Y/n Flowers Vs Reality (A Sco...

By StardustMaster

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What do I need to say? No really, if you know the series than you'll understand that craziness that'll happen... More

Volume 1: Y/n Flowers' Family Reunion
Volume 2: Y/n Flowers Vs Acceptance
Volume 3: Y/n Flowers' Dramatic Entry
Book 5: Y/n Flowers Vs The Future and The Past
Book 6: Y/n Flowers Vs Reality
Fun Facts
Y/n Flowers Gets Rebooted!

Volume 4: Y/n Flowers' Best Summer Yet!

4.7K 108 29
By StardustMaster

"So, how are your parents, Kim?"

Senior year, currently 2:00 am. It seems our hero is at Kim's house. And the moody teenager opened her front door, "that's not what I want to hear right now."

"Okay, how about this? Are you comfortable sleeping in the sink?" Y/n asked as the sound of sirens got closer.

"Are you...running from the police?" Kim asked Y/n as he started to sweat.

"Okay, so if I say yes, will you let me in?" Y/n asked as Kim tried to close the door, Y/n put his foot in the doorway. "Wait! Hear me out!"

"No need!" Kim shouts.

"How long have you known me?! What do I need to do to stay here?" Y/n shouted as Kim's mother walked down the stairs and looked at him.

"Kim! What are you doing?! Let him in!" she said as she opened the door.

"M-Mom!" Kim shouted in disbelief.

"Thank-!" Y/n said as Kim's mother looked at him.

"You'll be taking by daughter to prom right?" she asked as Y/n and Kim both blushed.

"Wha-?" Kim was about to refuse, but she couldn't say anything. Deep down, perhaps she wanted this.

"..." Y/n didn't say anything, "only if Kim wants me to."

"Well?" Mother looked at Kim, who gave a blank stare.

"Sure..." Kim said as she quickly turned around to hide her blush, "alright, come on loser, let me show you your room."

"Thanks again!" Y/n said as the scene cuts to the prom. The music was bouncing, the people were as well on the dance floor. But Kim, she wasn't feeling it. Y/n seemed sad, "well, not the best party."

"Yeah." Kim agreed.

"Sorry that you got stuck with me." Y/n said as Kim looked at him.

"No, you're not the issue. More like..." Kim says as Y/n raised an eyebrow. "I've never gone to any of these events before."

"Ah, I see. Well, you just do whatever you want. As long as it's not entirely illegal." Y/n laughed as Kim smirked.

"Well, drinks for starters." Kim said as Y/n held his own. "Oh, then I'll get some."

"I'll be here, can't really see myself leaving without you anyway." Y/n teases as Kim went to get a drink.

A girl walked over to her, "Kim Pine!? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Jessica." Kim rolled her eyes, "as you can see, I'm here."

"Don't tell me, Scott came back?" Jessica asked as Kim shook her head.

"No. Thank god no, came with Y/n." Kim said as Jessica smiled.

"Yeah, the two of you were made for each other. Kinda surprised nothing happened between you two before. Seeing as you both liked each other." Jessica said as she got her own drinks, "well, have fun!"

"He liked me...?" Kim held her drink and downed it like a shot. She refilled and walked back over to Y/n, to see him in the middle of a conversation.

"Why Kim?" one of the dudes asked.

Y/n was annoyed. "Listen, I'm not in the mood for this kind of discussion."

"I mean, but she's dated Simon, that guy Scott, and now she's trying to rope you into it." The other guy said as Kim got mad.

"Why don't you both go to the girls you hang out with?" Y/n suggested as the rich boy looked at him.

"You wanna know why people dont like sluts, but players get love?" He asked as he poked Y/n in the chest. "because a lock that has been opened by many keys is a shitty lock, but a key that unlocks any lock is a master key. So which one would you pick?"

Y/n punched the man square in the face, "I'd choose the lock that's the most important. Cause I love that moody jerk."

