A More Fortunate Series Of Ev...

By Maliciousjellybean

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Selena Strauss has been living with her aunt Justice Strauss next to her neighbour Count Olaf for years and... More

Meeting the baudelairs
A Fortunate yet Unfortunate beginnings and delicious cupcakes
What a pedo and what's with the haircut?
Chores, chores and wait......MORE CHORES!!
What do you mean 'There's no more chocolate?'
What kind of performance was that?
That's Abuse you piece of trash
I don't know about you but I ain't no flower girl
Are you serious? MARRIAGE!
'A Marvelous Marriage'
Reptiles? I guess they're somewhat cute...
You Again!
MOVIE NIGHT!! Gone wrong...
In Tears
Aunt Josephine
Sad endings and a new beginning
I'm so sorry (A/N)
Yes an author's note (I'm lazy k)
The miserable mill
A Race against time
Prufrock Prep
Escape Plans
Winning yet losing
Ersatz Elevator
A/N: Christmas Updates!!
Past Repercussions
The Ersatz Elevator
The Vile Village
Leaving town
Hospital Admittance
The Library of Records & Hidden Truths
Haunted Hallways
Hospital Madness
Important A/N
Carnival visit
Circus Freaks
The House Of Freaks

The Hostile Hospital

263 4 0
By Maliciousjellybean

Third Person P.O.V

When the Baudelaires barged into room 922.

Sadly, they were met with an empty operating bed. Selena and Arlo were no where to be found and that already set them on edge.

"They're not here Violet." Klaus turned to his sister who was already contemplating where else they haven't checked. 

"Who's not here? Doctors." the voice of Esmé Squalor asked behind them making their blood run cold.

They both turned looking at the woman who was still dressed in her horrifying nurses outfit holding a large knife.

Klaus cleared his throat speaking in a gruff voice, "Miss, uh...do you know what happened to the patient that was in this room?"

"Do you mean the little girl with the big mouth? and maybe her visitor too. Well she's being prepped for surgery and the other is waiting in the operating room with the impending audience." she smiled fakely.

"Surgery?" Violet asked beside him.

"Yes so you are both just in time." Esmé waved her knife at them. 🔪

"Paging. Dr. Faustus and Dr. Grey. You are desperately needed in the operating theater. In precisely five minutes, we will perform the world's first cranioectomy on a teenage girl." they all heard the smug voice of 'Dr. Medicalschool' over the PA.

Klaus thought to himself speaking aloud, "Oh well 'cranio' means head and 'ectomy' means to remove something..." his voice trailed off.

Violet stepped back as Esmé came towards them pointing her large knife with a maniacal grin.

"You know very big words. You must be a very good doctor. Let's find out how good you both are."

Violet quietly panicked internally with Klaus as they were led involuntarily out of the patient's room.

"We all know this is a very dangerous operation, but as always, in the field of medicine stuff happens." Count Olaf's voice droned through the speaker.

Klaus gulped in fright. They were expecting him to cut off his girlfriend's head. He and Violet couldn't possibly do that, but then again this was their way of cornering them. They would have to surrender, but maybe just maybe he could find a way out of this.

Violet scrunched her face as Esmé pointed the large bone saw in their faces.

"If you are wondering about my enormous terrifying knife, the answer is yes it is incredibly sharp." she spoke stopping them in front of the elevator.

"We can see that.." Violet began to talk but was caught off when she held the knife incredibly close to her throat imitating a cutting sound.

"One swipe and Crrrrrrcrrrcrrr.."

They both eyed her in question as her hand awkwardly reached for the elevator button. She could just turn and press the button.


Sunny was beginning to ponder under Klaus' labcoat, if the woman was truly insane. Highly possible.

She finished her imitation sounds when her hand finally pressed the button and stood straight with her threatening gaze batting back and forth between the two.

"Impressive." Klaus mocked plainly.

"Butterflies in your stomach Doctors?" she asked.

"No." Violet lied.

She hummed ironically, "Hm. Don't worry this is going to be fun."

They all stepped into the uncomfortable lift taking a ride down to the the operating theater.

The crowd was already seated above ready to watch the never done before operation. The crowd mostly consisted of eager doctors ready to learn more about the dangerous operations and just random hospital goers and staff interested in the gore. And surprisingly, Mr. Poe was there amongst the crowd talking animatedly with the bearded volunteer.

