Por Hexamethylbenzene10

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It started with a cup of coffee, and Jisun's world suddenly changed. A GyulSun fanfic since only some makes s... Más

Just a Note 😁
Ain't an update


310 19 3
Por Hexamethylbenzene10

I cant believe I listened to Jiwon´s hilarious suggestion. Here I am, preparing the lunchbox containing the food I cooked earlier. Its for Gyuri since Jiwon suggests that I do that.

"Now that Gyuri-unnie knows that you cook well, why dont you use that as a weapon to win her over?"

"Jissen!! Lets go now, Saerom-unnie and Hayoung-unnie came to give us a ride," Seoyeon came then stormed after with her things. Wait. They´re here?!

I hurriedly did some finishing touches with the lunchbox then went to get my things, but not forgetting to check my self in the mirror.

I stormed outside, all smiles, excited to see someone.... only to be met by a laughing Jiwon, Seoyeon who was restraining herself to laugh and an apologetic Hayoung. I tried to control my facial expressions and acted normal, even if its no use.

"Good morning, Jisun. I hope you wont mind that we came by to give you guys a hop to school," Saerom-unnie explains. I shook my head and smiled at her.

"I dont mind, unnie. Thank you by the way," I said and went to sit beside Jiwon at the back seat since Hayoung-unnie occupied the shotgun seat.

I looked around the van, then I could still hear Jiwon and Seoyeon´s snickers. I elbowed the one on my side, earning a groan.

"By the way, as you can see, Gyuri isnt here. She actually doesnt join us on mornings since she either uses her bike or just walks to school," Hayoung-unnie explained.

"She just walks to school?!" Jiwon asked in shock. Even myself. Like, seriously?! I heard Saerom-unnie chuckle.

"Yeah. But thats when she wakes up really early. Today she used her bike to school," she asserted.

Now it made me think that she likes long walks so much.

"Youre here," she smiled and stopped playing the piano. I approached her.

"Why? Dont you like it when I´m here?" I joked but I think it was cheesy. Brrrr. She chuckled and shook her head. She made some space beside her to make me sit down, which I obliged. I took the lunchbox inside my bag and shyly gave it to her without glancing at her face. Its embarrassing!

"Oh, whats this?" she accepted and asked, curious to whats inside the lunchbox.

"I, um... its for you. I made it this morning," I explained as I looked elsewhere. I heard her giggle after.

"Aww, Ponyo~ Thanks a lot. I´m a hundred percent sure it tastes great because you made it," she stated. I blushed hard that I cant look at her. Stop! I´m falling even harder if you continue to do that.

"How about we eat lunch together later? I´ll tell Hanyang and Romsae," she suggested enthusiastically. I looked at her and smiled.

"Okay then. Then I´ll tell Jiwon and Seoyeon, too."

I was looking at the clock every 10 seconds, waiting for the bell to finally ring. I´m not being impatient, just a little bit. Jiwon nudged me suddenly, which made me look at her. "What?"

"Youre acting weird. Whats bothering you?" she asked. Maybe she noticed how I glance at the clock from time to time.

"O-oh, nothing... I´m just... hungry," I wasnt, but I have to answer to convince her. She nodded.

"Well, just a few more minutes before lunch break. Just wait till then," she said. I should tell her that someone´s gonna join us later.

"Megan, is it okay if Gyuri join us later?" I asked in a low-voice. She snapped her head to look at me. Her expression was scary plus I thought her neck would break. She smiled widely.

"You finally wont be a third-wheel!" she said in a small voice, but it didnt seem like it because the professor looked at us.

"Ms. Park and Ms. Noh, what seems to be the problem there?" he asked. I nervously shook my head.

"Nothing, sir," I apologized. He was looking at us suspiciously but continued writing something on the whiteboard. I glared at Jiwon, who was now covering her mouth with both hands.

"Jissen!! I cant help it, I´m happy for you. I told you it would work!" she whisper-yelled. I suppressed my smile and just looked in front.

