Descendants 4: Heros and Vill...

By evanswritingarden

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Taking Place After D3, Auradon Prep is having a Heroes and Villan Kids day which is meant to bring the VKS An... More

Meet Amelia
-Meeting The Heroes-
Fairy Godmother's Success
Building Relationships
Crossing The Line
Starting a New Life
A Million To One
Who Am I?
Rescue Mission

A Shocking Reveal

266 2 4
By evanswritingarden


I pulled and pulled on the chain trying to get free but it was no use. I tried shouting and there was no one else other then me. Great just great. I tried every other option I could think of but none of them worked. There is one option that I haven't tried and I wasn't sure if it would work or not.

It involves a secret I held in for a while, and I didn't show anyone not even Mal, Evie or Jay because Im worried they could never look at me the same way agian. I know, one of which is the daughter of Maleficent and Hades so my secret couldn't be anymore insane right?

Well...wrong. I obviously wasn't gonna tell my new parents for sure but...ugh why is life so hard? Whatever, I guess its worth a shot.

Aurora P.O.V

I-I can't believe it...Amelia ended up being evil the whole time and we didn't even see through it. This is another Hans situation..god I feel so awful for Jay right now and Aladdin..this must be a lot to process for those two..its even worse when we don't even know where he and Carlos are and now Mal and Evie are gone. Yeah Im going into panic mom mode right now and Anita looked like she was about to press the panic button as well, Snow White was about to cry, the poor girl is the most emotional in the group so I can't image how traumatizing this must be for her. This "rescue mission" just turned into a disaster.

Snow White: "I promised Evie I would always protect her from her mother but...I failed..."

Aladdin: "At least YOUR Sibling didn't turn on you."

Me: "Well my mother is a bigoted, deranged sociopath so theres that."

Jasmine: "What do we do now?"

Aladdin: "Find Jay, Mal and Evie and get the hell out of here."

Anita: "What about Carlos?"

Aladdin: "I'm sure we'll find him on the way."

Roger: "You seem pretty calm about the fact our SON is missing!"

Aladdin: "Calm down calm down, we're gonna find him.  No need to freak out."

Roger: "You clearly don't have any children or are a foster parent so YOU wouldn't know how big of a deal this is."

Aladdin: "With all due respect sir, I get why your upset but freaking out and pressing the panic button won't do anything except waste our time."

Then as if things couldn't get anymore everything started shaking like it was some earthquake or something.

Snow White: "Why are the walls and floor shaking?"

Aladdin: "How should I know?!"

The cave we were in turned completely pitch black, like we couldn't see even one wall. It was that dark. Anita took out her phone and turned on her camera, the others did the same. Then we started hearing quiet demonic noices and deep red scratches started appearing on the walls.

Me: "Audrey get behind me.."

Audrey: "Whats happening?!!"

The ceiling started to drop pebbles from it and red clawprints started appearing on the ground. Then red smoke started appearing around us before the smoke came together and rose forming a black demon with horns, wings, and red eyes. We all backed up in fear before the demon snapped the light back on and transformed back into....Carlos?!! What the hell?! All our jaws dropped.

Carlos: "(sigh) that was easier then I thought?"

Aladdin: "Um...Carlos? I mean no disrespect but...WHAT IN THE NAME OF HELL WAS THAT?!!!!!"

Carlos: "Oh...I forgot...Im not 100% human. Im only half human."

Audrey: "What?"

Snow White: "But your mother, Cruella, IS a human so how can you-?"

Carlos: "Thats only my mother. Im part human from my mom buut my dad isn't human."

Anita: "Who is your biological Father? Didn't you say he died?"

Me: "Yeah didn't you say Cruella killed your dad? At the party?"

Carlos: "Yeah....about that...that was a lie."

Me: "Why on earth did you felt the need to even-Oh...right.."

I was confused but quickly realized why Carlos would need to lie to the general public.

Carlos: "Uh...your mother, no offense Aurora, is ALREADY a deranged lunatic. Can you even imagine what would happen if she or anyone else knew I was not completely human? They'd loose their freaking minds and I didn't feel like having a entire manhunt chasing after me."

Aladdin: "Can you just tell us who your dad is already?!"

Carlos: "Chernabog, The demon that lived at Bald Mountian that was banished to the Isle because he's obiousally a villain?"

Aladdin: "Hold up..that satanic demon with powers of literal hell with a deranged dog skinning human?"

Carlos: "Yep that's what happened."

Aladdin: "I need a minute to process this..and your hitting this with us NOW? You couldn't have told us earlier?!"

Carlos: "I didn't wanna reveal my demonic form unless I absolutely have to!!"

Snow White: "Why didn't you just use your powers when you were held hostage by Amelia?"

Carlos: "I didn't know Amelia was evil and was gonna abduct me!! She injected a syringe in me knocking me out."

Ben: "Does anyone else know about this?"

Carlos: "No...I told no one, not even Mal, Evie or Jay..Im afraid if they knew this side of me, they could never look at me the same way again. It would just tarnish if not ruin my relationship with them and I couldn't do that to them. They are like family to me."

Me: "I guess our last question Is...if you could do this anytime at will..why did you take all the abuse Cruella put on you?"

Carlos: "Uh..Aurora? Did you forget it was the isle? Magic doesn't work on the isle and that includes powers."

Me: "Oh right...ouch."

Carlos: "I guess Mal, Evie and Jay are gonna figure out my secret during all this...theres no point hiding it to them anymore. Just please don't tell anyone else."

Aladdin: "Got it. Now can we go now?"

Carlos: "Yes..I wanna get the others and get out of here as fast as possible."

Jasmine: "How are we even going to find them?"

Carlos touched a wall creating a red magical spirit that left the wall and started going into a dark hallway.

Carlos: "All right lets go."

We walked into the dark hallway and Carlos's eyes glowed bright red. I just wanna find the others so I can get out of this place.

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