter(complet...

By SpartanLeader

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(Sequel to the Bounty Hunter)after the battle with the deadliest Bounty Hunter The rebellion have been growin... More

The Search began
Destrustion of Yavin 4
The master meet the Hunter
Mandalorians vs Bounty Hunter
a hidden past/the temple
The Unlikely Allie's
Spoil of war/A Upgrade
Jedi Temple/Calling for help
The Truce/Truth behind the Empire
Sith Temple/Death of Legends
The Dead Universe/ A Lost Jedi
Battle of Onderon
Master Vs Hunter/Meeting old friends
Battle of Lothal

Final Battle/Uprising begans

143 5 6
By SpartanLeader

(No one pov)
The Ghost Crew bad Batch Ursa Tristan Ketsu and Ryder team were standing in front of Kanan Grave Hera was crying softly as she look at the grave Sabine put some flowers down and Kanan Holocron as well no one didn't say anything one by one each one of them began to leave but Hera and Chopper stay looking down at the grave. Everyone else were at the Holo-table taking in what happen the last hours "Bridger will Pay Zeb said as he punch a rock "he will and so will the Empire Wrecker said "revenge won't be him back Hunter said "yeah what can we do?Zeb yelled "Kanan gone and Bridger is still out there who know what he planning Zeb said "which is why we should take this fight to him we go the city blast our way in and end him Wrecker said "which we can't wrecker the Empire will have double their defences Echo said "he right there no point Sabine said "I didn't know Kanan but he would want you all to fight another day Omega said "there no point we don't have anything left to use Ryder said but before someone could speak they heard Ties "Tie Fighter's?Ryder ask everyone went to look they exit the rocks to see a army of Tie Fighter's, Tie defenders, Shuttles flying over the camp in a hurry "that weird where are they going in a hurry?Omega ask Tech was on his bad "I'm getting a message on all Imperial coms channels Tech said "can you break through it?Hunter ask "I can try Tech said as he began to hack in the system.

*in the city*

Every Imperial was loading up Walkers, shuttles, everything into the Star Destroyers Fighters were loaded into a Imperial star carrier. Ezra was watching from the window with his arms cross the door open and Palpatine walk in "Lothal evacuation is going well Palpatine said "why are you evacuation Lothal? Ezra ask "Lothal is lose with the death our fellow imperials and Vader Lothal no longer needed Palpatine said Ezra look at him "so your going to glass the planet Ezra ask "no Lothal will be left alone until we return Palpatine said as he stood next to Ezra they watch as the everyone move "and you?what about you? Ezra ask "what about me my boy? Palpatine ask "well without Vader to defend you and with your age you to weak to defend yourself against anyone Ezra said Palpatine look down knowing he was right "indeed without Vader I am defences, which is why I hope you fill Vader task you contract isn't up yet Palpatine said Ezra chuckle "my contract was with Vader but for I make a agreement.....master Ezra said with a smile. Seventh sister was in her private room packing she put her last of her thing in her bag before zipping it up but she saw a small device on her bed she pick up which turn it on and a recording of Ezra appear "seventh sister with Vader gone and Palpatine asking me to take Vader place, the change i spoke of is happening after this battle I will began my plan but it won't work without you, if you still want to survived the upcoming apocalypse then I be waiting for your choice Ezra recording stop Seventh sister pick up and look at it thinking what she choice then her door open and a trooper walk in "Inquisitor The emperor is waiting for you in the hanger he said "I be there trooper Seventh sister said as the trooper left. The emperor Ezra and Seventh sister enter the hanger to see the last of the Ships being prepare when a trooper walk up to them "sir all imperials outpost are evacuated and are loaded on the Ships he said "good let go Palpatine said as they board the ship but Seventh sister board Ezra ship. Tech was at the Holo-table hacking into the imperial channels "there I got it playing the message Tech said as he play it ("All Imperial Bases are here by to gather all equipment vehicles and any information before returning to the capital to Evacuation! Lothal is lose all imperials are here by to Evacuation Lothal before returning to Coruscant!) The message ended which had everyone confuse "evacuation?for what?Ryder ask "I don't know Tech said then Chopper roll up and he freak out waving his arms out "Chopper said there entire Fleet of Star Destroyer heading this way Sabine said as everyone ran out of the rocks they look in the air to see a massive fleet of Star Destroyer, light Cruiser' s flying over the camp before heading into orbit "that alot of ships Echo said as they watch as every ship left Sabine spotted Ezra ship as well flying in the middle "there Ezra Sabine said as they watch the entire Fleet jump into Hyperspace on route to Coruscant. The rebels were looking into the sky "what made them leave?Tristan ask "Ryder take a team go check the city Sabine said "you go it Ryder said as he and a few other went to the speeders.

