Thunder (One-Shot)

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The dark skies loomed over the entire city as the strong winds blew through the streets; bringing with it harsh rain and loud booms of thunder that echoed through the alley ways. With how bad it was raining; no one was allowed outside of their homes unless evacuation was needed, the news stations alerted everyone to board up their windows and to stay away from any windows at the same time.

Drawing the curtains shut; Oompa turned on the overhead lights of his living room as the two well known furries were setting up a blanket fort, complete with lanterns in case the power went out and snacks.

Looking over, Oompa tilted his head "You sure that's enough blankets you two?"

Dino chuckled softly and scratched his head "We did kind of take every blanket we could find..." Woolfster came out from under a pile of throw pillows and narrowed his eyes "It's not enough; it needs to be bigger!" Stifling a laugh, Dino smiled "It's kind of hard to do that when there aren't any more blankets; furry."

"What did I say about calling me a furry, furry?!"

Oompa laughed and walked over "I think the fort is good enough you guys." He grabbed his computer from the table and sat in the middle of the fort, setting it up for a movie. "What do we do if the internet cuts out? Then what are we gonna do during this storm?" Dino scratched his chin at the thought "Hm, Well; furry," he glared at Woolfster for a second before smiling "We could tell ghost stories, play board games, hunt for ghosts-"

"Why are two of your options ghost related?"

Dino looked at Oompa and shrugged "Hey it'll be dark. Maybe there will be ghosts!" Woolfster looked to the side "Yeah like they want to hang out with a furry." He laughed as Dino glared at him with a smirk "Hey that means they wouldn't want to be around you either, furry." Woolfster rolled his eyes and got up "Whatever furry I'm gonna go grab some water." He exited out of the blanket fort and over to Oompa's kitchen.

Sitting back down with a sigh, Dino shook his head slightly and let out a slight laugh.

"Wow I can't believe you two aren't together."

Dino turned and gave Oompa a look "Oompa; you KNOW he's still underage and you KNOW I'm asexual." Oompa let out a sigh and leaned his head back "But it's been two years of you two sending some type of vibe that some people could perceive as-" Dino waved his hands "No Oompa, we do not. He is only 17, it would be another 5 months at best for him to turn 18 anyway. Plus, like I said before; I am not interested in him."

"Well why the hell not? What if Woolfster is asexual too?"

"That wouldn't change my opinion on him Oompa." Dino rubbed his arm and smiled softly "Woolfster is more of a little brother than someone I would end up finding down the way. He's my best friend and he's family...even if I HAD feelings; I wouldn't want to ruin what we have." He looked away "We get along better as friends, if we did become lovers it would make things weird."

Oompa looked at him for a bit before his eyes widened slightly "Ohhh, you mean like with Joocie and Tbh?"

Dino nodded "You saw how rocky their relationship was when they both started going out. It's some miracle that the two are even still together. But you've also felt like things could have gone really really REALLY bad between them."

Oompa let out a sigh and rubbed his head "Well THAT'S true, I'm still cautious around the two...well cautious around Joocie if Tbh royally fucks something up. Laff is still worried about those two...we all are." He looked away. "The only one who seems confident that those two are gonna make it is Blaza." He glanced down "Although with him around it seems like Tbh acts more mature and considerate of Joocie's feelings."

Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now