Chase Me To My Grave (used to...

By AmariannaRose

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Nadezda (means "hope" origin Slavic) Vāsuki-Nāgī is the daughter of Cissie who is an mediocre butcher/cook wh... More

My Hero🦸‍♂️
💐🌹First Date Fears😱😨
Taking The Long Way Home🛣️🏡
When The Past Returns To Take You Away From Your Future
Strength Of The Heart❣💖💞💕💗💓💘💝
Back Where She Belongs.... With ME!!
Life As A Zombified Non-Zombie🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️
Heading "Home" Once Again🏡🏠
Hard Headed Soldier🪖
🤕🧠What A Headache💆🏻‍♂️💆🏽‍♀️
💔👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨In Love With The Heartless🥰💘
👁️👁️Well Would You Look At That!👀🙈!

He's All The Rage😠💢😡

59 1 0
By AmariannaRose

During the Lockdown Nadezda and Alexander who was asleep in a forward facing baby backpack carrier walk into the Seattle Police Department with food for all zombie and human alike and meet the raping Goddess who wasn't all that happy she was there "can I help you Mrs Graves?!"  Clive asks when he sees her Liv in all her pink glory turns and narrows her eyes at her then her eyes widen when she sees all the food that Nadezda rolled in on a three tiered serving cart "just feeding the trapped and homesick!"  Nadezda replies with a smile "got snacks and lunch and it may be the mom in me but.... make sure the lunches are eaten first!"  she adds Clive chuckles softly "the upper tray has zombie meals the middle tray has human meals and the lowest of the low tray has snacks"  she tells him he nods "oh and the one behind me has drinks.... no alcohol sorry!"  she adds pointing to a smiling Baron who was pushing another serving tray and Liv stares at her fellow Renegade in surprise as Nadezda says "figured I'd save y'all from having to waste money on the vending machines which are always way to expensive anyway!"  Clive chuckles and replies softly "yeah!"  Nadezda lets go of the serving tray and says "well you all enjoy!"  then she and Baron leave "oh and Clive!"  she says as she turns back around the dark skinned detective looks at her oddly and she says as she tosses him a key "that's the  key to the "snack bar" I'm trusting you to not eat to much of it so everyone else gets their fair share"  she winks at him then turns back around and follows a softly chuckling Baron out of the SPD building Clive watches her leave shaking his head with a chuckle and a smile.... about a hour or so later Nadezda jumps when she hears Chase pound his fist into one of the grey lockers in the locker room and she says softly with a worried tone "Chase?!"  Chase turns to face her his eyes red with rage and he asks with a harsh angry growl in his tone "where have you been?!"  she replies softly with a slightly playful tease in her tone as though she wasn't affected by his hurtful tone that made it sound like he was ready to rip HER head off "feeding Seattle's finest"  Chase's eyes wander up and done her body then he asks with the same tone as before while waving his hand at her outfit "in that!?"  she asks curiously "what's wrong with my jogging outfit?! besides I've been carrying Xander for most of the day and I figured it would help with the heat he does get warm every now and again you know?! and I'll have you know he hide my breasts quite well so they weren't "showing off" if THAT'S what you're worried about!"  Chase's eyes widen for he finally sees his now awake son sitting in his carrier sucking on one of his mothers fingers and he starts to feel bad for taking the anger of the news Lilywhite just gave him out on her "hey Lil don't mind him his higher ups tend to only give him the news they WANT him to hear so he probably didn't know about.... whatever you just told him!.... figuring out who he can trust is becoming very hard for him nowadays especially here!"  