Battle of Onderon

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*on Lothal*

(No one pov)
Ezra was with Vader in his private chambers waiting for Palpatine. Ezra was sharping his blade "where is this old man at?he wasting my time Ezra said "we show himself when he ready and don't underestimate my master Vader said Ezra look at him as he put his blade away "why do you even listen to that old guy? He doesn't really appreciate your hard work Ezra ask "my master doesn't rewarded me for my work because I him my life after he saved me Vader said Ezra chuckle "that remind me of that one Jedi his name is Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi who was refuse the rank of Master but the one thing I most enjoy about him Ezra ask as he look away "he doesn't follow the rules did you know he secretly married the great senator Padma Admala Ezra said making Vader turn his head to the side "but something doesn't add up? It said her death was cause by a assassin but there wasn't any marks on her only her neck Ezra said as he lean against the wall he notice Vader was looking at him "she was most likely strangely but the only one she with was Anakin Skywalker and Obi wan but he wouldn't harm her Ezra said as he stood up "so you got something to say ANANKIN SKYWALKER! Ezra said Vader turn around and lung at Ezra with his lightsaber in his hand Ezra deploy his wrist blade as he block Vader attack "you have no right to say her name! Vader said as they broke free and began to fight each other Vader went for strikes well Ezra dodge them Ezra went for a stab but Vader step to the side as he grab Ezra by his arm he toss Ezra to the side but Ezra stop himself Vader throw his lightsaber at Ezra which he block Vader use the force to call his saber back to him as he went for a strike Ezra and Vader both lock blades with each other as they try to shove each other back they jump back abit but before they can go for another strike they were both being held by something "Enough! A voice said as Vader lightsaber flew out of his hands and into Palpatine hands he was with Grand seventh Sister. Palpatine let go of them both "you both are acting like child's Palpatine said Vader got on his knee "forgive me master Vader said Palpatine give Vader back his sword "why are you here?you never leave Coruscant? Ezra ask Palpatine walk by him "I am here to handle something on Lothal, but to also deal with those rebels Palpatine said as he look at ezra "your report, you know where they are? Palpatine ask Ezra nod this head as he raise his left arm up and press a button his wrist device as a planet image of Onderon appear "they are on this planet which is also home to the rogue rebels named Saw Gerrera Ezra said as he show them a image of Saw Gerrera "if he with them then take him out we don't need any more trouble from him Palpatine said Ezra nod his head "but we don't need more failures from you bounty hunter so I'm sending Admiral Thrawn with you Palpatine said "I don't need his help I work alone Ezra said "he there to make sure those rebels escape your grasp again Palpatine said as he look at Ezra "fine I leave at once Ezra said as he head to his hanger.

*on Onderon*

Saw Gerrera teams were still setting up the equipment around the areas that was mark Predalien was on top of the temple keeping look out. Marcus was with Saw Gerrera Kanan Hera Zeb and Ketsu "will this work?Saw Gerrera ask "it will Ezra won't know what going on Marcus said "now once We lead Mega-Predator away and to the trap Sabine will lead Ezra to the pit Marcus said "we got one shot to stop them so everyone need to be ready Hera said Saw Gerrera chuckle as he pull out his new weapon he got from the cargo

 Marcus was with Saw Gerrera Kanan Hera Zeb and Ketsu "will this work?Saw Gerrera ask "it will Ezra won't know what going on Marcus said "now once We lead Mega-Predator away and to the trap Sabine will lead Ezra to the pit Marcus said "we got one ...

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