By scorpiostarlight

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Legend says that ghosts can be brought back to life if they find someone who will truly love them. But who wo... More

author's intro
Prologue: the late summer night 1965
Part one: forever
Part two: serial killers & ghosts
Part three: ghost cabin
Part four: worth the death
Part five: promise for life
Part six: diary
Part seven: change of mind
Part eight: butterfly effect
Part nine: lake time
Part ten: punch a ghost
Part eleven: nature, philosophy, and animals
Part twelve: a blur of life
Part thirteen: nightmare
Part fourteen: ...ever again
Part fifteen: what's my age again?
Part sixteen: wild imagination
Part seventeen: old times
Part eighteen: the crossroads
Part nineteen: ...everything has changed
Part twenty: duty calls
Part twenty-one: watching you sleep
Part twenty-two: my hope
Part twenty-three: almost I love you
Part twenty-four: friendly chat with the bear
Part twenty-five: i want to
Part twenty-six: lonely wolf
Part twenty-seven: a second chance
Part twenty-eight: too much to handle
Part twenty-nine: free fall
Part thirty: a touch of a feather
Part thirty-one: everything was blurry
Part thirty-three: mission snowmen
Part thirty-four: warmth
Part thirty-five: the blushing game
Part thirty-six: there's a ghost in the cabin
Part thirty-seven: wedding, wedding, wedding...
Part thirty-eight: i can't leave him
Part thirty-nine: we might have a little problem
Part forty: experiment called love
Part forty-one: what's that floating thing in the air?
Part forty-two: the better part
Part forty-three: illusion
Part forty-four: a dream so beautiful...
Part forty-five: burning
Part forty-six: always
Part forty-seven: the necklace
Part forty-eight: fool in love
Part forty-nine: problem on the rise
Part fifty: the earthquake
Part fifty-one: tear of a heart
part fifty-two: the betrayal
part fifty-three: everything crumbles down
part fifty-four: hopeless
Part fifty-five: the goodbye pain
part fifty-six: the blood - over a half a century old
part fifty-seven: beating heart
part fifty-eight: the chicken emergency
part fifty-nine: the evil queen is not invited
Part sixty: the new year's kiss
Part sixty-one: his personal world
Part sixty-two: the rest of our lives
Part sixty-three: that someone
Epilogue: promise kept

Part thirty-two: thank you

968 78 8
By scorpiostarlight

"We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone — but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy."

- Walter Anderson

Earth shook his head but the smile never left his face, "No. Not yet. But it's okay, don't worry, it takes time as I told you, remember?"

Mix's shoulders were hanging low, a frown was shadowing his pretty face, "shouldn't you feel at least something? I mean...I guess I'm just afraid it won't work."

"Hey, look at me," Earth said, playing with Mix's hands, waiting for him to look up. "It will work. I know that it will and you know why? Because you love me and I love you. And I know that it's real, honest. Neither of us is pretending anything and that's why I know it will work. It may take another few weeks or months but as long as you are with me it will work."

Mix leaned forward, somehow getting his hands free from Earth's tender holding, and wrapped them around Earth's shoulders, hugging him tightly. "I guess, I'm just impatient," Mix chuckled. "And also worried about you. I want you to be happy again, as happy as I am right now."

Earth kissed Mix's cheek, caressing Mix's back, "I'm happy, angel. So damn happy I want to stay like this forever."

"I want that too but it would be better with your heart beating. My heart can't be the only heart about to burst when you kiss me — it's not fair!" Mix said, boring his head in Earth's neck.

"I have so much effect on you? Good to know," Earth said, giving Mix's thighs a light squeeze.

"No comment," Mix said, leaving one kiss on Earth's neck, feeling Earth's body stiffen under him. Mix leaned a little backwards, looking at Earth, "who has an effect on who, again?"

"I never said you didn't have an effect on me. That's kind of a whole point of me being alive again." Earth said with a know-it-all smirk.

"Okay, don't need to sound so clever, hey!" Mix whined.

