Just Best Friends

By slxttycoffin

137 26 3

literally wrote this because I was bored asf More



25 5 0
By slxttycoffin

(Letty in the media)

"oh you little devil, making a deal with me that I can't refuse?" I smirked at her then turned my face away from her before I removed my finger from her face, "that's cute, but imma have to say no" I got up and made my way to her door, not even a foot out yet and I felt her hand gripped unto my arm, I faced her and she had a pleading look on her face, I inwardly sighed and my eyes stayed on her. "Please? I can't st-" "no I said we can't, you think this is cute? Us fucking now and then? Yo and I'll admit it, even though the sex was good I miss you; I miss you as my friend, I miss when things were normal. That was just one slip up, on my behalf, let this just be the first and the last time something like this happen I can't take it." I breathed out when I got all of that off my chest, I started to calm down until Sayir opened up her mouth and said some slick shit. "Why are you being so selfish? What about me? What about my needs?" I pushed her hand off of me and I snapped back at her, "what about me? When last have you asked me if I was okay? It's always been about you Sayir and your needs. I'm asking you for one thing this one time, I want the old us back can't you just understand where I'm coming from?"

"No" she said sternly, she took up the brown bag full of sweets then threw it at me aiming at my face but I caught it before it could hit me. "Right" I gave her one last look before I walked out her room slamming the door on my way out. I ran out of her house and closed her door before averting my gaze to my car, I unlocked it and got inside before slamming my car door shut. I sighed out loudly in frustration and punched down on my dashboard causing me to hiss at the pain that was starting to spread through my fist. I started my car and drove away from my best friend's house, I was originally planning on going straight home but I decided to stop at my go to bar instead. Instead of taking the left turn to go to into my community I continued to drive straight, taking myself to the bar.

When I pulled up at the bar I smiled slightly, I took up the bag of chocolates with me before I got out and closed my car door and walking into the bar with the bag in my hand. When I walked into the bar, it was looking like it's regular self, people laughing and drinking and in every corner there were couples visible, kissing or sharing drinks with each other. I walked up to the counter and sat on one of the bar stools, in front of me there was my favorite bartender Letty. "Hey Jay!" She quietly yelled when she saw me "what are you doing here on a week day?" She raised her eyebrow profusely and I chuckled under my breath "hectic day?" She pouted a little while taking out a medium shot glass cleaning it out then taking up a new bottle of malt whiskey, my favorite; "you know it" I placed the bag of chocolate bars on the counter and she was eyeing the bag occasionally while pouring out my drink, when she was done she slid it over to me and then finally addressed the bag. "You brought me a present?" I looked down at the bag and I looked back at her while taking a small sip of my drink, "it's just some chocolate bars" I shrugged and her face lit when I mentioned chocolate "you got any snickers in there?" She asked, her innocent voice made me smile every time I come here and she spoke, I nodded and her hand hovered over the bag before giving me a questioning look asking for permission. "You can take the whole thing if you want" she took the bag and said thank you before searching for the snickers. When she found it she smiled at herself and pulled it out before taking the bag and wrapping it up and putting under the counter where I assumed that's where her personal belongings were.

She hid her head under the counter slightly while opening the snicker then she took a bite, she looked back up at me and politely covered her mouth while chewing, I let out a little laugh and she did the same when she heard me. She sat down on her bar stool and looked at me still chowing down on the piece of snicker that she bit, I knew that was hard to chew. When she finally swallowed she began to speak again, one thing about Letty she ain't gonna let the conversation die down just like that, "so wassup witchu?" She gave me a comforting smile and I shook my head, the bell from the door chimed when it opened signaling that someone just came into the bar, Letty's demeanor completely changed when she looked in front of her.

"Yo letts gimmi a drink" I heard a deep voice, possibly a male's I didn't turn to see who it was. Letty got up from her seat and walked over to the liquor shelf and went on her tippy toes to reach the top shelf, until she finally got a hold of the orange Cîroc she was reaching for. She took up a shot glass and cleaned it out then turned to us, she looked at the man sitting beside me from time to time, her hand trembled while pouring out his drink "hurry the fuck up man" the man said and he raised his voice a little gaining some attention from some of the customers in the bar, Letty flinched and spilled a little bit of the liquor on the counter top. She slid the drink over to him and I saw her swallowed hard then she wiped up the spillage that she accidently made on the counter, "w-what are you doing here babe?" She looked over at him, she stuttered a little bit but gained her voice back when I looked at her, we made eye contact and she looked a little flushed but her gaze turned back to the dick head that was supposedly her boyfriend?

"What do people do when they come to the bar? Stop acting stupid, why do I have to tell you that every time we have a conversation?" I was still looking at her, and studying her body language while she was talking to him; I was sipping at my drink from time to time waiting to see how far the conversation could go before I had intervened. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't thought about that" - "of course you didn't think, you never do huh?" He smacked his lips before downing the drink "stupid bitch" he said under his breath my gaze was still fixated on Letty, she stole a gaze from me and flashed me a small smile small enough so her boyfriend didn't notice, but unfortunately he did. He looked at me and back at Letty before letting out a hearty laugh, "are you fucking serious? You really getting bold huh? Flirting with this fucking dyke right in front of my face?" He scoffed and I looked over at him "you can't say that word" I said to him with an expressionless look on my face, he looked taken back and Letty looked nervous. "I can say what the fuck I wanna, dyke, who gon check me?" I smiled at him and he looked at me with a disgusted look on his face, "I'm gonna check you, and if you say it again I'm gonna knock a few of ya teeth down your throat" Letty widened her eyes when she heard my response, she looked over at her boyfriend who was trying to gather things to say for his comeback, he couldn't come up with it quick enough and I chuckled, he turned back to Letty and she looked uneasy when his gaze met hers. "I don't want you talking to this dy-this bitch okay?" His mouth almost slipped and he glanced at me then back at Letty, Letty looked at me and shook her head "I can't do that she's my best customer" she told him and she looked over at me again and back at her boyfriend, "you hear what the fuck I'm telling-" "yo you can't talk to her like that, right?" I cut him off and looked at Letty when I said "right", she looked at her boyfriend and nodded "yes, you can't talk to me like that" I looked over at him and he had mischievous look on his face, he stood up and pointed at Letty before walking out of the bar.

Letty let out a breath and shook her head slightly, I saw her whisper something under her breath but it was inaudible, she looked at me and smiled again. My face was still unreadable as I looked at her and her smile dropped slowly "he putting his hands on you?" I asked and she looked at me with a shocked Pikachu face then she smiled brightly "nooo of course not!" I'm not an idiot but sometimes I pretend I am, but I know the truth and I'm about to do something about it. I took my wallet from out of my pocket and took out a hundred dollar bill and I put it on the counter "keep the change" I said then got up to walk out, she looked at it before taking it up then she smiled sweetly at me and I winked at her before walking out of the dimly lit bar. I stepped outside and squinted my eyes when the evening sun it my face, I walked to my car, got in then drove to my old hood.

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