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Bonnie held in the tears she had wanted to shed all day. She was dead, and she was in the middle of closing the veil for good. She hoped there wouldn't be any consequences of her doing this, but it was expression, there were always consequences. She looked into Jeremy's eyes and watched as the light of life returned to his soul. He inhaled deeply and she stepped away, letting him catch his breath.

"What happened?" jeremy asked Bonnie.

"You're alive, Jer. It worked. I closed the veil and you are still alive." Bonnie told him with sadness mixed in her voice.

"I'm alive! Bonnie, how did you?" Bonnie touched his face and suddenly he realized he couldn't feel her hands. He reached up to hold them, but he felt nothing. "Bonnie? Bonnie what's going on?"

"I'm dead, Jer. I'm a ghost. But you can still see me. Please don't tell anyone that I'm dead. Tell them I went off with my mom for a while, please Jer?" Bonnie broke out into tears as he nodded and she turned away. "if you ever need me, just say my name."


I started to feel dizzy and was wondering where Jeremy was so that I could say goodbye to him before the veil closed. I walked outside and the world felt like it was spinning. Before i knew it, things went black and I was on the ground passed out.

It was a dreamless sleep that felt pretty short. When I woke up, I immediately noticed that I was only covered in a thick fur blanket of some sort. What had happened to me? I sat up, holding the blanket to my skin as I looked around. All I saw was that I was in the middle of a field surrounded by trees. Where was I? I heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind me and I turned around only to be shocked at who I saw. The person I helped my brother kill months ago. Kol Mikaelson.

"Glad to see you finally awoke, miss. I was starting to worry." The accent made him even more real. Was I hallucinating? "When I found you, your clothes had been torn to shreds, but I found no wounds. I trust my fur has kept you warm? I brought you some clothes." he sat the dress on the small log that was next to me.

"Thank you. How long was I asleep? And where am I?" I asked quietly, trying to be nice.

"We are in Mystic Falls and you have slept for 3 days. I must say, I was shocked miss. You look almost exactly like Miss Tatia, but I knew you were not because she was with my brothers when I found you. I could feel the magic around you." I heard Tatia and my heart almost stopped. I only then realized that there was no hunger, no bloodlust. I was human again. I looked at kol closely. He had a scrape across his arm that was not healed. He was human too. If he was still human and Tatia was around, I must have been sent back in time, a thousand years ago.
"What do you mean you could feel the magic around me?" I asked cautiously.

"Mother does not like me to tell people, but I am a witch. I know you are not from here, just by your torn clothing. Magic sent you here. I wish to help, if you would like." he responded. Kol was a witch?!

"I would appreciate the help very much. I don't know why I was sent here, or how." I said, standing up. He quickly turned around so that I could put the dress on. I was surprised by him acting this way. I put the dress on, but I couldn't lace it up correctly.
"May I ask your help with the laces?" I asked, turning around. I could hear his feet shuffling and I pulled my hair over my shoulders. I felt a shock as his hand touched my back as he picked up the laces. His hands were warm, nothing what I expected. He laced the dress up all the way and I turned around.

"How do I look?" I asked, twirling the skirt.

"Beautiful, miss. May I ask your name?" I blushed.

"My name is Elena. And you?" even though I knew his name, he hadn't met me yet.

"I am Kol Mikaelson. A pleasure to meet you." he said, bowing down to kiss my hand. I felt the warmth come to my cheeks again. "Would you like to accompany me back to the village? I have a place you can stay, if you would like?" he asked, holding out his arm for me to take. What the hell, I had nothing better to do.

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