An Executor's Will (RWBY x St...

By Synclair123

4.7K 122 9

During the Grimm's attack in the City of Vale, two students known as Lupin Fulgaras, a wolf Faunus and a huma... More

Prologue: Warping Problem
Episode 1: Encounter
Episode 2: Beacon Academy
Episode 3: Tag Team
Episode 4: School Life
Episode 5: Jaune's Struggle
Extra Chapter
Episode 6: Blake's Identity
Episode 7: Truth
Episode 8: Chaos
Episode 9: Recovery
Episode 10: Recuperation
Episode 11: Improvement
Episode 12: New Semester
Episode 13: Questions Asked
Episode 14: Day before the Dance
Episode 15: Dance Party
Episode 16: Warping Problem
Episode 17: Planet Char
Episode 18: Team TL vs. Zerg
Episode 19: New Enemy
Episode 20: The Dark Templar
Episode 21: Civil War 1
Episode 22: Civil War 2
Episode 23: Saving Tassadar
Episode 24: Before the Final Assault
Episode 25: War at Two Sides
Episode 26: A Noble Sacrifice
Episode 27: A Familiar Sight
Episode 28: Back to Remnant
Episode 29: Discovery
Episode 30: To Each their Own
Episode 32: Results after the Battle
Episode 33: Departure
Episode 34: Moving on

Episode 31: Answers

136 3 2
By Synclair123

I was heading straight for the tower where Professor Ozpin's office is located. He's the only one who probably knows most of our enemies and the person I'm close to.

I just hope he's still alive. This place looks wrecked as hell and I don't want to lose any more friends than I have to.

* * *

On the way, I helped the students fight Grimms. After that, I guided everyone who remained in the Academy along with the few huntsmen who still had the energy to fight.

I'm getting a lot of...questionable 'looks' from everyone currently present in the area. Especially the Professors from the Academy when I approached the group where Weiss and the others are.

Well, can't really blame them. It's their first time seeing something like this after all. In the distance, I saw Lupin escorting Blake carrying Yang. She's unconscious. And her's not there.

I approach them while deactivating my weapon and hid it behind me.

"What happened?" I ask Lupin.

Lupin continued jogging and helped Blake place Yang down to the ground slowly while I watch them.

Lupin stood up and faced me. "Some masked guy from the White Fang did this to her. And it seems Blake knew this guy very well judging by their...conversation." Lupin glances over to Blake as he says that last word.

Nora, Ren and Weiss were worried about the whole situation as they rested near Blake and Yang.

I glance over to them and heaved a sigh of relief. "She may lost an arm but at least she's still alive. That masked man is probably the one named...Adam Taurus." I said.

"Him? You mean one of White Fang's elite members?" Says Lupin.

Blake looks over to Lupin. "Hey you. Thanks for earlier but aghh!" She winced in pain. "Who are you?"

Lupin and I looked her way and sighed. "Now's probably a good time to tell them." Says Lupin.

I nod. We slowly take off our helmets and surprised everyone who saw us. Including Ruby who just arrived and expressed a worried face after seeing her unconscious sister.

"Theo? Lupin?" Blake whispers.

"The one and only." Lupin shrugs.

The rest of the gang were surprised as well. This isn't what I expected from our reunion but now's not the time to worry about that.

" I thought you guys disappeared without a trace?" Weiss narrowed her eyes with concern on her face.

"Let's save the pleasantries and explanations for later. We still have a job to do. Where's Pyrrah and Jaune?" I say as I scan the place.

The rest of them looks over to the tower where a huge flying Grimm Dragon circles around the place as if it owns the area around it

"Yeah, that's a big one." Lupin remarked.

I snickered. "Still a lot smaller compared to an Ultralisk. So they're right there where Professor Ozpin is located huh?"

I wear my helmet back as I prepare myself.

"Wait, are you going to fight that thing all by yourself?" Sun exclaimed.

"Of course not. Not alone that is." I replied nonchalantly.

Ruby frowned and pointed at the flying Grimm. "Are you crazy? You can't defeat a Grimm that big with just the two of you, you know?"

Lupin waved his hand dismissively. "Yeaaahhh...we've fought monsters way bigger than that one so, we'll probably be just fine."

I clench my fist. "No time to talk. If Professor Ozpin, Jaune and Pyrrah are right there, then they're going to need our help. As it stands, we're probably the only ones capable of defeating that thing." I say as I slowly walk away from them.

I press the button from my left ear and called for Raynor.

"Hey man. Any updates?" I say.

His voice was on loudspeaker mode since I accidentally pressed the button for it.

"Yeah. The Zerg forces were annihilated. They probably plan to infest the City to strengthen their forces and multiply as usual." Raynor replied.

"I see." I said as I lowered my head. And then, I raise my head and look back to gaze at Yang's missing arm.

"Can you send some medic to my location? Someone needs help right now. She's unconscious. The rest of them needs some help as well." I said while looking at the gang one by one.

