Consequences of expression

By PiaMyrslo

946 34 3

Disclaimer, I do not own this. BekahAM wrote most of these, but I uploaded them here. The reason I did so, is... More



197 4 0
By PiaMyrslo

Bonnie held in the tears she had wanted to shed all day. She was dead, and she was in the middle of closing the veil for good. She hoped there wouldn't be any consequences of her doing this, but it was expression, there were always consequences. She looked into Jeremy's eyes and watched as the light of life returned to his soul. He inhaled deeply and she stepped away, letting him catch his breath.

"What happened?" jeremy asked Bonnie.

"You're alive, Jer. It worked. I closed the veil and you are still alive." Bonnie told him with sadness mixed in her voice.

"I'm alive! Bonnie, how did you?" Bonnie touched his face and suddenly he realized he couldn't feel her hands. He reached up to hold them, but he felt nothing. "Bonnie? Bonnie what's going on?"

"I'm dead, Jer. I'm a ghost. But you can still see me. Please don't tell anyone that I'm dead. Tell them I went off with my mom for a while, please Jer?" Bonnie broke out into tears as he nodded and she turned away. "if you ever need me, just say my name."


I started to feel dizzy and was wondering where Jeremy was so that I could say goodbye to him before the veil closed. I walked outside and the world felt like it was spinning. Before i knew it, things went black and I was on the ground passed out.

It was a dreamless sleep that felt pretty short. When I woke up, I immediately noticed that I was only covered in a thick fur blanket of some sort. What had happened to me? I sat up, holding the blanket to my skin as I looked around. All I saw was that I was in the middle of a field surrounded by trees. Where was I? I heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind me and I turned around only to be shocked at who I saw. The person I helped my brother kill months ago. Kol Mikaelson.

"Glad to see you finally awoke, miss. I was starting to worry." The accent made him even more real. Was I hallucinating? "When I found you, your clothes had been torn to shreds, but I found no wounds. I trust my fur has kept you warm? I brought you some clothes." he sat the dress on the small log that was next to me.

"Thank you. How long was I asleep? And where am I?" I asked quietly, trying to be nice.

"We are in Mystic Falls and you have slept for 3 days. I must say, I was shocked miss. You look almost exactly like Miss Tatia, but I knew you were not because she was with my brothers when I found you. I could feel the magic around you." I heard Tatia and my heart almost stopped. I only then realized that there was no hunger, no bloodlust. I was human again. I looked at kol closely. He had a scrape across his arm that was not healed. He was human too. If he was still human and Tatia was around, I must have been sent back in time, a thousand years ago.
"What do you mean you could feel the magic around me?" I asked cautiously.

"Mother does not like me to tell people, but I am a witch. I know you are not from here, just by your torn clothing. Magic sent you here. I wish to help, if you would like." he responded. Kol was a witch?!

"I would appreciate the help very much. I don't know why I was sent here, or how." I said, standing up. He quickly turned around so that I could put the dress on. I was surprised by him acting this way. I put the dress on, but I couldn't lace it up correctly.
"May I ask your help with the laces?" I asked, turning around. I could hear his feet shuffling and I pulled my hair over my shoulders. I felt a shock as his hand touched my back as he picked up the laces. His hands were warm, nothing what I expected. He laced the dress up all the way and I turned around.

"How do I look?" I asked, twirling the skirt.

"Beautiful, miss. May I ask your name?" I blushed.

"My name is Elena. And you?" even though I knew his name, he hadn't met me yet.

"I am Kol Mikaelson. A pleasure to meet you." he said, bowing down to kiss my hand. I felt the warmth come to my cheeks again. "Would you like to accompany me back to the village? I have a place you can stay, if you would like?" he asked, holding out his arm for me to take. What the hell, I had nothing better to do.

"Of course, and thank you again." I said as I wrapped my arm around his.

"We will have to make a story as to where you came from. The scent of magic has gone from you, so my mother and Ayanna will not know." he said as we walked slowly.

"You said I looked like Tatia, right?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, the resemblance is uncanny." he answered.

"We could say that I am her cousin, that my parents died and I came to seek a new life." I said, wishing the last part were true.

"That could work, Miss Elena." he said smiling down at me.

"Please, call me Elena." I said back to him. We walked for a while, just talking until we came to what I would call a small hut. He opened the door for me and I walked in. "Where are we?" I asked.

