Behind Closed Doors

By beynikaoutsold

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Beyoncé has the biggest crush on Onika Maraj, the "it" girl. Girls were supposedly jealous of her and guys at... More

Special I
Special II


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By beynikaoutsold

Beyonce Pov

I shuffled nervously in my seat as I watched my hopefully future farther in law devour the shrimp pasta the restaurant made for him.

I'm 26 now—and Im still nervous about big steps.

"Man up dumbass." Solanges words rung in my head.

"This is so good! Oh god my cholesterol is gonna suffer after this—don't tell Nika." He whispered and I laughed.

He was a humble guy, and pretty funny. When Onika told him we were dating he rolled his eyes and said "Finally." Him and I built a relationship and I was so happy to witness him mend his relationship with Onika. I knew they went through a lot together.

"I promise I won't. I actually brought you here for a reason Robert." I nervously played with the box under the table. I got her a ring. It was an engagement ring, and It sparkled with a heart on it.

"Go on." He said still stuffing his mouth. I sighed and got out the small box and watched his eyes widened and then partially choke.

"D-Damn. First date and your asking me this?" He joked and I watched him laugh as I rolled my eyes playfully. My nerves went down a little at his joke.

He wiped his mouth a little bit and eyed the ring. He then peeked back up at me. He had a faint smile on his lips.

"Beyoncé don't tell me you came here to ask for my approval on you marrying my daughter. I've been your guys #1 supporter since day one—besides Mama Tina. She even made T shirts for yall."

"I know I know It's just—you're a really good guy so I felt like—I just really wanted your official approval." I stated.  He nodded and smiled.

"Know what I like about you Beyonce?" He asked and I let him speak.

"You're respectful to her, you're sweet to her, and most importantly you did exactly what I asked you to all those years ago when she—when she-.." He never liked talking about Onikas passing out.

I could tell that shook him—when I first met him I thought he'd be a hardcore bussiness man but I realize now he was just in shock and probably in grief from seeing his daughter like that.

I know he blamed himself.

"When she was in the hospital. I asked you to take care of her. And what have you done since then?"

"Taken care of her." I said confidently. In a way she took care of me too—by just being her.

"Exactly. Plus you should know Onika isn't a material girl. She wouldn't care if you showed up with a ring or not to propose. And that one you got there is beautiful." He complimented.

"I know she's not it's just—I don't know." I sighed.

"Beyoncé—my daughter loves you. I know she does—no one makes her smile and giggle like you can. Just—my biggest fear was when she was a little girl is that she'd get married to someone that didn't treat her right—like she was unhappy in her marriage. I didn't want her to be a repeat of what happened to me." He stated.

I nodded listening. "But then you came along—you wouldn't treat my daughter unfairly. Because well—you're you. Nothing else to it. So stop worrying and marry her already." He said and I smiled.

"Thank you Robert." I said and I didn't want to get emotional and he did it for me by standing up and I hugged him immediately.

After that I drove to my mothers house. I sighed and waited at the red light thinking about well—everything.

After high school Onika and I had to go to separate colleges and then for higher education purposes we spent even more time apart than together.

I missed her dearly, but she called me whenever she could and I remember she even surprised visited me on Christmas. She cooked Christmas eve dinner with my mom that night.

I remember the knock at the door and then next thing I knew I was hugging her so tight. I cried like a baby when I knew she came for the holidays.

Christmas rolled back around and I knocked myself out of my reminding headspace and watched the snow fall as I pulled up to my moms house.

It was snowing in Houston, rare chance for me to do something big.

I got out of the car and opened the door with my key and sighed at how warm it was inside. I closed the door immediately and I looked up smiling when I heard laughing.

I walked in the kitchen and watched Robyn smack the back of Aubrey's neck.

"Nigga didn't Nicki say those cookies weren't for yo pale ass?" She asked and I watched him wipe off some cookie crumbs.

"I was hungry! Y'all don't feed a nigga in this house till dinner time. It's like thanksgiving—you starve till dinner." He said trying to defend himself.

I just laughed at the scene and looked over to my one and only.

She was smiling at me and I walked over as she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Where were you? We started baking without you. I wanted them to wait but you were taking so long." She asked softly gripping my sweater a little bit. I smiled down at her. She was still eo cute.

She had her own white Christmas sweater on I remember she got us matching ones that she plans on forcing me to wear tomorrow. Same with pajamas.

"Isn't a good thing she wasn't here? She would've found a way to set the damn house on fire." I heard from behind me and I peeked at my little sister.

"How after all these years you still manage to piss me off?" I asked and she shrugged. "It's a talent of mine." She responded.

I heard running and I looked passed the kitchen into the hallway that separates the dinning room and the kitchen.

I watched Kelly fall flat on her ass while Michelle started laughing and then falling as well.

"Fuck!" "Shit!"Kelly and Michelle cursed in sync.

I heard Onikas laugh behind me. "I told y'all to stop running around in socks!" She remarked and I watched Robyn and Aubrey snicker.