"I can't believe I got tickets to this operation, it sold out mere moments after going on sale." Mr. Poe grinned.

The volunteer shook his head eagerly, "I hope it's a musical."

Mr. Poe nodded, "I brought my opera glasses. They're a anniversary gift from my wife-" he paused letting out his usual horrible coughs.

The volunteer watched him worriedly, "While you're here you ought to take a look at that cough buddy."

"Cough?" Mr. Poe asked confused.

They were interrupted by the voice of Hooky talking through the PA system.

"Ladies and gentlemen the show is about to begin. Please find your places and silence all devices."

Then the doors open and in came both Klaus and Violet who were both extremely tense. They took in the room and were shoved straight into the center where Selena was strapped a movable hospital bed. Completely knocked out.

Well they had found her, but not in the best state. Violet reassuringly patted Klaus' shoulder as he looked over at Count Olaf who stood with a wide grin clearing his throat at the top of the exit stairs walking cockily down.

"Ah Dr. Faustus and Dr. Grey! I've been eagerly awaiting you. And so is our little sleeping beauty here." He motioned to the young Strauss.

"Now hurry along Doctors. The anesthesia won't last forever." He shot them a smirk.

Esmé handed Klaus the sharp knife grinning, "Don't forget this. You'll need it."

The woman leaned in close to his ear, "I do hope she doesn't wake up in the middle of the operation."

Violet shot her a glare when they were both pushed forward to stand in front of Selena.

She laid unconscious and Klaus noted how beautifully peaceful she looked. But right now, they needed her awake. He would never hurt her like this. At this point they were out of options. 

Violet looked around the theatre and spotted Arlo who was being held by two of Count Olaf's henchmen. He shot her a look of defeat looking down as Count Olaf stepped forward into the limelight greeting the crowd.

"Doctor's, nurses, Volunteers Fighting Disease, gore fans, regular people. Welcome to the operating theater of Heimlich Hospital." He smiled and spread his arms welcoming the claps of the oblivious audience. 

"I am Dr. Mattathias Medicalschool, and these are my associates." He motioned his hand over and the light shone on his henchmen who each gave...quite ridiculous names.

"Dr. Flaucutono."

"Dr. Tocuna."

"Nurse Flo."

"Nurse Go."

"Nurse Lucafont."

They were taking the word theater a bit too literal.

Esmé stepped forward dramatically." And I am Nurse Cassandra Ursula Terrific Elliandra--"

Count Olaf cuts her off clearing his throat, "And of course our two Doctors who will be performing the operation together. The marvelous, Dr. Faustus and Dr. Grey."

The crowd erupted in applause once again while Violet and Klaus stood awkwardly.

"As I am sure you have heard a cranioectomy is a procedure in which the patient's head is removed." he looked over at Esme who drew down a chart of the human head being cut into two at a certain point of the neck.

"Scientists have discovered that many health problems are rooted in the brainial area. And so, the best thing to do for the patient is to remove the head altogether." he explained loudly.

"Violet..." Klaus murmured.

"Thinking." His sister quickly responded back quietly.

Esmé drew over a stand while he continued to speak.

"Now a cranioectomy is as dangerous as it is necessary. There is a chance that the patient may tragically die during the operation. Leaving their enormous fortune up for grabs." he continued and made his way to stand over the Selena.

"But sometimes we make sacrifices in the name of advancement." Count Olaf cynically mused brushing her hair from her forehead and motioning straight to her neck in a slicing motion.

His plan he believed would not fail because the Baudelaires cared too much for their friend. But...if it came to the point where they did end up slicing her head, he would have to stop the operation. For multiple reasons.

"Isn't that so Dr. Faustus?" he looked up tauntingly.

Klaus inhaled and pulled Violet over to the side, "What do we do?"

Violet ran a hand through her hair,  "I'm still thinking for something."

"Stall." Sunny lowly murmured under Klaus' jacket.

The older siblings shared a look but complied. It seemed an idea came to them as they looked down at the knife Klaus held.

Klaus turned looking down at his girlfriend then looked up at an impatient Count Olaf.

"Before I make the incision. I-I think I should talk a bit about the equipment we are using." He said gruffly.

Violet hid her smile seeing how annoyed Olaf got, "It is an important procedure before we begin."

"Right as my colleague said." Klaus nervously held up his item, "This is a knife-"

"We know it's a knife." Count Olaf rolled his eyes leaning forward with a threatening look, "Now let's see you use it."

