Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Vo...

By FoxyReading1983

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I think Laff would be a good father figure to Nadwe, Muffin and to literally everyone else in the group ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ ... More

Some head cannons :>
Fateful Encounter Part 1:
Fateful Encounter Part 2:
Fateful Encounter Part 3:
Fateful Encounter Part 4:
Fateful Encounter Part 5 (End of Segment 1):
Mini update
Living Life Part 1:
Living Life Part 2:
Living Life Part 3:
Living Life Part 4:
Living Life Part 5(Segment End):
Segment Intermission :>
Welcome, Wictoria! Part 1:
Welcome, Wictoria! Part 2:
Welcome, Wictoria! Part 3:
Welcome, Wictoria! Part 4:
Welcome, Wictoria! Part 5 (Segment End):
Segment Intermission (Again) :>
Broken Bound Part 1:
Broken Bound Part 2:
Broken Bound Part 3(A):
Broken Bound Part 3(B):
Broken Bound Part 4:
Broken Bound Part 5:
Broken Bound Part 6(Segment End):
Segment Intermission (Again Again)
The ArchAngel Part 1:
The ArchAngel Part 2:
The ArchAngel Part 3:
The ArchAngel Part 4:
The ArchAngel Part 5(Segment End):
The Trial (Pre-Op) Part:1
The Trial (Pre-Op) Part 2:
That Intermission I forgot so here's a small one-shot :>
The Trial (Pre-Op) Part 3:
The Trial (Pre-Op) Part 4:
Uhhh sooo yeah ๐Ÿ˜…
Holy shit I m alive xD
The Trial (Pre-Op) Part Five (Segment End)
mini inbetwern segement thingy
The Trial Part one
The Trial part two
The Trial Part Three
The Trial Part Four
The Trial (Post-Op) Part Five (Segment End)
Intermission =)
Intermission Part 50 of this book
Content Inbound
The First's Collection: Halloween
*Important Notes*
The First's Collection: Chrimas
Its dat monthhhhh
The First Collection: Cake Day
The First Collection: "AADOBO!"
Intermission! :>
Time Flys(Part One):
Time Flys(Part Two):
Time Flys(Part Three):
Time Flys(Part Four):
Time Flys (Part Five: End):
Intermission yet again
Blooming, Bombing Relationships Part One:
Blooming, Bombing Relationships (Part Two)
Blooming, Bombing Relationships (Part 2.8)
Blooming, Bombing Relationships (Part three)
Blooming, Bombing Relationships (Part Four)
Blooming, Bombing Relationships (Part Five)
Blooming, Bombing Relationships (Part Six)
Blooming, Bombing Relationships (Part 6.5)
Blooming, Bombing Relationships (Part Seven)
Blooming, Bombing Relationships (Part 8: Ending)
Intermission: The revival
Moving On (Part One):
I am moving-
Death Toll #5
Moving On (Part Two)
Moving on (Part Three)
Moving on (Part 4):
Moving On (Part Five: Segment End)
The 84th Part of this Book and the Final Intermission

Thunder (One-Shot)

673 19 89
By FoxyReading1983

The dark skies loomed over the entire city as the strong winds blew through the streets; bringing with it harsh rain and loud booms of thunder that echoed through the alley ways. With how bad it was raining; no one was allowed outside of their homes unless evacuation was needed, the news stations alerted everyone to board up their windows and to stay away from any windows at the same time.

Drawing the curtains shut; Oompa turned on the overhead lights of his living room as the two well known furries were setting up a blanket fort, complete with lanterns in case the power went out and snacks.

Looking over, Oompa tilted his head "You sure that's enough blankets you two?"

Dino chuckled softly and scratched his head "We did kind of take every blanket we could find..." Woolfster came out from under a pile of throw pillows and narrowed his eyes "It's not enough; it needs to be bigger!" Stifling a laugh, Dino smiled "It's kind of hard to do that when there aren't any more blankets; furry."

"What did I say about calling me a furry, furry?!"

