The Club

By Spirit_5758

382 32 2

New school. New town. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong when you're the new girl st... More

Twenty- Nine
Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Seven
Thirty- Eight
Thirty- Nine
Forty- One
Forty- Two
Forty- Three
Forty- Four


10 1 0
By Spirit_5758

“Why are we all the way out here?” Craig asks as we are watching the priest set up everything for my exorcism in the middle of the woods. 
“Do you think it was a good idea to do an exorcism outside of church where anybody could’ve seen?” The priest asks as he turns towards us.
“Oh. I guess not.” Craig says awkwardly.
“Are you ready?” The priest asks me as he holds a bible and a cross.
“I-I don’t know.” I tell him nervously. 
“Don’t be afraid. I’ll get the demon possessing you out of you and you can go back to normal.” He tells me, reassuring me.
That’s the problem, isn’t it? I don’t think I am being possessed. I don’t know what is happening to me. I honestly think it has something to do with my blood. I mean, everyone at school wants it. Mr. Dubuik wants it. So maybe it’s not some demon possessing me, but my blood? I don’t want to do this. If walking inside of a church and drinking holy water hurt me, then this would too, right? Why couldn’t I just stayed in bed today?
“Lets get this started shall we?” The priest asks gesturing me to come over.
“Um, will it be possible if we tried something else first?” I ask awkwardly. 
“What? You said that I could do this to make sure you’re not possessed.” He tells me, getting annoyed.
“I-well yes, but I just have another possibility of what is going on with me.” I tell him nervously. 
“Let me do this first, and if it doesn’t work, then we can try whatever you had in mind.” He tells me, dismissing me.
“Shouldn’t ye at least hear what the lassie has to say, David?” Craig asks, stepping up.
The priest or David lets out a sigh before agreeing with Craig. “Fine, what other possibility did you think it is?”
“Okay um, this might sound strange but I think it has something to do with my blood.” I tell him.
“Your blood?” David asks. 
“Ye blood lassie?” Craig asks, pointing at me. 
“My blood, yes. It sounds strange, I know, but I go to this Academy in this town, and ever since I started there, everyone has been after my blood.” I explain to them but stop as I try to figure out if I should tell them about Tynan and Mr. Dubuik. 
“Leaden Orenda Academy?” David asks with wide eyes.
“What? Lassie, ye didn’t tell me ye went to that miserable place.” Craig says in shock.
“I’m sorry.” I apologized to him since I didn’t know what else to say.
“I’m surprised you go there. Is that where you got possessed?” David asks seriously.
“I’m not possessed! But I seriously think something is wrong with my blood. I know something has to be, because everyone at that school wants it. I’m not possessed, but I do hear a voice in my mind from time to time. Whoever or whatever he is, he’s sharing his magic with me. I-I don’t use it because I’m afraid, but look what it’s doing to me!” I explain to them, then yelled as I ripped my hood and hat off.
David and Craig both let out loud gasps of shock as they took a step away from me. I’m not sure why I blurted everything out to them, but perhaps I’m just sick of not getting any answers that I need and want. Craig stayed back away from me as David slowly steps closer to me. I notice he was gripping the bible and cross in his hands tightly. Are they afraid of me? I thought, feeling hurt and regret, that I told them everything. I should’ve kept my mouth shut like I always do, but I didn’t and now they are afraid of me. I watch as David circles me, examining me, but he still kept his distance away. Joz are you here? I wish you were right now. I thought, feeling alone. When David finished examining me, he stopped in front of me and gives me a strange look.
“You say you’re not possessed by a demon, but your appearance changed and your hearing voices and can use magic.” David plainly states the effects of being possessed.
“I know it sounds strange. I promise you, though, that I’m not possessed. He doesn’t take over my body and mind like possession does, and he doesn’t tell me to cause mischief and chaos. He lets me be who I am, well kind of, besides my appearance.” I explain to him.
