Y/n Flowers Vs Reality (A Sco...

By StardustMaster

49K 1.1K 464

Meet Y/n Flowers, your normal, everyday citizen- Meet Y/n Flowers, a normal man- Ugh, fine! Meet Y/n Flowers... More

Volume 2: Y/n Flowers Vs Acceptance๏ฟผ๏ฟผ
Volume 3: Y/n Flowers' Dramatic Entry
Volume 4: Y/n Flowers' Best Summer Yet!
Volume 5: Y/n Flowers Vs The Future and The Past
Volume 6: Y/n Flowers Vs Reality
Fun Facts
Y/n Flowers Gets Rebooted!
A Leauge of Their Own

Volume 1: Y/n Flowers' Family Reunion

16.6K 231 174
By StardustMaster

A man with light skin and dark brown hair lays in a bed. His hair was a high fade with thick textured spikes. His chocolate brown eyes slowly opened to find himself in the comfort of a bed. He slowly gained feelings in his hands as he clenched the empty spot on the bed. Drifting between the midpoint of awake and asleep, he looked at the spot in confusion. "Huh...?"

He slowly looked past the bed to see a picture of him and his girlfriend. They both had their tongues out and their middle fingers up at a concert. The man smiled at the picture before sitting straight up and feeling a coldness on his chest. He looked down and lifted the blanket to see he was naked. "Well...that's something."

Status: Naked

"Never seen your own dick before, Y/n?" A female voice rings out as Y/n looks to see his girlfriend, Kim Pine, walking out of the bathroom after taking a shower. Y/n looks at her unamused.

"I feel like you think you're so funny at times." Y/n said as he leaned back into his bed.

"I am funny." Kim simply says as she walked to her closet.

"I would've liked to take a shower with you, Kim." Y/n teases as Kim out on a shirt and puts on her jacket.

"Then you should've waken up earlier." Kim stated as Y/n started to sneak into the bathroom.

"You say that everytime, I can't be that hard to wake up." Y/n said as Kim gave him an unamused look as the two stared at each other before she spoke.

"You were literally bear hugging me, took me three hours to get out." Kim says as Y/n nervously chuckled. "But, that's what I signed up for when I got with you."

"Hehe, love you too..." Y/n says as he looked around. "Hey, Kim, could you pass me..." Kim threw a black hoodie, white shirt, black pants, and underwear at him. "Thanks,  I'll take a shower and turn make breakfast. Sound good?"

"Yep." Kim says as Y/n started to hop in the shower. Kim finished getting dressed as it was her turn to look at the pictures. One of them was at their high school graduation: It shows Y/n kissing Kim on the podium as the class throws their hats into the air. Kim picked it up before holding it, sitting on the bed and sinking into her bed.

"How did I get so lucky...?" Kim admits, although it's not something she would normally admit. She knew Y/n since high school, and she knew secrets that no one else did.  Y/n hummed his favorite song and turned the knob to turn off the water. He then hopped out and got his clothes on, he looked in the mirror and saw the darkness inside him. Y/n sighed and wiped the mirror fog and saw himself, maybe the other one was better.

Status: No Longer Naked

"It's really quiet out there." Y/n says but Kim was always rather quiet...well when she wasn't in band practice. Y/n looked at Kim, "Kim? Oh, haha. Again?"

Y/n looks at Kim to find her sleeping with the picture. He picks it up and places it back on her nightstand. The man then slips is hands under Kim's back and legs, picking her up and carrying her to the living room. A house like this was not easy to get, even with all the jobs Y/n had. Seriously it's like this man can't stop doing things. Y/n places his lover on the couch before throwing on a apron and began to make some pancakes. The smell wakes Kim up as she looks at Y/n.

"Morning, Kimmy. Sleep well?" Y/n asked as Kim looked at his ass, then the apron.

"What are you wearing?" Kim asked in disbelief.

"Oh this? You like it? I got as a gift from your parents." Y/n says as Kim held her face.

"God, when I said we can handle ourselves, I meant it." Kim said as she got annoyed.

Y/n smiled at her and shrugged. "I think you give them too much of a hard time. I think it's sweet that they send stuff from time to time."

"You would think it's sweet, you beautiful wholesome jerk." Kim was annoyed as Y/n raised an eyebrow.

