An Executor's Will (RWBY x St...

By Synclair123

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During the Grimm's attack in the City of Vale, two students known as Lupin Fulgaras, a wolf Faunus and a huma... More

Prologue: Warping Problem
Episode 1: Encounter
Episode 2: Beacon Academy
Episode 3: Tag Team
Episode 4: School Life
Episode 5: Jaune's Struggle
Extra Chapter
Episode 6: Blake's Identity
Episode 7: Truth
Episode 8: Chaos
Episode 9: Recovery
Episode 10: Recuperation
Episode 11: Improvement
Episode 12: New Semester
Episode 13: Questions Asked
Episode 14: Day before the Dance
Episode 15: Dance Party
Episode 16: Warping Problem
Episode 17: Planet Char
Episode 18: Team TL vs. Zerg
Episode 19: New Enemy
Episode 20: The Dark Templar
Episode 21: Civil War 1
Episode 22: Civil War 2
Episode 23: Saving Tassadar
Episode 24: Before the Final Assault
Episode 25: War at Two Sides
Episode 26: A Noble Sacrifice
Episode 27: A Familiar Sight
Episode 28: Back to Remnant
Episode 29: Discovery
Episode 30: To Each their Own
Episode 31: Answers
Episode 33: Departure
Episode 34: Moving on

Episode 32: Results after the Battle

169 4 1
By Synclair123


"HYAAAH!" I unleashed my trump card towards Cinder's attack. Theo told me to intercept it but, my main goal is to destroy that Grimm Dragon since it's more dangerous than this crazy chick here and her attack somehow aligned with my objective so, I included her and that weird arrow of hers as one of my targets.

The Grimm Dragon, as expected, blocked my attack. But even an Ultralisk dies from this one so, the Grimm Dragon got destroyed protecting Cinder. After that, the full power of my attack was lessened but it still managed to damage Cinder.

She was electrocuted all over her body and her arm was cut off. Now Yang isn't the only one who suffers one hand. She spat out blood and is blown away from the explosion so, I took Pyrrah with me as I descend from the tower. I know this isn't enough to kill Cinder since she has those absurd powers of a maiden.

And judging by how the Grimms didn't even attack her, especially that Dragon, she's probably in league with them unlike the White Fang.

To be honest, I expected more of a challenge from her since she has those stolen maiden powers she was so proud of. How disappointing. Oh well, that's that.

I guess, that's one more thing to know about. Now then, moving on.

After our descent, I saw Ruby on the ground with Theo, unconscious above her. Thankfully, Weiss caught them while they were falling. I place Pyrrah down and Jaune came running towards us.

I collapsed on my feet and sit on the ground while looking up, heaving a sigh of relief.

"I guess that's it. Damn, Theo sure likes to sleep in the most critical moments." I say as I glance over to him, sleeping.

Couldn't care less about Cinder's location right now. She'll live but after taking my attack head on, she'll probably go back to her superiors to report or something.

"Pyrrah!" Jaune embraced her tight which caused her to express a pained face.

"Calm down Jaune, she's not going anywhere. She'll probably die because of you if you keep doing that." I pointed towards Pyrrah's face.

Jaune lessens his grip and calmed down while crying. "You idiot. You could've died! Please don't you EVER do that again!"

Pyrrah inhaled deeply and exhaled. "Sorry Jaune. I guess I'm back." After their embrace, they looked at each other's eyes and shared a kiss.

Ruby and Weiss were glad for a moment but after witnessing the scene, their faces went red and gasped. Theo's face...or visor is also near Ruby so, she pushed him away and placed him gently to the ground while still embarassed.

I sigh. "Geez, get some room guys." I waved my hand dismissively. I'm exhausted to care about those things now. After saying that, I lied down to the ground and looked up at the sky.

I heard several noises coming from the direction where the evacuation took place.

"Heeey!" It was Nora's voice. She's with Ren, Sun, Blake and Neptune.

"Oh? Here they come." I said.

They were accompanied by medics, a few marines and Raynor, himself. Looks like he arrived just on time huh?

Everyone, excluding me stared at the new group approaching us.