Nadezda says softly while looking over at her friend Lilywhite smiles at her ".... and apparently with his wife as well!"  she whispers to herself in a voice so low only her son heard her  "you mind.... uh?! I'm afraid he might eat my whole hand if I don't feed him soon"  she jokingly asks trying to lighten her own mood Lilywhite chuckles softly with a smile then walks over and helps her take Alexander out of his carrier "here!.... you feed him"  she says taking a baby bottle out of the baby bag that was slung over her shoulders Chase looks hurt and Lilywhite looks at her in surprise "I trust you go ahead!"  she says softly giving the soldier permission Lilywhite cautiously takes the bottle from her and she shows him the proper way to hold her son and feed him.... not that he wasn't holding him properly before but it's different when you can only use one arm to hold a baby while holding a bottle.... "you can change him too if you want"  she teases Lilywhite laughs then says with a smile "I think I'll pass"  she asks with a playfully teasing tone "so you're leaving his daddy with all the dirty jobs how nice of you!"  Lilywhite chuckles Chase smiles then takes a step towards his wife but stops when he sees her take a step back and he frowns he knew he deserved her refusal but it still hurt Lilywhite's team walks over to them and coos over the baby in their mentors arm and Nadezda smiles at the sight as Chase sinks into the bench behind him regretting his actions towards his wife "so.... what's going on?!"  she asks softly looking at Lilywhite who looks up at her with a surprised expression on his face "I have ways of finding out myself but I'd rather hear it "from the horses mouth" as the saying goes.... I don't care about the ass Roche but I would like to know what made him rage so hard he felt the need to take it out on me!"  she says Lilywhite nods then tells her about the incident he and his troop dealt with at Triple Cross Church "ah I see! you've met Blaine's father who as I understand it calls himself "Brother Love" now"  she says "B-Blaine's father?!"  Lilywhite asks with a surprised stammer in his tone she nods then replies "I've heard of past afflictions getting passed on after you are turned but.... I think his brand of insanity happened AFTER he was turned and that's why it sunk in so deeply.... I didn't OFFICALLY meet him but he and his troop "dropped by" Romero's while I was there once it was a.... odd.... experience all those zombies acting like they had been hypnotized or something following his every word like it was gods law and coping some of his words like they were reading from some very strange bible.... I know the "li'l sheep" are lost but do they have to follow THAT "shepherd"?!"  a corner smirk slides up Lilywhite's lips as Chase stares at her in shock "no one got hurt and it didn't seem all that important at the time the crazed man was just using his sons business for his own pleasure hoping that Blaine would take care of his "family" despite how he himself treated Blaine growing up"  Nadezda tells her husband who nods slowly he knew that if she thought it was important she would tell him "what's in this thing?!"  Lilywhite asks as he removes the bottle from the now full baby in his arm "brain mush and breastmilk"  Nadezda replies looking at her friend who looks at her in surprise "he's got my brand of zombieism though his eyes glow silver when he rages and no I still don't understand how I "came to be" I do however know me and my son are the only ones like me"  she tells him he nods understandingly she walks over to him and shows him how to burp her son and Chase watches them with sad eyes especially when she gently takes their son from Lilywhite with a soft thank you and leaves the room and he quickly gets up and follows her out not only is he lucky to have her but he doesn't deserve her and how understanding she always is with his constant mood changes which have been happening more often than not now adays he knows how lucky he is he just wasn't thinking when he snapped at her and what was worse he didn't even see their son who was with her and that was the main part that she was so pissed about and he knew that as well....