Oompa laughed and walked over "I think the fort is good enough you guys." He grabbed his computer from the table and sat in the middle of the fort, setting it up for a movie. "What do we do if the internet cuts out? Then what are we gonna do during this storm?" Dino scratched his chin at the thought "Hm, Well; furry," he glared at Woolfster for a second before smiling "We could tell ghost stories, play board games, hunt for ghosts-"

"Why are two of your options ghost related?"

Dino looked at Oompa and shrugged "Hey it'll be dark. Maybe there will be ghosts!" Woolfster looked to the side "Yeah like they want to hang out with a furry." He laughed as Dino glared at him with a smirk "Hey that means they wouldn't want to be around you either, furry." Woolfster rolled his eyes and got up "Whatever furry I'm gonna go grab some water." He exited out of the blanket fort and over to Oompa's kitchen.

Sitting back down with a sigh, Dino shook his head slightly and let out a slight laugh.

"Wow I can't believe you two aren't together."

Dino turned and gave Oompa a look "Oompa; you KNOW he's still underage and you KNOW I'm asexual." Oompa let out a sigh and leaned his head back "But it's been two years of you two sending some type of vibe that some people could perceive as-" Dino waved his hands "No Oompa, we do not. He is only 17, it would be another 5 months at best for him to turn 18 anyway. Plus, like I said before; I am not interested in him."

"Well why the hell not? What if Woolfster is asexual too?"

"That wouldn't change my opinion on him Oompa." Dino rubbed his arm and smiled softly "Woolfster is more of a little brother than someone I would end up finding down the way. He's my best friend and he's family...even if I HAD feelings; I wouldn't want to ruin what we have." He looked away "We get along better as friends, if we did become lovers it would make things weird."

Oompa looked at him for a bit before his eyes widened slightly "Ohhh, you mean like with Joocie and Tbh?"

Dino nodded "You saw how rocky their relationship was when they both started going out. It's some miracle that the two are even still together. But you've also felt like things could have gone really really REALLY bad between them."

Oompa let out a sigh and rubbed his head "Well THAT'S true, I'm still cautious around the two...well cautious around Joocie if Tbh royally fucks something up. Laff is still worried about those two...we all are." He looked away. "The only one who seems confident that those two are gonna make it is Blaza." He glanced down "Although with him around it seems like Tbh acts more mature and considerate of Joocie's feelings."

"Yes, but for how long will that last...? Sure, they managed to hold out for two years-"

"Even AFTER Tbh fucked up REALLY bad that Halloween and called Joocie a slut."

Dino deadpanned Oompa as he cleared his throat "right, sorry, continue."

"...They managed to hold on for two years; even after that night." Dino glanced over towards one of the windows as the rain beat itself against the glass "But there's only so long that luck will last...it would most likely be Tbh doing something *Truly Fucked up* and it ends with Joocie no longer wanting to trust him..." He looked back at Oompa "...and if that happens, we need to keep an eye on Joocie... I've heard of what Meme could have done to himself after him being with Tbh. I don't want Joocie to consider...any of that."

Oompa reached over and patted his back "Hey no worries! Joocie's smart! (Well maybe not so smart since he keeps going back to Tbh), but I know he would be smart enough to not consider ending himself. And, besides, you know he would go to Laff about it and you KNOW Laff would be more than willing to help him."

Dino sighed softly and nodded "yes, I am aware...-"

Coming back from the kitchen with a tray of hot cocoa, Woolfster came back over as his tail wagged "I made hot chocolate!" Oompa smiled and moved literally over Dino and grabbed a mug "Aw sweet! Thank you furry!" Woolfsters eyes widened as his ears perked up "I-I'M NOT-!"

Dino moved Oompa off him and sat up, chuckling softly "You know he's just fucking with you Woolfster."

Woolfster stuttered and glanced away, his ears flattening "Tch, I-I knew that! I totally knew-!" Dino gave him a look that said "Uh huh" as he took a mug. Woolfster picked up the last mug and set the tray down, sitting beside Dino in the fort. Oompa typed in the password to his netflix account and smiled "Well what should we watch?"

"Mlp new generation?"

Woolfster looked at Dino as he cleared his throat "Uh I mean- How about Squid Games?"

Oompa laughed and typed in Squid Games "Alright-!"