“He? The voice inside of your mind is a guy?” David asks raising an eyebrow.
“Uh yes. He calls himself Joz, well, I call him Joz. I couldn’t say his full name.” I tell him, shrugging.
“Joz huh?” David says, more to himself as he seems to think to himself.
“Um, lassie? When did this happen to ye?” Craig asks, still keeping his distance.
“Oh. Um, it started when I uh tried to connect with my magic.” I tell him guiltily.
“Oh.” Craig says, looking away from me.
“You tried to connect with your inner magic and then all of this happened?” David asks clarifying it.
“Yes. That night, after I tried to connect with my inner magic, nothing much happened. Except I felt weak, tired, and I had a hard time sleeping. Every night since then I kept having this weird dream.” I tell them, thinking back to where I saw the blue flame and how it affected me.
“What sort of dreams? If you don’t mind me asking.” David asks, observing me.
“Well, almost every night, it was almost the same dream. I’ll see darkness at first, feeling coldness all around me. I’ll hear what sounded like drums beating in a rhythm and it would always get louder and louder. I’ll hear what sounds like chanting in the distance, and then a blue flame would appear in front of me. I would feel coldness but warmth coming from it, and I felt like I was in a trance.” I explain to them but left the part out where I saw my dad repeatedly in my dreams.
“Blue flame? Chanting? Oh boy.” David says, pacing in front of me now with worried eyes.
“What does that mean, David?” Craig asks, stepping closer.
“Well, for one. It means she’s right, she’s not possessed. But, she still has a demon in her.” David says glancing over at me.
“Wait what?” I ask, panicking.
“My dear, it sounds like you were a part of a demon ritual.” David tells me seriously.
“A part? But I would never take part in something like that! I-I don’t understand.” I say, grabbing onto my head freaking out.
“This sort of ritual doesn’t happen too often. It’s rare a demon would agree with it because, in doing so, it would mean they have to live inside of your mind until your mortal body dies. Then they can be free and return to the underworld.” David explains to me seriously.
“So, like a contract?” I ask, remembering that’s what Joz called it.
“Yeah, like a contract in a way.” David agrees, nodding.
“Wh-why would somebody do this to me? I don’t remember ever doing a ritual or even being a part of one.” I tell him, upset.
“Well, people do it for certain things. For power, but people usually just summon demons like normal and make a contract that way. To bring someone back from the dead, which is more up the alley of this ritual.” David explains to me, making me freeze.
Bring someone back from the dead? I thought, as my dad always appeared in my dreams. Whoever did this ritual, did they brought my dad back? If so, then why haven’t I’ve seen him anywhere? Why is this happening to me? I shake my head, as this is too much. I was a part of a ritual to bring my dad back to life. Did my mom know? Was that why she always acted weird when I mentioned him? I wish she was still here so I could ask her these questions. This isn’t fair. I didn’t want this, but if it was to bring my dad back then I’m grateful, but why use me?
“Yo-you got it all wr-wrong.”
I nearly jump when Joz suddenly spoke up, but he sounded weak. I became worried, which is weird since I now know he’s a demon. But, he’s here because he made a contract with someone to bring my dad back. So I should at least be nicer to him than I have been. I can stop ignoring him, for one. Joz? Are you okay? I ask him in my mind, but he never responded. I became worried but I will have to try again later. I hope he’s okay. He needs to answer more questions that I can’t ask David and Craig. Like where’s my dad, and who contracted him. Why did they choose me to use in the ritual instead of someone else? Unless, maybe, it had to be family. But why did my mom let them do this if we can’t see my dad afterward? That makes little sense to me. There is something that I’m still not getting, and Joz is the only one who can answer it for me. He’s the only one who can answer all of my questions.