At that moment, that was it. Kim's heart skipped many beats. Kim couldn't hide her true feelings for Y/n anymore. As if time stood still, Kim remembered all the moments leading up to this.  The rich guy got up. "That doesn't even make any sense."

"It doesn't gotta make sense, only to me it does." Y/n smiled as the rich held his nose.

"Whatever, have fun with your slut anyway!" the rich man shouted as Y/n threw a disco ball at his head, which got trapped around him.

"What a dick." Y/n said as Kim looked at him.

"He probably doesn't have one." Kim said as she pulled him. "Come on, forget him. Let's have fun!"

"Whoa, where'd this energetic Kim come from? Wrong universe, superstar?" Y/n asked as Kim laughed...brightly.

"Maybe I'm just happy." Kim was breaking character?!

The songs changed as the two started to let loose and have fun. Kim talked to her friends; Y/n breakdanced; there was a drinking competition, it was great. Soon Kim looked at Y/n, "let's get outta here. It's getting late."

"Alrighty, boss!" Y/n waved to the people and skipped down the stairs. "Think you can do it party girl?"

Kim skipped down the stairs faster than Y/n, "keep up with me."

"Ahaha!" Y/n and Kim walked out to the house, through the forest. "Well, I guess these days are almost up. Graduation is only a few months away."

"Spending them with the person I love should make those months a bit less worse." Kim said as Y/n agreed.

"I agree...pardon me?" Y/n asked as Kim turned around with a smile.

"Did you not get it? I know you love me, and I love you." Kim said as Y/n rarely blushed massively, but this was one of those occasions.

"Uh...so where do we go from here then..." Y/n asked as Kim grabbed his scarf.

"You're mine now, and I'm gonna prove it to the world." Kim smiled lovingly.
A ball hit Y/n in the face. "Gah-! What the..."

The scene reveals the current time. The summer of 2005, two months after Scott defeated Todd Ingram, as the characters have a get-together on the beach for Julie Powers' birthday. Y/n looked at the Text. "Thanks for the recap!"

No problem.

"No shenanigans at my party, bitches!" Julie shouted.

Kim looked cute with her yellow bathing suit, "how is it your party? I thought it was Stephen Stills' Birthday."

"Mine was last Tuesday and Julie's is next Tuesday, so hers is technically active." Stephen said as he picked up the ball.

"Yeah, and my aunt is letting us use her house in the beaches, Kim." Julie told her.

"Whoop-de-do." Kim folds her arms.

"Are you well? Do you have brain damage?" Ramona asked Scott.

"More than usual?" Y/n shouted offscreen.

"Did anyone see what hit me?" Scott asked.

"Wow. No, it must have been huge." Ramona said sarcastically, she then noticed Neil alone. "Hey, Neil, why aren't you hanging out with Knives?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Neil said.

"Where is she?" Ramona asked.

"Over there." Neil pointed to Knives (who is still 17).

"What are we gonna have for dinner?" Stephen asked Julie, as they all leave the beach.

"I demand Licks Burger!" Scott shouts with a smile.

"Uh, excuse me? Who's birthday is it, jerk?" Julie asked.

Scott holds his hand, "damn it! what do you want to eat?"

"...Licks burger." Julie says.

"So stubborn for no reason." Y/n tells her.

"Im pretty happy right now." Scott says.

"Course you are." Y/n tells him, time passes once more. After the gang eat, they head back to the beach for a campfire.

"This is so excruciating, im so sick of all your hating!" the band sing as Knives cheers.

"You know, that song really pisses me off." Julie looks at Stephen.

"Yeah? I played it just for you. Happy birthday, baby." Stephen admitted.

"The song is about me, people! He thinks I'm a total bitch and a half!" Julie shouts as Kim gives a fake gasp.

"What a surprise." Y/n gave a unamused look as well.

"You mean she doesn't know?" Ramona whispers to Scott.

"But it's such a good song! You're missing the tenderness." Knives defended them. "The narrator is sad and hurt, see? But the girl thinks it all about her! Don't you get it? It's brilliant!!"