Emotional Damage?

"Was that supposed to be an insult?" Y/n asked as Kim glared at him. Y/n avoided the glare before it burnt into his hollow skull. "Got it, sit at the table. Breakfast is done."

"Smells good. Whatcha make?" Kim asked as Y/n smiled at her.

"Pancakes." Y/n says as Kim got up and sat at the table. There were a lot of empty spots, Kim did get too big of a table.

"Flapjacks." Kim said as Y/n was concerned.

"Pancakes." Y/n corrected her.

"Flapjacks." Kim said as she poured the syrup.



"Keep that up and I'll kiss you." Y/n says as Kim gives a fake disgusted look.

"Don't you dare." Kim says as Y/n laughs as Kim have a tiny smile, no one could or would see it.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, we gotta head over to Stephen's place." Y/n said as Kim sighed.

"Because of Scott?" Kim asked as Y/n took a bite of his food.

He waved his fork around and rolled his eyes. "More like band practice, but yeah, we could also deal with Scott."

Y/n soon washed the dishes and they headed out, Kim looked at him. The two walked through the snow as the house was close enough. "You're a housewife."

"What?" Y/n asked due to the random comment. Kim didn't say anything and kept walking, "wait! What do you mean! Kim!"

Status: Housewife.

"Scott Pilgrim is dating a high schooler!" Scott said as Y/n was confused.

Stephen didn't see a problem, "really? Is she hot?"

Kim looks at Scott. "How old are you now, Scott, like 28?"

Scott pored a drink, "I'm not playing your little games, kids."

Y/n and Kim share a look as Kim looks back at Scott. "So you've been out of high school for like, 13 years and..."

"I'm twenty-three! Twenty-three!" Scott shouts as Stephen takes a sip of his drink.

"And you're dating a high schooler? Not bad, not bad." Stephen says as Y/n looked at them.

"What? Dating a high schooler? Is that even legal? I feel like it's not legal." Y/n said as Scott sat down.

"I'm sure it is, Y/n." Scott said as Neil looked at him.

"Did you guys 'do it' yet?" Neil asked as Scott smiled.

"Well, we sort of rise the bus, and she tells me about how yearbook club went and about her friends...and you know, drama..." Scott says as Stephen takes a bite of his toast.

"Yeah, okay...have you even kissed her?" He asked as Scott picked up his drink.

"We almost held hand since, but then she got embarrassed." Scott said as Kim sighed.

"Well, don't you seem pleased as punch." Kim said as Scott took a drink.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Scott says.

Y/n looks at him, "please tell me you at least know her name."

Scott looked at Y/n, "who do you take me for?"

Y/n gave him an amused look. "Scott Pligrim, and that's what worries me."

"Her name is Knives Chau. She's Chinese." Scott said.

Neil smiled, "that's wicked! Where'd you meet her, anyway?"

"I believe I mentioned the bus...?" Scott said.
The bus.

A few nights ago.

"Sherman nice boy, you like him." Knives's mom says to her.

"Mom, I'm seriously not interested at all." Knives said as her mom smiled at her.

"You are seventeen year old! Time to get interested in boy!" She said as Knives lifted her hands.


"You drop books." Her mother said as Knives grumbled as she got up to kick up the books.

"Hey..." Scott Pligrim. 23 years old. Rating: Awesome. He helps pick up the books. "Don't worry about it."
"And that's how we met." Scott said as Y/n looked at him rather in disbelief and annoyance.

"You met her on the bus...with her mom?" Y/n asked as Scott nodded.

"Is that seriously the end of that story?" Kim asked.

"Yes." Scott says seriously.

Y/n takes a sip of his hot chocolate and raises an eyebrow. "You sure she ain't using you in order to get her mom off her back?"

Scott looked at him. "Nah, she's not that type of girl."

Y/n looked at him with more disbelief. "Did you just meet her a couple days ago?"

Scott leaned back, "what can I say, we have a connection."
The next day or something.

"You have to promise to be good." Scott told Knives.

"Of course I'll be good!" Knives said.

"No, really. Please be good." Scott tells her.

"I'll be good! Am I normally not-!" Knives started to say.

"You promise to be good?" Scott asked.

"Yes, I'll be so good." Knives said as Stephen opened the door at the wrong time.