"Oh really? Thanks for the reminder Onigga!" Michelle said sarcastically and I watched Onika pick up a spatula and run out the kitchen—breaking her own no running in the house rule.

I sat up on the counter and Kelly walked into the kitchen rubbing her ass. "Your moms floor hurt my butt Bey." She groaned.

They were all gathered here—except Michelle Onika was busy beating her up with a spatula.

"Guys I have something to tell y'all." I said seriously and I heard Solange speak up. "You got her pregnant? Another mini fire hazard?" I rolled my eyes.

"No! Y'all need to stop making that joke because once again—there are no balls in these draws." I said pointing at my pants and they all snickered. I shook my head and slowly pulled out the box.

They all went silent and I sighed.

"I want to propose. I don't know when—but I want to while we're all here." I said and Kelly spoke up.

"Do it tonight!" She said enthusiastically and Robyn shook her head. "Do it on New years day! It's a wait sure but it's only 4 days and then you can claim your wifey. Sounds awesome." Robyn countered.

"Robyn has a point, New year's eve sounds good." Aubrey said. Kelly rolled her eyes and groaned.

"But that's too long! I want to see that happen now!" Kelly said.

"Nickis dad, Aunt nor her grandma are here yet. They're coming tomorrow and then after that it's Christmas eve. You should do it while all the people she specifically cares about are here." Solange stated.

She had a point.

I just had dinner with her dad I know he'd be here shortly. We're all staying till the New Years. And then leaving that afternoon.

"Gonna be honest I'm kinda scared to meet her Aunt." I said truthfully.

I met her grandma, she's a sweetheart who loves me. Her aunt? Seems absolutely terrifying.

"Well her dad is picking up both of them tomorrow morning at the airport. So Beyonce  should atleast do it while they're both here." Robyn stated and I watched Kelly whine.

"Fine that sounds good I just want to see it happen asoon as possible!" Kelly's terrible at holding a secret why did I reveal this now?

"Just don't blow it for me—I'm only letting y'all know because I'm too nervous to keep it a secret right now." I sighed.

This took a lot, first I had to get Onikas ring size and without causing suspicion. So I sized her myself while she was sleeping at her work desk at the hospital. She was passed out.

Onika was able to graduate College early because of all the work she did in highschool gathering so many credits. After that she went to medical school—I've wanted to marry her since highschool ended but I couldn't rush things.

I had to know if I was really ready for that and after deciding I was within a span of about 5 seconds I needed to do it after she stopped being busy.

She works in the children ward at a hospital now and things have calmed down. We moved in together and got our own house back here in Houston. She said she was homesick after studying at Stanford in Californa.

I went to Princeton instead and I missed Houston aswell.

My thoughts were interrupted by my own mother.

"Beyoncé get your fat ass off my counter top, and why are you all gathered here?" She asked and I gulped a bit.

"We were just talking Beyoncé and her pro—" Solange put her hand over Kelly's mouth to stop her talking.

"Beyoncé and what?" She asked and I gave myself away when I realized I still had the box in my hand.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Finally!" She sped past my friends and looked at the ring. "This is so beautiful—I can't believe this—aww you're gonna marry Nika." She swooned and I groaned.

"I didn't want you knowing this early." My mom was too invested in her little rant about my future to even hear what I said.

"Who cares? We're excited! Oh-I better be a brides maid even if I'm not a woman." Aubrey said.

"That's called a best man dumbass." Kelly stated.

"You guys are all so excited for me but—what if she doesn't even say yes?" I interrupted and they all looked at me. Solange was the first one to slap my neck.

"Ow! What if with y'all and slapping me?" I asked rubbing my neck.

"You—are a fool. A fool in love. But a fool. Onika loves your dumbass! You know she was legitimately asking us to wait to start baking? But we wanted some cookies now." Solange said.

"Yeah and she loves you in general. I know you remember when she made the flight here to surprise you for Christmas a few years ago. She had to make up a lot of work because of that trip but she said it was worth it for you." My mom pointed out.

"And she didn't even tell you about the work she missed because she knew you'd blame yourself and then wouldn't have a good time." Kelly finished and I sighed.

They gave pretty good points.

"I just love her so much and I don't want this to—" I was cut off yet again.

"Onigga just beat my ass with a spatula and none of y'all came to help me?" Michelle asked and Onika followed behind. I immediately shoved the box in my coat pocket.

"Stop calling me Onigga—you keep doing that you're not eating any of the food I'm helping cook for Christmas." Onika challanged and Michelle immediately backed down.

"Ight now chill. I want my baked mac n' cheese." Michelle said and then she looked up at us.

"Why y'all sitting here like some cult?"Michelle joked and Onika nodded rubbing her chin. "Michelle did we miss the hazing for this cult?" Onika asked and Michelle nodded. I loved their friendship.

"We were talking about Christmas plans! Your dad picking up your family tomorrow and how great Christmas is going to be!" My mother said clasping her hands together. Never seen the woman be this good at code switching.

"Oh right so y'all weren't talking how you're sacrifice us to the baby jesus's in your living room?" Michele asked and my mother shook her head leaving the room and everyone started leaving.