With a loud buzz, the lights suddenly cut out as Dino let out a scream; almost dropping his mug. Oompa looked at his computer connection; no wifi and there were no bars of service on his phone.

"Well fuck..."


Opening his phone and turning on the flashlight, Socks squinted his eyes as he moved the light around to get his bearings. He was in the middle of a project when the power suddenly cut out; and instead of getting his light out first before moving he tried to walk out of his recording studio in the darkness.

He winced softly as he tried to place pressure on his right foot. He hit it against the door jam while walking out of his recording studio; not enough to break it he thinks. He thought of something as he looked around "Meme-??"

Through the walls he heard sniffling and quiet sobs amidst the sound of harsh rain and thunder.

Nodding softly to himself, he used his phone flashlight to guide himself to his and Meme's bedroom. Slowly opening it, he pointed the light towards the bed as Meme was curled up under the covers, shaking softly and breathing heavily.


Meme jumped and sat up slightly, trying to calm himself down as he couldn't stop shaking. He didn't want Socks to see him in this state despite them living with each other for a year now. -C-C'mon...C-Calm d-down...- He was taking in sharp breaths to try and calm himself down as it was only making his panic attack worse.

"Meme are you okay?"

"I-I'm f-fine-!" Meme cringed at his stutter and kept his face away from Socks, shaking as he clutched onto his chest. Socks rolled his eyes and shuffled over to the bed, setting his phone down on the nightstand before sitting beside Meme. He quickly pulled Meme close to his chest as the latter instantly clung to him.

"You know you don't have to act tough around me."

Meme sniffled and rubbed his eyes, feeling himself calm down in Socks' hold "I-I know b-but-" The thunder rumbled loudly again as he instantly went quiet with a quiet whine, shrinking in Socks' hold. Socks stifled a laugh as he rubbed Meme's back "god you're too adorable when you're scared."

"D-Don't L-Laugh-!!"

Socks' chuckled quietly and kept rubbing his back "I know, I know, I'm sorry." He rested his head on top of Meme's and held him closer "but everything is gonna be okay. It's just thunder." Meme sniffled softly and hid his face in Socks' chest "I-I know b-but i-its s-so loud a-and s-scary..." His voice grew quieter with every word as Socks kept him close. "...Well, here." Socks adjusted how he was holding Meme to his chest so that Meme laid the side of his head on Socks' chest; giving him a proper angle to listen to his heart beat.

Meme laid there motionless for a moment before slowly relaxing in Socks' embrace. He let out a soft noise as Socks smiled softly. He let the silence continue on for a while before trying to hum one of the songs Meme had tried to teach him.

Meme opened his eyes and looked up at Socks, unable to not smile "S-Stop it you s-sound terrible e-even humming."

Socks smiled softly "hey but it's working, you're smiling." He booped Meme's nose as Meme giggled quietly, resting his head again on Socks' chest. Meme focused his hearing on Socks' heartbeat and nothing else that was going outside. Socks kept Meme close and continued to rub his back gently, humming his live stream end song quietly.

Meme felt his eyes get heavy as he yawned softly, pushing up against Socks as he snuggled in Socks' chest. He mumbled quietly and smiled tiredly, Socks smiled softly and brushed back some of his black locks "What was that?" Meme let out a small noise and repeated; "my socksiewocksie."

Laughing quietly, Socks smiled and kissed the top of his head "My MemeGod."

He pulled Meme onto the bed with him and laid back, getting into a comfortable position as Meme didn't let him go. He held Meme close and closed his eyes, trying to catch some sleep himself in hopes that when they wake up the storm would be over. The pain in his right foot wouldn't go away, however.

He might have to go to the hospital...


"O-Oof-! N-No-ooooo!"

Tbvg whined loudly as he clung to Oof tightly. Oof had found Tbvg held up in his room from the storm and decided to do something radical about it. So he picked him up and was gonna take him outside with him. Tbvg was hiding his face in Oof's shoulder as he shook "T-The news said not to go outside-!"

Oof chuckled softly "But that's not fun! How are you gonna be okay with storms if you don't face it head on?"

"Because of the lighting warnings and debris flying EVERYWHERE YOU COULD DIE!"