Ryder and a few others drove into the city the checkpoint in front of the city was clear so they enter the city to see the people walking out of their house they were some coming out of Imperial buildings "the people are confuse as well Ryder said "from what Sabine told us Ezra had a explosive planet that can wipe out a single planet maybe we can find it Tristan said as they walk inside the city dome. The enter done hanger to see it was clear out "no vehicles or Ties anywhere Ryder said as he look around Tristan walk up to a console and began to search "according to this The Emperor as made Lothal undefendable since the death of Governor Tarkin and Pryce, Admiral Thrawn and with the death of Vader Lothal is longer control by the Empire by order of the Emperor all Imperial force as here by to collect any data, weapons, Vehicles and brought back to the city for a full evacuation Tristan said "so with out any of their Supreme officer they just up and left Ryder said "we search the other room and see what we cam find Old Joe said as he and two other people follow him.

*at camp*

Hera was still by Kanan Grave she hasn't left the grave yet nor did she want too Zeb and Sabine stood far away from her watching her "she been there for a few hours Zeb said Sabine sigh "she lost the one person that she fought for without Kanan she won't fight Sabine said Zeb sigh "I wish there away we can help Zeb said as he walk away Sabine look at Hera before she sigh as well "I wish there is Sabine said as she walk away and head to her room Sabine enter her room but she saw the Galaxy Holocron glowing she close her door and pick it up "what the?Sabine said as she look at the holocron then the Holocron corner turn to the side before it open Sabine drop it as a image of a person appear "scorch?Sabine said as she look at him "I am not Scorch I choose this form to speak to you my master Scorch said "Master? Sabine ask "yes my holocron choose you to bond with only you can access my holocron so you are my master Scorch said as he float down "so master how can I be at a assistance Scorch ask Sabine sigh "can you explain what the force is?Sabine ask Scorch nod his head "The Force is a mysterious energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together harnessing the power of the force gives the Jedi, the Sith and others sensitive to this spiritual energy extraordinary abilities such as levitating objects tricking minds and seeing things before they happen Scorch said Sabine sign which scorch notice "something wrong Master Scorch said "yes or no I don't know really I'm just confused Sabine said "confused what? Scorch ask "everything we lose so many fights and yet we are the one who is losing Sabine said "explain Scorch ask "there a person we been trying to fight Ezra Bridger Sabine said "aw the Jedi turn Hunter the one who end your friends Scorch said "yes him that monster who killed Kanan, who killed the rebellion and who murder my father Sabine as she punch the wall "angry can't solve anything Scorch said Sabine sigh "I'm sorry but i just want Ezra in the ground Sabine said "I'm afraid he has other plans Scorch said Sabine look at him "what do you mean?Sabine ask "before you arrive in the dead zone I seen the future of what the Empire will do even the Hunter seen it which is why he already has a plan Scorch said Sabine look at him "Kanan was right Ezra is planning something big but what?Sabine ask "then you and your friends must act before it to late Scorch said as he return into his Holocron. Sabine gather everyone "what is it Sabine?Ursa ask "we been played!Sabine said "by who?Ketsu ask "by Ezra this was all part of his plan Sabine said "Sabine what are you talking about?Zeb ask "look every since we though Ezra was dead he been taking out our outpost including imperials outpost as well to make it look like we did it Sabine said "True we thought those outpost were hit by Saw Gerrera or another rebels team Rex said "yes but it was Ezra the hole time he been playing the Empire since he encounter Vader the first time remeber what he said to us Sabine said

Ezra: Vader and I made a deal I have full access to any imperial equipment as so long I bring him any rebel or Jedi
*flashback over*