"Yo, looks like everything's taken care of eh?" Says Raynor.

I chuckled. "Yeah. Please take care of Theo, he's unconscious right now. Used up too much of his aura and stamina in this battle. The man clearly pushed himself in this battle with lots of things on his mind."

Raynor inhaled deeply and exhaled. "Well, I guess all's well that end's well." He glances over to the medics and nods. The medics went over to check Theo's condition.

They took a stretcher and place him on it. I rush over to his side to unlock his visor since he probably needs fresh air.

Just then, Ruby and the others approached us. "Who are you people?" Says Weiss.

Raynor turned to face her and removed his visor. "You can ask your friend who collapsed over there when he wakes up. For now, let's get out of this place."

He places his arm in front of him and spoke. "Fenix? Yeah, everything's fine and good. How's it going at your end?"

And then, he started walking away. I stood up and followed after him, only to be held back by Ruby.

"Ummm..." She's staring at me with worried eyes while holding my arm. "Is Theo gonna be okay?"

"Don't worry. He just overexerted himself and passed out because of it. He'll wake up as soon as he gets his beauty sleep. More importantly, you should be worried about your sister." I started walking away after saying my piece.

"Yang..." Ruby mutters quietly.

* * *

A few hours later

I slowly rise from my bed. " head."

"Hey, you're finally awake."

It was Raynor wearing his casual clothing.

"How long was I out?"

"You were out for a total of 8 hours. You really pushed yourself this time haven't you?" He crossed his arms.

I chuckled weakly. "Well, yeah. What happened while I was out?"

He sighed. "The City is destroyed. The people only suffered minor casualties thanks to everyone's efforts. The officials have taken care of everything around the city ever since we left the place. And as for the rest, we'll explain on the meeting room. Fenix and the others are here, waiting for you. Including three people that are known as Qrow Branwen, Taiyang and Glynda Goodwitch."

"I see. Alright, I'll notify you once I'm ready." I stretch my body and yawn.

He smiled and stood up. "Alright. Call me when you need me." He says and then, he walks out of the room.

I scanned my body. I'm currently wearing my casual clothing. Looks like the medics changed my clothes huh?

I sigh. Guess I'll go grab some bite to eat." I say and then, my stomach growled.

I changed to my usual outfit. After I finish my business, I went out and head towards the cafeteria.

* * *

As soon as I arrive in the entrance, Ruby and the others are currently eating while scanning the place around them. Jaune, Pyrrah and the others are watching the news from the tv above the bartender.

Lupin noticed me and raised his hand to greet me with food on his mouth.

He gulped it down on one go and called for me. "Hey. Looks like you're finally awake."

Ruby and the rest of the gang shifted their attention towards me.

I grab a tray and fill it with food and a glass of water. After that, I approach them and sit right in front of Lupin.

"Phew. Better work on that one. Wouldn't want to pass out all the time just because I'm tired as heck." I said.

"Theo!" Ruby exclaimed. "Is it true that you were fighting alongside aliens together with Lupin!?"

"You already told them?" I asked Lupin.

He shrugs. "Well...yeah. Sort of."

I sigh. "Yes. It's all true. That portal transported us to a strange battlefield filled with strange alien warriors and those bizzare looking creatures."

"Whoa. That's so cool!" Nora exclaimed as she stood up.

"I guess that would explain the new gears you guys have." Says Pyrrah.

I drink water to gulp down the food I'm currently chewing. "Yeah. Remnant tech is basically useless when used outside the planet so, we had no choice but to use new gears created by the Protoss."

"And these...Protoss are the ones walking around the area wearing flashy looking armor yes?" Says Ren.

I nod. "Yes." And then, I eat another spoonful of food.

"Satisfy my curiousity." Says Pyrrah. "Since when did you guys return back to Remnant?"

Lupin and I look at each other and nodded. "2 weeks ago."

"2 weeks basically, you guys were already here in Remnant even before the festival started?" Says Jaune.

"That's right. Maybe? I wasn't really updated about the events back in the City." I said after I drink my glass of water.