Oof laughed "That's what you said about that Half-Pike! And hey I only broke an arm! I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere! But where WE'RE going is outside!" He walked to the front door as he set Tbvg down. Tbvg almost instantly turned to run back to his room as Oof grabbed him by his hoodie "Ah Ah babe! C'mon! We're gonna have fun!"

Unlocking the door and opening it, the door pretty much threw itself open from the wind when Oof turned the knob. Oof was also thrown back from the door and was slammed into the wall.

Tbvg's eyes widened as he ran over to the door, managing to push it shut and locked it to keep it from opening again.

Oof groaned softly and rubbed his head as Tbvg ran over, worry displayed all over his face "You see!? We didn't even go outside and you got hurt!" Oof chuckled softly and waved his hand "B-Babe I'm okay. I've hit my head harder before." He chuckled as Tbvg clenched his fists, clearly upset about this "W-Why are you laughing!? I-If there was anything sticking out in the wall i-it could have impaled you-!"

Having stopped laughing, Oof lowered his hand and looked at Tbvg "...Hey, is something wrong..?"

"Why do you not care about your own safety!? You do such reckless and stupid things all the time and you don't even care if you get hurt!!" Tbvg rubbed his eyes under his visor and huffed "One of these times one of these reckless acts are gonna get you killed!"

Oof took off his glasses to stare at Tbvg as he sat up straighter "G, you know I wouldn't do anything that would get me killed. And you know I'm aware of my own limits; so what is so wrong with me not caring about my own safety?"

"Because I care!!!"

Oof looked at him as Tbvg continued "I care VERY much if you get hurt! B-But yet y-you-! You keep getting yourself hurt l-like you don't even care! I-It really hurts to watch you get hurt and for you to just brush it off!!" He took in a sharp breath and pinched his nose, trying to hold himself together.

Oof's expression softened as he leaned closer. "...is this because of what happened?" Tbvg glared at him, covering his mouth "W-What do you think-!?!" He sharply inhaled "Y-You could have DIED!!"

Frowning, Oof reached over and grabbed Tbvg's arm and pulled him into a hug "Oh G..."

Tbvg shivered softly and hid his face in Oof's chest, whimpering as Oof kept him close "y-you could have-..."

"...G, I'm so sorry about that day...you were right; I did something stupid and it almost cost me my life...but you were in danger." Oof gently rubbed Tbvg's head "I wasn't gonna let you get hurt." Tbvg sniffled softly and kept his face hidden as Oof held him close. He ran his hand through Tbvg's short hair as he held him there, quiet as Tbvg sniffled quietly.

"...hey, let's forget about going outside. We can do anything you want to do, okay?" He smoothed out Tbvg's hair gently "and I mean anything."

Tbvg hiccupped silently and buried his face in Oof's chest, remaining silent as it was left for Oof to decide what to do. "...do you just want to cuddle in bed?" Oof asked softly as Tbvg nodded slowly. Oof smiled softly and slowly stood up, holding Tbvg in his arms "and do you want me to stream that unbearable playlist you love so much?"

"You like it too, you liar.."

Oof chuckles softly and walked to his and Tbvg's room, holding him bridal style as Tbvg didn't let go of him. His grip tightened on him once the thunder boomed outside again, Oof responding with a gentle kiss on the head to calm him down.


Walking through the cold hallway, Shroobz kept his hands in his pockets as he glanced around. The number of padded cells around him gave him chills down his spine. The type of condition these people were being kept in; it made Shroobz uneasy. So the fact that he is put in a place like this...it deeply worried him.

Walking up to the cell door he was told to go to, the guard on post recognized him and opened the door for him. Once Shroobz was inside; the guard muttered "30 minutes" and closed the door behind him.

Looking in the corner; he saw who he was looking for.


The mentioned man jolted from the corner, turning his head slightly to see Shroobz. He scoffed softly and looked away, holding his legs as he tried his best to keep his warbling voice steady "w-why t-the fuck a-are you here...?"

Shroobz chuckled quietly and set down the bag he had slung across his back "Well, it's an absolute shit storm outside. I thought I'd come by and check in on you, I know how you hate storms." Syce let out a cracking laugh as he rubbed his eyes "Me? Fucking scared?? HA! I-I could really laugh-! L-Like a little rain terrifies me-"

Thunder crackled loudly from outside as Syce involuntarily jolted; shaking as he hid his face "f-fucking BASTARD!"