"What the hell are you making the poor girl say, Scott?" Stephen asked.

"Oh hey. This is Knives Chau. Knives, this is Stephen Stills. He's the talent. Can we come in now? It's cold." Scott asked Stephen.

"Yeah, come on in. Nice to meet you." Stephen said as Knives looked at him.

"He made me promise to be good!" She told Stephen as he was confused.

"He may have been kidding. Are you normally bad?" Stephen asked as Knives shrugged.

"I thought I was okay..." she says as they walk in. Kim was already at the drums as Y/n was fixing the lead gutair. "Wow."

"Hey Kim, Hey Y/n, this is Knives." Scott said as he took off his jacket. "You can just throw coat wherever, Knives."

"Hi sorry, what was your name, ma'am?" Knives asked Kim.

"Kim Pine." Kim said as Knives took off her jacket.

"You play the drums?" Knives asked the person on the drums.

Kim looked at her as if she was kinda dumb. "...Yes..,"

"That is so awesome." Knives said as Y/n snickered, Kim knocked him on the head with her sticks.

"Ow!" Y/n said as Knives looked at him.

"And what's your name?" Knives asked Y/n.

"Name's Y/n, nice to meet you." Y/n said as Knives nodded.

"No last name?" Knives asked as Kim and Y/n froze. They shared a look as Y/n nodded.

"Yeah...just Y/n." Y/n said as Neil appeared. "I play anything."

"Isn't your last name like Dandelion or something?" Scott asked as Kim glared as him. "Got it, no last name."

"Hey, dude. Knives, this young Neil." Scott said as Knives looked at Neil.

"Neil Nordegraf." Neil introduced himself.

"What do you play?" Knives asked.

"Um...nothing. I just live here." Neil admits.


"Okay, let's start with Launchpad Mcquack." Scott said.

"That's not the actual title of the song." Stephen corrected the group.

Kim raised her arms in the air. "We are Sex Bob-Omb! One, two, three, four!"

And so they played, it was rock, fast, hard, and sloppy. Definitely sounds terrible, the only ones that sounded good were Stephen and Y/n, but Knives was amazed. Stephen looks at Kim. "Man, that was way too fast."

"Oh, boo-hoo, pussy boy." Kim said as Y/n looked at them.

"Yeah, that was very sloppy. Run it back?" Y/n asked with a smile.

"Run it back?" Stephen asked.

"Run it back." Scott said as they played again. After Scott walked Knives to the bus, everyone was hanging in the room. Kim laid in between Y/n's leg, who found it hilarious since she wasn't a big fan of cuddling.

"Say anything about it and..." Kim looked up at Y/n as the man already knew.

"I know I know." Y/n had a big smile as Y/n played his switch.

"She seems nice." Stephen looked at the group.

"You think so?" Scott asked.

"I could go for a high school girlfriend." Stephen admitted.

"I highly recommend it." Scott said as he and Stephen was chum as Y/n and Kim were in disbelief.

"Scott, are you evil, or are you really happy?" Kim asked him.

"What? Like, do I have ulterior motives, or something? Are you asking me if I'm a user?" Scott asked her.

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you?"

Scott and Stephen shared a look. "I'm offended, guys."

"Wounded, even?" Stephen asked.

"HURT, guys." Scott says as Kim rolls her eyes.

"Never mind, okay?" Kim says as the two soon headed out.
"And you're telling me this girl keeps appearing in your dreams?" Y/n asked Scott a couple days later after he told him.

"Yeah, it's so weird. It's like when you used to do the same thing." Scott said as they both froze. "Uh...I didn't mean that in a Wallace kind of way."

"No, I figured not." Y/n said as he kept walking with the drink in hand. He placed it down at Scott's table as Y/n was working as the Bartender. "Maybe she was using Subspace."

"Subspace, what is that? Like in Smash?" Scott asked as Y/n looked at him.

"Yes exactly like Smash." Y/n said sarcastically, Scott sighed. "It's more like a way to get from one place to another. It's surprisingly legal. Unlike you and your girlfriend."

"You're an ass." Scott said as Y/n poured him a drink.

"Then I guess we have that in common." Y/n said as they both drank.
Later the group is seen walking outside. "I'm cooooold!"