"Uh-huh, should we be letting her drink beer?" Julie asked as Knives blushed.

"Okay, uh, let's play another one." Stephen says.

At Julie's aunt's house. Y/n and Kim are seen on the roof. "Glad I kept you away from the beer. Who knows what kinda stuff you would've done, Kim."

"You mean how Knives his kissing a Envy Pillow?" Kim asked as Y/n has the video on his phone.

"Yep! Hehehe! Hopefully she gets better with age." Y/n says as he shrugs. And just like that, it's August.

"Okay, as you know, Jason is moving in with Holle and Joseph today. If your here; you volunteered to help out, so let's do it!" Kim appeared on the sidewalk with a new haircut.

"Right, right." Y/n also seemed to be different. He had white eyes and white hair now.

"Who the hell is that guy?" Scott asked about the unfamiliar face.

"It's Jason. You've met him..." Kim said.

"We've gone through this four times already." Y/n sighed.

"Hey man, Jason Kim. I, uh...I own the car." Jason shook Scott's hand.

"Jason Kim?!" Scott made the stupid joke.

"Right, Ahaha, you're so funny dumbass. Let's hurry up now." Y/n said as he carried some boxes with his mind. And placed some on Scott's pile. "Think you can handle this?"

"Y-Yeah, no problem... did you learn new tricks?" Scott asked.

"I simply have been so chill, my powers have started to seep into my normal body." Y/n didn't see the response. "Sigh, yes."

"Cool, cool." Scott said they walked to the door.

"Right hand door on the landing!" Kim shouted.

"Thanks, honey!" Y/n shouts as Y/n, Stephen, and Scott walk in.

"Hey, Hollie, what are you doing here?" Scott asked a stupid question.

"Uh...making iced tea. I live here." Hollie explains.

"So you got yourself a new toy, when you gonna throw Jason away?" Y/n asked.

"Oh, you're dating the car guy?" Scott understood.

"That makes a lot more sense." Stephen agrees.

"We're so glad you approve." Hollie tells them.

Stephen walked up the stairs, but doesn't see Y/n and Scott anymore. "Which room is Jason's...Y/n? Scott? Hey..."

Stephen walks into to Joseph's room on accident and sees the music equipment. "Are...are you recording music? You have a home studio?! Oh my god."

"Do you want something? Can I help you?" Joseph asked him.

"Joseph!!! Can you record our album? Sex bob-omb need to record an album! We need to take it to the next level! You saw us play in volume 3, right? We aren't all that sucky, right???" Stephen shouts.

"Okay, I'll do it. But only because I find you attractive." Joseph stated.

"I can live with that!!!" Stephen says as Y/n and Kim are seen in their house, as Y/n collapse on the bed.

"Uhhhhhghhh! It's finally over!" Y/n says as he rolls around.

"You're just like a kid sometimes," Kim says as he looks at his notes on the desk. "What's that one..."

"Hm?" Y/n wondered why she was on about.

"Your new one." Kim asked and Y/n gtl under the covers.

"Probably go with something based off my life." Y/n says.

"Should go well, your life is interesting, unlike mine." Y/n was about to say something but Kim glared at him. "Shut up."

"You should treat me nicer."
The phone rings as Y/n groans. He is seen naked as Kim is as well. Y/n slowly opens his eyes and sits up, he picks up the phone, "hello....?"

"Hey, Y/n! It's me." a voice said.

"Kim's mother, how are you...?" Y/n said tiredly.

"What? What do you want, ya old coots?" Kim asked annoyed that Y/n wasn't asleep.

"Only I can say that to your mother, Kimmy." her father spoke out.

"We just wanted to check in with ya."  Y/n gets out of bed and gets ready for the day, he talks to them on the phone. "We've been reading your books."

"Oh you have?" Y/n asked he brushes his teeth.

"Yeah, it seems like you're doing well! All the odd jobs!" father said as Y/n is seen still on the phone.

"Get off the phone!" one of the staff shouted.

"I sign your paycheck, bud. Quiet." Y/n told them.