"Anyways, how's Blake and Yang? Weiss is not here too. Where are they?" I asked while tilting my head.

All of them looked away. "Well..." Says Ruby.

"Blake went off on her own. Yang is still recovering back in medbay while Weiss...I don't know the details but I think I heard something about her father escorting her back home." Says Lupin.

I finished my meal and emptied my glass of water. I wiped my mouth and calmly spoke. "I see."

I stood up. "Well then, I'll go on ahead and talk to Raynor and the others. Feel free to join us because in the future, you'll be involved in this mess one way or another." I carried my tray and place it on a huge sink near the counter.

"Lupin, inform them that I'll be heading towards the meeting room. I'm gonna need a full report from both parties. Oh, and please tell Professor Glynda and the others to join us."

Lupin stood up and went on ahead. "Got it."

Ruby and the rest of the gang followed behind me as we exited the cafeteria. "I want you guys to listen carefully."

All of them stopped in their tracks as they waited for me to continue.

"Please keep our existence a secret for now. I don't want to repeat the incident back in the City. Is that clear?" I spoke as if I'm giving an order to my troops with a serious tone.

All of them nodded. "Of course." Says Pyrrah.

"I understand." Says Ren.

I faintly smiled. "Good. Now follow me to the meeting room."

* * *

After walking for about 10 minutes, we finally arrived in the meeting room.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. I put on a serious face and opened the door, entering the room where Raynor, Lupin and the rest were waiting.

"Well then, let's get this started." I said.

Raynor nodded. "Right." He pressed a button to call for Fenix. After a couple of seconds, Fenix appeared in the screen.

"Ah Theo, you're finally awake. I'm sorry but I bring grave news." Says Fenix.

Qrow, Glynda and Taiyang were shocked to see Fenix. The same goes for Ruby and the others but I pay no mind to them and stared at Fenix. "Continue."

"During the attack at the City, we have discovered several Zerg base all around the continent through our observers. And it seems that they're trying to replenish their forces. Our scouts have also discovered that the Queen of Blades plans to infest this planet to increase the number of her broods."

I frowned. "So, she's coming then?"

Raynor crossed his arms. "I guess we'll just have to prepare our defenses and establish contact with Zeratul and the rest as soon as possible."

I took a fleeting glance outside the room and sighed. "And? What about Atlas? Were you spotted?"

At this, Professor Glynda, Qrow and the rest were surprised and curious.

"No. They don't seem to be aware of our existence thanks to our Arbiters." Says Fenix.

I nodded, satisfied. "Good. We can't let them know about our existence. We can't trust them just yet."

Professor Glynda can't hold it in any longer and spoke. "Theo, if I may, why would you hide yourselves from Atlas?"

I shift my head and stare at her with dead eyes. "It's because the ones who attacked my village and killed my family were atlesian soldiers who claim to work under the Schnee company. I don't trust them. Not even one bit. And if they knew about our technology, then they will do everything they can to get ahold of it. I don't think I can just share our technology to those kinds of people. It will also greatly alter the balance of power between nations. Giving them a perfect excuse to start a war with Atlas. There's also the part where the robots from Atlas attacking us out of nowhere."

Professor Glynda's eyes went wide in surprise after hearing what I said.

"That's...the first time I've ever heard of it." Qrow commented.

"Then General Ironwood must know about that event years ago." Says Taiyang.

I shook my head. "No. I don't think he knows about that. That group may be a separate faction or a plot to frame the Schnee company or Atlas for that matter. It's also possible that it's actually the Schnee company doing those things. But still, I'm not going to reveal our identities to people who have the power to grab hold of Atlas tech. A war between fellow huntsmen is something I don't want to experience." I frowned as I close my eyes and hung my head down. I don't want to repeat the same incident that happened back in Aiur.

"Kinda reminds me what happened back then." Says Lupin.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked him.

"The reason why we took so long, is because a civil war happened between the Protoss and its own brethren. We had no choice but to participate since we had a deal with our friend to help them kill the Overmind, the leader of the Zerg in return to them helping us finding a way home."

"And where is this person right now?" Says Pyrrah.