Klaus shrugged, "Any real doctor would never perform a procedure without explaining everything first and we are both real Doctors aren't we?"

This caused him to hold back an angry remark. Olaf closed his eyes, "Keep it short Doctors."

"The knife is the oldest surgical tool in the world." Klaus started.

"Early knives have been found in Mayan tombs, Egyptian temples." Violet continued for him.

While she spoke Klaus casually leaned back on the hospital bed taking his time to pull the plugs on the anesthesia machine in secret. He hid his smile glancing and seeing Selena shift slightly.

Then he continued where Violet left off, "There are many types of knives, which I am going to list for you right now."

Most people in the crowd began to get agitated while Count Olaf looked as if he was about to pull out his hair.

"There's the pen knife, the pocket knife, the butter knife--" Klaus swung the knife dangerously around while Violet stood back watching him explain proudly. Well only to be interrupted.

"Alright, what a lengthy explanation ladies and gentlemen but it's time for the main event."  Count Olaf loudly cuts in as the audience applauds once more.

Klaus glanced at Violet in fear. Selena was not awake yet.

Esmé grinned, "Yes I think all these lovely people will understand the process better once the head has been removed." her gaze fixed on him, "DO IT."

"Yeah, cut off her head!" the blonde volunteer called out.

Murmurs followed. It seemed everyone was fed up with the wait.

"Do it! Do it!" Count Olaf chanted.

"DO IT! DO IT!" the crowd joined in obliviously.

Violet shook her head at Klaus as he looked around in fright. The peer pressure was on. Taking a step back, he glanced down at Selena and took note that her hands were starting to twitch. Wait...

"Wait!" he yelled, "We cannot perform this operation." 

Silence rung in the air now.

"Why not?!" Count Olaf could no longer hide the anger in his voice.

"There is one more thing to be done. The most important thing here at Heimlich Hospital."

Esmé watched in confusion as Violet's face lit up in realization.

"And what is that?" he rolled his eyes.

"Paperwork." Violet came in standing firmly beside her brother.

Gasps rang through the crowd. Klaus turned to the audience emphasizing his point.

"We haven't done the paperwork!"

"Paperwork! Yes of course!" Mr. Poe yelled out in disbelief.

The murmurs of agreement rang throughout the large room.

"Somebody call Hal."

"I will! I'll go get him right now!" the blonde volunteer ran off in excitement.

The lights in the room came back on while Count Olaf scrunched his lips, "Just a brief pause ladies and gentlemen. A minor interruption!"

Esmé came forward dragging Violet by the arm smiling widely at Klaus, "You may have found a way to stall but sooner or later the show will go on." her grinning face turned serious, "And there will be blood."

"Unless.." she trailed off.

"Unless?" Violet asked.

"Unless?" Count Olaf questioned too.

"You give me what I want." Esmé nodded.

Klaus and Violet looked at each other in confusion.

"We'll stop this whole operation right now if you give me the item you stole from the library of records last night." she angrily stared at them.

"It's mine."

Count Olaf hissed, "Why would we stop? The whole point-"

"Mine, mine, MINE!" Esmé continued to persist angrily.

Home girl really wants that tea set piece.

Klaus glanced at Violet who nodded. The whole point of this now would be to make a deal.

Inhaling the Baudelaire breathed shakily, "If it will save Selena...then." 

He finally pulled out the tape and Esmé happily snatched it from his hands kissing it, "Oh at last!"

Count Olaf angrily fumed at her.

Suddenly, she stopped looking down at the circular piece of plastic.

"This isn't the sugar bowl."

Klaus looked at her confused, "Sugar bowl? No that's the Snicket File."

Count Olaf had a flash of realization across his face and snatched it quickly from her hands.

"Snicket file? What's this?"

Esmé backed up in disbelief looking at the two Baudelaires, "You..."

Ignoring her Violet turned to Count Olaf, "Now let Selena go."

He only grinned wickedly placing the file in his jacket. Motioning for the lights to dim again he turned to face the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen it has come to my attention that this man and woman...they are impostors!"

Gasps rung through the crowds.

"They are not Doctors at all. These three children of which have never graduated from medical school."

He ripped Klaus' jacket open revealing Sunny tied to his stomach and reached over violently pulling Violet's goggles off.

The two looked at him in disbelief as they turned them to the crowd, "Oh my gosh, it's those Baudelaires and that other boy!" he called out in fake shock.

