House Hogwarts

By TheOmniPotter

1.9K 110 4

What if Harry had siblings? What if James and Lily lived? What if Neville was adopted by the Potters? What if... More

Important stuffs
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 12

41 3 0
By TheOmniPotter

October 31 20:00

The rest of the day was spent relatively quietly, well, as quiet as a day at Hogwarts could get, strangers and friends came up to the group and congratulating Hailey before leaving. The four other House Quidditch Captains introduced themselves at lunch as Terrence Higgs (Slytherin), Oliver Wood (Gryffindor), Roger Davies (Ravenclaw) and Cedric Diggory (Hufflepuff), they spent the lunch break talking to their respective Potter sibling and making friends, just not good enough friends to be resorted in their seventh year, Hailey and Roger decided it probably only worked for third year and under.

Soon it was dinner and Halloween was officially underway. The triplets loved Halloween but toned it down for Neville who hated Halloween as he saw it as a blatant reminder his siblings weren't his by blood and his true parents were in the Janus Thikney Irreversible Spell ward at St Mungos so while his siblings celebrated their favourite holiday he spent the evening meal in the kitchens (Courtesy of the Marauder's Map) with the House Elves before taking secret passages back to the common room for an early night.

In the Great Hall, Hailey, Harry, Heather and the others were all happily enjoying the Halloween feast, their was so much food you couldn't take your eyes off the refilling platters of sweets, chocolate and ice cream galore, not to start on the puddings, the trifle, the peppermint humbugs? They were so busy stuffing themselves they didn't realise Professor Stutter's entrance until he was yelling at the top of his lungs.

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! Troll in the dungeon! Save our souls." He muttered before falling on his face, The thud bringing people out of their shock causing the room to explode in a cacophony of screams and yells.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled and everyone fell silent

"I swear people faint backwards." Hailey said and the others nodded before turning their attention to the Headmaster

"Prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories, Teachers will follow me down, to the dungeons." The teachers left leaving five confused houses to stand in the hall, they had started to leave when Hailey went up to Dumbledore's Lectern and casting a Sonorous.

"Wait!" She yelled and everyone turned to face her "It seems our esteemed headmaster has forgotten a few major details, first, Slytherins, your common room is in the dungeon, where the troll is! Second, the only ones of us who stand even a tiny chance at defeating a creature which has been proven to only think about food and murder are the seventh years and however experienced they may be, I don't think fighting a troll will be on the NEWTs." This was met by nervous chuckles that soon evolved into full blown laughter, when it had calmed she continued "I propose we all stay in the hall, and line up, seventh years at the front, nearest the door, followed by sixth then fifth, fourth, second and finally first years, and be on high alert, the troll could come in at any moment, start with prank hexes, ones that won't hurt if it's a teacher, if it comes back at you, attack with all you have. Thank You." Hailey stepped away from the lectern and, flanked by her house mates, joined the third years in battle stances.

It was hours before they heard anything from the other side of the door and everyone awake tensed (All the first-fourth year students had fallen asleep except the House Hogwarts students).

"I can't find my Badgers!" The voice of Aunt Mona floated through the door and the Hufflepuffs relaxed,

"Nor my Lions," Aunt Minnie's voice said and the Gryffindors relaxed

"Nor my Ravens," Uncle Fil's counterpart said and the Ravenclaws went back to their books

"Nor my Snakes," Uncle Sev's voice said and the Slytherins (Under their masks) relaxed

"Nor my Hogwartians." Professor Tima's voice said and the House Hogwarts students relaxed and Hailey gestured for the seventh years to back up but stay alert and she opened the doors. When she did, the seventh years crept forward slightly and shot a prank-like spell towards whom for all intents and purposes were their Heads of House. Before long, the five adults came into the room all looking slightly dishevelled and were multiple different colours, Sev was red and gold with antlers, giant teeth and purple robes, Minnie was blue and bronze with bunny ears, Fil was by far the worst with all the house colours swirling on a black background, although he seemed to like it, Tima was yellow and black with a red nose and Mona was green and silver with plants growing out the top of her head. Once the laughter died down, the others were awake and the teachers were back to normal Severus walked toward the lectern and cast Sonorous before speaking.

"Someone...explain to me...why... you are your common rooms."

Seemingly nominated as the speaker of the night, Hailey stepped forward "It's kind of my fault professor, but also kind of the Headmaster's."


"Headmaster Dumbledore sent us back to our common rooms, but I realised the Slytherin common room was in the dungeons, where the troll was supposed to be and you had to walk past the dungeons to get to the other common rooms, we decided to stay here in a warded room rather than risk our lives while following orders." The adults nodded

"Did you do a Head count, Miss Potter?" Minnie asked, Hailey nodded, grimly

"Yes, Professor, We have all the Ravens, Badgers, Snakes and Hogwartians but we are missing a first year Gryffindor, we couldn't find her in the hall and we sent a Patronus to you telling you, you didn't receive it?" They shook their heads "In that case she is either smart enough to run and hide, or she found the troll..." The room went silent, Minerva gulped, it was her belief a parent shouldn't have to bury a child, let alone one that died due to something preventable.

"We need to go talk to the Headmaster, he can access the wards, they show... dead.... Bodies as well as alive ones." As she said that a beeping sound sounded and an image showed on the wall of the Great Hall, Hermione Granger had just been smashed by a troll's club. 

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