Fateful Encounter Part 5 (End of Segment 1):

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Setting up the camera, the jittery feeling of going live on your youtube channel after a few days of absence always feels the same. And since he had been away from every channel he could be found on for a few days, Laff did believe he'd owed the fans an explanation.

-Whew, going live never gets any easier…-

Grabbing his mask, he strapped it on over his nose and mouth before clicking the blinking red 'go live' button.

The screen changed to show the go pro recording screen as Laff's eyes widened slightly from surprise.

"Hello there mates!" He waved as he noticed his chat blowing up. -Woah i did not notice this many realized i was gone..- He smiled under his mask and kept going "Yeah Yeah, I have been gone for a while; my bad mates." He scratched his head.

"Yes I am aware it has been a few months since my last video. I have recorded a few videos to release but well.." He laughed nervously "Something has well, came up while editing-"

A sob followed by loud fussing interrupted Laff as he chuckled, getting up "and that something has woken up; I'll be back lads." He moved out of the camera's sight and over to the bassinet in the corner of his room. He smiled warmly and bent down, taking the small bundle in his arms and standing up straight, cradling the bab- no, his son in his arms.

"Oh good morning lad." He spoke softly as the fussing softened, but not ceased. "Oh I know lad, you're hungry, it's breakfast time" he cooed as he started walking back to the computer "I am five steps ahead son."

Laff did heat up a bottle prior to him going live because he was sure his son was going to wake up soon. He left it on his computer base since it does tend to heat up once he plays modded Minecraft or does something that nearly makes it explode.

But with it heating up and cooling off at random, it was a perfect heating pad to keep the bottle warm.

He walked back into frame and grabbed the bottle from the base monitor, looking at his son and smiled softly. "Here you are lad, eat up" he chuckled softly as he held the bottle for his son. Laff glanced up at the computer as he saw what he had expected; a huge stream of comments asking him "YOU HAVE A BABY NOW!?" in a variety of phrases.

He chuckled and smiled "That's right mates, I'm officially a father. Well erh, I will be  next week once this tykes birth certificate is finalized." He glanced down "Speaking of, mates, meet my son." He moved his hand slightly to brush back his hair.


As he had expected, there were a mix of comments asking where Nadwe came from, if Laff was actually married because of this, and a large portion of people saying how adorable he was.

"Well mates, uh, I see a lot of yous is asking where Nadwe came from. So um, I'll explain."  He changed how he was holding Nadwe so the bottle would still be upright for him to drink as Laff used his now free hand to point towards the window "I actually found him outside my apartment complex in a box. No really no joke about it mates, he was left alone in the trash outside while it was pouring outside with no one to hear him...well, except myself of course." He held Nadwe in a tight embrace as he went back to holding the bottle with his hand, "I was throwin' out some trash in the dumpster and well, found 'em"

A lot of comments then came forward for sympathy for Nadwe as Laff chuckled softly "Mates if he could read or respond I'm sure he would thank each and everyone of yous."

Nadwe started fussing quietly and tried to nudge the bottle away. Laff quickly noticed and took the bottle away, checking how much he drank "mnn, two ounces. I-I think that's enough, right?" He looked down at Nadwe as if expecting an answer.

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