Sabine saw Zeb and the others nodding their head "Since Ezra was survived his wounds he been using Vader all along Sabine said "so what about us?Zeb ask "Ezra got rid of the Rebellion because they will get in his way or try to stop him Sabine said "so he deal with the people who will stop him or betrayed him Echo said "what about us?Tristan ask "Ezra didn't want us he wanted Kanan because he know Kanan would try to stop him Sabine said she saw everyone was agreeing with her "so what the plan on how to take this fight to him Hunter said "we don't have a chance with us Ursa said "no but Predalien can Sabine said as Predalien walk up behind her "Marcus told me that she part Xenomorph their species can make more in a single night Sabine said "so how do they?Tristan ask "simple all Xenomorph are females so she simple need to lay egg in a host in order to start her nest Sabine said "but would they attack us?Omega ask "no Predalien will control them which mean we are safe Sabine said "hey on Mandalore there a prison maybe we can use that Ursa said "sure it could be a dishonor thing we did Sabine said "hey it nothing we did before Tristan said "good we go there Sabine said "and Hera?what about her?Zeb ask Sabine sigh"i try to talk it her we can't do this without her?Sabine said everyone nod their head. Sabine walk to Kanan Grave she still see Hera standing there Sabine sigh before she walk up to her "Hera Sabine said Hera look at Sabine "you okay?Sabine ask Hera didn't even answer her "Hera I know you love Kanan Sabine said "why did it have to be him?it should been me Hera said "Hera don't say that!If you were killed Kanan would stop at nothing to avenge you Sabine said but Sabine sigh "look all I'm saying if that Kanan die saving you he care for you if something bad happens to he would be broken but don't forget he will always be here for you Sabine said as she put a hand in her shoulder "Kanan would want you to live on and fight someday you will have to move on Sabine said Hera sigh "I guest you are right Kanan would want me to fight Hera said "good because we need to head to Mandalore Sabine said as her and Hera head to the Ghost "for what?Hera ask "i explain on the way but right now we need to leave Sabine said to Hera as they walk to camp. Hera and Sabine walk to camp "okay we go to Mandalore Hunter can you stay here with Ryder and we get a hold of you once we are ready Sabine ask "you got it Hunter said "oh if there anything the Empire left behind let me know Sabine said "sure thing Hunter said as they left everyone board the Ghost before it lift off and head to Mandalore.

*on Coruscant*

In the Senator buildings Senator from across the Galaxy were gathering in the room waiting for the meeting to began. Palpatine was in his throne room with Ezra and Seventh sister "sir most of the Senator have arrive a guard said "The Senator called this meeting to remove me from office I sense it Palpatine said Ezra look at the Senator so many has every but one caught his eyes and that was Senator Bail Organa Ezra remeber he work with the Rebellion behind the Empire back Seventh sister walk up to him "you been quiet since we arrive what are your mind seventh sister ask Ezra look at her "nothing, just...lost Ezra said "what do you mean lost? Seventh Sister ask "since the death of Jarrus i like the force is telling me something Ezra said "are you having a redemption?about you killing your formal master? Seventh sister ask Ezra sigh "redemption is a word but more like....joyable Ezra said as he look out the window.


A prison camp was on patrol several guards were on the wall, water tower's or were inside. Sabine Ursa Tristan and Predalien were "this the place?Sabine ask "yes this the place Ursa said "so what the plan?Tristan ask "we need a army so Predalien is going to make one she will take these guards and use them we will place her eggs in the vents on the outside Sabine said as she open her bag and pull out a egg

Sabine give Ursa and Tristan a bag as well "this will make us bad Tristan said as he and Ursa sneak to the prison Sabine look at Predalien "once your done meet us back at camp okay Sabine said Predalien nod her head before she rub her head on Sabine helmet before she left. Ursa was at one of the vents she open it and place the egg inside before she lock it Tristan was at a vent he place his egg inside before he close his vent and ran away from the vent Sabine was at her vent she place her egg inside and close "there hope this work Sabine said as she ran back to cover.

*at camp*

Fenn Raul was walking to a tent he peck inside to see Bo Katan she was sitting on the bed with two droids working on her robotic arm he saw her moving her fingers and twisting her hand "how is she doc?Fenn Raul ask "she optional, her new robotic is at a working stage until further training the medical droid said as he left Bo Katan sigh as she got up "you okay Fenn Raul ask "no I thought I would never be beat but thanks to my lack of training I let thus happen Bo Katan said as she look at her robotic hand "Katan even with more training we couldn't even match Bridger he would kick out ass Fenn Raul said "I guest your right Raul Bo Katan said as they exit the tent "but Sabine has a plan to stop Ezra and we need everyone including you Fenn Raul said "what plan?Bo Katan ask "Sabine figure that Bridger has been playing both side so we figure if we stop his plan now we can end the Empire and end Bridger in one final strike Fenn Raul said "you sure this will work with this many warrior's? Bo Katan ask "no but with Sabine alien friend is getting our army Fenn Raul said as they walk up to were Sabine and the others are "any report on your alien friend?Fenn Raul ask "well she was post to take over one prison so far we got report of 10 other outpost being over run by a strange alien creature Sabine said "really? You okay with that?Fenn Raul ask "i guest so I have Ketsu keeping a eye out if she return Sabine said "so what do we got?Fenn Raul ask "well Hunter reported that the Empire forgot two Cargo transport ships and a planet charge that Ezra left behind but he must deactivated when he left Sabine said "so what your plan?Fenn Raul ask "well with the cargo transport I was thinking we could use it to sneak pass the blockade but for the planet change I was thinking we could use it to destroyed the blockade Sabine said "but where would we land? Zeb ask "the Senator building Sabine said as she show them a image "there Ezra and the Emperor will be and were I end this fight Sabine said "you can't survived against both of them Fenn Raul said "i don't Ezra is who I'm after he bring him down the Emperor will be easy to deal with Sabine said everyone was studying the plan "look this could be our one chance we get and we must take it Sabine said as she saw everyone not agreeing "look I know we all lose someone to the Empire which is why we are fighting for, not to get our revenge but to make sure no one else lose anyone else Sabine said Ursa Hera Zeb and few other clan warriors look down "look I know you think about them but we promise them that we won't stop fighting no matter what Sabine said "so who with me?Sabine ask then everyone began to put their hands in the air and some were cheering "now get ready we leave soon Sabine said "Hey Sabine she back Ketsu said everyone head to the entrance of the cave to see Predalien and her entire swarm of Xenomorph behind her "wow there must be dozen of them Ursa said then they saw the two Cargo Transport ships landing "gather what you need we leave soon Sabine said to everyone.