Shroobz smiled slyly "Yeah, not scared at all. Got you...but just in case you DO become scared I brought my rainy day emergency kit." He opened the bag and pulled out a huge fluffy dark blue blanket and a spare laptop just for streaming videos. He sat down on the floor and spread out the blanket, it was large enough to cover the padded ground beneath him and cover him as he turned on his laptop "Just so you know there is room for one more if you're interested."

Syce sniffled and cleared his throat, narrowing his eyes "y-yeah l-like I would-"


Syce almost instantly came from the corner and under the blanket right beside Shroobz, shivering with wide eyes as Shroobz chuckled softly. He opened up Netflix and pulled up 'Black Mirror' and started streaming the first episode. Syce was too busy making sure the blanket was snug around him without having to get too close to Shroobz before turning his attention to the computer "Black Mirror? Psssh, this stuff is all cliche dystopian bullshit."

"You know you don't have to watch it with me. You could go back to your corner if you want."

Syce scoffed softly "maybe I will..."

Shroobz glanced away from his computer towards Syce as the psychotic maniac didn't move from his spot. He smiled slightly and looked back at the computer "Thought you didn't want to watch." Syce huffed and glanced away "I-I don't-! I'm just...too tired to move." He looked back at the computer as Shroobz shrugged softly, looking back at the screen.

"...how have you been holding up in here?"

Syce looked at him "Huh? What the fuck did you ask?" Shroobz looked at him and repeated himself "I asked how are you holding up? I wouldn't imagine it would be mentally positive for...well anyone to be put in here; even for you."

Syce laughed and waved him off "Oh that, nah it's been a fucking blast here! Plus there are people even more insane than I am, so at least I am being treated with more respect since I am the most sane in this shithole."

-coming from the man who tried to murder a child based off of religious beliefs...-

"Well...If you say so, Syce." Shroobz responded and looked back at the computer as Syce did the same; the silence quickly settled back in. Syce didn't take his eyes off the computer, but Shroobz kept taking his off to periodically glance over and check on the man beside him. He knew that this place was eating away at Syce and that the storm wasn't making it any better; but he was too stubborn to admit it. Syce quickly noticed that Shroobz kept staring at him as he looked at him "What now?"

"...you know we miss you Syce."

"You-!" Syce quickly stopped and reprocessed what Shroobz said before looking at him "...you do?"

Shroobz nodded "Yeah...well at least I do; everyday. I miss your crazy ass, things have gotten so boring at home and with Wictoria on her trips I've honestly been trying to go to my jobs more frequently."

"...huh." Syce mumbled quietly and looked away "...I...um, didn't think anyone would miss me..." Shroobz looked at him and slowly reached over, putting his hand on his shoulder "I do...you weren't the IDEAL roommate...but you were my roommate." Syce looked him in the eye as Shroobz smiled softly. He felt his chest get tight as he pushed Shroobz's hand off, looking away "W-Well o-of course you miss me..! Heh, w-who else would you have as a roommate-?!"

Shroobz stared at him for a bit before laughing silently "you sussy baka." he muttered quietly.

The thunder cracked once again outside and with it; the power of the asylum cut out. Syce almost instantly let out a startled yell and frantically looked around; feeling his panic rising. "M-MOTHER F-FUCK-ER-!" He started breathing heavily as he heard Shroobz rummage through his bag. Syce felt something be placed on his head before he was brought close to Shroobz's side. Shroobz reached up and turned on the light up halo he put on Syce, using his other hand to rub his back gently "hey hey calm down...it's just the dark, there's nothing in the dark that can hurt you."

Syce was silent as he was trying to bring himself back into reality, trying to calm down from his panic attack. His vision was blurred with tears as he struggled to move, but he was able to distinguish the light in his vision as he felt himself laying on Shroobz's side.

He was laying on Shroobz's side..!

-AH GOD NO WHAT!? I got to move! I'm not fucking gay!!- Syce was trying to move away from Shroobz but he found that his body was unwilling to move. With Shroobz holding him close, rubbing his back and the blanket wrapped snugly around him, Syce felt...