"Let me....!"  Chase says softly as he walks into the faculty room and sees his wife changing their sons diaper a few minutes later he had searched for them ever since they left the locker room and sighed in relief when he finally found them Nadezda slowly stands up as he walks over he stands in front of her for a few seconds wanting to say he was sorry but he knew she was sick of hearing it so he walks around her, kneels down before their son and changes his diaper then throws the dirty one away after he picks up and holds his son to him lightly bouncing him in one of his arms while looking at his wife sadly "I'll make up for this.... somehow!"  he promises softly she doesn't say anything the sorrow in her gorgeous features is what really broke his heart he sits down on the couch and plays with his son for a few minutes then hands him back to his mother and leaves kissing Nadezda on the cheek as he walks towards the door with sad soldierly steps.... a few hours later while being held at gunpoint Chase was surprised to hear a gun go off then his wife growl in a way he's never heard before "get away from my husband!"  and Cain who was just about to pull the trigger drops his gun as though it bit him "try it and the next one goes into your skull you coward!"  Nadezda growls as Cain goes to pick his gun back up Cain turns and stares at the seraphic woman before him who's eyes raged a beautiful dark yet bright gold his eyes widen in shock when he sees the baby in the carrier hooked to her chest "always with an excuse.... a reason your not at fault for your own actions.... blaming everyone but yourself for your own wrongdoings.... you're not very smart are you?!"  she asks Cain still pointing your own gun at him he reaches down for his own gun "that's right give me a reason you bastard!"  she tells him with a low growl and as though doing what she told him to do he picks it up and points it at her then ends up with a bullet in his chest and he falls to the ground "and here I thought southern hillbilly's would be faster than that how about you Lilywhite?!"  she asks lowering her gun Chase chuckles then turns and sees the only soldier he trusts standing in the doorway of his office still pointing his gun at the body on the floor "go check the school dorm he might've gone there first"  Chase orders Lilywhite who nods then leaves Chase rushes over to his wife and hugs her tightly "uh.... Chase"  she says with a chuckle in her tone he looks at her then down at the small body he was smushing and chuckles then lightens his hold on his wife and kisses his sons forehead he watches s she carefully takes a pair of small earplugs out of their sons ear and chuckles "what?! I didn't want to wake him"  she tells him he smiles then looks up into her eyes and slides his hand up her cheek then kisses her lips with a passionate hunger leaving her breathless once he finally lets them go "hold him" she says as she takes their son out of his carrier Chase looks at her oddly but does as she ordered then watches as she walks over to a barely breathing Cain kneels down before him and says "you will pay for what you've done!.... we're not the ones who are dead YOU are!"  Chase's eyes widen as he watches his wife scratch the man who almost killed her Nadezda stands up and walks away from Cain and over to her family and says as she looks into her husbands eyes "lets see if that works"  he leans forward and kisses her lips he knew she meant her scratching a human and turning them into one of them.... a zombie.... for she's never done it before "maybe it'll be a good idea to let them think Lil did this just.... let him know first so he can prepare for the "backlash" even add a few things if you want"  she says as they watch Cain go from human to zombie in seconds "you'd look sexy with a cane!"  she coos alluringly Chase chuckles then kisses her lips just then Lilywhite walks in and gives Chase his report with a smile for he saw Chase kiss his wife and he was happy that Nadezda seems to have forgiven his commanding officer.... which always happens a lot quicker than any he's ever seen but still.... and Chase gives him the story they were going to sell to the soldiers of Fillmore Graves.... the next day Chase and his wife walk towards then into the locker room as Roche says "and in about 20 minutes he'll be tucking Chase Graves into bed"  then laughs as he slaps the side of Lilywhite's ass Nadezda looks at her husband and teases softly "and here I thought that was my job!"  