Her Truth

By xprincessstatusx

55.8K 3.1K 3.3K

Book 2 of Her Sanity 🤍 More

Emotional Charade
You're Mine
Don't Leave Me
No Idea
Tell Me Why •1•
Tell Me Why •2•
Tell Me Why •3•
The Ultimatum
Never Give Up •1•
Never Give Up •2•
Switch Up The Tempo
Make Him Pay
The End?
He Did This
Try Again
Wild Side
Tell Us
Do As I Say
Can We Start Over?
Time For War •1•
Time For War •2•
Time For War •3•
Full Psycho
Love's Gamble
Broken Love
Fall Slowly
Tap Out
Fertile Queen
Put Her First
Everything Happens For A Reason
New Additions
Break A Nigga
Do The Right Thing
Faith Step
•1• Test of Salvation
•2• Test of Salvation
•3• Test of Salvation
Better Days
Dreams & Things
•1• Vacation Tea
•2• Vacation Tea
•1• Truth Serum
•2• Truth Serum
•3• Truth Serum
It's Up
Guess What? 🌚
Lucid Dream
New Reality
Freaky HBIC
•1• Do You
•2• Do You
•3• Do You
What The Hell?
Hidden Secrets
Untold Truth •1•
Untold Truth •2•
Untold Truth •3•
A Change
Backfired Shots •1•
Depressing Matter
You Weren't There
Last Second
No Choice
Unanswered Questions
Book 3, Out Now

•3• Vacation Tea

561 44 31
By xprincessstatusx


"Karen slept with Smoke." Those words echoed through my brain.

Karen put her hand over her mouth as she looked at me and Smoke stood up.

"What? No, no she didn't..... Karen is my sister and best friend. She knows how much I love that man. She would never hurt me in that way again. Not after the promise she made me right Karen? Tell her." Dorinda said.

Looking at Smoke, I could tell by the look in his eyes that what Rain had just revealed was true. I went quiet as I looked at him, then at Karen.

"Karen, tell me... tell me it's not true. P-Please?" Dorinda's voice broke as tears came to her eyes.

Putting her face in her hands Karen sobbed.

"I-I'm so s-sorry."

"Oh my God...." Dorinda trailed, getting up.

Karen stood up too and so did I.

"Dorinda, please.... please? You've got to understand that I never meant to hurt you. I don't know how it happened it just did and I-"

"STOP!" Dorinda yelled, turning around to look at Karen.

She had tears down her face as she looked at Karen.

"I don't want to hear what you didn't mean to do. You did it. That's the whole point. You fucking did it and you can't take that shit back. I never thought you would hurt me like this. Not after you promised that after the slip up you'd act right. We've been through so much shit together. You knew the heartache I've been through dealing with relationships and this is what you do to me? This is what you do? You know what... I can't do this right now. I-I can't. I don't want to talk to you, look at you, nothing. I'm so done. I am DONE!" Dorinda yelled, walking away from Karen.

Dorinda stopped and looked at me with tears down her face.

"Dave, I'm so sorry. I don't know how you're about to deal with this, but one thing I know is that I need to be alone away from everyone for awhile because if I don't I'm going to kill everyone and I do mean everyone your wife included. I don't want to go back to jail so it's best that I go." Dorinda sniffled.

Grabbing her hand, I held it.

"I understand. Do what you gotta do Doe. I'll check on you later." She nodded her head before walking out.

"Uh, I think it's best that we clear the room so you all can have some room to talk. Come on everybody." Twinkie said, getting up.

"Y'all go ahead. I know since Doe can't Ima handle this trick for the both of y'all. Come here bitch!" Jacky yelled, grabbing Rain by her hair.

Watching her drag Rain out of the room with her kicking and screaming I knew that Jacky was about to beat her into next year. No one bothered to help her except her sister Riley but Kierra quickly stopped that.

"If you lay your hand on my auntie I will personally drag you outside and beat you like a hoe on the street. I would mind my business if I were you."

"So you think I'm just supposed to stand back and watch my sister get hurt?" Riley asked.