Lupin hung his head low and answered her. "He's....gone. It's probably the reason why Theo is pushing himself these days."

Pyrrah went silent, the same goes for the rest.

I regained my composure. "Anyways, moving on. Fenix, I want you to monitor their behaviors and set up defenses around them. When you're ready, crush them one by one and don't attract too much attention by doing so. I know this is too much to ask but still, just try and be secretive about it."

Fenix nodded. "Consider it done." And then, he ended the transmission.

I turn towards Raynor. "Raynor, you and your men will try and establish contact with Zeratul and the others. Let them know where we are. We're going to need their help, especially with Kerrigan involved. I don't know how powerful she is but, we still need to be careful."

"I understand. I'll see what I can do." He nodded and then, he exited the meeting room together with his men. Leaving me with the rest of the gang.

I sigh and turn to face Professor Glynda and the gang. "Now then, I believe you have tons of questions right now. Ask away."

Professor Glynda started first and took a step forward. "Well then, can you explain everything that has happened to you? Where were you? How did you involve yourselves with them? Who are those Zergs you keep talking about?"

I sit down on a chair near the window and pondered. "Everything huh? Well then, it's going to take a lot of time to explain so make yourselves comfortable."

After that, I spent a lot of time explaining things in order and informed them about the three factions which are the Terrans, Protoss and Zerg. I also explained to them about the civil war we fought and the actual war we participated against the Zerg. The Death of the Overmind, the harsh war we experienced, our becoming of Praetors among the Protoss ranks, the death of many and the death of a Protoss hero.

They had a lot of mixed emotions throughout our conversation. Confusion, amusement, fear, anxiety and curiousity.

It took me 3 hours to explain everything since they had a lot of questions they want answered. And then, they were finally satisfied and left the room with all the knowledge I can provide them.

"Oh and always remember, don't tell anyone about what we talked just now. Especially the General. I know you have your own history with him but, I still can't trust that man. Just promise me that."

"Of course." Says Professor Glynda.

"Sure thing kid. Just take care alright?" says Qrow.

"I understand." Says Taiyang.

I faintly smiled. "Thank you."

After that, the three visitors were escorted by the marines to the way outside. Ruby and the others were still with me, staying put.

I stretched my body and yawned. "That was tiring."

"It sure is. Good job." Lupin patted my shoulder.

Ruby approached me. "So....what're you gonna do now?"

I turn to face her. "Taking a break. It's been long time since I had one. I plan to take a day off tomorrow and then, go back to work the next day after that."

I crossed my arms. "By the way, who was that blonde guy? Taiyang is it? Who is he?"

Ruby chuckled. "He's our dad."

I smiled. "I see. That explains why he's here. He must be worried about you and Yang."

"Yeah." Ruby answered.

I turn to face the group. "So, what about you guys?"

Team JNPR glance at each other and nodded. "We want to travel through Mystral. There's something we need to do."

"I see. Well then, just rest 'till tomorrow. because I'll be coming with you." I said.

Ruby's eyes sparkled. "Hey Theo, are you gonna use that alien tech once again?"

I chuckled. "Sadly, no. I'm going to use my old equipments."

Ruby sagged her shoulders in disappointment.

I sigh. "If you want, you can tour over the place and see what you wanna see. How about it? Just don't cause any trouble."

"Really? Thanks!" Says Ruby and then, she hugged me. Placing her face near mine and then, she turned to face the rest.

"You guys wanna come along?"

Jaune rubbed the back of his head. "Well...I guess? There's nothing to do here anyway so, yeah. Of course."

"Sweet! Well then, let's go!" Ruby grabbed Jaune's hand and dragged him along.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Nora followed after, dragging Ren with her.

Pyrrah chuckled and followed after them.

As I watch them get farther away from a distance, I sigh once again and crossed my arms while looking outside the window.

"You sigh a lot don't you?" Says Lupin.

I chuckled. "Do I? Anyways, you're coming with me to Mystral."

Lupin shrugs. "Of course I will. I bet you'll be lonely as heck without me."

I elbow him playfully. "Look who's talking."

Both of us laughed and started walking to exit the building.

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