"Whatever. It's like spring out." Kim says as Y/n nodded.

"I like the coldness, I usually overheat." Y/n was happy and span around.

"How are you always so happy?" Stephen asked him.

"I have a great positive mental attitude." Y/n told them.

"God I wish that were me." Scott said as he then looked at them. "Where are we gooooing?"

"I told you like a hundred times!" Y/n glared at him.

"Well, I forgot, okay?!" Scott replied as Stephen glared as well.

"Like it's his fault you're stupid?" Stephen said as Kim sighed. "I'm seriously not even in working you now."

"We're going to that party, retard." Kim told him.

"At Julie's." Neil added as Scott got annoyed.

"Aw man..." Scott says as they were an hour into the party, and it was like a party...really boring though. Y/n looks at Kim.

"So what's your plan?" Y/n asked as Kim looked at him.

"I'm headed home, you coming?" Kim asked as Y/n looked at her.

"Yeah, I'll stay for a while. Gonna check in with Stephen and avoid Julie if I can." Y/n said as Kim looked at him with a serious face.

"Y/n, this is a bad idea." Kim said as Y/n winked at her.

"Don't worry, I'll be back at home before you know it." Y/n says as Kim hesitated before she headed home. Y/n looked around at the many people, he moved around for an hour before trying to think it out. "Alright, one at a time. Neil's over there being awkward, most the girls are in groups together, and the top rooms are already 'taken'. So if I was Scott, I would be at the middle."

"I gotta find her!" Scott said as he passed y/n. Y/n grabbed him and set him down next to him.

"There he is...What are you in a rush for?" Y/n asked.

Scott looked at him. "Y/n! You can help me!"

"Find that dream girl?" Scott started to push Y/n with him as Y/n was talking. "Scott, this isn't really healthy for you."

"What are you a therapist as well?" Scott asked as Y/n sighed.

"Don't you have a-..." Y/n froze as Scott was confused.

"What...what is..." Scott crushed his cup as he saw Ramona, but Y/n was panicking. Ramona made eye contact with Y/n as they both look at each other as Ramona recognized him.

"...Y/n...?" She asked as Y/n immediately pushed Scott ahead.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Y/n leaped off the balcony and started to run away. Scott was confused but tried to use this as his chance.

"H-Hey, what's up?" Scott asked her as Ramona looked at himz

"Besides your friend jumping off the balcony, nothing much." Ramona said as she looked at him. "What's his name again?"

"Who, Y/n?" Scott asked as Ramona thought to herself before taking a sip of her drink.

"I think that's my twin brother." Ramona casually said as Scott was shocked. "His last name Flowers?"

"His last name is...dandelion...oh shit. Yeah..." Scott said as he looked at Ramona. "Uh...nice shoes."

"Thanks, I got them in England." Ramona told him.

"They remind me of something, but I can't remember what. Um...am I dreaming?" Scott asked as the two blushed. "I'll leave you alone forever now."

"Thanks." Ramona said as Scott walked away. Ramona soon left to try and follow Y/n while Scott started to text Y/n non stop.

But said man was quickly running away, with a worried face. "Damn it, damn it'! I've done well all these years! Why now! When everything perfect!"

Y/n quickly looks a door and waved his hand, a star appears on it as Y/n rushes in. A black void is seen as Y/n soon entered subspace, but he didn't have control and started to fall. A car is seen as a younger Y/n and Kim are on a cliff. Kim looked at Y/n, "you're not seriously about to ask me, like, if we're gonna 'do it' in the car, right?"

"Ew, no! What the hell!?" Y/n said as he got out of the car and gestured for Kim to follow. Kim did so as the two got on his car, "I just wanted to show you my favorite place since I moved here."

"Great. A night sky. So interesting." Kim said as Y/n smiled and pulled her closer. He then pointed to the city.

"Just wait for it." Y/n said as all the lights came on and lit up the city, Kim was shocked by the view. The stars in the sky got a bit brighter, "every month on this day, they light up the lights at the same time, it's mostly for airplanes so the passengers can get a good view."

"It's...wow." Kim said as she looked at Y/n's bright smile. Made the bitterness in her heart fade away. Y/n giggles at Kim.