-...okay...maybe just a feewwwww more minutes...-

Shroobz's other hand came up to gently wipe away Syce's uncontrollable tears, holding the side of Syce's face gently "shh, shh, it's okay...I'm right here..."

-...ah fuck it I'll stay here...-

Syce found himself leaning more into Shroobz's touch as he felt his panic attack start to subside. Shroobz smiled softly and allowed Syce to lean up against him as he changed the stream on the computer from 'Black Mirror' to 'Spongebob'. "Here...let's watch something less scary.." Syce groaned softly and barely kept his eyes open "I'm not a baby Shroobz...but I do admit I like Spongebob.." Shroobz smiled softly and looked at the screen as Syce kept leaning on him, Shroobz gently rubbing his side.

"...um...hey um...for what it's worth...I um...kind of...maybemissedyoutoo."

Shroobz didn't take his eyes off the screen as he smiled warmly "I know, Syce."

Syce averted his gaze before burying his face in Shroobz's shoulder "don't tell no one or I'll kill you." He mumbled as Shroobz nodded "tracking, Syce." The two stayed silent before Syce tilted his head just enough to peek out of Shroobz's shoulder. "...um...and...I'm sorry...that thing's didn't work out for you and Laff...I guess. I honestly thought Wictoria would have gotten sick of that British Bastard by now."

Shroobz let out a soundless chuckle as he glanced at Syce "Uh, thanks for being considerate Syce...but I'm not upset. Because Wictoria is giving Laff something that I don't believe I could ever do."

"like...*yawn*...like w-what..?"

Shroobz looked at the computer screen and smiled softly while holding Syce close; "A mother for Nadwe."


Curled up in bed, sniffling softly Joocie was clutching onto one of the pillows on his bed as he hid under the blankets. He sniffled and choked on a sob as the rain tapped harshly against the window. The rain always made him feel uneasy, and the fact that he was alone in bed wasn't making him feel better.

He hiccupped and sniffled, burying his face in the pillow as he whined quietly. He rubbed his eyes as he heard the door creak open and a familiar bear hooded head peeked into the room "Oh Joocie?"

Joocie sniffled and looked over towards the door "B-Blaza...W-what are you d-doing a-at our p-place..?"

Blaza quietly stepped in and shut the door behind him "Tbh called and said you were upset from the storm. So I rushed over as fast as I could so I can keep you two company." Joocie sniffled softly and rubbed his nose "t-thank you B-Blaza...b-but I-I just r-really w-want Tbh r-right now..." Blaza slowly walked over and sat down on the bedside "I know, he's just prepping the snacks for the movie night..!"

Joocie hiccupped softly and glanced up "i-is that w-why you're h-here..?"

Blaza nodded and pulled Joocie sitting up "You know movie night with me is fun! That's why Tbh invited me over! Trust me, we're gonna have a fun time!" He smiled and wiped Joocie's tears away. Joocie sniffled softly and let out a soft laugh "I-I know.." He rubbed his nose "I-I remember when you g-got into that food fight at the theater...t-there was s-so much popcorn e-everywhere."

"Hey though in my defense the guy wouldn't stop talking on his phone! If he wasn't gonna stop talking then I would have made him!" Blaza laughed as Joocie giggled softly. "I-It did make t-the movie less boring.." Joocie admitted as he smoothed out his own hair "I-I was glad Tbh had you come a-along...even if i-it felt awkward for it being just our date.."

Blaza smiled "Hey Tbh just wanted me to make sure he didn't do anything stupid! And as you know I am VERY insightful!" He laughed softly as Joocie reached over and hugged him, smiling softly "thank you...I'm really glad you're my best friend..."

Blaza felt his face warm up slightly and smiled, hugging him back "I am too."

The two stayed like this for a minute, enjoying each other's presence as Joocie felt himself calm down from the storm. After a while, Joocie felt one of Blaza's hands trail down to his lower back as he instantly squirmed away "H-Hey Blaza no don't do that.-" Blaza quickly pulled away and raised his hands, laughing nervously "Haha! Sorry!"

