Crashing into Another World

By RockCandies

143K 5.7K 939

On a routine flight headed up north to restock a lumber camp, Iris gets caught in a dry microburst* while fly... More

Character intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 19

4.7K 238 37
By RockCandies

Allô! Sorry the chapter was so late. It's mid-end semester right now and things are bit nuts. I post status updates on my wall when delays like this are happening. Feel free to follow me so you aren't left hanging if ever this sorta thing happens again (it probably will).

Otherwise, enjoy :)


The males were apparently going to take forever to wash up.

It was dark and had been for quite some time. Iris had finished her meal and had then chopper some extra wood for the fire while waiting. She stopped once she was sure they had a stack that would last the night. So, at that moment, she had been sitting around waiting for them to come back. She didn't quite feel comfortable sleeping out in the open alone. Especially since she was not familiar with her surroundings. Heck, even just sitting alone was putting her on edge. It was as if she'd forgotten how to be alone after less than a day of having company after at least two months of solitude.

Hence, instead of feeling like a sitting duck, she had her dagger, bow and arrows with her. All were within easy grasping distance. They made her feel stronger and safer even though they were really just tools.

Hearing a slight rustle off to her left, she whipped around. An arrow already notched and at the ready, she took aim at the direction the noise had come from. She drew the sting back and held, ready to release.

Out sauntered Tawn followed by a partially shifted Ink. Both looked refreshed, too refreshed.

With a huff, she lowered her weapon and relaxed the tension on the bow.

Chuckling at her reaction, Ink turned to Tawn, "Looks like even a level one can hear you approaching... tsk tsk tsk." The male teased while accentuating his s's with hisses.

With a pout, Tawn slumped onto the ground next to Iris. "I wasn't trying to be silent..." He muttered in response.

Iris silently raised an eyebrow as she watched the two playfully banter. She refrained from commenting on the new small bruises that conspicuously littered the males' necks and chests. They could be passed off as the effect of the fire's glow if she convinced herself hard enough. Not that she particularly cared what their relationship was, she'd already seen them kissing. So, no surprises there.

Slumping back, she began removing her shoes. Now that her company was back, she had no need to be ready to jump up and run. Thinking of running, her feet ached in protest. She'd be sore come morning.

Tuckered out from the jogging, she planned to knock out for the night. "One of you will have to point me in the direction of the river in the morning." She stated, interrupting the males in their conversation that she'd stopped paying attention to. "Since you both took your jolly time to enjoy yourselves..." She all but whispered the last part under her breath.

"Why not now?" Tawn questioned.

"Can't see too well in the dark." She replied simply.

Stroking his chin, "So you kept some common female traits even though you received a level..." Ink commented before asking, "Do you find that your vision at night has improved somewhat?"

Iris answered with a slight nod. She didn't feel like talking much, sleep was beckoning to her. Her eyelids were already starting to droop.

"We'll show you to the river tomorrow." Ink spoke, his eyes staring off into space, seemingly already deep in thought.

Not needing any more encouragement than that, Iris flopped back onto the forest floor. She'd found a dry spot that'd do just fine for the night. She didn't have a mat for sleeping and it'd be easier to simply sleep on the ground. Otherwise, they'd have to undo the packing entirely so that she could sleep on the tarp or find something out to use as a blanket. Plus, the earth was comfy and the fire at her back kept her warm enough...

Tawn watched in silence as Iris quickly succumbed to the world of dreams. Her breathing quickly evened out and her body relaxed. He observed her face, it was peaceful, so different from her usual alertness that he'd otherwise observed. Short golden stands of her hair framed her tranquil visage and reflected the dancing fire light.

Tearing his gaze from the sleeping female's form, Tawn turned his attention to Ink, who still seemed to be lost in thought. Seeing how Ink obviously didn't seem to plan on sleeping any time soon, Tawn shifted into a large tawny wolf.

He crept his way over towards the sleeping female and gently lowered himself at her front, not wanting to block her back from the fire's heat. He remembered his father telling him and his brothers that females were easily cold. It seemed to him like a fair excuse to cuddle.


The chirping of birds signing weaved their way into Iris's groggy, sleep muddled mind. Not wanting to get up yet, she snuggled back into the warm fluff. The fluffy fur worked wonders for blotching out the light streaming through the forest foliage. Subconsciously, Iris relaxed into the warm embrace, ready to return to a deeper sleep.

Raising a questioning brow, Ink watched as the female practically burrowed back into Tawn's fur. The later gloating at the affection given by the sleeping female. He would have called it a cute moment had he not been envious of the smug wolf.

As such, like any good jealous male, he cleared his throat very loudly.

Iris's eyes flung open and a started gasp escaped her lips when she spotted the tawny fur in front of her. Her cheeks instantly reddened at the realization that she'd been cuddling with Tawn. She quickly shuffled back before straightening out her clothes and putting her shoes on.

Wanting to draw attention away from her embarrassment, "So where's this river?" She asked.

"Not even a 'good morning,' eh?" Ink teased with fake hurt in his voice and a large, cheeky smile across his face. Inside, he was laughing as he eyed Tawn who currently glared at him.

Iris held back a snort at the ridiculous show Ink was putting on. She hopped to her feet and dusted herself off, avoiding looking in the now human wolf's direction.

Feeling dejected from Iris's aversion to looking at him, Tawn bowed his head to hide his disappointment. He could see Ink's glee shining through in his dark blue eyes at Iris's reaction to the whole situation.

Seeing the other two were about ready, Tawn got up to stretch. Feeling an odd, crusty feeling on his chest, he looked down intent on whipping it off. It was odd that he'd still have residue from last night when they'd been sure to thoroughly wash. Curious, he lowered his head as much as he could to get a whiff of the dried substance. It smelt of Iris...

"I have Iris's drool on me!" He exclaimed with delight, puffing his chest out in pride. Tawn preened under Ink's and Iris's gases. It was as if he had won a gold medal rather than be wearing dried drool.

Iris slammed both her hands onto her glowing, red face in a mix of shame and horror. How could anyone announce such a thing so proudly?!? She wanted to shriek at him and shake his impossibly large frame until he gained a few brain cells – though that'd probably only cause him to drop into the negatives. He probably already was. At least Ink seemed to be a bit smarter. She tried to keep positive otherwise there was no way they wouldn't drive her insane.

A strangled shriek of panic shook Iris from her thoughts. She looked up from her hands to see Ink's tail wrapped around a thrashing Tawn as the snake man liked Tawn's chest.

"And now I've tasted her drool." Ink drawled out with a smirk as he released a now crying Tawn.

Never mind, she retracted her thought about Ink. They were equally as bad as each other. There was no hope for her sanity.


As always, thank you all for reading. 

Please tap that star if you like my work.


Nov. 11, 2021 

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