"I know right?" Y/n says as Kim pulled him in and kissed him. Y/n rested into it as she slowly got on top of him and rested on him as they kissed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Current Y/n fell on the hood of the car as Kim looked at him.

"Y/n...? Wait..." Kim snapped out of it and she woke up from her memory, back in her room holding a fantasy book. Kim glared as Y/n came out of Kim's head and landed on the ground.

"God damn it. I was falling for 10 ten minutes." Y/n said as Kim was annoyed.

"I told you to stop doing that." Kim said before she then sees Y/n freaked out. "Hey...what happened?"

"I...I don't really..." Y/n said as Kim quickly got up and pulled him onto his side of the bed.

"I told you it was a bad idea to stay there." Kim says as Y/n chuckled.

"Yeah, I should listen to you more." Y/n agreed but was distant. Y/n turned off the lights as there was silence, even though there was no one asleep. Y/n started to shake as Kim looked at him before wrapping her arms around Y/n, being the big spoon as they cuddle.

"Do you...want to talk about it...?" Kim asked him as Y/n slowly shook his head.

"Not today...not now." Y/n says as he holds her arms. "But, thank you."

"Don't expect this all the time." Kim said as Y/n started to close his eyes as soon he is seen on a cruise.

"Ah..." y/n took in the fresh air in his dream.

"Y/n, don't run away." Ramona appeared behind y/n as Y/n started to panic.

"No, no, no. How the hell are you able to use subspace?" Y/n asked as he raised his hand.

"Roxie. But! Wait! We need to talk about-!" Y/n waved his hand as the ship crashed and the two went into the water. Y/n immediately wakes up with a sluggish body. He drags himself across the room and towards the bathroom.

"Why, why now. After all this time?" Y/n gritted his teeth as he looked in the mirror. A small glow is shown around his head as he grits his teeth and black and white aura started to surround Y/n, Y/n held up his hand to his head and closed his eyes, he concentrates and gets rid of it.  "Just...why..."

He smells good, which is very, very surprising. Y/n walked out the bathroom and the door to see Kim cooking. Y/n tried to cheer up and walked to her, "wow, I can't believe my drummer girlfriend is making breakfast. Is this a dream? Am I dead?"

"I can get rid of it." Kim threatened as Y/n immediately sat down.

"Thank you for the meal."
Y/n is seen in a suit as he heads up an elevator. The elevator takes him to a tall doorframe as Y/n knocks on the door, "Y/n, right on time! Come on in!"

"Okay." Y/n walks in and sees one of his bosses. "How can I help you, boss?"

"Your latest book is selling great, I just came to hear your ideas for the next one." The man said as Y/n looked at him.

"Just tell me what you want from me." Y/n said harshly.

"Heh. Straight to the point. I like that about you." Boss said as he looks at Y/n. "Why don't you make the next one mostly nonfiction?"

"But...I'm in the fantasy department." Y/n told him as the Boss winked at him.

"I'm transferring you, be luck for a new promotion." Boss said as he waved him off. Y/n was unamused in the elevator.

"It's not a promotion, just a transfer." Y/n said as he's seen talking on the phone at his bar job. "So any ideas, Kim?"

Kim is seen at her job on the phone, she smiled as she looked around. "He said mostly nonfiction, why don't you just write about your life this time around?"

"My life is pretty boring though." Y/n says as he throws a bottle at two men before they start a bar fight. The bottle knocks the two out before Kim sighed over the phone.

"We both know that's a lie." Kim says as Kim looked at the phone. "So...do you wanna..."

"Yeah. I can talk about it now...I basically ran into my sister." Y/n said as Kim was confused.

"Like, your sister, Ramona? I thought she lived in New York." Kim said as Y/n hummed.

"Yeah, I thought so too. Guess she moved to here." Y/n said with bad grammar.

"So what's her deal?" Kim asked as Y/n leaned on the bar counter. Y/n's mind flashes back to a time before.

"As you know I used to live in New York with my family and Ramona. We were very close and my parent would say we inspired each other a lot. Haha, I can still remember playing house and is always burning it down." Y/n admitted as Kim was still confused.

"They sound like good memories." Kim said as Y/n explained.

"They were until..."'
"What?!" Y/n's father glared at a younger Y/n. "I can't believe this!"