"It's because of your sister all this drama is happening!" Kierra yelled.

"You know what.... I'm out of here!"

"Bye bitch!" Mia yelled.

"You think we're supposed to cry because you leaving? Girl bye. Get over yourself." Malaysia added.

Riley scoffed before walking out. The room began to clear out slowly. Everyone left except Twinkie. Karen held her hand not wanting her to leave her alone. Seeing Smoke trying to leave, I stepped in front of him.

"Nah, nigga. Where ya think ya going?" I asked.

"To go check on my fiancé." Smoke said.

"You ain't going no fucking where. Yo, you fucked my wife? I'm only gon ask you once."

"I ain't mean to. It was a mistake." Smoke said.

"So, that's a yes? Bet, my nigga." I said, tackling Smoke.

We landed on the ground with me on top of him. I threw blow after blow to his face making Karen scream.

"Oh my God, stop it! Dave you're gonna kill him! Someone help!"

J Drew and Jay ran back into the kitchen and pulled me off of him.

"Yo, nigga what the fuck bruh?" J Drew said.

"He fucked my wife! I trusted this nigga around my family and he do some foul shit like that?! I should kill dat motherfucka!" I yelled, trying to get back at him.

Jay held me back as J Drew helped Smoke get up off the ground.

"Bruh, I ain't mean to do it. I don't even remember the shit happening! I was fucked up!" Smoke yelled, spitting blood out his mouth.

"I don't wanna hear dat fuck shit! The point is dat you did it bruh, you did it! You was my homie. I considered you my brother and you go and do that. You foul bruh I don't give a fuck what you say!"

Karen cried as she looked at me.

"Calm down nigga." Jay said, holding me by my shirt.

"I'm calm. I'm fine bruh. Let me go." I said.

Jay slowly released me letting me pull my shirt down. Smoke wiped the blood that poured from his mouth as he looked at me.

"Bruh, what can I do to make this right?"

"You can't do shit bruh. I thought that I could trust you, but I see now that blood really ain't thicker than water. We ain't boys. We ain't nothing. Karen, I'll deal witchu later bruh. Mane, I can't do this shit right now."

"Baby, please? Can you just let me explain, please?" Karen begged.

"I ain't got nun to say to you right now bruh. I need some air."

With those words I turned around and stormed out the cabin. Walking outside in the dark, I went to the lake that was outside and sat there. I needed to clear my head. I was hurt no doubt. I couldn't believe my best friend and my wife would do that to me behind my back. I get that I was gone, for sixteen years, but everything I did I did fah her and my family. So, fah dem to do that was foul as fuck.

I sniffled as I wiped the tears that filled the brims of my eyes. I felt worst for Doe cause she was innocent in all dis shit. She was blindsided and had no idea dis was coming. Not only dat but she was pregnant so dat added on stress to her life. Dis wasn't fair. I needed to go see where her head was in all dis shit.

Getting up, I wiped my tears before going back inside the cabin the back way. I went on the second floor where her room was and knocked on ha door. Waiting for her to open her door, I leaned against it and heard her crying on the inside.

"Yo, Doe. Open up, it's Dave."

"H-Hold on for a minute." Dorinda sniffled.

I stood there for a moment before she opened the door. Coming face to face with her, I saw dat her eyes were bloodshot red. Her face was so sad it broke my heart.

"Doe...." I trailed.

She shook her head before going back in the room. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I sat on the bed beside her as she put her face in her hands and cried.

"How you feeling Doe?" I asked.

"I want to hurt him.... I want to hit her. I just... I don't know what I want to do. This isn't fair. It's not. It isn't fair." Dorinda cried.

"I know, and you right... it's not fair. We ain't deserve dis shit especially you. You've been nothing but good to him. I wish I could make excuses for my wife but I can't. Nothing excuses what they've done."

"The same with her. You may feel like it but you don't deserve this Dave. You don't. I know that you and I haven't been on the best of terms, but I liked you at one point Dave. You've been good to her. You provided her with everything she needed. She never had to want for anything. So, for her to do this to you isn't right." Dorinda sniffled.