He pulled Sunny down and she ran over hugging Violet's leg.

Arlo was then pushed by the bald headed henchman to them and he silently looked at them with shock in his eyes.

I mean they were just outed to an entire hospital. Shocked gasps and murmurs of disbelief came from the audience above.

Klaus ripped his beard from his face causing even more outrage.

Mr. Poe looked at them in disbelief, "Children, you are not Doctors!"

Count Olaf shook his head, "No they are murderers. They killed Count Olaf.""

"Who?" someone asked.

His face fell, "H-He is a very handsome actor."

Violet cuts in, "We didn't kill anyone. These people disguised our friend so they could chop her head off!" 

"They did what?" Selena sat up in confusion looking around.

Klaus turned and sighed in relief smiling, "Selena."

They couldn't have their moment as their attention went straight back to the crowd that was still filled with confused people

Esmé yelled out in fake accusation, "Don't be ridiculous. You were the one trying to saw off her head. Look." she pointed at the knife.

Klaus threw the knife down while Selena looked at it with wide eyes.

"What in the wor--" she began to speak.

Mr. Poe brushed his suit speaking up, "I think it's best if the children come with me. Not that I would ever believe a stranger over you children, but if you are not murderers why did you sneak into the hospital in disguise?"

Arlo looked at the stupid man, "You were there when they accused us of murder plus when Selena got hurt by a bloody arrow?!"

Before he could remark again the double doors at the entrance of the operating room were pushed open by the one and only Hal.

"I think I can explain that." he walked down the stairs squinting.

Klaus' face lit up, "Hal we're glad to see you."

Arlo simply looked away from the man that they betrayed knowing he wasn't here to defend them.

"Well, I'm glad to see you too, even if you are a bit blurry. I though for sure you would have snuck away after your prolonged treacherous vandalism."

Mr. Poe looked over at them with wide eyes, "Vandalism? That's terrible."

Hal agreed shaking his head, "It was terrible. These five murderous children pretended to be volunteers. They made a fake key ring and switched it for the real one so they could break into the library of records and destroy any files about their crimes." he held up the key ring with a hurtful expression painted on his face.

The five could only watch in sadness. He did not know the whole story but the sad truth was that they did betray his trust. And as a result he got hurt in the process.

Hal continued in pain, "I thought you were my friends."

"We didn't mean to destroy anything. I-I'm sorry we tricked you and I am so sorry about your library but we are not the real criminals here." Klaus tried to pathetically reason with him.

He turned to look back, "The real criminals are..."

Then a pause Klaus looked around in confusion, "Where's Count Olaf?!"


In the broken down library of records Count Olaf angrily watched the Snicket file tape on the projector.

"I can't believe it. This changes everything." he stood banging the projector against the table angrily.

Now he too knew that there was a chance someone had survived the fire.

Angrily he continued to slam the machine onto the table when it finally flickered out and began to burn.

Breathing in he looked at the small flames that were starting to come from the machine. He wanted the place to burn as much as he wanted his newfound target to burn. Whoever it was that survived that fire would be next.

Blowing at the flame, it started to burn even brighter.


In the operating room, everyone was murmuring in confusion. No one knew what to do.

Klaus made his way over to Selena who was still recovering from the anesthesia's effects. Arlo had been sitting next to her with his hands in his lap solemnly just staying with her. He looked up and glanced between the two trying not to show his excitement.

"Uh I guess I'll go talk with Violet." he quickly moved allowing Klaus through while Selena shook her head in amusement.

"Things aren't looking so great right now." he huffed.

"I should probably say thank you for saving my head. Quite literally, but now's not the time." she simply winked trying to make light of the situation. 

It had hurt seeing Hal so upset, but was there much they could do right now? It didn't seem so as the man kept looking over at them as if they were truly criminals.

Klaus simply shook his head letting a sad smile fall on his face, "No, it's my job and I know you'd do the same for me."

At this point they both looked quite mad. In a room being accused of murder, vandalism and possible capture. But their problems seemed to melt away when they were together.

Oop and the moment is gone.

"This is Dr. Mattathias Medicalschool with some very important news. A terrible fire has broken out in the Heimlich Hospital." 

Shrieks of terror rang throughout the theater.

"Oh no." Selena murmured. Klaus stood up now alert.

"The fire was set in the Library of Records by the murderers. Please arrest them and bring them to me. Oh and you might want to evacuate the building or move the patients...or something. Thank you." Count Olaf finished.