"Dad, I tried okay...just.." y/n said as his father grabbed his arm. "Ow! Stop that hurts!"

Ramona is seen crying in her room as she covers her ears. Y/n glared at his father as the father grabbed his arm tighter. "You got into a fucking fight and failed a grade! Did I not raise you do be better!?"

"They were talking shit about Ramona! And I did my best in school, it was wasn't good enough!" Y/n shouted as the father pushed Y/n down, Y/n fell on the glass table and shattered it. "

"Y/n!" Y/n's mother said as she tried to rush over. But she couldn't in her wheelchair.

"At least your sister knows how to hold her tongue. Just because someone says things, there just words unless you give it meaning!" Father said as Y/n was bleeding as Y/n stood up. "Why can't you be like your sister!?"

"Stop it!" Y/n's mother shouted as Y/n gritted his teeth.

"And there it is. It was never about me! I would never be good enough for you!" Y/n shouted at his father. "Ramona this, Ramona that! You spoil her because she's your daughter but you don't see me as your son! I am held up to such high expectations that you don't even believe in! If I wasn't here, you wouldn't have done it to Ramona!"

"Stop it! Please!" Y/n's mother shouted again.

"It would've been better if Ramona was the only one born!" Father shouted as Y/n's heart broke. Ramona heard and was scared. Y/n let out a few tears as the father calmed down. "Wait...I..."

Y/n ran to his room and slammed the door, blocking it with his bed. Ramona tried to get in. "Wait! Y/n!"

Y/n quickly got his bag and packed his stuff. He put it on his back and opened his window, leaping on the apartment pole and sliding down into the alley. "Good riddance."

Y/n ran down the alley with tears in his eyes before he came across a bright door with a star, it was almost as if it was calling to him. "What is this...a door...?"

The door opened as y/n fell inside, "WHOAAAAAA!!!"

Y/n was taken into another door as Y/n wound up in a different country. Y/n held his bag and looked around, "where am I...?"

In Northern Ontario, a school says St. Joel's High School. A geography class is show as Kim is seen bored as usual. "Okay Class, we have a transfer student from America, say hello."

Kim looks at the door to see Y/n walk in, he seemed a little older as he smiled at the class. "Hey, I'm Y/n Flowers."
"Ah. I see..." Kim says as the two are seen in Neil's house. "Sorry to hear you had to go through that."

"Sorry I never told you earlier. Besides, that's in the past." Y/n held his drink as Scott arrived. "I just don't want the past to come back to me."

"Okay, listen up. As you know, we're playing a show tomorrow with Crash and the boys." Stephen brought a sketch board. "'Crash' Wilson signs and plays Guitar."

"And that guy Joel on bass? I hate that guy!" Scott says as Kim looks at him.

"Don't you hate all bass players?" She asked.

"Well I don't hate myself, Kim..." Scott corrected.

"I found out they got a new drummer recently. Their old guy went insane and lapsed into a coma or something." Stephen explained as Y/n looked at him.

"So what kinda guy are we looking at here?" Y/n asked.

"It's a...girl." Stephen said the magical sword.

"They got a girl drummer!!?" Kim was mad as she grit her teeth.

"She's their secret weapon! They call her Trasha, and she's eight years old. I hear they discovered her at the pacific mall arcade, playing drummania. She has so much A.D.D, it's not even funny." Stephen explained as Kim glared.

"I hate her so much." Kim said as Scott looked at them.

"Well, let's do it! Let's practice! We've got 24 hours!"

24 hours later

"Hey, is that her?" Kim asked as Y/n nodded. He took a deep breath and was about to walk to her when Kim grabbed his arm. "You don't have to face her if you don't want to."

"I'm going to have to face her eventually, small world." Y/n says as he goes towards Ramona.

Ramona looks up at him, "oh...hey."

Y/n was awkward as well, "hey."

There was so much to say, apologizes, the Desire to catch up...there was so much. They just...didn't know what to say to each other. "What are you doing here?"

Y/n asked Ramona as Ramona is shocked but is happy he's trying to talk to her. "U-uh we share a mutual friend."

"Scott, I'm guessing." Y/n asked as Ramona nodded.

"You playing?" Ramona asked as Y/n crossed his arms.

"Why do you think that?" Y/n asked as Ramona points to his back.