Ursa and Bo Katan walk up to Sabine "before we go we want to show you something Ursa said as they lead Sabine to the back of the cave "so what is it mother?Sabine ask "when I found cave it wasn't for great cover over the Empire but it also hold a very secret that we Mandalorians know along time ago Bo Katan said as she reach for a small rock and twist it a hidden door open up Bo Katan Ursa and Sabine enter the hidden room inside the room was a hidden forge

Sabine look at the Forge "wow the Forge of Mandalorian were the very first Mandalorians forge their armor Sabine said "yes we search the forge there only enough to forge one armor we thought we use it against Maul but we decide to only use it for Emergency so we thought you can use it there only enough resources here to forge one set of armor Bo Katan said "so Sabine put those art skills to use and make one armor that could outmatch Bridger Ursa said as they left Sabine put her Holocron on the table and it open up "Master may I ask what the plan here Scorch ask "simple we need to forge the right armor it need to strong, fast, and equip to handle Ezra weapons Sabine said as she start up the Forge "then I suggest this armor design will fit to your design Scorch said as he show her the image Sabine look at it "that will do in order to make this I have to use my armour and Marcus armor he give me and melt them together in order to make this Sabine said as she began to work on the armor design. Hunter and the bad batch were putting their ship on top of the Transport "where Sabine we about to leave Hera said "she working on her armor Ursa said "she remaking it?Ketsu said "hey here she comes Tristan said as they saw Sabine walking out of the cave and everyone saw her new armour Sabine pull out a blaster out of her holster and active her new shield on her left wrist

Everyone look at Sabine new Armor "nice sis Tristan said Sabine put her blaster away and her visor raise up as her helmet fold to the side "even though I have melt my armor but we need every thing we can use Sabine said "load up everyone Ursa said Bo Katan look at her robotic hand then she made a fist before she got in one of the transport ships Xenomorph swarm board the second transport before both transport lift off.

The entire Senators were rioting in the chamber people were yelling as Palpatine was trying to keep "Fellow Senator's please remain calm!Palpatine said "Calm?the Empire you made is glassing planets! One Senate said "people on my planet are being arrested for refusing to sell their land another Senate said "All of this is happening and your not doing anything about it another Senate said as they continue to Riot. Ezra Mega-Predator and Seventh Sister were watching from Palpatine throne room Ezra chuckle "look at them all, just one person can control them all with one single word Ezra said Mega-Predator growl softly "no not till my thought is confirm beside I may not have to do anything the Senate may do my job for me Ezra said Mega-Predator made a clicking noise "I know Sabine she will have something plan which is why we been waiting for the right moment to strike and Seventh sister with us we won't fail Ezra said as he sit down in a chair waiting for the right moment.

*In space*

The imperial Blockade were doing there regular patrol or sending ships out "sir we got two Cargo transport coming in a worker said as he saw the cargo transport. Two Mandalorian were piloting the transport well the other's were inside the containers "hope this work Ketsu said. The two transport flew pass the blockade on one of the Transport was the Ghost it toss the planet charge "there that be in place Hera said as she close the air lock. The two Cargo ships enter orbit and head down to the cargo ship dock "okay Sabine we are passing over get ready Ursa said Sabine enter one of the lock she open it up she look out to see how high they are "once we over the building you jump your booster will be enough to slow you down abit Tech said "okay Sabine said Ursa walk up "listen please be careful I don't want to lose you as well Ursa said as she hug her "don't worry mother you taught me well Sabine said as her helmet cover her face as her visor drop then she lean back as she jump off the Transport.
Sabine put her arms and legs together to dive straight down when she got close her did a spin and use her booster to slow her down she land on the roof Sabine visor scan the Senate build to get the lay out of the Building she kneel down and use new gauntlet to make a small hole then she climb inside.