"Can't help myself — journalists have their way with words, babe," Earth was still smirking.

Mix rolled his eyes, but then his face softened, "You need to tell me something more about your job. I wanna know everything."

"I sure do have some interesting stories but now I need to light a fire before you freeze here," Earth said, motioning with his eyes for Mix to stand up.

"It is cold here, that's true," Mix mumbled for himself and reluctantly manoeuvred himself from Earth's lap onto the sofa. One thing was for sure; Earth's lap was way more comfortable than the sofa. And not to disregard the good old sofa — even for its age, the sofa was comfy — but Earth's lap... Mix bit his lower lip which was curved in a half-smile, it seemed that he had found his new favourite sitting spot.

"It should be warmer here in a few," Earth said, striking the match and lighting up the fire in the massive ancient fireplace.

"Hmmm, I really like this fireplace. I never thought that I would see this kind of fireplace in real life, only in documentaries on the History Channel," Mix said, wrapping his hands around his knees.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Earth said, watching as the fire slowly danced all over the wood, consuming it and becoming stronger, bigger, warmer. "After Praewa, this was my favourite thing about this cabin." He turned towards Mix and walked back to sit next to him, "now you are my favourite."

"Ohhh, thank you. That's so nice of you. Too bad my favourite thing is still the fireplace," Mix smiled innocently.

Earth chuckled, running his hand through his hair, "of course, you would say something like this. I'll pretend it didn't hurt my feelings."

"What feelings?" Mix raised his eyebrow.

"Aren't you really playful, tonight?"

"I'm just happy."

"I'm happy too," Earth reached for Mix's hand, interlocking their fingers for at least the hundredth time that evening. "I'll stay here to wait for the fire to get stronger. You can go to bed, it's pretty late."

Mix shook his head, straightened his legs and pulled Earth by the hand so Earth ended up laying with his head on Mix's lap, looking at Mix with wide eyes.

"Relax," Mix said as he started to play with Earth's hair, "I'll wait with you. Besides, I'm too excited about us, that I don't think I can fall asleep, yet."

Earth's eyes sparkled, seeing Mix so happy about them about what they had. This was what Earth always wanted. This was what he always wished and hoped for. To find someone who would be happy just to have Earth by their side, just to be able to hold Earth would be enough for them. Just simple late-night conversations, brief laughs and small smiles that would make that person happy because they are shared with him. And now Earth finally found that person.

Part of him still thought that all of it was just a dream even though he couldn't sleep in order to dream. But maybe it wasn't a night dream; maybe it was a daydream — in which case Earth didn't want to stop dreaming. Because even if it was a dream it was much better than reality. Earth's reality meant being dead, a ghost and alone. But there in his daydream even though he was dead he wasn't alone. He was loved and he loved in return. That alone made him feel happier than he ever was.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming," Earth said, looking up at Mix, his fingers tightening his grip around Mix's.

"You can't sleep, love."

"But I feel like I am dreaming. It's...all of this seems too good to be true, you know? It's so surreal for me that after so many years I have finally found someone like you...I finally found you. Thank you, Mix. Thank you for being here with me, for giving me a chance, and for opening up to me. I...after being alone for so long — emotionally alone, it's hard for me to comprehend the fact that I'm not anymore. Thank you." Earth's voice broke and only a single tear rolled down his handsomely shaped face, quietly colliding with Mix's palm as he wiped the tear away.

"I love you and I always be here for you. You can share everything you feel, with me, anytime. You are the strongest person I know, and now you have me to make you even stronger." Mix smiled, "are we going to make Hulk out of you, hmmm?"

Earth's adorable confused face appeared again, "Hulk? That...I heard that it good?"

Mix's high-pitched laugh resounded through the cabin, spreading outside to the dark cold night.

To be continued...

P.S. Aren't they sweet? 🤧

I hope all of you are happy, healthy, and safe. LOVE YOU SO MUCH 🤎❤🥺

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