"You got a lead guitar on your back." Ramona pointed out as Y/n looked over his shoulder to see it.

Status: Dumbass

"Yeah, speaking of which, I better head off." Y/n quickly walks away as Ramona puts her hand out to him but then stops.

"Damn it, that was my chance to tell him...fuck." Ramona lashed out at herself as time passed and it was soon the crew's turn.

"Uh...what happened to the audience?" Y/n asked as the audience was knocked out.

"Last group, don't worry about it." Stephen said as Y/n looked at the group.

"Fine by me, you guys ready?" Y/n asked.

"Sure." Scott said.

"We're playing to corpses, anyway, so let's go." Kim says as she was inpatient.

"Okay. Count it in." Stephen smiled as Kim got excited.

"WE ARE SEX BOB OMB! ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!" Kim shouts but a crash in the ceiling shows.

And everyone froze and looked at the man flying in to Scott. "Mr. Pilgrim! It is I, Matthew Patel! Consider our fight... begun!!"

"Guys, get off the stage. Unless you want to help, Y/n." Scott says as Y/n crossed his arms.

"He looks familiar." Y/n said as Patel went for a punch but Scott blocked it and gave him a counter/reversal attack.

"Scott!" Wallace said as Patel started to get up.

"What?" Scott slid over and kicked Patel into the air.

"Watch out! It's that one guy!" Wallace shouted.

"Ok, thank you, Wallace!" Scott said as he juggled Patel in the air.

"He's going for the air juggle!" Stephen noticed.

"This guy is such toast. Doesn't he know that Y/n and Scott are the best fighters in the province?" Kim wondered as Y/n counted them up.

"64 hits! Well done, Scott!" Y/n shouted at him.

Ramona covered her face with her hands as Wallace was excited. "That's a new personal best, Scott!"

"So, Pilgrim, you're as good as they say." Patel says.

"Who the hell are you anyway?" Scott asked.

"My name is Matthew Patel and I'm?Ramona's first evil ex-boyfriend!" Patel says as everyone looks at Ramona.

"Anyone need another drink?" Ramona says as Y/n remembered him.

"Oh yeah! Now I remember you, how have you been?" Y/n asked as Patel dropped his guard.

"Good, I've been here and there." Patel told him.

"I feel that, just living life right." Y/n said as Patel smiled.

"Exactly!" Patel then shook his head. "Hey! Stop distracting me!"

Patel attacks Scott with spin kicks. Scott blocks. Patel punches. Scott blocks, then holds his hand up for a time-out. "We're fighting because of Ramona?"

"Didn't you get my e-mail and letter explaining the situation?" Matthew asked him.

"I...skimmed them...?" Scott admitted

"I delivered that letter personally, in the middle of a blizzard! You will pay for your insolence!" Patel attacks, landing kicks and punches. Scott evades and counter-attacks. Patel evades, then lands more punches. Scott jump-spins away from danger. They pause, breathing heavy.

Wallace looked at him. "What's up with his outfit?"

Y/n also wanted to know. "I was about to ask, are you a pirate?"

Scott looks at Patel's outfit. "Are you a pirate?"

"Pirates are in this year!" Patel attacks again. They exchange furious blows, until Patel puts Scott in a choke hold.

"So when did you date Ramona?" Scott asked.

"I don't want to talk about it!" Matthew shouted.

"C'mon, man, dish! Got any embarrassing stories?" Scott asked.

"Y...Your mom is an embarrassing story!" Matthew said.

Scott looks up to Ramona. "It was in the seventh grade."

The Lighting Guy puts the spotlight to Ramona in the balcony. We see a sketchy childlike animated flashback. "It was football season and for some reason, all the little jocks wanted me. Matthew was the only non-white, non-jock boy in school, probably in the entire state, so we joined forces and took 'em all out. We were one hell of a team. Nothing could beat Matthew's mystical powers. Nothing but pre-teen capriciousness. We only kissed once. After a week and a half, I told him to hit the showers."

The spotlight swings back onto Scott and Patel. "Dude, wait...mystical powers?"

Patel levitates into the air and points at Ramona. "You'll pay for this, Flowers!"

Patel snaps his fingers and launches into a song. Demon chicks with wings appeared around him. " If you want to fight me, you're not the brightest."

