Chase Me To My Grave (used to...

By AmariannaRose

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Nadezda (means "hope" origin Slavic) Vāsuki-Nāgī is the daughter of Cissie who is an mediocre butcher/cook wh... More

My Hero🦸‍♂️
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When The Past Returns To Take You Away From Your Future
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Back Where She Belongs.... With ME!!
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💔👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨In Love With The Heartless🥰💘
He's All The Rage😠💢😡

👁️👁️Well Would You Look At That!👀🙈!

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By AmariannaRose

The people of Fillmore Graves have been wondering how Nadezda could continue to love and support Chase they don't see what the city and the higher-ups of the company are doing to his mind, body and heart and if it wasn't for her support they'd be far worse off than they are now for she and her son are the glue that is keeping him together and helping him stay as whole as he can be while he's under so much pressure to look bad when he's trying to do good.... "what did he want?!"  Nadezda asks Chase as she walks into his office just as Hobbs leaves Chase narrows his eyes at her "oh don't you start with me! you know I don't trust ANY of them ESPECIALLY frenchie!"  she scolds he chuckles softly with a smirk then explains what Hobbs told and had him listen too "I'm sure those words were taken out of context.... did he have you listen to the whole thing?! for all we know he's trying to pit you two against each other and start another war from the inside out after all they probably think you're both failures now and they HATE the fact that you favor Lil over everyone else and choose to listen to his thoughts over theirs and I wouldn't be surprised if they believe you are easy to get rid of!"  she tells him and the more he thought about it the more it made sense "it's up to you how you want to handle this"  she says gently as she slides her hand over his he looks down at her small delicate hand that now covers his large masculine one then up into her eyes as she continues "you can play along as you always have or you can prove to them that you're smarter than that and not just because you have me!.... you should also drop by the shelter when you get a chance there is something our son would like to show you"  he smiles she leans forward and kisses his lips then turns around and walks away.... Chase was glad he listened to his wife for when he came to visit her and their son at the shelter he witnessed his son take his well second steps which filled him with awe and made him proud but what was even better was that he heard his son call him "dada" and that had him bursting with happiness which unfortunately was short lived for he was called into work and had to deal with another execution of the smuggling kind luckily this time his wife didn't witness it with him.... that night Nadezda walks into her husbands office as Liv tries to give herself to Chase to save the man she loves from being executed and Levon tries to bring her into the middle of the battle by telling her to "talk some sense into your husband!"  to which she replies with a chuckle in her tone "oh ho ho! don't you bring me into this! you'll never make it out of the office alive no matter what Liv says! besides.... do you know how HARD it is to talk some sense into a soldier boy?!" Chase chuckles "you and Liv need to stop acting like self-serving sacrificial lambs! neither of you are doing anyone any good by trying to not only get yourselves killed whether it be for love or because it's "the right thing" you saved the one you wanted to save and now you're trying to save each other.... one life for the lives of many it's.... admirable but stupid!.... when one war stops another one begins and this time I doubt Fillmore Graves will be the enemy there's a new one out there and his following is bigger than this entire building and the people in it and we.... are going to need all the help we can get to calm the storm that's approaching the best thing to do is figure out which one of you is best suited for the job cause even if he doesn't want to Chase HAS to follow through Seattle isn't the only one watching him.... if you catch my meaning.... and I will NOT sit back and watch him be destroyed by the only other thing in his life that he loves more than his family.... out of the three of us I would be the best choice to fall under that anvil after all him being oblivious to the fact that his own wife broke the main rule EVERYONE was meant to follow would prove these self righteous assholes right! but there is no way in HELL he'd allow that!.... will you?! after all you thought me to be the enemy for how long now?!"  Nadezda asks looking from Liv to Levon "why don't we put you both under and see who they come to rescue huh?! you can fight it but remember he's trained you're not!"  she asks looking into her smirking husbands eyes "and NO ONE tells me what to do!"  she adds looking into Levon's eyes "not anymore!"  she whispers in a voice so low only Chase heard her and he frowns at those words for he knew who she was talking about.... both Levon and Liv end up becoming prisoners of Fillmore Graves but they weren't frozen Chase kept them both in a actual holding cell like prisoners at a Police Station....