Klaus stepped forward looking at Hal and Mr. Poe who watched them all skeptically, "We couldn't have started that fire, we've been in this theater the whole time."

"Surround them!" Hal called out.

The volunteers and some other staff including Count Olaf's henchmen, gathered behind him as he watched them angrily.

 "Yeah, capture those children!" the blonde volunteer joined in.

"We'll perform surgery on all five of you!" one of the twin old ladies ominously remarked.

Hal turned in outrage, "What? No, the children will go to prison of course."

While they were distracted Klaus and Violet removed what was left of their disguises and motioned for Arlo to help them move Selena's bed. She still couldn't quite feel her legs so they would have to make a run for it. Sunny climbed up into her arms silently too as her little legs wouldn't be able to make it that far.

"Technically they'll be in juvenile detention until they come of age." Mr. Poe butted in.

"They should be tried as adults."

"Murderers should get the chair."

The banter continued while Mr. Poe cleared his throat, "Don't be preposterous these are just children!"

"Very small chairs then." the old lady nodded with her twin.

"Go!" Selena insisted.

Violet, Arlo and Klaus pushed the bed but it was stopped abruptly by Hal. They all looked at him sadly.

"Hal please." Klaus began.

"You destroyed my library- ow!" he jumped at the feeling of small teeth on his arm.

"The baby bit me." he held his arm in disbelief. Sunny sheepishly grinned and held on as the bed was turned towards the door.

"I think I'm going to be sick."  Selena murmured as they pushed her door straight through the double doors. Sunny clung to her chest trying to steady herself.

"Get those children!" Mr. Poe commanded.

Immediately, they were being followed by the angry mob. The alarm sounded and Arlo quickly stops pushing and grabbed a mop using it to seal the doors shut for a short period of time.

He got back to helping push the bed down the hall.

"Don't let them get away! Tackle them!" A voice called out from behind them.

"We're in trouble." Klaus commented speeding up.

"I think we can see." Violet rebutted heaving along.

"The hospital is burning down it really is a shame,

and the worst part is the murderers are totally to blame 🎶"

"How can they be singing and running?!" Selena exclaimed bracing herself as they burst through another set of double doors.

"Left!" Arlo heaved them past another hall that practically had flames billowing from it.

"In there!" Sunny pointed when they stopped.

Selena picked the small child up and got out of the bed with the help of Klaus and quickly ran into the supply closet. Once they were all in Arlo locked the door.

"Violet the hospital is on fire and we need to get out!" Klaus panted out as they leaned against the wall.

Violet composed herself looking around, "I'll try, how high up are we?"

Klaus looked out the window quickly looking down, "Uh, thirty, forty feet. Too high to jump. There's a crowd too."

There was suddenly loud banging on the door, "Open up in there!"

"No!" Arlo plainly yelled back.

The knocking stopped, "Please?"

"Still no!" Arlo called out.

The knocking started again and the children started to really observe their situation. They were really trapped with two...well three possible ways out. Firstly, to hand themselves in, secondly, to jump out of a window and hope they wouldn't break their legs or lastly, get captured.

Violet felt in her pocket, "I-I don't have my ribbon."

Selena looked down at her wrist, "Here, use this." she handed over her hospital bracelet.

"Thank you. I know it's silly, but it helps." Violet smiled tying her hair into a signature ponytail.

It took her a few seconds but they allowed her to think and then it all came together.

"Klaus the surgical tubing, tie it up and make a cord." she ordered.

Klaus pulled it out from the box and started to untie it with the help of Arlo and Selena.

Violet continued explain as she knotted, "I'm going to tie it to the pipe with a devil's tongue knot so we can break our fall."

Arlo paused, "Is that safe?"

"Many people jump from high places on long, rubbery cords for fun." she tried to assure them.

"Well let's do this." Selena shakily breathed as they tied the cord around their waists.

This isn't exactly how bungy jumping works. but what other choice did they have. The banging increased outside as they all looked out of the window to the ground level where the hospital workers were rushing back and forth to help patients.

"If it's forty feet, we won't make it." Klaus stressed.

"If it's thirty feet we might." Violet persisted.

"I can't stop thinking about pancakes and I'm starting to feel like we might become them." Arlo took a deep breath with widened eyes.

Sunny hid her face in Selena's neck as they were now on the ledge of the building. The cold smoky air was now hitting their faces.

