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Bonnie and I had gone down to the caves underneath the high school, in the center of the expression triangle.

"This is where I died, which means my magic left a mark on this place. It's also the center of the expression triangle, if I can channel enough magic from the triangle, I should be able to push you through the veil. I did the same to Jeremy, when I was already dead. And your lucky, tonight's the full moon." Bonnie said.

"I can feel the magic of this place." I said, feeling the eery presence of the others who were killed in the sacrifices. Even though I was dead, it still felt strange. "Are you not going to try to get through as well?" I asked.

"No, it would be too dangerous, too much expression. Something could happen to someone else, and if it did work, there's a chance that I wouldn't be able to close the veil. You need to be there to help Elena. Jeremy can still see me so I will be there." Bonnie said sadly. I felt bad, but she had a point, it was too risky.

"Where is the Grimoire?" I asked quickly, hoping it was not in a house that I couldn't get in.

"It's in my house. I guess you can get in now because I'm dead. It is in my desk, bottom drawer, the key is in my nightstand." Bonnie replied. I committed the words to my memory.

"How long before the full moon?" I wondered aloud.

"A couple hours." She replied.


Life continued on, day to day as normal. Kol and I were married, and I was beyond happy. I never wanted to leave this place, this time. I had no worries, less the werewolves on the full moon, and getting sick. We had been married for over five months, and it had been the best time of my life. I did miss everyone, and I wondered silently if their time had passed as mine did.

I got out of bed, another early morning. I hadn't been sleeping well while Kol was away hunting. He had been gone for 3 days now and should be home soon. I walked into the kitchen to make some tea and almost jumped out of my skin. Kol was home! I ran and hugged him.

"When did you get home?" I asked, excited.

"About an hour ago. I didn't want to wake you." He replied, handing me a cup of tea.

"I was already awake. I haven't been able to sleep well with you gone." I said truthfully. I drank my tea, hoping it would settle my stomach a little. I really worried about getting sick, because there wasn't all the medicine yet and people died really easily during these times, even from a cold. It was already december by my accounts and it had been snowing.

"Are you okay, darling?" He asked, sensing that something was wrong.

"I'm fine, I was just worried about you." I said, trying to pass it off. I started to feel much better as I drank my tea anyways.

He leaned down and kissed me passionately, picking me up to carry me to our room.

"I've missed you, my love." He whispered into my ear as he unbuttoned the shirt I had worn to bed, which happened to be his.

"I've missed you as well." I replied. We made love several times before deciding to get up and get ready for the day.

"I have to go clean the hides we brought back, what are your plans for the day?" He asked as I buttoned his shirt for him.

"Rebekah asked me to go with her to the market today. Is there anything you need while I'm there?" I asked him as I put on my dress. He tied my laces as he did every day.

"No, darling. Have fun, I will see you before sunset. I love you." He replied as we walked through the door. I kissed him once more, and told him that I loved him as well before we split apart, heading separate directions. I felt like a housewife, which I technically was. This life seemed almost too good to be true.

"Elena!" I heard Rebekah yell for me as I walked towards her.

"Are you ready to go, Bekah?" I asked. She grabbed her basket and nodded towards me.

"Are you feeling better now that Kol is back?" She asked. I felt dizzy, but I shook it away.

"Yeah, he surprised me this morning. I hope they won't have to go away for a while. I am terrible at starting the fire and Kol can do it with a snap of his fingers." I joked, laughing.

"I knew it wasn't just my brothers good looks keeping you interested." She laughed as well. We walked to the market laughing and joking. Once we got there, she got the fabrics that she needed, and we looked around at everything else.

"Do you think you could help me make a new dress, mine is getting a little tight?" I asked Rebekah, seeing as she could make dresses a million times better than I could. Even being here for several months, sewing hadn't become my strong suit.

"Of course, I've been working on something for you anyways, I just need your measurements." I had been meaning to ask her for days now and I felt relieved that I had remembered.

We looked around for another hour, and my dizzy spells kept getting worse as we walked. I stopped to lean against a tree on our way back, my fur pelt feeling quite heavy.

"Elena, are you okay? You look pale as a ghost!" Rebekah asked worriedly, helping me to the snow covered ground. I noticed Henrik running up to us.

"Henrik, go get Kol, NOW!" Rebekah yelled at him, it was the last thing I heard before my vision went black.

"Look, she's waking!" I heard someone yell in a hushed tone. I blinked my eyes a few times, and noticed Kol, Rebekah, and Esther hovering over me.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice sounding hoarse. Kol held my hand.

"Someone poisoned our water supply while I was gone. Mother rid you of the poison. Luckily not very much was in your system and it didn't affect..." He trailed off.

Someone had poisoned our water supply? It could only be one person. Tatia. I thought back to what he was saying.

"It didn't affect what, Kol?" I asked, more curious than ever.

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