"And speaking of odd jobs, a man came over wanting information. He was very...threatening...?" Mother explained.

"What?! Holy-! Are you guys okay?! Do you need me to come over there!?" Y/n got worried.

"Kim would never be this panicked..." Kim's father mumbled to himself. "We're fine, the guy just wanted your information. So sorry bout that."

"No problem, luckily you both took me in without known too much about me." Y/n smiled and gave a drink to someone.

"Heh, well. If I ever meet your father, I'll give him the old one two." Kim's mother said.

"If he's gonna be family."


"So when are you and Kim getting married!?" Kim's mother asked.

"BLLKRFH!?" Y/n was confused and immediately downed two bottles of wine.

"Y/n, you okay?" Father asked.

"I-I'm not sure marriage is what Kim would want." Y/n tried to reason.

"I may not know a lot of things about Kim, but I know my daughter." That doesn't make any sense. "She's been dreaming about marriage, just needs to find the right one. I think that's you."

"I..." Y/n was confused.

"All the years you've two been together and it never crossed your mind?" Kim's mother asked as Y/n hung up.

"Shit! Shit! Marriage!? Marriage!? That's full of pain, and jobs, and less freedom! I don't wanna be chained down, do I?! Think think, this is Kim, I can't even imagine what it would look like. Dating leads to marriage, marriage leads to Kids and Shit!" y/n stopped freaking out when he got a message from Kim to meet at Sneaky Dee's. "Huh?"

"Y/n, over here!" Hollie said as Y/n started to walk up. "You're actually late for once. Surprised to say the least."

"Not late if it was out of the blue. What's the special occasion?" Y/n smirked.

"Me!" Lisa Miller appeared next to Kim. "Hey, Y/n, it's been a while!"

Y/n was silent for a while before raising an eyebrow, "uh...hey..."

"What's that's all?" Lisa asked as Y/n held his head.

"Uh, no. God, sorry, I drank two bottles of pure wine before coming here. What are ya doing here?" Y/n seemed very awkward around Lisa, not a thing anyone was really used to seeing on Y/n.

"Headed to the states, gonna be a star." Kim tells him.

"Oh, the states Eh?" Y/n smirked and tried to go with the flow. "I heard if you make it there, you can make it anywhere."

"Do you believe that though?" Lisa asked.

"Not a dime." Y/n says as Ramona soon walks up.

"Hey." Ramona said as Lisa looked at her and Y/n.

"Hey! You must be Ramona, right! I'm Lisa!" Lisa introduced herself.

"Hey, Lisa. Are you a friend of Julie's?" Ramona asked as she sat next to Scott.

"Who's Julie?" Lisa asked.

"Me." Julie was annoyed as usual.

"Oh!...no." Lisa told her.

"Lisa went to high school with us." Kim explained.

"With you, Y/n, and Scott?" Ramona frowned.

"Yeah, she's visiting." Scott added.

"She was also the town slut!" Kim smirked.

"Really." Ramona seemed to get more serious.

"I just played one on TV." Lisa was embarrassed.

"Oh, you're an actor?" Ramona chilled out.

"Yeah, but just okay some crappy Canadian TV show that nobody watched." Lisa admitted.

"Psssh, modesty. She's moving yo the states, and she gonna be a star!" Kim ruffled her hair.

"Wow, the states? I've heard if you make it there, you can make it anywhere." Ramona said as Lisa giggled, "what is it?"

"Y/n said the same thing. I heard you two were twins but I didn't believe it." Lisa said as Ramona raised an eyebrow.

"He never mentioned me?" Ramona asked.

"No, he actually did a lot. At least to me and Kim. He would go on about the nice thing-!" Lisa said before Y/n closed her mouth his powers.

"Let's not add anything unnecessary." Y/n said as he took a bite of a burger.

Afterwards, Lisa looked at Y/n. "Hey."

Y/n looked at her, "hey."

Y/n lit a cigarette. Lisa smiled, "takes me back a bit, huh?"