Onika walked in and slid over to me.

"Hi." She whispered and kissed my nose and gave me a hug. Her warmth made my nerves ease.

"Hi honey." I said into her hair. I slipped my hand into her pants back pocket. "Hah. Perv." She said I threw my head back laughing.

"Are you really okay though? You looked a little nervous earlier. You're not actually a secret cult leader right?" She joked smiling up at me.

"Yes I am actually it's my greatest sin-besides being a coochie lover." I joked back and she slapped my arm.

"I'm okay though. For real don't worry. Do you wanna clock in? It's a little late and I know you want to have a lot of time with your Aunt and grandma tomorrow." I said and she nodded.

I took her hand and mouthed a goodnight to my parents as we passed the living room. My parents only reason for not downgrading their house after Solange and I moved out was for holidays like this.

I led her to my old bedroom, dad wanted to turn it into his "man cave" after I left but my mom wanted to keep it as a guest room.

She opened the door and after I closed it almost immediately I picked her up and pushed her against it.

"Jesus." She whispered in shock and I smiled when she wrapped her legs around my waist as she's done many times before.

"God I want you saying that all night." I whispered into her ear and I didn't know if it was my sweater or her making me this hot.

"Okay Sasha fierce.." She said leaning in. She called me that after our first time. Well after she was done being shy about it. She said the phrase that always got me going.

"Take me." She said and I practically threw her on my bed. She let out a laugh and I saw those dimples.

"You're feisty—what's got you so worked up?"She asked me as I settled my right hand lifting her sweater up a bit to feel her exposed skin.

"Me? Oh nothing I'm just—really passionate about fucking my girlfriend senseless in my childhood home." I said sarcastically smiling down at her.

She leaned up and kissed me and I slide both of my hands under her sweater. She lifted her arms up to make it easier for me to take it off. I threw it across the room—and I did the same when I sat up and took my own jacket and sweater off.

She settled her hands on my stomach and I looked down at her flushed face.

"Should we do this here? What if they hear us?" She asked and I smiled at her nervousness. Still gets shy with this sometimes.

"I don't have an issue with noises." I said plainly starting to unbutton her jeans and pulled them down.

I planted my hand on her inner thigh and I could already see her biting her lip. "I think you're the one who has an issue with being quiet."I teased and she scoffed.

"I do not." She whispered and I genuinely laughed at that. I leaned up and unhooked her bra she had the hook in the front this time. "You do too." I said kissing her nose this time.

"If you're so against it lets try this—if you cry out at all—I win." I said and she shook her head. " Bets really? What are we teenagers?" I just stared down at her smirking.

"Fine." She admitted and I smiled in victory.

Onikas Pov

I bit the pillow. I didn't want to loose this bet for my own embarrassment but she had me bent over, ass in the air, trying not to cry out.

"B-Bey—slow down." I tried pleading and I could hear the sound of her fingers and my wetness colliding.

"You're only saying this so you don't loose." She was right but she just kept going. She stopped for a second and I turned over.

I felt myself get even wetter if that was possible from her heavy breathing and her hazel eyes looking into mine.

I spread my legs and she smiled. Her fingers glazed my pussy and I saw her bite her lip. She let out a little giggle and I turned my head so her eyes wouldn't meet mine. "It's so cute when you get swollen like this I'm sorry." She said.

She lifted one of my legs up and placed it over her shoulder and I knew what she was going to do. She put her pussy and mine together and I arched my back off the bed immediately.

She kept going rubbing our clits together and I bit the back of my hand. I got one of our pillows and placed on my face just so I wouldn't moan out.

I heard her laugh as she sped up—follows by her grunts. "Don't do that—I wanna see your face baby." I removed the pillow slowly and I knew my face was flushed.

She slowed down as she stared into my eyes and then sped up. She always loved eye contact. "I love you." She said and It didn't take long for my muscles to contract and my leg that was over her shoulder began to shake. I heard her low curses—she had came too.

She leaned in and I stuffed my face in her shoulder as I felt my fluids rush out. I let out a raspy moan. I lost the bet but I didn't care—she was kissing my neck all over and softly rubbing me. "I love you too." I said tiredly and I felt her shoulders shake from laughing.

"You lost." She said in my ear and I pushed her back. "You tried harder than usual." I countered and she threw her head back before stepping back.

She allowed me to finally close my legs and I let out another soft moan from the friction. She settled next to me, breathing heavily.

I hugged her, snuggling into her neck and she smiled wrapping her arm around my now bare waist.

"Sweet dreams." She said and I let out a little laugh before really starting to drift off.

Beyonces Pov

I laid on my back as she snuggled into my neck and eventually drifted off to sleep.

Sometimes it still felt like a dream—I had her. After all the heart break and crying and sticking together.

She was mine and I was hers—but I wanted to actually tie the knot and that's what I'm scared of. I know she loves me—but it's hard not to be nervous.

I felt better already though—she was my own personal stress reliever in a way. I looked down at her—she was going to be my wife.


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