Behind Closed Doors

Door beynikaoutsold

101K 5.9K 6.8K

Beyoncé has the biggest crush on Onika Maraj, the "it" girl. Girls were supposedly jealous of her and guys at... Meer

Special I
Special II


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Door beynikaoutsold

Beyonces Pov

I blinked away my sleepiness as I woke up. I was a little colder and I looked down and remembered I was naked.

Naked, and alone. Sounds like a good Tv show.

"You're awake. Hey!" I heard and I looked and smiled when I saw my hopefully future wife. She had a towel wrapped around her body.

I sat up a bit—know that feeling when you just wake up and dont want to do anything for a solid 4 minutes? Yeah that's me right now.

She turned her back to me and dropped the towel. I watched her get dress for whatever but really I was admiring her.

"My dad is picking my aunt and grandma up in about an hour and it takes like 40 minutes to get to the airport so I'm getting ready to go with him." She explained while hooking her bra on.

"Right—cool." I nodded. I was still sleepy. I watched her hurriedly put her pants on and another sweater and I watched her look around.

"Can I use your coat? Michelle spilled her slushee on mine earlier when she had gotten back from 7/11. Who likes slushees in the winter?"She asked herself.

"Yeah sure. You know how Michelle is." I laughed shaking my head till I realized my engagement ring was in there.

I got out of bed myself quickly and saw her bend over to find her boots and in that span of time I took the little precious box out and put in our nightstand quickly.

Just saved my own ass while taking a peek at hers.

I handed her my coat and she took it before peeking down below my waist and looking away. "You've seen this like one hundred times and your still shy?" I teased and I attempted to hug her and she moved away laughing.

"Yeah sure. I love you and all but take a shower—and put some pants on!" She said before putting coat on. It was a little big for her and she looked cute adjusting the sleeves.

"Can I get a kiss first before you pick up your sweet grandma and your scary Aunt?" I asked and she shook her head before giving me a quick kiss.

"She's not scary. She'll love you. Auntie Tyra is loving and sweet." She tried to convince me and I shook my head.

"I've never met her in person but when I said hi over the phone she attempted to interrogate me like a detective. Even asked me what my credit score was." I said.

"She's just protective of me. That's all." She leaned up and gave me a genuine kiss, holding the side of my neck.

I didn't know her Aunt that well but I felt like she was the last step of approval I needed. Sure I could marry Onika without consulting anyone but I felt like out of respect that I should inform them before hand.

But if her Aunt didn't like me—I think I'm screwed.

"She'll love you." She said and she sounded so serious but from the way her first were balled up and because I wasn't wearing a shirt there was no fabric to grip like I knew she would—

She's nervous too.

"More like she'll deal with me because I make her niece happy." I said and she shook her lead looking up at me.

"No-No she'll love you seriously. Know why?" I kept listened and I leaned down so our noses were touching.

"Why?" I asked. We were so close, I could smell her body wash she must've just used and I loved how her hair was frizzeled just a bit.

"Because I love you. " She sounded so confident in her answer and I thought I was the one who was swooping her off her feet. She managed to make my heart beat a little faster at that even though she's said it so many times before.

"She just wants the best for me. And I know I've said that a thousand times in other circumstances but—my aunt isn't a toxic jealous teenager." She said smiling up at me.

She was talking about Kenzie—I knew that. After highschool Onika cut off all contact with her and from the gods of social media and randomly suggesting I follow people I now know that Kenzie is on her 4th divorce.

I was happy she could joke about it now.

She pulled away from me and grabbed her purse. "Bey, why didn't you tell me my hair is so frizzy and out of place?"She asked looking in the vanity mirror and I laughed.

"Not my fault you didn't put a bonnet on last night." I defended and turned around. "You didn't really give me a chance." She countered and I nodded.

"Good point." I said watching her put her hair in a slick bun with a wool headband. She was checking she had everything and looked up at me.

"I gotta go and I love you. I was being serious though take a shower and put on some pants." She said before leaving and blowing me a kiss.

I sighed and decided to do what she said and take a shower. I was still nervous as hell.

After I got I dried my hair and put on a wooly long sleeved shirt with some flannel bottoms. I knew she'd wanna bust out the matching Pjs for tomorrow.

I walked downstairs and heard Aubrey immediately. "You can't be serious! You must've cheated!" And I already knew they were playing a board game.

I walked into the living room scratching my stomach slightly and yawned. "Yall arguing this early? it's like 6am. My parents aren't even awake yet." I stated

"Nah nah—Kelly just cheated me out of 50 dollars!" He said and Kelly rolled her eyes.

"You cheated yourself out of it thinking Kelly wasn't going to cheat." I responded.

"You're both haters. I'm gonna take my new 50 dollars and go buy even more board games. That way I can beat Aubrey's ass in them and get even richer." She declared leaving.

I just shrugged and walked out and made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and found myself orange juice and reached up and got myself a glass.

I sighed beginning to pour myself some and then heard my Dad. "What you in here sighing for? Who drank all the Minute maid? Damn y'all are greedy." He mumbled and I laughed watching him search for the long gone carton of Minuite maid.