*at the cargo dock*

The two Transport landed on the docks were two troopers were waiting "did we get all of the shipment?one of them ask "we did something not right he said Both Tristan and Ketsu exit from the cockpit "you two what is your cargo? A trooper ask "simple Ketsu said as she open the front ramp as alot more trooper arrive when the ramp reach the bottom every trooper heard alot of hissing "what is that?one ask as he flash his flashlight then the Cargo hold Lights turn on and inside was the Xenomorph swarm " Ketsu said as the Swarm charge the troopers open fire before they were tackle to the floor and dragged off the other transport lower it ramp as the Mandalorians flew out well The Bad Batch with Zeb and Hera ran down.

*In the Senate building*

The Senators were still rioting Palpatine was still trying to calm them down when a storm trooper appear on the holo-net "Emperor! The Cargo station are being over run by Mandalorians, rebels and unknown creature's we need backup immediately! He said as Predalien grab him before biting into his neck the holo-net was close every Senate went quite "let take a break Palpatine said as he lower his platform down. Palpatine enter his throne room to were Ezra Seventh sister and Mega-Predator were at with a few purge troopers "I thought you handle the rebels Palpatine ask "I never said that I said I dealt with Kanan not the others Ezra said Palpatine look at Ezra before he use his Force-Lightning on Ezra making Ezra drop to his kneels Mega-Predator took a few forward but the Two Purge Trooper step in front of him aiming their Staff at him. Ezra groan in pain as Palpatine stop "next time you fail me I won't be so easily forgiven Palpatine said as he walk pass him "you pay for that old man Ezra said as he stood up Palpatine sit down in his throne "now I want you to deal with this problem before it get out of hand Palpatine said Ezra groan before he look at Mega-Predator "get down there and finish this I will contact you once things here settle down Ezra said Mega-Predator nod his and growl before he left. Sabine sneak in the hallways she saw so many troopers inside Sabine made her way to Palpatine office but she saw a large red for on her motion censor she clock herself as Mega-Predator exit the office he stood still as he look around before he sniff the area but he just left Sabine enter Palpatine office as she uncloak she look around the office "okay let see what you are hiding Sabine said as she search the office Sabine look through the cabins, the desk drawers she even look in one door Sabine put her hand on the table which her hand open a hidden door Sabine walk to the door she look down it lead down Sabine turn her helmet light on before she slid down the shaft.

*At the Cargo station*

The Trooper there were being over run but more were still showing up The Mandalorians were flying around the station dealing with any jetpack trooper Hunter and Wrecker were in cover as they hold the side well Tech and Echo were with Omega dealing with the other trooper on the left side Hera had her rilfe well Zeb use his Battle Hammer to hit troopers "Tech can you try to close the doors?Hunter ask "the Imperial door controls are in the center room Tech said "go to them Hunter said Tech ran to the controls he plug in his pad and began hacking into the system but he heard a thud he look up to see Mega-Predator standing on the controls He grab Tech and lift him in the air Omega saw this she aim her bow at him and fire the arrow hit Mega-Predator in the face but it made him mad He aim his plasma cannon at her and fire "OMEGA!Echo said as he tackle her out of the way Mega-Predator look at Tech buy Predalien tackle Mega-Predator dropping Tech. Predalien slam Mega-Predator into a wall but Mega-Predator punch her before he grab her by her head and throw her through the wall Xenomorph swarm began to pile Mega-Predator several Xenomorph jump on Mega-Predator bitting or clawing him but Mega-Predator was throwing them off him. Bo Katan shot a troopers as she use her robotic hand punch one in the face then she look in the air to see a very large group of The Fighter's arrive they began to shot up the station hitting some of the Troopers and a few Warriors were hit.

*at the Senate building*

Sabine made it to the bottom she sneak in the chamber sabine look around the chamber it was dark "Sabine! The Fighters arrive their tearing us part is there anything you can do Hera said Sabine saw a small panel she kneel down it and rip it off "I got it Sabine said as she grab her hacking device

Sabine plug her device into the wall Sabine began to hack into the station defences. Sabine saw there was 6 anti-air defences around the Station she reprogram them making them Target the Ties "Hera turrets should clear the sky's for you Sabine said as she put her device away "HEY YOU! A guard said Sabine turn around and fire a shot hitting the guard in the head Sabine walk to the body and she saw where he came from so she follow the hallways.