"Blaza! Bring Joocie in here! The movie's gonna start soon!"

Blaza looked toward the door and responded "Coming Tb!" He took Joocie's hand and pulled him out of bed, taking the fluffy blanket with them to the living room. The entire floor of the living room was covered in sleeping bags and blankets with cushions and throw pillows from the couch propped up against the couch. Tbh was leaning up against the couch as he looked over with a bowl of popcorn in his lap, smiling.

"There's my beautiful baby." Joocie felt himself blush as he moved over, sitting besides Tbh on one side as Tbh covered him up with one of the blankets. Blaza moved to the thermostat before cranking up the heat to a good degree, coming over and sitting on the other side of Tbh.

Tbh wrapped an arm around Joocie's waist and kissed his head, pulling away before kissing Joocie again on his nose; causing the other to squirm softly "T-Tb.." Tbh chuckled softly and pulled away "What? I can't show my baby how much I love him?" Joocie fidgeted and glanced away "y-you can...b-but Blaza is r-right there..." He responded nervously as Tbh laughed softly "Well he could see how much I love my honey~"

Joocie blushed deeply as Tbh pulled him close to his side, rubbing his head gently as Blaza covered himself with a blanket and opening a bag of chips. The three sat there, watching the movie for a good long while as the rain continued outside. Blaza had quickly finished the bag of chips he was eating as he got up to throw away the empty bag and get a bottle of 'wa'uh' (I couldn't help it xD).

When Blaza left the room, Tbh turned his head and kissed Joocie's head again as that caught Joocie's attention. When Joocie looked at him, Tbh kissed him on the lips as Joocie jolted softly.

Tbh pulled away slightly as Joocie wrapped his arms around Tbh, pulling him in for another kiss. Tbh smiled in this kiss and pulled Joocie close in response. The two pulled away and rested their foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes. Tbh smiled softly "hey there baby." Joocie smiled shyly and blushed softly "hey mr.krabs." Tbh chuckled softly and kissed his nose.

"...hey baby?" Tbh spoke softly as Joocie tilted his head "what..?" Tbh glanced to the side as he blushed softly "Um...I know we've been together for two years...but um..." He messed with his hands, his blush intensifying "...do you think that maybe...we could um...uh...you know..." Joocie stared at him for a bit before slowly catching on, narrowing his eyes.

"Tb- We're having a moment and you want to bring 'that' up-??-"

Tbh looked at him "W-Well y-you know I have been thinking about w-when that might happen and-" Joocie pulled away and scooted away, crossing his arms "G-God Tb-! T-That's the last thing on my mind..!" He looked away "I'm still fucking mad at you for the shitty things you've done and said to me in the past two years, and that you're more worried about 'that' than our relationship is-!"

"Y-You're right, you're right..! I'm sorry! I-I shouldn't have said anything, I'm sorry-!" Tbh quickly responded as he raised his hands slightly. He was really worried that he messed up again when Joocie turned back around to look at him.

Joocie sighed softly and moved closer, leaning on him "but...I am really happy with how you've been to me lately...y-you fuck up a-alot, but how you make it up to me e-everytime..." He smiled softly "...it makes me feel like I'm the most special guy in the world..."

Tbh blinked before smiling softly, relieved he didn't fuck anything up as he wrapped his arms around him "You are the most special guy in the world; because you're my boyfriend...and I love you so much Honey." He held him close as Joocie leaned up against his chest, feeling exhaustion and the sense of sleepiness creeping up on him.

Kissing his head softly, Tbh brushed back a few strands of Joocie's long hair and pulled up the blanket to cover him "Good night baby.." Joocie mumbled softly and slowly fell asleep on his chest.

Coming back from the kitchen, Blaza came over and sat back down beside Tbh with a smile "Hey, did he fall asleep?" Tbh nodded softly as he didn't look away from Joocie. Blaza opened up his water bottle and took a sip before looking at Tbh "Thanks for inviting me over, Tb." Tbh smiled and looked at him "Of course!"

"...did you tell him yet?"