"Yep, I guess it would for you." Y/n says,
Kinda distant.

"I know we didn't leave off with hard feelings but..." Lisa said as Y/n sighed.

"Lisa, I got no beef with you. Just, everyone handles their own things different ways. We don't gotta talk about anything if we don't want to," Y/n smiled and ate his candy cigarette. "Or we can talk about everything since your stealing my girlfriend for a week or however long you guys are planning."

"Heheh, still got that innocent charm to ya." Lisa says as Y/n starts to walk away.

"Heh, now you're wrong about me there. I'm far from innocent now." Y/n says as he walks away.
The phone rings as Y/n groans. He is seen naked as Kim is as well. Y/n slowly opens his eyes and sits up, he picks up the phone, "hello....?"

"Hey, Y/n! It's me." a voice said.

"I'm starting to notice a pattern " Y/n said thought. "What do you want, Scott? It's my day off."

Y/n walks to the bathroom, I'm order to not wake up Kim. "Does your bartender job have any openings?"

"No, we just got the last guy a couple weeks ago." Y/n admitted as he brushed his teeth.

"What about writing? A book can't be that hard to write!" Scott asked.

"You definitely wouldn't get in with that attitude." Y/n finished slowly. "Now what's this about?"

"Uh, nothing! Don't worry about it!" Scott hangs up.

Y/n looks at the phone, "Scott Pilgrim is looking for a job...it's the end of the world."

Y/n swears he sees himself glow in the bathroom and decides to do something. Kim gets up and sees Y/n looking serious, "hey, what's the problem?"

"I'm gonna dive into myself." Y/n says and before Kim could raise an eyebrow. "No, I do not mean that sexually."

"I figured, actually what level is this?" Kim asked.

"Uh...only like the Steven Universe kind." Y/n said as he gave her something. "Here, take the Star necklace, if you need me for an emergency, I'll arrive."

"Alright, we'll, I gotta get ready for work. If I don't answer, you know where to find me." Kim said as Y/n closes his eyes. He controls his breathing and senses until he doesn't hear anything. He pulls the handle and walks into the subspace portal.

He soon sees a black void. "Just like when I was first born. Now, if I was a glow, where would I...?"

"There." Y/n looked down to see a glowing ball at his feet. Y/n picked it up and shakes it, "what does this do anyway? Just annoy me to death? Well, doesn't matter now."

Y/n threw it to the side as a cage surrounded it, "that should contain it, for now at least. Let's head out."

Y/n's surroundings are seen as he appears back in the bathroom. "Why am I in the tub now?"

Y/n stepped out to see a towel on his face, he removed it as he walked out to see Kim...was nowhere to be found. He looked at the time, "4 hours!? Damn, better give Kim a call."

"You're on your way here? Alright, it'd be a nice change." Kim was on phone at her job and turned to see Scott, "what? What do you want?"

"Uh...I was thinking I'd ask about getting a job here. Then I realized how stupid that would be." Scott admitted.

"Why's that? You're unprepared? You don't have a resume? You owe us a ton of late fees? Bravo, Scott. Maturity! I'll see you when you get here, Y/n." Kim hung up the phone. "Anyway, it just happens that I have some information for you. The place where Stephen Stills works is hiring, and you may have an In. C'mon, I'll walk you over. This place is dead anyway."

"So you think I could get a job at the...uh...bank?" Scott asked.

"He works in a restaurant, Scott, but nice try." Kim stated.

"Yeah, we actually do have a dishwashing position open. You do that, I could teach you prep on the side. You could work your way up." Stephen explained.

"So it's more or less a video game, you're saying? Kind of a Job System." Scott summed it up.

"Well, see you guys later." Stephen started to walk away.

Kim slapped Scott upside the head, "come on, Scott! You can do this, you know. You're not as clueless an idiot as you seem!"

"I'm...I'm not?" Scott was confused.

"Scott!" Stephen shouted, "are you going to work? Do you have what it takes to be a serious dishwasher? Maybe the best dishwasher? Maybe the best dishwasher there ever was?"