Palpatine and Ezra were watching the battle from his throne room "where did they get more of these creature Palpatine ask "the Hybrid you foolish created is Responsible it part Xenomorph it must have lay egg or attack one of your base Ezra said as they watch the fight Ezra look around trying to spot Sabine "something not right Wren is not there where is she? Ezra ask then the throne room door open the Two Guards look but they were shot Palpatine Ezra and Seventh sister look to see Sabine with both her blaster in her hand "right here Bridger Sabine said as two small launcher appear on her shoulder and she fire small missiles Ezra jump in front of them as he fire missiles both missiles collided exploding Ezra look to see Sabine taking a few steps forward Ezra put his launchers away before he look at Sabine "you here to end this Wren? Ezra ask "no I'm here to end you Sabine said as she deploy both Darksaber on each arm Seventh sister reach for her Lightsaber but Ezra put his hand in the air "she mine! Ezra said as he grab his Predator- sword and deploy his Wrist blade Seventh sister and Palpatine watch from his throne. Ezra and Sabine look at each other before they both ran at each other Sabine and Ezra swung their sabers Sabine block Ezra blade as she did a spin before going for a swing Ezra lean back as he brought his arm up blocking het attack before going for a strike Sabine step back as she lean all the way back before did a backflip kicking Ezra in face Sabine did a spin slashing at Ezra but Ezra punch Sabine back Sabine slid across the floor Sabine active her booster she flew at Ezra tackling him but Ezra stood his ground he grab Sabine and throw her to the side Sabine hit the floor she turn off her booster and turn both of her arms into plasma rifle she fire at Ezra as he use his arms to shield himself Ezra look to see Sabine running at him she rocket fist Ezra in the face then slamming her knee into his guy Ezra stumble back Sabine went for a left hook but Ezra catch her fist "your new Armor isn't like the other Mandalorians or my uncle where you get it? Ezra ask but Sabine jump and put both of her foots on Ezra chest before she jump off him and land back on the floor "sorry Bridger but it won't be in your collection Sabine said Ezra chuckle as he stood up "that what your father said as well.....before I rip his heart out Ezra said Sabine tighten her fist before she ran at Ezra. Sabine went for punch Ezra block her fist Sabine roll beside Ezra she stood up and deploy her Darksaber she went for a hit Ezra use his arm to smack her away Sabine and Ezra began to circle each other "so this what you are now?is dog to your enemy?Sabine said "the Empire isn't my enemy but more of a partner Ezra said "you were one of us Ezra, A rebels and. A Jedi you let the darkness cloud your mind and feelings Sabine said as she did a spin kick Ezra back hand Sabine but Sabine did a side spin as she fire her blasters then Sabine land on the floor she grab a paint bomb and smash it on covering Ezra visor with black paint Sabine began to punch Ezra over and over again Sabine continue to punch Ezra in the face then she kick Ezra in the chest before using both rocket fist and slamming both fist into Ezra sending him back Sabine then leap in the air as she drawn both Sabers Sabine went for a final strike but Palpatine use Force-Lightning to shock Sabine away from Ezra Sabine use her shield to block the lighting Ezra got up and wipe the paint off his visor Ezra saw Sabine Ezra aim his gauntlet at her before firing a capture net the net wrap around Sabine arms before shocking her Sabine fell on her knees.

Ezra got up and lower his helmet he walk up to Sabine "not so tough now Wren Ezra said as he open his hand and his Predator sword flew into his hand Sabine lower her helmet "is this what you want Ezra someone to control you for the rest of your life?Sabine ask "we have a contract girl,he do what he told if he expect to be pay Palpatine said "Ezra I know you hate us but deep down you hate the Empire more then anything if you killed us what not stopping the Empire from killing you after this?Sabine ask Ezra stop walking towards her "I know you you don't like the Empire but why work for someone who killed your planet, who killed your parents?Sabine ask Ezra didn't say nothing "don't listen to her boy!they are the problem! They abandoned you, replace you and betrayed you Palpatine said Ezra look at him "Ezra Remember what Kanan said about the Darkness it cloud your judgement Sabine said "wake up to reality Sabine, nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world, The longer you live the more you realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering and futility listen... Everywhere you look in this world wherever there is light there will always be shadow to be found as well as long there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist, the selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiates war, and hatred is born in order to protect love, there are nexuses causal relationship that cannot be separated Ezra said as he look at Sabine "but if you kill us what going to stop the Empire from finishing you off Sabine ask Ezra look at her then at Palpatine Ezra look at Sabine he raise his Predator sword in the air making Sabine close her eyes and Palpatine smiling but Before Ezra could strike Ezra began to think about the people (your still good, the force is strong with you, your destiny is your choose, your still my friend, the Empire is the enemy, you will always be our little Jedi Ezzy) Ezra open his eyes after he heard his mother voice with the others "RRRAA! Ezra scream as he went for the strike but he turn around and throw his sword at Palpatine hitting him right in the chest Palpatine look down at his chest to see blood began to pour out of his body "I.AM.NOT.YOUR.PUPPET! Ezra said as he walk to Palpatine "T-Traitor Palpatine said as he groan "no I'm not the traitor, you are Ezra said as he stop in front of the throne "you think I didn't know your plan after I dealt with the rebels I know you and Vader were going to get rid of me as soon I dealt with the rebels but lucky for you I had my own spy Ezra said as Seventh sister look at Palpatine with a smile "inquisitors? Palpatine ask "just like he said only the strongest survived and the weak shall perished Seventh sister "I plan this all since I encounter Vader since then you all be pawns in my plan Ezra said as he grab his Predator sword "a change is coming my dear master but you won't be able to see it but don't worry your death shall be quick Ezra said then he rip his sword out of Palpatine chest before he did a spin and slash off his head. Palpatine head fell to the floor as Ezra kick his body off his throne Ezra look at Seventh sister "you know what to do Ezra said Seventh sister nod her head then she left Ezra look at Sabine and walk up to her he reach for her Sabine close her eyes but Ezra grab the net and rip it off her before offering his hand Sabine look at him before she took her hand Ezra help her up "you alright Ezra ask "yeah I live thanks Sabine said "it won't be long until reformation are here Ezra said as he walk to Palpatine body he grab a key card and toss it to Sabine "use Palpatine key card there rebels prisoner on the floor below us and ships as well use those to gather everyone up Ezra said "Ezra thanks for saving me Sabine said "don't say that!I didn't save you I did this for me Ezra said "then why save me at all?Sabine ask "because your mine to kill!and no one not even the Empire will take that away Ezra said "good to know Sabine said Ezra open the hidden door "Ezra before I go what change your mind?why didn't you finish me off?Sabine ask Ezra look at her "I may be a Hunter but I still see the good in people even those who hurt me Ezra said Sabine look at him with surprised look then they heard people on the other side "good I will by you some time Ezra said Sabine enter the lift "and Sabine Ezra said Sabine turn around "the next time we meet only one of us will walk away Ezra said Sabine nod her head "goodbye....Ezra Bridger Sabine as the door close and lift went down. The door open and several Purge troopers and Coruscant guards ran inside Ezra mask deploy and he deploy his Wrist blade before he charge at them.