"Sure thing." He replied. "We're actually nearing the city to check the surrounding area. I'll send some of my medics to your location. They'll be there within 10 minutes."

I nodded. "Got it." I ended the call afterwards. "We'll go on ahead." I lowered my arm and tilted my head to face Lupin as I put my helmet back on. "Let's go."

Both of us run at full speed without waiting for their complaints. Grimms are not the only ones we should worry about.

* * *

After a few minutes of running towards the tower, we encountered Jaune who was clearly distressed.

"Jaune, where's Pyrrah and Professor Ozpin?" I asked him.

He looks up to me with teary eyes. "Please, whoever you are, please save Pyrrah! Professor Ozpin is dead and Pyrrah...please just...just save her." He kneeled down as soon as he got that last word out.

"Oh no." Lupin backed away two steps with shock in his face.

"Damn!" I exclaim as I face the tower where the Grimm Dragon circled. "Lupin! Let's make haste! Pyrrah may still be alive!" I shout and started running towards the tower with haste.

We started running and stopped just right below the tower. We looked up just to see how tall it is.

"Lupin, you go on ahead." I said as I extened my hands to the air and activate several barriers heading up like stepping stones.

He nodded. He cloaked himself with lightning and started jumping from barrier to barrier with haste.

I gaze at his back and mutter as I clench my fist while lowering my arm. "Rest in Peace Professor..." A trail of tear slides down on my cheek while thinking about everyone who died and after that, I followed after Lupin.

* * *


I can't believe what I just heard from Jaune's mouth. Professor Ozpin is dead? How? He's literally the headmaster and the most experienced huntsman in Vale. And also, he's probably the strongest huntsman in this place.

Just when I was planning to show off to him and boast to others about the experience Theo and I got ourselves into. Fate has to hit us with the 'oops, your friends are dead. Better luck next time' event.

I just hope Pyrrah still lives throughout this mess. Professor Ozpin died doing his duty. That's something I admire. And knowing Theo, he'd probably break down after losing one of our friends any longer. I've got to hurry!

He had it tough. But that's to be expected when you're in this line of duty. People die when their time is up. You just have to grit your teeth and move on like everyone else. Feeling down and moping around isn't gonna bring the dead ones back to life.

I'm nearing the top. Thankfully the Grimm Dragon is on the other side of the tower so, it never saw me.

As soon as I arrive, I saw an arrow stuck to Pyrrah's leg. I grit my teeth as I dash towards her. Pyrrah was down and Cinder slowly made her way towards her and aimed her bow to her chest.

After Cinder releases her arrow, I activate my weapon and blocked it with my blade.

That caught everyone else in surprise. "Looks like I managed to save one on the nick of time."

Cinder jumped backwards and frowned. "Who are you?" Her eyes slowly glows while asking the question.

"Your friendly neighboorhood Faunus boy. Lupin on the rescue." I said as I composed myself. I look back to Pyrrah and kneeled down while removing the arrow from her leg. "You okay?"

Pyrrah winces in pain after I removed the arrow. "Yeah, thanks for saving me. I could've died if it weren't for you."

I nodded and look back to Cinder. "Looks like your time is up pretty girl." I said while pointing my weapon at her.

"We'll see about that." Says Cinder as she started floating with fire on her hands. She unleashed a fireball towards me. I poised and prepare to counter using my lightning attacks.

But just then, a barrier appeared in front of me and blocked the attack.

I snicker since I know who owned that semblance. "I can defend myself you know?" I said with my left eyebrow raised.

It was Theo. He slowly made his way to us and heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Pyrrah behind me, alive and...not quite well.

* * *

I made my way up successfully. As soon as I arrive, I saw a fire ball made its way towards Lupin and Pyrrah. I blocked Cinder's attack and approached them.

"What!?" Cinder exclaimed.

"I can defend myself you know?" Lupin snickered.

I heave a sigh of relief. "Can you really?" I say while shaking my head as I shrug.

Lupin rolled his eyes and shook his head while smiling.

"Looks like we arrived just in time to" I say while pointing towards Pyrrah after saying the last word.

"Theo? Is that you?" Says Pyrrah.

I nodded. "Now then. I guess my suspicions about you were spot on." I glance over to Cinder.

She chuckled. "You can bring more of your friends you know? You clearly don't stand a chance against me."

"Be careful! She stole the power of the Fall Maiden. She's stronger than Professor Ozpin." Pyrrah exclaimed.

"Fall maiden?" Lupin tilted his head in curiousity.

"You mean, that story? The one where a man was visited by-"

"Yes, that one." Pyrrah interjected. "It's not a myth. It's a true story hidden from everyone but a select few such as Professor Glynda, Professor Ozpin, a man named Qrow and General Ironwood."

"....I see." I tighten my grip to my weapon handle.

"Looks like we just discovered something big huh?" Says Lupin.

Cinder chuckled. "There you have it. And if you know that story, then you know what it means to face the one using the power of the Fall maiden don't you?" Her hands bursted into flames, conjuring several fireballs.