"I'm not a kid anymore old man and pretty sure Michelle and Aubrey did." I said setting the blame on them.

"Whatever. What's up?" Damn my dad knew me well—a little too well like his sneaky wife who so happened to be my mother. Both of them could tell when something was wrong.

"Nothing dad." I insisted and he quirked his eyebrow.

"You're 26, a environmental science geek, with the girl you've been chasing since for awhile, seeming to love life but you look stressed out which is off for you. Usually Onikas the one who's stressed out." He stated and he wasn't wrong.

Onika usually was stressed out, she loved working with children and watching her bond with them really sparked something in me.

But she was still a doctor—so when a kid didn't make it she was really hard on herself.

Beyonces Pov, months ago.

I hummed as I washed the dishes—Onika should be home and I actually tried cooking and I didn't burn anything or set anything on fire. A win for me.

I heard the door open and I knew that was her. I smiled as I quickly untied the apron and walked out the kitchen.

"Baby! You're home! Okay guess what? I took a recipe out my moms cookbook and I know that you're probably gonna be suspicious about it but trust me I think I actually did okay!"I said enthusiastically and I noticed she hadn't taken her coat off and her purse was still in her hand.

"Onika? Baby—" I cut myself off when she looked up at me.

Tears in her eyes.

"Nika." I said walking up to her and immediately hugging her. She sobbed into my chest and I rubbed her back slowly. I hated seeing her like this—it pained me.

"Shh. Calm down for me love." I whispered and I could tell she was trying to subside her tears.

"What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" I asked and she shook her head and I wiped some of her stray tears for her.

"It's—Its Jackson. T-The kid I was working with?" She asked and I knew him I had the pleasure of meeting him once. He was a sweet kid who loved talking about dinosaurs.

"He has autism and cancer right? Yeah I remember him." I said and I saw her look me directly in the eyes. She was a doctor, crying, talking about a kid—I knew where this was going.

And I wasn't liking it.

"I-I thought he was getting better. He went into remission—his cancer cells were barely detectable and they all came back in a fury within 2 weeks. H-He died about 2 hours ago." She said and It broke my heart to know another kid lost their lives to that but—It hurt even more to see her hurting like this.

"Baby It wasn't your fault." I knew she was finding every way to blame herself.

"I-I know but if I was there— for him a little more I shouldn't have taken a break last week—" I stoped her right there.

"Don't put so much stress on yourself Onika. You're getting back into old habits. Jackson did not die because you took one break—are you forgetting the fact you were sick too that day?" I asked and she nodded listening.

I needed to get through to her. We were a team and I had to make sure she knew this wasn't her fault.

"I—I had to tell the family. Do you know how hard it was to watch his mother beg me to tell her I was joking? It was so hard—all the other doctors say I'll get used to but I don't  think I will." She said and I allowed her to squeeze my tight in a hug.

"Shh. Hey. He was a great kid. He always called you his favorite. Didn't you say his face lit up whenever he saw you?" She nodded a bit.

"You're a great Doctor Nika. You have so much sympathy and even empathy for your patients and that's what makes you such a great doctor and person. Jackson was a great kid—but you couldn't stop what happened no matter how good of a person and doctor you are." I said and she sniffled.

"I-It was just a real hard day." She said and I could tell she was still shaken up. I rubbed her sides.

"I understand. I get that. How about we get you relaxed ?I'll run you a bath, and we can watch golden girls?"I said with a little smile trying to cheer her up and I felt so proud of myself when a little smile tugged at her lips.

"I'd like that." She said softly and we shared a soft kiss.

She sighed leaning into my chest. "I love you." She said and I kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too."

Beyonces Pov (present)

I snapped myself out of the bitter sweet memory and looked up at my dad.

"I'm just—I'm scared shitless of her aunt." I admitted and he nodded as if he understood.

"I used to be scared shitless of your grandpa. Now look at us! Best buds! What are you so afraid of? You aren't some deadbeat you're a literal scientist dont yall save the earth?" He asked and I laughed shaking my head.

"I don't really I just—study plants and nature and report back to articles so I can confirm that your generation caused global warming." I said he nodded.

"Not surprised. We sucked." He said smiling at me. I sighed leaning into the counter.

"I'm scared she won't like me. Like—Onikas dad wasn't hard to crack." I said.

"That's because Onikas dad is cool! You know the guy and I just exchanged a pair of sneakers? He's the only man besides aubrey and your grandpa I would get a good gift for Christmas. Speaking of that—I got him a really cool Yankees hat you think he would like it?" My dad asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Y'all sound like a gay couple in the making. thank you for making me feel better about Onikas scary aunt who probably drinks tears for breakfast." I said sarcastically.

"I'm just fuckin with ya. Onikas aunt will like you. And if she doesn't, who cares? Don't make this random woman you've never met be the judge." He said.

"But if she's important to Onika then—" He cut me off.

"Then shes important to you. Or her approval is important to you." He finished and I nodded. I wanted her approval. A simple nod would safice.

"I get that. I had the same mindset with your
grandpa. Instead in my case he did actually end up liking me. But the point is if he didn't—I would've still married your mom." He said shrugging.