Scott thought about it, "I can't do it! I can do anything!! Just give me a change!"

"Hey, Dominique? Can my friend have that job?" Stephen asked his boss.

"Whatever." She said.

"Tell him to come in tomorrow morning at eleven." the girl said.

"Yes!" Scott shouted as He gains 500 experience points.

"That seemed...easy." Kim said.

"You think so?" Stephen asked.

Kim looks at Scott as they walked back to her job, "Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it. I would punch your life in the face."

"I got a job!!!" Scott shouted as Kim looked over to the side.

"Hey...there's a guy over there with a samurai sword." She stated.

"Really?" Scott asked, "like a katana or a wakizashi or both?"

"Hang on, he moved. I think he's behind this streetcar..." Kim said before the man sliced in half. "Aren't you going to fight him?!"

"What?? He's got a sword!" Scott moved Kim behind him.

"Who is this guy?" Kim asked.

"I don't know! Maybe one of Ramona's ex-boyfriends?" Scott was confused as well.

"Isn't he kind of old?" Kim asked the boy.

"You think? Hey, if you had to guess, how old would you say Ramona is?" Scott asked casually.

"We're up against the wall, Scott, do something!!" Kim backed up more.

"Do you think she's over 25? I can never tell with girls." Scott asked, "better yet, how old is Y/n?"

"Scott, I'm sad that I'm about to die, but I'm not sad that you're about to die. I just want you to know that." Kim says before she remembered her necklace. "Oh shit! Y/n!"

Y/n is seen casually walking with an ice cream cone. "Hmm~?"

Y/n suddenly disappears and is thrown out of the necklace, Y/n raised an eyebrow, "uh...where am I?"

"Bad guy! Fight!" Kim shouts as Y/n looks at him.

"Oh, I know him!" Y/n speaks Chinese to him and Y/n basically wanted to know why the fight happened as the Father replied.

"What'd he say?" Scott asked.

"No comment." Y/n started to back up.

"What are you doing?!" Kim asked.

"He's an Asian parent! I can't fight against that!" Y/n shouts as Y/n looked the door behind them. He then tackles Kim and Scott through and exits through the other side with them. "Woo!"

"I..." Scott started to say but noticed Kim dragging Y/n away the ear.
"I don't know why this is happening..." Y/n said as Kim and Y/n both stared at each other as they sat in the living room floor.

"Subspace just saved my life." Kim stated a bit annoyed, "you're gonna teach me how to use it now."

"Sigh." Y/n rubbed the back of his head. "First, look out for doors with a tiny yellow star on them around the world. They lead to a subspace door and through the portal you can either get from one place to another or go through someone's head to get there."

Y/n gained a serious face, "Diving into other's heads is fine as long as you stay on path and find a way out. Diving into your own head is extremely dangerous, mental break downs, maybe even death will follow."

"Wait, didn't you do that today?" Kim caught Y/n.

Y/n started to sweat and looked to the side, "uh...no."

"You liar, if you could've died than I would've stopped you." Kim sighed as Y/n did as well.

"I just didn't want to make you worry." Y/n said as he started to sweat even more when he was surrounded by drinks at Sneaky' Dee's.

"Are we coming here every night now?" Ramona asked.

"Everyone hangs out here, Ramona. It's not unusual." Julie replied.

"It's not unusual, it's just typically crappy." Kim smirked as she drank.

"Oh, yeah, no. It's much worse than recoding every night." Julie said as Y/n looked at her.

"I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not..." Y/n said as Ramona looked at him.

"Uh...why does Y/n have so many drinks?" She asked as Lisa smirked.

"Oh, guess Y/n fucked up pretty bad." Lisa said as Ramona was confused, "whenever Y/n messed up big time, we'd make him drink as much as we want."

"How is he not dead? How are you not dead?" Ramona asked.

"My rage nullifies any damage I take along with giving me powers to change reality to an extent." Y/n says as he downs eight jugs of beer at once. "Why does the food here always suck, I thought I taught them better?"