"I have butterflies in my stomach." Klaus looked down.

Selena shook her head, "We can do this. On three."


The banging against the door sounded harder. The five braced themselves ready to jump together.


There was the sound of shattering wood and victorious cheers. Klaus had his arm around Selena's waist and tightened his grip feeling his heart leap in his throat. Somehow he summoned all his courage for her next words.


They all jumped together.

Now in any other situation, there could be no possible way five children would have survived jumping from thirty feet with a hospital surgical cord. But somehow, they did. The cord was exactly the correct amount of feet and they came to a stop mere feet from the ground.

"Oh that was terrifying." Arlo gulped.

The indeterminable gendered henchman came to the window looking down at them in surprise. Sunny quickly bit the cord and it snapped back hitting him directly in the face.


"We survived." Violet said in disbelief.

"Wow." Selena looked down at her hands checking if this wasn't some cruel alternate state.

Quickly they rushed out into the parking lot among the many people who were scrambling to work.

"Act natural." Klaus calmly said.

They ran towards a bush and knelt down behind it watching as some volunteers came out searching for them.

"They just won't give up." Selena whispered.

They all couldn't seem to find a possible way out of this with a police car only a few feet away plus an angry mob.

The five watched as Esme and Hooky came running out ready to leave in Count Olaf's car.

"Someone already set the fire department here." Violet looked over at the suited police men.

"If they don't already think we are murderers, now they'll think we are arsonists. We need a getaway plan." Klaus rubbed his face.

Arlo nervously leaned over, "It think we already have one."

Collectively their heads turned to the vehicle. Violet nodded in agreement while Klaus and Selena shook their heads.

"We could get caught." Selena argued.

"We can't just wander the hinterlands hoping we don't get captured." Violet backed Arlo up.

"Getting into that trunk is getting captured." Klaus insisted.

"It's our only choice right now. Or you know serious jail time." Arlo shrugged.

Selena looked around, "There isn't enough space for all of us....oh wait look." she pointed.

There was a motorbike not too far from where they sat.

Selena looked at Klaus, "I do have some experience with motorbikes. My cousin is very eccentric. Arlo and I can catch up."

Arlo nodded agreeing.

"Okay." Klaus breathed out looking at Count Olaf's trunk.

Selena looked at the three Baudelaires seriously, "Promise me, you'll try to keep safe. Well as safe as possible since you're going you know where--" she rambled.

"We're right behind you." Arlo grinned reassuringly.

"Well I guess we'll go first." Violet nodded.

Klaus hesitantly went but looked back once more as Selena shot him a thumbs up mouthing, 'be brave'.

And that was what Klaus affirmed himself, they would meet up again wherever Count Olaf was heading.

 The three quickly got into the trunk closing it behind them and enveloped themselves in darkness lying flat against the bottom.

Arlo looked around the venue once they got in. "Alright....now!"

The two rushed over to the abandoned motorbike that already had the keys in the ignition.

"Wait why is a pizza man here?" Selena questioned placing one of the helmets on her head.

"Mmhm not sure, but we have to go now. They're moving." he pointed to Count Olaf's car.

"Alright, we'll travel at a distance. That's a one way route so we should be heading to the carnival." Selena hoped on the bike starting it up.

"Carnival?..." Arlo trailed off.

She pointed to a post, "That sign. That seems to be the only civilization in that direction. I'm not exactly sure why Count Olaf is going there but it won't matter until we get there." 

"You know I won't even ask how you noticed that so fast. Let's go." he shook his head as she began to rev up the motorcycle.

"Fair warning...It's been a while since I've ridden a motorcycle." she nervously laughed.

"And I'm already worried. For the sixtieth time today." he groaned as they drove off taking the route to Caligari Carnival.

Once again their adventure continues into another unlikely territory, leaving behind the hospital that was still burning down.

A carnival. What could possibly go wrong?


Author's Note:

And we are back. Hi :)

Guess who's laptop failed them.
Mine :') Terribly sorry, all these chapters for the Hostile Hospital were supposed to be dropped on the same day. 

Then my stupid laptop stopped, now I need a new plug....but I managed to finish these through my phone. A whole bunch of crazy stuff this month. On top of that it's study time. How amazing, but life goes on and I will continue to work over obstacles.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Um vote, comment or whatever you wanna do and I'll be updating soon. Dang I need to stop using the word soon. Anyways, bye :)

-Sariah 💕

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