"I'm sorry this happened Doe. I really am." I said, hugging her.

Dorinda began crying again as I held her in my arms. Seeing how truly hurt she was brought tears to my eyes. She was devastated. I wanted to say something to make her feel better. I knew that even though her and I weren't the closest she was too sweet to be done this way.

Looking in her eyes, I wiped the tears that fell from her face as I spoke.

"Things will get better. Keep ya head up beautiful."

Dorinda put her head on mine as she brushed my face softly. Before I knew it she'd placed her lips on mine.

She kissed me softly as she placed her hand on my face. After a few moments I pulled away.

"Doe, we can't do dis shit."

"Why not? They did it." Dorinda said, kissing me again.

She slid her tongue in my mouth as she straddled my lap. Our tongues wrestled for a few moments as she began grinding on top of me making me moan. I placed my hands on her ass before I broke away from the kiss and she rested her head against mine.

"Shorty, I know you hurt but we can't do this. You not this person."

"This is the second time she's took something of mine that I wanted. Maurice isn't the first guy she's slept with. For once I want to have something of my own. I just want something that's mine and is for me. That's all I want." Dorinda sniffled.

Sighing, I looked into her eyes.

"Doe, I know how you feel but we can't do this. There's better ways to handle your pain that don't include hurting others. If we do this we'll be just like them."

"I just want to feel something Dave. I'm so hurt right now. My heart literally feels shattered. I don't know what to do." Dorinda sniffled.

"Well, we can start by talking to them." I said.

"I'm not ready to talk to them. I don't want to look at her or him let alone talk to them. I'm not ready to do it."

Hearing the seriousness in her voice, I knew that she was serious but I had to get her to understand where I was coming from. I brushed her face softly as I stared into her eyes.

"The only way to get through your pain is to face it head on. You can't get around it or try to sweep it under the rug like it doesn't exist but you have to go through it. So, we need to talk to them. Don't you want answers as to why it happened? I know that I do."

"I do." Dorinda sniffled.

"Okay, so we go to them and demand answers. I know that you're angry but you won't have to do this alone. I'll be right there with you." I said.

Nodding her head, Dorinda wiped the tears that formed in her eyes.

"Alright, we can do that but right now can I just get a moment to myself?" Dorinda asked.

"I got you." I pecked her head before sitting her on the bed.

She laid on the bed on her pillow. Grabbing her blanket, I put it over her.

"Text me when you ready. I have my phone on me I'll be back when you need me to."

I went to leave out the room but not before she called my name faintly.


"Thank you Dave. I owe you one." Dorinda said.

"Don't mention it." I smiled.

Leaving out her room, I closed the door behind me only to bump into Kendasha.

"Ken-Dada, what you doing up here babygirl? Yo room downstairs."

"I was just checking on Yomi. I thought she was up, but she's sleeping." Kendasha said.

I scrunched my face up at her words.

"It's only 8:30 why she asleep so early fah?" I asked.

"Oh, uh.... she's not feeling good." Kendasha said.

Kiyomi's room was upstairs with Dorinda's. It was literally at the beginning of the hallway so all I had to do was walk down there.

"Lemme go check on her."

"Daddy, no."

"Whatchu mean no?" I asked.

"I, ummm...." Kendasha trailed.

Something ain't seem right so I decided to see fah myself.

"Daddy, please don't look-"

I opened her door only to find her on top of her boyfriend having sex. He had his hands on her hips as he grinded her back and forth on him and she moaned loudly.

"Yo, what the fuck!" I yelled.

Kiyomi jumped off her boyfriend with the sheet wrapped around her bottom half as she looked at me terrified.

"Daddy, I-" I put my hand up stopping her.

"Get the fuck out the bed, NOW!" I yelled.

I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. My sixteen year old little girl fucking in this cabin like a pornstar. I thought my babygirl was innocent.

Turns out nobody is as innocent as they seem.

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