*at the Cargo station*

Storm troopers were falling one by one as the Mandalorian Rebels and bad batch were push back to the transport Ties Fighters were still flying around the station. Mega-Predator and Predalien were still battling each other Mega-Predator was thrown at the wall as Predalien lung at him but Mega-Predator grab a large pipe and use to smack Predalien away Mega-Predator drop the pipe as his comlink went off "Mega!it time you know your part Ezra said before he hang up Mega-Predator growl as he look at the Troopers he deploy his wrist blade and grab one of them "WHAT!ARE!YOU DOING! Trooper said but Mega-Predator snap his neck a few other trooper saw this and began to fire at him but Mega-Predator began to slaughter them. The rebels Bad Batch and Mandalorian stop firing as the rest of the trooper stop as well they all heard the Troopers inside screaming as body parts were flying they all ran inside but only be launch back as a explosive went off Mega-Predator toss a fusion coral at then before shooting it exploding Mega-Predator stab a trooper before he use his claws to slash one across the face the rebels watch as Mega-Predator finish off he look at them before he cloak "where he go?Ursa said then a bolt hit the transport they saw Ties Fighters were still shooting up the place but the station turrets active and aim at the Fighter's before firing "Mother I reprogram the turrets at the station they will clear the air gather everyone including the Xenomorph and meet at the Senate building were leaving Sabine said "Roger everyone to the shop Ursa said as everyone ran inside well the rest of the Xenomorph ran in the second one.

*In the Senate building*

Sabine enter the holdings cell she shot the two guards inside she saw they were some rebels pilots, engineers, and soldiers "don't worry I'm here to save you Sabine said as she open their cells the prisoners exit the cell "can any of you fly a cruiser?Sabine ask as two step forward "we can miss one of them said "good we need to head to the hanger follow me Sabine said as she lead the way. Purge Troopers and Coruscant Guards body's were scatter on the floor as Ezra slaughter them one by one Ezra had a Coruscant guard by his throat as he snap his neck Ezra drop the body Ezra enter the room to see Palpatine lift to the Senate chambers. Sabine and the prisoners enter the hanger she saw the cruiser "let go Sabine said as they ran to it They enter the cruiser the two pilots enter the cockpit and sit down in the seats well the other sit in the others seats the Hanger doors open but Troopers were trying to stop the cruiser from leaving but the Cruiser exit the hanger and flew in the air "Hera where are you guys?Sabine ask "behind you we are boarding Hera said Sabine look out to see the transport boarding on the side "ships are attach heading to orbit a pilot said as the cruiser flew to orbit but the blockade began to move in to block them "those destroyers are going to make things not easy A pilot said as they saw a large amount of Fighter's launching from the hangers bays

The Fighter's open fire hitting the cruiser "Tech hit it, everyone else hang on Sabine said as the planet charge went off the explosive was so large it wipe out the enter blockade of Destroyers and Fighters. The blast zone shook the entire Cruiser but it made it through everyone let out a sigh of relief "keep heading your direction I'm going to check on the others Sabine said as she walk out of the cockpit. Sabine enter the hold to see everyone made it "Sabine!Ursa said as she Hera Zeb ran to her "are you okay?what happen?Hera ask "alot I tell you later right now we need to get away from Coruscant Sabine said then one of the prisoner enter the room "we got a incoming broadcast it on all Every channel he said as he show them the broadcast.