Nadezda walks towards but not into Chase's office as Liv gets a chance to say goodbye to her friends Liv was in the process of was in the process of hugging Peyton when Nadezda walked into the open door with her son in her arms "don't you dare!"  Chase hears his wife growl from the doorway he turns and stares at her in shock for he thought she was speaking to him but he turns again when he sees her staring at the Acting Mayor of Seattle who was narrowing her eyes at his wife "she did this to herself! and as her friends you should have guessed that she would be this STUPID this is not MY fault!"  Nadezda says to all three of Liv's friends in a much calmer tone "though I'm surprised Lilywhite isn't here he's her friend too right?!"  she adds Chase raises an eyebrow at her "you mean he isn't....?!"  she asks her husband with a fake curious tone he chuckles "find me Lilywhite!"  she tells the soldier standing behind her "yes, ma'am!"  the soldier replies then he walks out of the door Justin who was also there chuckles shaking his head and Chase's already raised eyebrow raises even higher "what?! I just wasted.... how many seconds of her last goodbyes answering what the Mayor perceived to be a threat in my direction?!.... even though she isn't frightening at all.... I think Liv could do with a few more!"  Nadezda says with a shrug Chase and Justin chuckle "and I don't think he's here anyway"  she adds Chase looks at her in surprise "yes I just sent your soldier to get some exercise!.... are you really going to be mad about that?!"  she asks Justin laughs "just don't bite his head off when he comes back empty handed I hear zombie brains taste disgusting!"  Justin's laughter grows even Liv couldn't help but smile and Chase shakes his head at his wife.... a few minutes later Nadezda stands by her husbands side as he watches Liv's Renegade documentary holding his hand and giving it a light squeeze when he tries to hide his anger or tears perhaps both Chase looks at his wife and tries to smile then he asks "anyone look familiar?!"  she shakes her head and he began to wonder if she was lying to him sensing his doubt she lets go of his hand and walks out of the office and he watches her with sad eyes as she storms away from him with their son who was reaching for him in her arms "not today luv"  Nadezda whispers softly to Alexander who lowers his arms and hugs his momma wo buries herself in his embrace and tries not to cry.... after Chase almost shot Jordan Nadezda talked him into doubling the dark skinned girls rations as a apology "I think they're younger so they may be going through a growth spurt or their just pigs in need of a better mother figure!"  she told him which made him chuckle "she knows of my shelter so I don't see why she doesn't just bring them there!" she whispered softly which made him frown ALL the Fillmore Graves officers knew of her shelter the only rule she had for them was to not wear their uniforms which he understood she didn't want conflict in the one place she held just as dear to her as the family she made for herself.... Nadezda was NOT by Chase's side when he found out just how many views Liv's video had and it didn't help his anger as a matter of fact it made it worse for he hasn't seen her or there son since she walked away and everytime he went to her shelter looking for them he was told she wasn't there and though it pissed him off for her sake he kept himself calm if there was one person in the world he didn't want to infuriate it was his wife for NO ONE has seen the full force of her anger and the havoc it will cause!.... the next time Chase DOES see his wife she's saving his life she rushes up to the stage and pushes Liv who was going to use the cuffs that were clinging to her wrists like bracelets to chock him then points a gun at her head "come any closer and I will kill her myself!"  Nadezda says calmly even though her eyes raged a fiery gold Lilywhite stops running towards the crowd of Fillmore Graves officers that are pointing guns at him and yet have stopped shooting "get out of here!"  Nadezda whispers to her husband through her teeth Chase looks at her oddly as Lilywhite asks Nadezda "why are you doing this?!"  Nadezda replies "because I will not allow my son to live without his father! you want to save the woman you still love then you will allow the man I care for to leave unharmed so he can beg for my forgiveness like the good soldier he is!"  Chase lets out a short soft chuckle "I saved your crew you OWE ME Major!"  Nadezda says Lilywhite's eyes widen in shock for she has never called him by his first name "you and your crowd have made your point your little girlfriend is safe and if you still want to kill my husband then you're all going to have to go through me!.... is that what you want Major?! to leave a child who isn't old enough to stand on his own for more than half a minute without his parents what will that knowledge do to YOUR heart hmm?!"  Nadezda asks "we're ALL pawns in their twisted little game EVEN Chase you know that as well as I for THAT ONE over there" she points at Hobbs her anger boiling as she speaks and yet she still somehow keeps calm as she continues "tried to make you a part of it if you recall and once we're gone he will do it again then YOU will see what my husband had to go through to get where he is now.... a man who even questions his own WIFE no matter HOW many times she's stood up, supported and kept his heart as safe as she could and for a woman who's never felt safe in her own heart that is VERY hard to do! yes HE knows why and he's the ONLY one who's going to know why but.... I suppose you could say I've become a solider of my own accord but I only serve ONE Commander and you're at a high enough rage where you THINK you can kill him but I WON'T LET YOU!!.... ANY of you!! I liked you and so did he but he didn't just like you he TRUSTED you and you BETRAYED that trust though it seemingly is for a good reason if you think gaining the trust of a human is bad just try gaining the trust of a zombie and not just ANY zombie but a soldier! as many soldiers are he was born into this soldiery way of life bred to be the man he is just like everyone else is bred to be the person THEIR parents want them to be I can't say they'd be proud of his actions for the only member of his family that I have met is his brother and sister in law but the may be proud of his reasons his NEED to keep his promise to his sister in law to uphold the plans she put in place to the best of his ability it isn't his fault those even higher than him have gone against even HER word thinking THEY knew better!.... but we all know it's all just a vie for power they don't deserve!.... while still being able to sit in the shadows and let someone else take the fall for their stupidity he is but ONE man! THEY are many! and no matter how strong he is there is no way he'd be able to overpower them all! I was hoping that you would have stayed by his side and helped him but you became part of the problem when you betrayed him and let them put their little worm in your ear which I am sure is already making it's way to your tiny brain and heart so you actually believe he LIKES doing this SHIT!?! he's only doing what they are "secretly" telling him what is right while making it sound like it is all HIS idea! manipulating every bit of him and keeping him as the soldier THEY know which is different from the one I know I'm not surprised he's questioning MY loyalty after the only soldier in his brigade he trusted broke his but that doesn't mean the fact that even HE was that stupid didn't hurt.... do you know I had to stop his son from reaching for him?! do you know how much that HURT?! I swore out of everything that was possible that could happen between us that I would NEVER push his son away from him! FORCE him to stop loving the him not by lying to him for I will NEVER do that but by making sure they never saw each other again! I will NOT stand by and watch my husband take the blame for someone elses mistakes EVER again! but if I have to die this day just to save the man I will love even after I am dead then so be it! as long as HE is able to live! as long as HE is able to love our son and take care of him in the way he should be loved and cared for! I WILL NOT allow some STRANGER who doesn't know his father like I do tell him lies about him ESPECIALLY YOU!! now what's your choice MAJOR?! the death of a "innocent" to kill the "villain" and leave their child in the hands of manics who don't know or understand SHIT or....!"  Lilywhite says softly "go!"  Nadezda tilts her head at him "GO!!"  Lilywhite shouts Nadezda turns her head and looks at her husband who takes her hand and runs stripping of his Fillmore Graves vest as they run....

