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31.9K 1.3K 357

***17 + or viewer discretion please*** (Book 4-) šˆš§ šš š°šØš«š„š š°š”šžš«šž š­š”šž š¬š­š«šØš§š  š šØšÆšžļæ½... More

I: Tis' The Season to be Sexy
II: White Christmas
III: Bitter Reunion
IV: Reciprocated
V: Green-Eyed Boy
VI: Soon To Be Wed
VII: Shootout
IX: Unfixable
X: Not A God
XI: Sparkless Viridan Eyes
XII: Second Guesses
XIII: Black Silk
XIV: Permission To Kill
XV: Katsuki's Perfect Monster
XVI: Baby Kumiko
XVII: Ecstasy For The Heart
XVIII: Merry Christmas
XIX: The Lotus Palace
XX: February 15th

VIII: Fawn-Colored Deceit

1.3K 61 8

VIII: Fawn-Colored Deceit

Third POV

It was 1 am when everyone had been accounted for and things were finally settled, everyone gathering in the mafia in a secure room opposite of the banquet hall. This time the security was everyone in the A-Unit.

In total only 3 people in Katsuki's clan got injured (Todoroki whose cheek was slightly grazed by a Swiss knife, Uraraka who'd had a small bruise on her ankle from stumbling around in heels in the dark and Shoji who had a small cut from dodging a bullet).

On the opposite side, there were 4 fatalities, even though they were unsure how many they were, to begin with.

Unfortunately, how they managed to bypass the security and even figure out this private wedding still was unknown which was infuriating, to say the least.

Izuku stood quiet by Katsuki's side, merely watching the man leaning against the back wall, thinking about a plan to put into action considering they didn't have much to go on.

As expected, Izuku had gotten an earful from the blonde for disobeying his direct orders, in a series of under-the-breath curses, and light but angry kisses on his face and neck.


"If only we had a motive as to why we'd be attacked like that," Todoroki uttered, feeling Asui slip a bandage to his wounded cheek, quietly thanking the green-haired woman.

Everyone began to think, the room falling silent until the doors to the new hall opened up, revealing Ojiro and Hagakure who'd changed out of their messed up wedding attire.

Izuku scooted closer to Katsuki, feeling sorry at his revelation, but knowing that if they were gonna fix this then they needed to be told the truth.

"I-I think they were there for me." He suddenly stated, looking down at his hands and not everyone else, scattered looks of confusion taking over.

"Izuku, what're you talking about?" Katsuki questioned the boy whose brows were pinched downwards.

"Before I went for my gun I saw two of them look directly at me." Izuku started, "The one in front tapped the other who prepared to aim at me specifically."

"They kept aiming at me, and it wasn't just them either, that sniper also aimed for me too."


"If this was just an unorganized attack; a show of power then you'd think that they'd be going for the easiest kills of those at the reception, not someone who's supposed to be guarded 24/7," Izuku added.

Sero cleared his throat, "I think he might be right."

"I mean the ones I and Kaminari were fighting didn't seem all that interested in shooting us; it was more like they weren't trying to gain our attention like there was something else in mind."

"Alright. Now we know what they were possibly after," Hagakure commented, folding her arms, "Now we face the task of why they were after Midoriya."

Katsuki stood upright, "We'll figure that out tomorrow; for now we go home and get some rest I'm sure we're all tired after this."

Nods and murmurs of agreement followed after this announcement, "And Hagakure and Ojiro, meet me in my office first thing tomorrow."

The two nodded, as Katsuki held out a hand for Izuku to grab, leading everyone out of the room than the hotel.

. . . Meanwhile . . .

While they rested comfortably one person decided to link with some associates that had some news they could've been delighted to hear.

"So? Who is Izuku Midoriya? What family does he come from?" A fawn-haired woman questioned, gripping an orange envelope with money, not undermining the hungry gaze from her associate.

"Money, sweetheart, otherwise no information." A burgundy-haired man answered, nonchalantly waving his hand. "It's just the way I operate."

Camie scoffed, "It's Utsushimi to you; secondly tell me the damn information and I'll give you everything that's in this envelope: Double your asking price."

The man raised his brow, "Well then Utsushimi, You can Call me Wolfram and as for what I've got, you better listen close because I'm not saying it again."

She leaned in close, her dominant hand hovering around her gun tuck in her skirt's waistband before anything bad happened, "Go on."

"Izuku Midoriya, He turned 21 on July 15th, and based on background research he was a captive of Katsuki Clan because the boy had broken one of Katsuki's rules of snooping around May." Wolfram started, "I don't know what happened but they started to date and that's it."

Camie gritted her teeth, "I need to know his ENTIRE known past. Before he met Katsuki."

Wolfram cleared his throat, "Before he got captured he lived with his mother. His routine was the same, wake up doing household chores before going to do work for his neighbors before heading to the library to do some research about the head of the Katsuki clan then come back. And repeat."

Camie ruffled her hair. All of that was useless... unless..?

Something else Wolfram added intrigued her, and might've just been worth all this waiting, "Oh and I shouldn't forget to add but his mother and he are one another's lifelines, if that helps in any case."

A malicious smirk overlaid itself on Camie's lips, tossing the envelope full of cash onto the floor in front of wolfram's feet.

She eyed him, watching him bend down and open it up, counting 10 thousand dollars; double what he had asked for initially. "Wolfram, If you can get me some resource men and Miss Midoriya's address, I'll toss in another 3,000."

Wolfram nodded, a dry laugh exiting his mouth, "Tomorrow. I'll get you your people and the address."

She nodded, "Pleasure doing business with you." before walking off to the black Escalade that was waiting to take her back to her hotel.

As the car sped northbound she finally turned on her phone, hissing at the illumination before she looked at the recent notifications.

20 missed calls from 'Tami'.

Camie rolled her eyes, stuffing her phone into her purse not bothering to pick up the pregnant woman's calls. "Godammit Tatami, why do you have to be so bothersome?"

Her gaze shifted to the window, watching everything move like a blur.

. . . Next Day . . .

Izuku sat on the couch in the lounge room, texting his mom to see how she was doing since they hadn't talked in a few days.

They'd plan on meeting again some other time since there was still the matter of someone out to kill him but Inko agreed to text whenever.

His gaze shifted over to the empty wall that posed as an investigation board, and so far they had zero leads. Too bad they decided to shoot first, ask later- because there wasn't anyone left to ask.

That didn't matter though.

They'd find someone responsible and they wouldn't rest until they did.

While those downstairs focused on formulating a plan, Katsuki was having a meaningful conference with the couple who just had the worst night of their lives.

But deep down he felt it. A shift in his alignment that something was more than just wrong than a crashed wedding.

Maybe... Just maybe...

This gut feeling of his was trying to warn him; warn him of the impending and soon to be unfixable doom that stood outside Miss Midoriya's home.

A plump smirk overlaid her lips, preparing to knock on the apartment's door, with a snap of her fingers two men joined her side.

Deceit was key here. And she was a master at it.

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