I sigh and shook my head. "So that's why you're so arrogant right now. And also, if you can steal it, then so can we." I pointed my weapon towards her.

Cinder got irritated and frowned. "You better not underestimate me boy. Remember, I was the one who killed Ozpin. Your teacher and the headmaster of this Academy. Hyaah!" She started her attack by launching a fireball towards our location.

Lupin retaliated with a lightning slash. I took Pyrrah and place her to the side where it's safe.

"Stay here and don't do anything stupid. We can't fight and protect you at the same time. Understand?" I said while placing my hand to her shoulder.

Pyrrah coughed and nodded. "Y-yes."

I nodded. "Good. Now stay here and wait for us to finish our job." I stood up and activated my weapon.

I slowly approached them. "Looks like we've got ourselves a hot chick eh Theo?" Says Lupin as he casually evade the fireball from Cinder.

I sneered. "Except, she's literally hot right now."

Lupin dashed towards her with his body cloaked with lightning. I fired several energy bullets from my weapon while standing behind Lupin.

Cinder evaded my bullets by flying around and retaliated using her flame attacks. I circle around her while firing my weapon and just when she moves a bit to the right, she bumped into a barrier I secretly created while she's busy evading my bullets.

"Ugh! What the-" Cinder glances over to the barrier.

Lupin jumped and slashed downwards towards Cinder. She backs away and countered with a fire explosion attack. I immediately used another barrier to protect Lupin. He used it as a springboard and did a backflip. While in midair, he unleashed a sidewards lightning slash once again towards Cinder.

She evaded his attack effortlessly. But I was already right behind her, running as I ready my weapon.

I swing my weapon upwards towards her but, she blocked it with her bow that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. But because of my weapon's motion, her bow was flung away from her which left her defenseless.

"Tsk!" She clicked her tongue while locking eyes with me.

I maintained my composure and performed a strong right side kick which blew her away. I created a barrier to her direction so, she crashed to it and fell to the ground. Lupin and I rushed towards her with our weapons ready to strike her down.

But the area around her was instantly cleared away by her maiden aura as she started to fly and retaliated with another wave of fire attacks.

Lupin and I evaded and ran around the area while keeping Cinder busy using our ranged attacks.

I fired a ball of compressed psionic energy towards Cinder. She blocked my attack but Lupin is also behind her. He unleashed a compressed lightning bolt towards her which caught her by surprise.

"Gaahh!" Her back arched while my attacks exploded. She fell to the ground while I rush over to her. I swing my weapon upwards but she blocked it again with her bow. She rolled to the ground and crashed on a nearby debris while Lupin slowly walks towards me. I stood right beside him and waited for the smoke in Cinder's postion to clear.

After a few seconds, there she was, panting heavily. Her clothes are dirty and she's in a bad shape.

Lupin opened his arms while shaking his head. "It's over Cinder. We have the high ground."

Cinder glared at us and replied while her eyes shine once again. "You underestimate my power. And also, you seem to forgot something."

After she said that, the Grimm Dragon suddenly attacked the place where we currently stand on. Lupin and I managed to get away safely thanks to our gears that protected us from all those flying debris the Grimm dragon caused.

I glance over to Pyrrah's position. I nod in satisfaction. "Good, she's still alive and well." I said. She's watching us fight in the sidelines.

I place my weapon to my shoulder. "Looks like you're not that strong after all. Without your maiden powers, you would've been defeated a while ago."

Cinder screamed in anger. "Grrrr! I will shut that mouth of yours scum!" She manifested a bow on her hands and aimed for me. But she grinned and changed her target. Her bow is now aimed towards Pyrrah.

"I won't let you!" I frowned and rushed to the side. She fired her arrow so, I created a barrier to block the projectile.

But her arrow suddenly disappeared before hitting my barrier and reappeared across it soon after.

My eyes went wide with shock. I attempted to create another one but I suddenly felt weak to my knees.

"Damn! My aura! And at the worst timing possible." I grit my teeth and forced myself to stand up but to no avail.

A Grimm dragon swings its tail towards me. I crossed my arms to block it. And then, I was blown away. Thankfully my armor protected my body from the impact but still, I took heavy damage from that one hit.

I shouted as I gasp for air. "Lupin! Intercept her atta-!"

"I KNOW THAT ALREADY!" Lupin shouted back. He's already standing in front of Pyrrah, preparing his special attack. "HAAAAAHHH!" He unleashed his trump card towards Cinder's attack and aimed for her.

"WHAT!?" Cinder exclaimed in shock. Just then, Ruby came up and saw the whole thing. But unfortunately for her, I was on my way towards her, still flying from the Grimm Dragon's attack. I crashed to her and both of us fell down. An explosion happened after that. The last thing I saw was the Grimm Dragon blocking Lupin's attack but got destroyed instead and then, I heard Cinder scream in agony.

After that, I slowly close my eyes. "Not...again..." And then, I finally lost consciousness because of exhaustion.

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