Stephen, Kim, Y/n, Stacey, Knives, Neil, and Wallace were all behind Scott and following his moves. "You won't know what's hit you in the slightest."

Patel levitates into the air. Four hot girls in skirts with fangs and bat-wings appear in the air around him. "Me and my fireballs and my Demon Hipster Chicks, I'm talking the talk because I know I'm slick."

Patel and the Demon Hipster Chicks shoot Fireballs at Scott. He flips back onto the stage, narrowly dodging the attack. "Fireball Girls! Take this sucker down."

"Let me tell you what it's all about." Scott said as the crew made an x with their arms and made a shield around them. "You and your fireballs and your demon hipster chicks. You're talking the talk and it's all pretty slick."

Everyone aimed their fingers at Matthew. "You think you're so great but you're kissing the point. You gotta have friendship and courage and whatever."

"That doesn't even rhyme." Matthew shouted.

"Shut up!" Scott shouted as the fingers shot a beam at them all which stopped them in the air.

"This is impossible, how can it be?!" Patel shouted.

Scott leaps into the air. Patel opens his eyes just in time to see Scott Pilgrim's fist racing towards his face. "Open your eyes. Maybe you'll see."

K.O! Scott punches Patel. He explodes into coins. They clatter to the stage floor. Scott lands and picks them up. "Sweet. Coins."

Y/n smiled at Kim, "just like our solo sessions, huh?"

Everyone looked at him as Kim held her face. Y/n was confused until he understood what they were thinking. "Wait, not like-!"

"Shut up, before you make this worse." Kim says as she grabs his hand. "Come on, it's a bust. Let's get out of here."

"Fine by me." Y/n takes the guitar and runs with it and Kim outside. The two are seen walking home as Y/n looked at her. "It wasn't that bad."

"It wasn't all bad, but that doesn't mean it was good." Kim says as Y/n thinks about something as they enter the door.

"Hey, do you mind staying in the room for a while...not coming out." Y/n asked as Kim froze and looked at him.

"Y/n, is there a dead body in here?" Kim asked as Y/n shook his head 'no'. Kim then shrugged and went into the room, but as soon as she closed the door, a crash was heard then followed by a series of them. Kim rushed out. "Y/n, what are you doing?!"

"Walla!" Y/n changed the table as it had a red tarp over it, fancy plates, fancy food, silverware, etc. hell, Y/n even changed the lamps.

"What's all this?" Kim asked as she sat down at the table.

"A romantic dinner for a romantic concert." Y/n teases as Kim sighed.

"I should've figured that was your idea of romantic." Kim says as she looks at Y/n. "Hey...ever think of teaching me Subspace?"

"Maybe in Chapter 4." Y/n tells her as she shrugged.

They eat their dinner as Y/n soon does the dishes when Kim moves him out of the way. "Let me do this."

"You sure, I can do them." Y/n asked as Kim nodded.

"Yeah, you cook, I clean." Kim says as Y/n smiled.

"Alright then. I'll wait for you in the room." Y/n says as he looks at his phone, seeing an unknown phone number text him

??: Have you seen the glow yet?

"How does...?" Y/n wondered before Kim came in the room. Y/n put the phone down and looked at her. "Hey."

"Hey...thanks, you know..." Kim says as the two lay in bed.

Y/n turns off the light with his signature smile shining at her. Making the bitterness in her heart fade away. Y/n giggles at Kim.

"I know." Y/n says as Kim pulled him in and kissed him. Y/n rested into it as she slowly got on top of him and rested on him as they kissed. She was a little shy and nervous before she went to the next stage, but then she thought about Y/n's smile and was calmed down. It then got more passionate as she was excited. She couldn't deny how much she loved Y/n and it showed when made out with him. It was slow, passionate, very sensational, and full of love. Y/n separated from her lips, finally getting air in as Y/n smirked at Kim. "Just like in your dream?"

"This is better." Kim says as she kissed Y/n again as the two rested and went to sleep.

Next time: Y/n Flowers Vs Acceptance
(A/n: Star here, kinda funny how there's not a lot of stories like these. I thought this series was well known, oh well. Hope you enjoyed, this is gonna be a short story with 6 chapters for each book. Catch you all next time!)

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