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Esther woke us up in the morning to get ready. She had sewn my wedding dress by hand and I would finally get to see it.

"Elena, I have prepared a bath for you. I would suggest you get up while it's still warm. It's not everyday you get a warm bath, you know." Esther said, making me jump out of bed. I wasn't going to miss my opportunity to have a warm bath. That was one thing I really missed, hot running water. And showers. And hot tubs. And toothbrushes. I practically ran to the wash room, seeing the steaming water in the large wooden tub. I had my dress off quickly and was already in by the time Rebekah had knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said, listening to her on the other side of the door. She opened it and sat down on a chair next to the tub, behind my head.

"Mother has given me some herbs to use in your hair. May I?" She asked. I nodded and got my hair wet. She began to run her fingers through my hair, making it smell like vanilla and lavender. When she was done, I washed it out. I had decided that, no matter how much I wanted to soak up all the warm water, Rebekah deserved to have a warm bath as well. I got out.

"What are you doing?" She asked confused.

"I thought you might like a bath as well?" I said, seeing her face light up. "Better get in while it's still warm." I said, turning around for her to get undressed. When I heard her sigh in the water, I turned back around. I grabbed some of the herbs she had used on my hair and sat in the chair she had used, doing what she had done for me.

When she was done, the water had turned only Luke warm and I had given her a cloth to dry off with, much like the one I was still wearing. They weren't as good as towels, but they did the job.

"Thank you, Elena." Rebekah said as we walked out of the wash room to where Esther was waiting.

"Ah, Elena, how was your bath?" Esther asked as we walked into the room.

"It felt amazing. Thank you." I said honestly.

"Mother, Elena let me have a bath as well, while the water was still warm!" Rebekah said excitedly. I had never seen someone so ecstatic about taking a bath before.

"That was a very kind thing of you to do, Elena. Most women would not share such a luxury." Esther said.

"I'm not most women." I said happily.

"So my son tells me. He says you are learning the sword, and horseback riding?" Esther replied. She looked impressed to say the least.

"I am, I want myself to be prepared for anything." I smiled up at her.

"A very smart woman. Now come and get into your dress, we don't have very long. The ceremony will take place at the sun's peak. Rebekah, you will braid her hair." Esther said, bringing out my dress. It was a beautiful white dress, with embroidered designs around the edges. I stepped into the dress and Esther laced me up, while Rebekah began working on my hair. When they were finished, I wished I had a mirror to see what I looked like. I could see the end of my intricately braided hair, with small flowers in it.

"It's time." I heard Mikael say from the doorway. Apparently he was going to be the one walking me down the isle. I walked to meet him at the doorway and wrapped my arm around his, walking for about five minutes into the town center. It was decorated beautifully. Small white flowers covering the ground everywhere, a vine arch at the end of the isle. I saw Kol and immediately felt a weight lift from my shoulders. He looked very handsome, his longer hair had some braids in it and he was wearing white as well, neither of us wearing shoes.

Mikael and I began walking down the isle and I could feel myself smiling like a ninny. As we reached the end of the isle, Mikael passed my hand to Kol's.

"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear as we joined in front of the town priest, Esther standing off to one side and Rebekah standing behind me. I was getting married.

To my surprise, the vows hadn't changed very much in a thousand years, and before I knew it, I heard Kol saying "I do."

The priest repeated the same to me and it was my turn, I looked Kol in the eyes, smiling, and said, "I do."

Esther then walked up and took his place, taking both of our hands. She pulled out a small dagger. I was confused. She poked a small hole in my right palm as well as Kol's, then placed our hands together, joining the blood. She then began muttering something in Latin and we watched as our hands glowed brightly, then stopped. I looked at Kol, confused, seeing that he had the same reaction, and the priest came back.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." Kol didn't hesitate, leaning down to kiss me passionately in front of the entire town. I was married!

After the ceremony, we were left to ourselves.

"What did Esther do during the ceremony, Kol?" I asked as soon as we were out of earshot.

"She bound my magic to you. It makes a witch stronger. It also helps protect whomever is bound. I didn't know she was going to do that." Kol explained. I felt a sigh of relief.

"So it's not a bad thing?" I asked cautiously.

"No, darling, it's just the opposite. Now, Mrs. Elena Mikaelson, I believe it's time to take you home." He said, scooping me into his arms bridal style. I giggled into his chest and he kicked open our front door, carrying me across the thresh hold. He carried me into our room and laid me on our bed, hovering above me. He leaned down and kissed me passionately.

"I love you, Elena." He whispered to me as he untied my laces. My heart swelled and I let my dress fall to the floor as I turned around to kiss him. "I love you too, Kol." I said confidently. He smiled down at me and soon we were making love passionately. I could tell it was his first time, and that he was nervous, but even though it was his first, it was amazing.

We continued the rest of the day, and through the night, only taking breaks to eat and relieve ourselves.

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