"Don't be sad, it's like, Ambrosia." Lisa tried to cheer him up.

"Have you seen the grease oozing from that vent outside?" Kim asked.

"Yeah, so, it's been fun. But I'm gonna go hang out with my friends in the back." Julie walked away.

"Wow, guess it's official. Not friends with her." Y/n smirked.

"Not friends with a huge bitch? I can live with that." Ramona said as Lisa looked at the gang.

"Hey, you know what? I need a cigarette." Lisa said as Y/n looked at her.

"Please tell me you didn't pick that habit up from me?" Y/n asked.

"No, it's a play thing..." Lisa says, Ramona looked at her.

"I'll join you." Ramona bluntly says.

"I thought you quit!" Scott shouts.

"It's just special occasions. Or...uh...when I'm drinking." Ramona told Scott as she started to walk away with Lisa.

"NOOO!!!!" Scott said shouted. "They're gonna talk about me!"

"Well, no shit, Scott." Y/n admitted.

"What do you think they'll talk about..." Scott got worried.

"Well, right now Lisa is explaining how you're a giant idiot. In a minute, Ramona will see the error of her ways and dump your ass." Kim smirked.

"And what, marry you?!" Scott asked. Y/n started to drown himself in beer. "Uh, what's his deal?"

"Hey, dude!" Knives appeared with Stephen. "How's it going?"

"Wh...when did you get old enough to go in a bar?" Scott asked as Knives sat next to Scott.

"Keep it down! Where's Julie?" Stephen asked.

"No fucking clue. Probably in the back." Y/n told him. "Now, back to you, Knives. Watcha doing here?"

"I'm still 17, but Stephen vouched for mw! Can I have a nacho?" Knives asked.

"Yeah, have a nacho. Me and Scott can't stay long 'cause we've got work in the morning." Stephen said.

"Oh yeah, that's what I did today!" Scott remembers.

"Oh yeah, you got a job. Did you tell Ramona yet?" Kim asked with a smile.

"No, I totally forgot. Maybe when I tell her, she'll stop hating me!" Scott stated.

"She hates you??" Knives asked with excitement.

"Not a surprise, Knives. Everyone hates him." Y/n stated.

"Yeah...don't you?" Stephen judged her.

"Yeah! Of course I do...! Ha ha ha..." She totally loves him.
The doorbell rings as Y/n groans. He is seen naked as Kim is as well. Y/n opens his eyes and sits up, he picks up the phone, "I'm getting tired of this shit!"

He doesn't even bother to put on clothes and walks to the front door, he opens it and sees a blond ninja. "You're Y/n Flowers, right! Prepare to-!.... You're packing a nice one."

"Thank you, my eyes are up here though." Y/n tells her, "wait, i know you. What are you doing?"

"So you remember me?" Roxie asked, drawing her sword.

Y/n rolled his shoulders and started hopping in place, "I taught you one trick with Subspace and you went berserk. Yeah, I would remember you. I'm guessing your an ex of Ramona's and now you want to fight me for some weird approval bullshit or to teach me a lesson."

"How many times as this happen?" Roxie asked.

"If I had a nickel for every time that happened, I'd have two. It's not a lot but it's weird they it happen twice." Y/n says as Roxie goes for a sword slash, Y/n blocked it and takes a leap back. Y/n grabbed some underwear and put them on while dodging attacks. He lands on the carpet and slides it under to Roxie, Roxie stepped over it and failed to notice the kick to her gut. Roxie grabbed Y/n's legs and threw him into the wall. "Gah! Pretty good!"

"I'll just kill you while you're holding back!" Roxie shouted as she did several slices of air that went out towards the house. Y/n picked up some pants and started to get angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry. Y/n waved his hands to stop the blades but Roxie appears behind his and throws a Kunai a his eyes. Y/n switched positions with her and kicks her back.

Kim is seen in bed, "what the hell is he doing?!"