Chase chuckles softly as they hear a soldier named Tommy ask Lilywhite as he and his buddy named Joey walk over to him "does Chase like a kiss on the forehead?"  and Joey asks "does he have a favorite story, or....?"  Nadezda looks at her husband with a slightly raised eyebrow and waves her hand into the locker room he chuckles then says as he walks into the room first with his cane in hand and swagger in his movements as he works the story he made up for Lilywhite to look like a hero in front of his buddy's for a change "damn straight he has a favorite story it's Goodnight Moon"  then he coos playfully as he looks Lilywhite in the eyes while tapping his bottom lip with the tip of his finger "and he likes he likes his kiss on the mouth, lots of tongue"  Nadezda who stands in the doorway of the locker room chuckles shaking her head with a smile at her husbands teasing nature she was glad he was finally having fun even though she knows it's going to be short lived.... Goodnight Moon also happens to be the story Chase reads to Alexander ever night before bed.... "Mmm and I mean this.... you guys are all dicks"  Lilywhite says to the small group of soldiers that surround him and he hears Nadezda chuckle from the doorway he looks over at her and winks Chase turns and looks at his smiling wife and smiles for he knew precisely who Lilywhite had winked at luckily for Lilywhite Chase knew better than to be jealous of their friendship he was also grateful Lilywhite didn't bring her into the "fun" for he knew how the other "men" would act once they knew she was there and he asks playfully "ooh, you hoping for some hoopla?"  and he hears his wife chuckle softly "find the new Renegade for me then you'll get your Star Wars ending you and Chewie and Han collecting your medals"  he says and he sees the bright shine in his wifes eyes dim to a sad one and it makes him sad but he still has a duty to do despite how the other higher up are treating him....  the next day Nadezda and Chase were playing with Alexander on the grey couch in his office when Lilywhite walks in seeing his wife look up as someone walks into the room Chase turns and stares at Lillywhite and the two soldiers that came with him and he sighs a deep sigh then asks "yes?"  Nadezda starts to stand with her son in her arms but he grips her wrist gently and says softly "stay!"  she sits back down "I'm afraid I have bad news"  Lilywhite says "what is it?"  Chase asks "our prisoner was turned into a zombie last night"  Chase chews his lip then stands up and walks over to Lilywhite and crew then asks "how is that possible?"  Lilywhite replies "someone knew where he was they broke a window to his room and scratched him"  Chase asks with a surprisingly soft calm tone "and the sound of a breaking window failed to alert any of you?"  Roche who was standing next to Lilywhite replies "we assume whoever did it, set off one of our car alarms"  Nadezda asks "and it took a house full of zombies to check it out?! I thought you all were smarter than that! but it sounds like you all fell for the ol' diversion tactic a little too easily!"  Roche narrows his eyes at her Chase on the other hand smiles then he orders the soldiers before him "everyone take out their cell phones right now and unlock them I want to know if any of you might have sent a signal"  Lilywhite and the others do as their told Chase takes Roche's phone first and says before he walks away with it "unlock that"  Roche quickly unlocks his phone "no going through his pictures now!"  Nadezda teases with a smirk "oh shut up you!"  Chase replies with a smirk Nadezda looks at a worried looking Lilywhite who finds something in his pants pocket but she keeps her mouth shut for she didn't want Chase to lose faith in the only Fillmore Graves soldier he trusts Lilywhite looks extra worried when he sees that Nadezda saw him and just about sighs in relief when he sees her nod at him....