Tbh looked at Joocie and messed with his hair. "...no not yet, he's still mad at me for some reason...I don't want to propose the idea until I'm fully out of the dog house." Blaza thought for a bit before scooting closer "This won't change anything while you're coaxing him, right?" Tbh shook his head and smiled "No, it shouldn't. I'll keep trying while I keep you just as happy as I keep him."

Blaza smiled brightly and hugged him and Joocie tightly, almost spilling his water over the two as Tbh held his arms with one of his own.

"...When I move in I'm taking your ridiculous gym room."


Opening the cupboard, Laff pulled out a couple of instant soup bowls and set them down on the counter. He pulled out the tea kettle and filled it with some water in the sink before placing it on the stove. Listening to the patter of the rain against the window, Laff closed his eyes as he listened to the sound of the storm outside.

The sounds of any type of storm had always calmed Laff before, and now the sounds of the rain brought him nostalgia. It brought back the happiest moment of his life, one he would never forget.

The thunder rumbled again from outside as a cry was heard from the other room.


Laff moved away from the counter and started walking down the hall "I'm coming-!" He walked to the door to his old office and opened the door, walking inside a small child's room. He walked to the small bed and sat down on the side of the bed, rubbing the lump under the blanket.


Nadwe whimpered and peeked out from under the blankets "d-daddyyyy..."

Laff smiled and lifted him out from the blankets and held him to his chest "Shhh, don't worry, the rain won't hurt you." Nadwe whimpered quietly as he clung to Laff's chest "b-but i-its staryyy..." Laff smiled softly and stood up, carrying him "I know son, but everything is going to be okay.." He walked over to one of the windows and sat by it, holding Nadwe close to his chest as the toddler sniffled softly, hiding his face in his chest.

"...You know why I love storms like this, Nadwe?"

Laff asked as he looked down at Nadwe, the small child gathering his courage to look back up at him.

"There was a storm like this going on the day I met you."

Nadwe hiccupped softly and rubbed his eyes "T-There....w-was...?"

Laff nodded and looked out the window "It was pouring down so hard, you couldn't see five feet in front of you clearly. My umbrella broke, and I found you." He looked back down at Nadwe and tapped his nose gently, invoking a squeak from his son as he smiled warmly.

"And now, no matter where we end up, when it rains like this;

I'll always think of you, my son."

Nadwe sniffled softly as Laff rubbed his back gently "And with that knowledge, I do understand why you don't like the rain. I wouldn't imagine I would have been fond of it either if I was left out in the rain alone..." He pulled Nadwe's head to his chest as he closed his eyes "But it's nothing to be scared of. Because I will always be here to protect you."

The young Dhampir looked up at him and hiccupped "p-pwomise...?"

Laff chuckled softly and held out his pinky "I would pinky swear on it lad."

Nadwe sniffled softly and linked his pinky with Laff's "o-otay...t-that m-means you a-awen't allowed t-to bweak it-!" Laff let out a soft laugh and softly kissed Nadwe's head, keeping a hold of his hand "I wouldn't dream of it son."

A shrill whistle came from the kitchen as Laff looked over "The water for the soups are ready." He looked at Nadwe "Do you feel hungry at all?" Thinking of something other than his fear of the storm; Nadwe realized how hungry he was and nodded in response; rubbing his eyes "Y-yea.."

Laff smiled and stood up, carrying Nadwe to the kitchen. "Then after, we'll watch some TV in bed and turn in early for the night...Then maybe if the rain lets up by the time we wake up; I'll show you some rainy day activities we can do outside."

Nadwe gripping onto Laff's chest, not wanting to let go as he kept his face hidden. Laff smiled softly and gently rubbed his back, walking into the kitchen to prepare their soups.

Laff had used to hate the rain as well; it brought back too many bad memories associated with it. He would lock himself away in an area that you couldn't hear anything from the outside for the entire time it would rain or thunder. It was so bad to the point that none of his friends could coax him outside, not even Shroobz.

If Laff wasn't brave enough to go outside while it was storming outside to grab more food to wait out the storm; he would have never had found Nadwe.

Now when it rains; it has a new memory with it, a new meaning to Laff and one he would never want to lose. The rain had metaphorically washed away his old, boring life and had given him a new purpose.

Taking care of his son; Nadwe.

Thunder End

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