It’s been such a long day, but I can’t sleep. I’ve been tossing and turning for hours. It’s already midnight and I’m still wide awake. I’ve already gotten up five times to get a drink of water or go potty. This is so frustrating! I sit up in bed for the sixth time as I let out a loud sigh. Why can’t I sleep? Maybe it’s from everything I learned today. It makes sense. I have a demon inside of my mind. Someone did a ritual making me a part of it, which I don’t remember of at all. It brought my dad back, but I never saw him afterwards. It made my mom act differently, though. I guess I should’ve known something happened. My mom acted differently after the crash, with me losing my memory a week after the crash. My mind always hurts and pound every time I try to think about what happened that day. I still don’t understand why it does that. I thought to myself with a sigh.
“Do you want to know?”
I jump when I heard Joz suddenly talking again. But, it makes me feel better knowing he’s alright. “How you feeling?”
“Could’ve been better. Never go inside of a church again or drink holy water. What were you thinking?” Joz asks, annoyed.
“Well, I’m sorry, but if you just told me first hand, then I never would’ve gone inside. Also, I never knew what I was drinking was holy water.” I tell him honestly.
“Yeah, whatever. You know why I couldn’t.” Joz tells me with a sigh.
“Well, now you can, right? I know what you are. You’re a demon. Who made a contract with someone while I was being a part of a ritual. We saved my dad. But why haven’t my mom and I ever seen him?” I ask Joz confused.
“Lonnie, dear, let me make this as clear as I can for you. Your father is still dead. He was never the goal to bring back to life with that ritual. You’re just assuming because of your dreams.” Joz explains to me, making me tense with each word.
“B-but, then why was I part of the ritual then? I know I wouldn’t have done it willingly.” I told him, upset.
“You are correct. You didn’t do it willingly. Do you remember how old you were when your father died in the car crash?” Joz asks me seriously.
“Of course. I was twelve, but why does that matter?” I ask him, confused.
“What do you remember of that day of your father’s death?” Joz asks me, making me upset by the question. 
“I-I remember-uh I-um.” I stop as my head pounded again as I tried to think about that day. I know he died of a car crash, but whenever I try to remember more about it or anything afterwards. I just get a headache instead.
“You don’t remember, do you?” Joz asks me like he knew this was going to happen.
“Ar-are you doing this to me?” I ask him, annoyed.
“I’m not. I’m afraid it’s the affects of the ritual.” Joz tells me slowly.
“What? But why? I don’t understand.” I tell him, groaning in frustration.
“I’ll explain it to you. Are you mentally prepared for what I’m about to tell you?” Joz asks me seriously.
I open my mouth to say yes I am, of course, but I closed it hesitate. If the ritual didn’t bring my dad back from the dead, then why did it happen in the first place? All I can think of someone used me for their own gain. The question is why and why do I not remember it? I know Joz says it’s because of the effects of the ritual, but shouldn’t I remember something at least? I look around my dark room and knew if I slept tonight then I’ll have the same dream again. The chanting, the drumming, the blue flame, and my dad. If my dad wasn’t a part of the ritual, then why do I keep seeing him in my dreams? There has to be a reason for it. Joz can tell me everything, and I’m grateful that he’s finally giving me some answers.
“Joz, before you tell me that, please tell me something else first.” I tell him, needing to know.
“What is it?” Joz asks patiently.
“I don’t know if you can see them each night, but every night since I tried to connect with my-or your magic. I’ve been having the same dream. I want to know why and I want to know why my dad is in it. If it’s not because he got brought back to life, then why?” I ask, upset and heartbroken about it.
“It’s connected to your dream, to what I’m about to tell you. Your father being in your dream every night, well, that will be a little complicated to explain.” Joz tells me with a sigh.
“Can you try at least?” I ask hopefully.
“Of course, my dear Lonnie. Your father, being in your dreams, can represent either or two things. One, it’s because he was the last person you saw, or it could be another demon in disguise.” Joz explains to me.
“That didn’t sound too complicated to explain. But wait, what do you mean the last person I saw?” I ask curiously.
“I’ll tell you. But first, are you mentally prepared for it?” Joz asks again.
I let out a sigh, as I don’t think I am, but I have to be if I want more answers. I took a deep breath before giving him my answer. “Yes. I am.”
“My dear Lonnie. You’re in for the actual story. You were so innocent, twelve years old and happy, as with her parents in Alabama. Happiness can’t last forever though, can they? One day, on a rainy day, a blue car swerved as to avoid a person drunkenly walking in the middle of the road. The person who was so desperately trying to straighten his car was none other but your father. Richard McPurthy. The car swerved off the road and rolled repeatedly. Until. It crashed into a mountain on the bottom.” Joz explains, making tears fall from my eyes.
“I remembered some of that, but I didn’t remember a drunken guy on the road.” I whispered, upset.
“Hold on, my dear Lonnie. There’s more. Your father didn’t die from that, but was just badly injured. In fact, he was desperately trying to get himself free so he can save his passenger.” Joz continues the story.
“What? Passenger? What passenger?” I ask, feeling my head pound once more.
“Your father tried everything he could to free himself so he could save his precious daughter.” Joz says, before I cried out no.
“Stop! Stop it! You’re lying! There’s no way I was in that car with my father! I would’ve remembered! I would’ve been-” I cried out but stop.
“Dead.” Joz simply answers for me.
“No. No, no no! This can’t be true!” I cried out hysterically.
“My dear Lonnie. The ritual didn’t happen for your father to come back. It happened for you to come back. As you can see, it worked as you’re standing here talking and breathing. You don’t have mortal blood anymore, my dear Lonnie. You have demon blood. My blood running through your veins. It’s just like my magic is coursing through your body. You are one of the kind, my dear Lonnie. You are special.” 

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