"I know it isn't a very soldierly thing to do....!"  Nadezda says as she and Chase run "oh shut up!"  Chase growls softly he pulls her arm gently and spins her body so that it hits his and kisses her lips while sliding his hand up her cheek and into her soft silky hair "lets go get our son!"  he says breathlessly once he lets her lips go she nods and they continue running all the way to her shelter where Alexander was being watched by Baron who looked shocked to see them they thanked him for watching over their son then left with Alexander cupped in Chase's arm "he's one of them isn't he?!"  Chase asks as soon as they walk out of the shelter she nods and replies "but he's not a zombie he and the rest of the smugglers are human"  he looks at her in surprise "oh don't look at me like that it shouldn't be THAT big a surprise that those that go bring the others in are human it would be easy for them to come in and out whereas a zombie would be shot on sight.... or after the soldier was shown their ID"  she tells him he nods "so.... back to Paris or shall we go somewhere else?!"  she asks he smiles then replies "wherever you want mia bella!"  she says "I want to travel the world see the sights we've never got the chance to see and if we want to come back to America after all this shit blows over we can if not.... we'll buy our own little island hideaway and become zombie hermits or something!"  he chuckles with a smile and nods then kisses her lips.... even though his face is well known Chase, Nadezda and Alexander still found a way to smuggle themselves out of Seattle.... he was more well known as a clean shaven man so Nadezda "finally" got to see him with shorter hair a beard.... even if it was a fake one.... and the sight made her chuckle "what don't you like it?!"  Chase asks with a smile then he kisses her lips "it tickles!"  she replies with a chuckle in her tone and a smile he chuckles with a smile.... Chase did exactly as Nadezda wanted to do he and his family traveled the world they had enough money to do so because Nadezda had a separate bank account that Fillmore Graves didn't know about that Chase filled little by little so Fillmore Graves didn't wonder where all his money went.... and yes that was Nadezda's idea "just in case of an emergency".... he kept his beard and changed his name he was much happier now that he was not a part of Fillmore Graves as a matter of fact he became a part of the Renegade's squad.... without Liv and friends knowledge of course.... he remembered the day he helped out at his wifes shelter and how good it felt to do that over being a Fillmore Graves patsy.... he is still a soldier in his own right anyway for there was no way you could take that part away from him but he was more of a "follower" than a "leader" as a matter of fact he works alongside Mama Leone who still helps her side of the smuggling operation and though Nadezda doesn't get her brains from Blaine anymore she is still somehow better at getting more from everywhere than anyone the smuggling operation has ever known but life is much simpler and happier in the well ex-Graves household.... since they now have a different last name.... and Chase's temper flares less than it did when he worked within Fillmore Graves it still flares on occasion when he feels like he's failed at something but he's a lot calmer than even Nadezda has ever seen him then again he has less worries than before still the same amount of people but in a not as deeply impactable sort of way for he can now pass most of his problems off to someone else and more people were willing to help him than they ever were at Fillmore Graves Nadezda made sure that no one used him like Fillmore Graves used him for she had more power now than she did before for she also helps "The Underground Railroad" in times of crisis and much to their surprise no one but Mama Leone ever found out who Chase really was and he liked that part of it all the most for even though he believed he was in his own way making up for his mistakes no one was making him "own up" to things that were even beyond his control for they never knew just how controlled he was being he was the marionette tied to way too many strings he loves his life now with his wife and son and the daughter that is now on the way

👆🏻check out the full gif☝🏻 (that was too large for me to put in here) at = or the website = or

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