Kim puts on clothes angry, walking to the door, "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU-?!"

"Hey! Take the fight outside!" Kim shouts as she throws Y/n a shirt. Y/n puts it on in mid air and pushed off the ceiling. He made the front door a portal to Subspace and tackled Roxie through it.

"AH! What the-?!" Roxie shouted as Y/n punched her into the void while she was confused. Y/n pushed her further down with his powers. "DAMN YOU FLOWERS!"

"Don't show up again. That's was very short. I guess I'm just that powerful." Y/n leaves her in the void as Kim is seen looking at him unamused."H-Hey...I love you."

"Love you too. Broom." Kim said as Y/n sighed and picked up the broom.

"Broom." Y/n started to clean the mess, Kim looked at him. "Hey..."

"What, I'm cleaning the best I can!" Y/n got a bit annoyed.

"What's our plan...you know, like in the future?" Kim asked as Y/n was silent. He just kept cleaning, "it's weird, even though I'm not sure of it, nor am I hating what's happening. I...I kinda want more than this."

Y/n silently stood up and ruffled his hair, "you know...that only really means....would you want kids?"

"I...I would." Kim boldly stated as Y/n blushes massively. "I don't mean right now, you idiot, I mean in the future."

"Right..." Y/n looks at the unusual rain outside. "The future..."

"Would that be...something you'd be interested in?" Kim asked.

"For the love of god, you two, get a room." Kim says as she looked at Ramona and Scott making out.

"Thanks for helping me move in, you guys!" Scott said.

"Yeah, whatever. I can't believe you had the audacity to call us over this." Kim says as she holds a poster.

"Yeah well when I got an unexpected call from my sister, I figured it was an emergency." Y/n said as Ramona hugged him.

"Thanks, Y/n." Ramona hugged him. Y/n was unsure what to do, he chose to forgive.

Y/n hugged back, "anytime. At least...now. Still Scott, this amount of stuff is pathetic."

"I agree. Is this seriously your only box of stuff aside from those two garbage bags?" Stephen asked, holding a box.

"There's also this poster, if you actually want to keep it." Kim says, "the idiotic one? It's got girls kissing."

Ramona glared, Scott looked at Y/n, "want it?"

Y/n smirked with a shrug, "I don't see why not."

"Nope." Kim immediately ripped it up.

Y/n fired but looked at Scott, "I gotta admit, I didn't think this relationship would work out."

"Every relationship has problems."
Ramona says.

"When the two assholes of my life get together, there was bound to be a connection." Y/n bluntly stated.

"Plus, not everyone has to fight a league of evil exes." Kim brought up a fair point. Meanwhile, Mr. Chau tells Knives in Chinese that he thinks Scott is a decent man and that perhaps dating a white boy isn't such a bad idea. Knives, however, has no idea what he is saying since she doesn't understand Chinese. Later, at a Korean restaurant, all of the remaining loose ends are tied up. Scott learns that Wallace has decided to move in with his boyfriend, while Lisa announces that she's finally gotten her papers to move to the US.

For the first time in a long while, Y/n had a genuine smile with a big laugh. The star shined brightly as Lisa confronted Y/n after the party. "Guess this is it."

"You'll never show up in another Volume so I guess so." Y/n stated, he put his hand out. "Hope I see you on the big screen, Superstar."

"Kim already said one was fine." Lisa says as she kissed Y/n on the cheek. "There. Some closure, right?"

"Heh, yep." Y/n kissed her hand with a wink. "Some needed closure. Take care, Lisa."

"You too, Y/n." Lisa winked as the two walked away.

"Lisa! Over here!" Y/n is seen waving to Lisa, as they both were in school.

"I'm right behind you! You know, my love for you isn't something that will just die out!" Lisa says. "Even if we drift apart, I will still have a love for you in some way!"

"Why is that?" Y/n asked.

"Because you're a part of my life forever." Y/n and Lisa walked to different ways. "Take care of yourself. And that smile."

Next time: Y/n Flowers Vs The Future and The Past!

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