"She´s gonna bring Hayoung-unnie and Saerom-unnie by the way," I added and looked at the clock again. 15 minutes more....

"Its fine, as long as you wont be wheeling any of us," she chuckled and continued writing on her notebook.

"Lets go!!! They might be waiting for us already!!" Jiwon walked faster than me. I scoffed. She looks more excited than me.

Not far, we already saw them at our usual table. Seoyeon was there, talking to them.

"Hey, guys!" Jiwon yelled and caught their attention. I cant help but facepalm. Even the other students looked at our direction and probably thought we´re weird. Jiwon ran to them while I just walked towards them. They waved their hands, I did as well but smiled at a certain puppy. She was smiling brightly... at me.

As soon as I came, I hit Jiwon´s head with my pen. She winced. The others laughed at what I did.

"Yah! It hurts, Jissen. What was that for??" she complained. She rubbed her head as Seoyeon stood up to kiss the part I hit. I rolled my eyes at them. Seriously? Here?

"Thats for causing a scene earlier," I said and crossed my arms.

"Hey, Jisun," Hayoung-unnie and Saerom-unnie greeted. I smiled and bowed at them.

"Hi, unnies."

I sat beside Jiwon and in front of Gyuri. She was smiling at me and said, "Hey."

"Hey," I replied. I smiled back at her as well. Thats when I heard Seoyeon faked cough.

"Me and Jiwon are just gonna go buy drinks," she and Jiwon stood up. Hayoung and Saerom-unnie also stood up.

"Oh, me and Romsae too actually. We´ll go with you and buy our lunch since Gyuri here already has hers," Hayoung-unnie said with a teasing tone. I looked down because I felt my face heat up.

"Yah. Dont take too long, okay?" Gyuri said.

"Of course, unnie. We wont," Jiwon answered and winked at me. I glared at her. She laughed and dragged the three others. Now, me and Gyuri are the only ones left. I blushed again.

I was about to start a conversation when she put a box of orange juice in front of me. I looked at her. She just smiled and said, "I got you that. I actually bought it before going here."

I shyly smile and said, "Thanks."

"No problem, I needed to give you something since you gave me this," she raised the lunchbox I gave her earlier. "Oh, and take this too," she took something from her bag and gave it to me. Oranges?

"I always bring some to school because it´s a must in every meal for me."

I accepted it and our hands touched. I made me blush instantly, she did too. My heart just fluttered.

"Um, anyway, the unnies told us earlier that you dont usually join them during mornings," I started a conversation. She looked surprised but smiled quickly. She proceeds to peel a piece of orange. I copied what she´s doing.

"How did you know that? I mean, when did they tell that to you?" she asked, still peeling the fruit.

"Just earlier. The unnies came and gave us a hop on the way to school," I answered. After peeling my orange, I put a piece on my mouth. Wow, its sweet!

"Oh, I see. Well, I dont really like riding cars that much. But I´m not saying that I cant ride cars, I just prefer to walk or ride a bike," she explained. I nod at her.

"Wow, your apartment must be just around the corner then."

"Nope, its actually quite far from here," she said and ate her newly peeled orange. I widened my eyes at her.

"What?!" She laughed at my expression. She resembled the puppy meme online with her eye-smile. I felt that the time went slow motion.

"You look cute, Ponyo," she giggled as she pinched my cheek. In an instant, it became red.

"Yah. Dont do that, Gaejookie," I threw back at her and pout. She continued to coo me and pinch my cheeks.

She teased me so much while I whined at her. Her laughs and giggles were to die for. If its not shameless to record it, I wouldve done it already and make it as my ringtone and alarmtone.

"Looks like we´re not needed here anymore."

We didnt notice that the girls came back already and they all had that playful and teasing gazes. I quickly straightened my posture.

"Oh my, Hayoung-unnie. Youre right! Should we just leave the two of them alone?" Jiwon joined. I hit her arm.

"I think we should. Lets go find a different table then," Saerom-unnie also chimed in.