"This is my home. I built it. You may stay here if you like." he said. He built this home?

"You built this?" I asked in amazement.
"Yes, each of my brothers and I had to build our own homes after our 18th winter. My little sister still lives with our parents until she weds. My father is getting rather impatient with us children as only one of us are married. My older brother Finn just wed last spring. Around here most are married around 16-18 winters. I am now 20 winters old and my brothers are 6 and 7 more. Of course father is not as cross with them as he enjoys watching the competition between the two over Tatia." he said. I had done research on this time period and I remembered only a few things. But I did remember about getting married young, because the mortality rate was a much lower number.

"So why aren't you married yet?" I didn't mean to sound rude, it was only an honest question.

"I have eluded an arranged marriage until now, but my father will not allow it any longer. He has told me that if I do not choose by the end of summer, he will arrange it. but enough of me, what of you? Where are you from?" I looked at him with a sad smile, no one should have their life arranged for them.

"I am from Mystic Falls, only a thousand years into the future. I don't really want to say much about the future, I'm afraid of changing it, but I will say that I am 19 winters old." I said, thinking of all the movies I saw about time travel and changing the future.

"I understand. Most women of our time have had children by your age. Do not be offended if someone says something to you about it. Now let us go to the village. I will introduce you to my family. Pay no attention to my older brothers, they will notice the resemblance and undoubtably be intrigued." he said, smiling as he took my arm.

I smiled back at him, noticing his chiseled features for the first time. I hadn't really paid much attention to him in the future, other than killing him. I knew now that we shouldn't have killed him, we should have headed his warning about Silas. He was ruining the lives of everyone in mystic falls and had brought back hell on earth. Just as kol said. That same hell included kol himself coming back for revenge. He was so different in this time. He was kind, a gentleman. I was almost looking forward to my time here with him, even if I was terrified of klaus. Somehow I knew I would be safe.

As we walked into town, I heard people whispering something about Tatia. I knew they were talking about me, but Kol had warned me about it. We walked into a much larger hut and the first thing I saw was Esther. I had to fight the urge to kill her then and there, because I knew she was a vital part of the future. I politely curtsied and she did the same.

"Mother, may I introduce Miss Elena, a cousin of Tatia. Her parents died and she came here on her own to start a new life." He told Esther and she looked at me and smiled.

"I'm sorry for your loss, dear. You are welcomed here at any time. Have you found a place to stay?" She asked, holding onto my shoulder.

"I am letting her stay in my home, mother. Now before you worry, I have two beds, for when Henrik likes to stay with me." Kol said quickly.

"Your son is very kind." I said smiling up at Kol.

"He is a good boy, a hard worker." She said, smiling at the two of us. "Have you two eaten yet? Your father should be in at any moment and Rebekah is in the back. We will eat soon and you are welcome to stay." Esther said. It wasn't until then that I realized how hungry I actually was. This time for only human food. Being passed out for 3 days could definitely make one hungry.

"Elena, would you like to stay?" Kol asked me quietly.

"Yes, I would love to." I said back to Esther. I didn't know how long I was going to be here, so I figured I might as well be nice, especially since they didn't know me yet.

"Perfect. Kol, why don't you go in the back and call for Rebekah, Elena, would you like to help me?" Esther asked. I looked at Kol worriedly and he nodded slightly, letting me know it was okay.

"Yes, of course." I said as I walked into the kitchen area with Esther and watched Kol walk outside.

"So, Elena, you are cousins with Tatia?" She asked as she handed me plates to set the table.

"Yes, but I have never met her." I said honestly. Technically she was family.

"You could pass as twins. Two of my sons, Niklaus and Elijah, fight over Tatia. Beware of their intentions. From what I have seen you are not anything like her. Now, Kol is a good boy. If you are looking to start a new life here, he will be nothing but good to you. I can assure you." She was trying to set me up with Kol! I thought about what kol had said about age and decided that I needed to reply.

"I have only just met him, but he has already been such a gentleman." I said, trying to avoid that conversation. I set the table as she finished the food and watched as Kol came back in, which made me feel a sigh of relief. Rebekah followed him in, wearing a long dress and her hair braided. It killed me to know that I had to be nice to the girl who killed me, making me turn into a vampire. But somehow, I knew it would be okay. If Kol was this different to me, then I wondered if the rest would be the same.

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