*In the Senate chamber*

Every Senate was still arguing waiting "Senators please remain calm! Mas Amedda said trying to keep everyone calm then the center platform began to rise up "remain calm the emperor is back Mas Amedda said as he turn around only to see Ezra was standing "HEY!your not the Emperor Mas Amedda said Ezra pull put his pistol and fire three bolts into Mas Amedda chest before Ezra kick him off the lift Every Senate began to scream Ezra turn on the screen and grab the Mic "SILENCE! Ezra yelled making every senator stop moving "be seated Ezra said as every Senator sit down "fellow Senators! I am Ezra Bridger, I killed Palpatine and Vader your rulers are no more Ezra said he saw Senator whispering to each other "I will be your ruler!there be no more Empire,Republic no nothing Ezra said as the Senators were shock "for now on you will listen to me if you have a problem with my order then fill free to challenge me Ezra said as he saw no senator's moving "good as my fist order all imperials scatter through the Galaxy are her by order to return to Coruscant immediate and any Inquisitors with any Imperials are here by to be executed on sight Ezra said as he lower the Mic.

*near the planet Bracca*

A imperials fleet was gathering up their equipment or planting charges in the bases. A female inquisitors name Second Sister was in charge of the fleet

She walk to the command deck with her Purge troopers. she enter the command deck to see the Captain "what the meaning of this?why are leaving Bracca? Second sister ask "we got order from our new Emperor we are here by to return to Coruscant immediately the officer said "new Emperor? Second sister ask "we got confinement that Lord Vader and Emperor Palpatine have been killed and a new ruler as step the officer said "fine let go and i will speak to our new Emperor personally second sister said the officer sigh "about that He said as the door open and a squad of Storm troopers and purge troopers walk and aim their blasters at her Second Sister the officer turn around and aim his blaster at her as well "we have order to execute any Inquisitors so lay down your weapon and we will spare you The Officer said Second sister look at him before she look at the Troopers "so be it then Second sister said as she stood still then she pull her Lightsaber and slash the officer killing him the Troopers open fire as well did the crew Second sister active both side she began to deflect the bolts back at the trooper hitting a few of them but more was coming Second sister did her best she use the force to shove the Troopers to the floor but the other troopers in the back continue to fire she got hit in the shoulder making her drop her saber Second sister look at the trooper with fear in her eyes then the Troopers gun her down every shot hit her in the arms, legs, chest and head before she drop to the floor dead.

*at Kashyyyk*

A large ship with several Tie's interceptors flew through the clouds a large Tie Fighter's appear in front

The large Tie flew across the sky's the Squad Leader got a message from the fleet "all inquisitors are here by to be executed the Captain said as he turn off The Tie's pilots reactive their weapons and lock onto the Inquisitor ship and open fire bolts and rockets hit the ship the inquisitors inside hang on to controls as her ship crash into a large rock blowing it up complete.

Sabine and the others were shock to see a list of inquisitor names with X on them as one by one they were killed off "Sabine what happen?Hera ask "I think we did what Ezra wanted Sabine said "what do you mean?Bo Katan ask "this..this all of this he wanted this to happen so he can take over the Empire Sabine said "you mean Bridger plan all of this?Ursa said "he plan everything he knew who to take out and how to hurt us Ezra wasn't really hunting us he been studying us learning how he fight Sabine said making everyone in the room realized they all been played.

*In the Senate building*

Ezra Seventh sister and Mega-Predator were walking to Palpatine office door they saw all of the Guards were kneel as they walk pass them Ezra open the office door "so this is were it all began Ezra said as he walk up to the desk "one single men control entire army Ezra said as he touch the table "but let rewrite the story shall we Ezra said as he sit down in the chair with Mega-Predator stand on the left and Seventh sister stood on the right as the guard stood in from of him "my royal subject the Imperials Hunter! Ezra said as every guard including the Troopers outside of the building kneel down as the Imperials symbol change to a new one

(Imperials Hunter)

*on a swamp planet*

A little small green person was on a rock with his close "sense a evil present I do he said "I do too Master a boy said "what do you think it is?a third one ask "not good this is the green guy said "what do you want us to do master?the boy ask "find the rebels you two must find away to end this present the green guy said to his student.

Hope you guys enjoy the book and I been good just miss my uncle. So end the second book and on till the final.

Spartanleader out!Happy thanksgiving!

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