"Yah. Dont be exaggerating, you guys. Sit down and lets eat already," Gyuri finally said and pulled Hayoung and Saerom-unnie to sit. I did the same for Jiwon and Seoyeon.

"But you and Jissen already started," Seoyeon said and pointed at the peeled oranges. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Its not lunch-material, Seoyeon-ah. Now quit being stubborn and sit down," I ordered. Thankfully she did.

Since then, the three of them started to join us every lunch time. Sometimes Jiheon would join, as well as Chaeyoung and Nagyung. I´d always prepare foods to share with them, but also prepare something solely for Gyuri. I was not that desperate to make her like me. I just wanted to do it.

One day, when I was about to give Gyuri some cookies I baked, I saw her with the japanese girl we met weeks ago. I always catch her approaching Gyuri everyday. It makes me think that she likes her.

I was, just like any other day when I see them together, feeling upset. I already accepted the fact that I really do like Gyuri but I am afraid to tell her that.
Yes, I dont have any right to be upset, but I cant help but be jealous whenever I see her with other people. Aside from our circle of friends, of course.

Disappointed, I turned my back at them. I just went to the library since our 3rd subject for today was cancelled because of an urgent meeting.

I first went to get a book about cooking then sat at the far end of the library, where Gyuri and I met for the second time.


I looked up to see Jiheon smiling at me. I dont think its possible but she looks so much a lot like Gyuri when she smiles.

I smiled back at her, "Hey, Jiheon-ah."

She sat across me as she puts all of her books on the table.

"Its kinda unusual for me to see you here," she commented and laughed. I glared at her but she just laughed even more. This kid.

"Yah, I come here sometimes you know?" I defended.

"Aigoo, I was joking, unnie. Why are you here all alone?" she asked. I frowned. Should I tell her? But I think she wont get it since she´s still a kid. But Jiheon sometimes give advice like a mature person, with witty answers and such. I think I should just tell her.

"I just wanted to. Jiheon-ah, what if you unconsciously caught feelings for someone, would you confess your feelings to that person?" I asked. She seemed surprised at first but then her lips formed into a smirk. Eh?

"Is it who I think it is?" she asked with a hint of teasing in her tone. Does she already know?

"I dont know. Who do you think am I pertaining to?"

"Obviously, its Gyuri-unnie," she enthusiastically answered. My face automatically turned red. She laughed at my expression.

"Aigoo, youre kinda obvious, unnie. I knew it, you are both my parents after all," she proudly said. I faked a cough.

"Okay, so how did you know that, kid? Was it that obvious?" She nodded vigorously.

"Yeah. Its not too hard to notice. The way you look at her is enough to know that you like her. Dont worry, its just minimal. Plus, I think appa is oblivious about it."

"Fine, fine. So, what should I do about it? Should I tell her?"

Jiheon then thought for several seconds, probably analyzing stuff first. She´s a smart kid, no kidding about that.

"What I think is that, you should probably think things through first. Like, let a few days or weeks pass so you could sort things out and figure if youre sure about those feelings. I´m not saying that your feelings are not real, just get to know more about her first," she explained. I was like, wow! This kid really doesnt feel like an 18 year-old student based on her wordings. But, she was right.

"And also, you should just let her feel that you like her, even without words. Get to know her more, or even ask her to hang out with you sometimes. Then you´ll be able to ponder if its all worth it."

I was speechless. Somehow, it did knock some sense to me. Its kinda rush to confess early, it might ruin our chances to be together.

I nodded and smiled. I reached out to pat her head like a puppy, in which she groaned in annoyance.

"Such a smart daughter I have. Youre actually right. It is kinda early to confess, it will just make us awkward and I´ll lose my chance," I admitted. At least now I know what I have to do.

"Why dont you invite her to hang out with you? That way, you guys will get to know more about each other. Just dont be a creep to her, dear eomma," she laughed. I wouldve hit her right now if not for her witty advice.

"Yah. Be thankful that you did me a favor. Or else, I wouldve sent you flying already," I threatened. As usual, just like what her appa would do, she just laughed at me.

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