"Really?" I asked genuinely interested and he nodded with enthusiasm.

"Hell yeah. Listen I was your age once—nervous as hell. I respected him. Of course I did—he was her dad ya know?" I listened intently slowly nodding.

"But I still planned on marrying your mother dads approval or not. At the end of the day it was your moms choice if she said yes not his. Of course I had to try and make him like me for her sake but—I knew that if he didn't she would still love me. Onikas aunt does not define wether that girl  marries you or not." He  finished and I froze up.

"You know about uh—"

"You wanting to marry a sweet doctor who works well  with children and can cook? Surprised you didn't try and do this already." Why is everyone on my ass 24/7?

"Yeah. She is pretty great." I sighed and I smiled. Just the thought of her eased my nerves.

"I know she is. Don't be afraid of her aunt. If she has an issue with you, handle it like an adult." He said before exiting the kitchen.

I decided to wait out her arrival. I stress cleaned—watched Kelly beat Aubrey's ass in many other Uno games.  I took another shower and changed and now I was  pacing in my kitchen while my mother made breakfast.

"Why is Beyoncé pacing like she sniffed like 4 lines of crack?" Soloange asked and my mother slapped her arm with a rag.

"Stop making jokes like that and she's just nervous—for no good reason." She bit and I rolled my eyes in frustration.

"No—for good reason. I have to be perfect. The woman's a business woman—she must like professionalism. Does my shirt look okay?" I asked w my white button up.

"You changed out of pajamas for this?Oh my god this is serious and for once I'm not joking." Solange said and I rolled my eyes she was no help.

"You look fine sweetie." My mother said but I was still sweating. "God I'm sweating and my hands are starting to get sweaty too." I complained.

"Put deodorant on your palms! We've been over this!" Aubrey said stepping in and he was no help either.

"You—shut up." I said pointing to him. He put his hands up in defense. "Who angered long neck lady?" Robyn asked stepping in as well.

"She's just nervous for Nickis aunt." Solange said for me.

"Nervous for a bitch who doesn't even know you? The bell you sweating for? actually grow some balls." Robyn said and Solange nodded vigorously. "Exactly."

"None of you are any help and from the time she should be here so—" I walked and bumbed into my mother that was holding the pitcher of iced tea.

"Fuck." I said looking own at my now ruined shirt. "Oh crap—Yonce—" I held up my hand biting my lip. I was already so frustrated. But i knew I shouldn't take it out on my Mama that would just cause more issues.

"Ma It's fine I have bigger worries." I state running out the kitchen. I had to take this shirt off and briefly wash my stomach because I know it'll get sticky there and—

My thoughts were interrupted by the door shutting.

I slowly looked up and saw my girlfriend biting her lip looking at me and my soaked shirt while her dad, grandmother, a unrecognized man and her aunt stared at me in our hallway.

"Hey..babe." I chuckled nervously and I saw Onika cringed  and I wanted to die right there.

"So this—Is your girlfriend that i've heard so much about?" I heard a smooth slightly deep feminine voice ask I cringed looking up at her.

We were around the same height, she was taller than Onika. She was brown skinned, had short curly hair as if she just did "the big chop".

You could tell they were related, had the same eyes. But hers were scaring the fuck out of me. Probably because she's as scary as I've imagined.

I couldn't help but feel intimidated as she looked me up and down and then back at Onika. She was judging me—she had to be. I saw her farther look between the two before sending me a nervous look.

This was it—Onikas aunt was the last person I needed approval from.

Or some kind of acknowledgement that she didn't hate my guts.

"So much for first impressions." I mumbled and Onika quickly took of her jacket—well my jacket and took my hand.

"This is Beyoncé—Auntie. She's my girlfriend. " Onika said holding my hand and I felt my nerves ease.

Her she was introducing me while I probably had sweat stains on my shirt but that didn't compare to the sweet tea all over my shirt.

"H-Hi. Ms—uh—"

"Maraj-brown."She finished for me I nodded gulping. Fuck.

"Don't mind her—she's cranky from the flight and car ride. I'm James. Her husband." The man stepped forward having his hand out and atleast he had made an effort.

I took it slowly and he smiled. "It's nice to meet you Beyonce. Onika didn't stop talking about you—I've known Nicki here since she was a kid." He explained and I nodded listening.

"Yeah. He was my aunts bestfrined and now they're married." She explained. "Yeah believe it or not she actually does have a heart." He whispered and I smiled. Atleast he was nice. I could tell he was trying to make me less nervous.

I was more focused on the she devil staring me down from behind him. They were married? How did this dude who seemed sweeter than ever marry—her? I shouldn't judge—I didn't know her yet.

They took their coats off and I heard Onika whisper in my ear. "I suggest you go upstairs change your shirt and meet us back down for breakfast . Also ease up." She said and I nodded and smiled a bit when she gave me a little kiss on the cheek.

I sighed as I went upstairs. I just wanted to make a good impression and managed to show up looking like a mess.

"Dammit." I whined looking down at my shirt.

This was going to be a long week—cmon Yonce. Last till New Year's eve and just make sure that she doesn't totally diss approve of me before then.

That should be easy—right?

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