Nadezda had some how talked Chase into working at her shelter mostly keeping him in the kitchen cooking the food and watching over their son.... Chase fought the urge to go into the dining area and fight for his wifes honor when he heard some guy argue with his wife about what HE (Chase) did to the first Renegade.... ".... she's still a part of it she just can't be a major part"  Levon and Liv look at her in shock then chorus with a matching tone "you mean she's still alive?!"  Nadezda replies "of course she's still alive! why do you think Baron still likes me?!.... though me still giving you idiots brains to keep you all fed could have something to do with it too!.... you act like he's some kind of monster he's just like everyone else he's just got more on his plate than one person can handle luckily for him he married me! and for the most part I can usually find a go around.... he's being pushed and pulled in one too many directions by those who are even higher up in the food chain than he is while being hated by everyone in the place we've called home for almost a year now.... he's trying to do what's right while trying to be the best soldier he can be basically he's the knot in the middle of the rope in the game tug of war he may be the face but there are one too many voices speaking THROUGH him! they're USING him! and feeding their own egos by betraying him! using their power and the fact that's HE'S  the enemy of Seattle that you all see and not them in your eyes THEY are the ones following HIS rule when it's the other way around and it's tearing him apart! he's just too good at hiding to truly know what he should feel anymore our son and I are the only things in this world keeping him centered reminding him that he too is only human even if he is a undead one.... next time you watch him pay attention to his eyes not his body and or words for they speak in volumes that would shatter all the glass in the world, send tidal waves to cover every bit of land on it while shaking it down to it's core well I'm sure you get the idea!.... at least I HOPE you do!"  Chase listens to his wife speak from his spot in the kitchen with a shocked expression on his face he could tell she was trying to control her anger for she was never one to make a scene but he couldn't believe she would stick up for him like that stand by and support yes but with all that was going on he was stupid enough to believe that she secretly felt the same way everyone else does but her words tell him just how wrong he is about what his messed up mind believes "the Chase I know is nothing but heart! but when it comes to doing his job he ends up using his head far too much and THAT is where he truly goes wrong!"  Nadezda says Levon, Liv and Chase chuckle though since he was in a different room Chase's chuckle goes unheard by the other three.... Chase found that he liked working at the shelter even if it was "behind the scenes" it was less stressful than his everyday job AND it gave him time to spend with his son he also understood WHY she had him work in the kitchen especially with him being the "enemy" of Seattle and he finally got to see how things worked in her end of the world even though humans and zombies didn't eat separately.... unless they wanted too.... there food was in different servers the humans server was made with a blue metal the zombie server was made with a red metal it was almost like the lunch line in school but larger for she fed as many Seattleite's as possible for there are many who didn't come or didn't know it existed... .which would surprise him.... he knew she didn't serve "the Prophet Brother Love" or his followers he was pretty sure she'd never let him in her establishment she didn't even know the guy and she HATED him with a raging passion.... speaking of "Brother Love" a few days after she got her husband to volunteer at her shelter as soon as Nadezda heard Angus "Brother Love" McDonough's voice rant like a tv preacher on the television screen she turned it off and put a CD in her radio and pressed play then turned the surround sound so everyone in her shelter could hear it.... that night Nadezda shows up at the Scratching Post just in time to stop her husband from shooting one of his soldiers the same soldier that "accidently" scratched a human after she left Lilywhite and his Patrolees in charge of the human and his buddies punishment she walks into the bar and stands before Jordan as Chase takes out and points his gun at the dark skinned girl and growls darkly as her eyes burn gold  "don't you dare!"  Chase looks at his wife in surprise then growls through his teeth "get out of my way!"  Nadezda replies "no!"  then she asks as she cautiously walks towards him "is this how you'll discipline our son as he gets older?!"  he replies "this is different!"  she says "no it isn't! nor is it a soldiers true way of disciplining their subordinates! just because they are a zombie and can take the bullet better than a human doesn't mean you should shoot them! people make mistakes and yes hopefully she will learn from it but we have no idea what happened to cause said mistake for all we know Roche could have threatened her or her friends lives after all people will do anything to live you trust Lilywhite right?!"  Chase nods his head with wide eyes shocked that his wife is FINALLY going against his ruling "then let him do as he says he's going to do and let HIM take care of it! hell! make her clean the entirety of the Fillmore Graves building with a one bristle toothbrush but don't you DARE use your gun on her you insufferable ass!"  every Fillmore Graves employee stare at Nadezda in shock as a small corner smirk slides up Chase's lips and he whispers "FINALLY!"  Lilywhite lets out a short soft chuckle even though he has no idea why Chase said that "oh he's been waiting for me to "show my true colors" and defy him ever since we came to Seattle!"  Nadezda tells Lilywhite who smiles at her "so if you want to use that you better use it on me!"  she says to her husband as she looks into his eyes while pointing her finger at his gun and he slides it back into it's holster "that's what I thought!"  she says Chase chuckles he takes a step towards her but stops when she takes a step back it's possible he deserves such a action but it still hurt "this is why the think your so easily manipulated you never think before you act and your temper flares too easily!"  she whispers with a tone so low only Chase and Lilywhite can hear her and Chase looks at her sadly "well lets either get back to the party or back to work your choice oh hero of the hour!"  Nadezda says with a teasing tone to Lilywhite who chuckles with a smile "party it is then!.... DJ!"  she calls out and the DJ starts to play his music again which brought everyone back into the partying mood "you look radiant by the way"  Lilywhite complements once the music begins again "really I thought I was too shiny!"  she teases he chuckles then they along with his troop and Chase head to the bar "oh give them the night Chase! you owe them for almost shooting them anyway!"  Nadezda coos once they reach the bar and she notices him stare at the teenaged screw-ups he chuckles softly and nods then to his surprise he feels her slide her hand over his thigh and he cups it in his hand then lifts it to his lips and kisses it then says softly "he's right you do look....!"  he starts his words get caught in his throat when he sees her smile then feels her lips lightly press up against his "lets go home and let them continue the festivities I for one would rather be with our son!"  she tells him he smiles then nods and with her hand in his he leads her out of the club and to his vehicle then drives her home

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