Feathers and Claws (MxMxMxMxM)

By Cecidissewolf

403K 23.3K 4.4K

-Temporary Hiatus- After his tribe gets attacked, Theo is thrown abruptly into the dangerous world. With no h... More

Chapter 1: The forest
Chapter 2: The attack
Chapter 3: Terror
Chapter 4: New captor?
Chapter 5: A Head
Chapter 6: Odd
Chapter 7: New hell
Chapter 8: Panic
Chapter 9: Rescued
Chapter 10: The plan
Chapter 11: Mistake
Chapter 12: The deal
Chapter 13: Side tracked
Chapter 14: Talking
Chapter 15: Confusion
Chapter 16: Counsel
Chapter 17: Mates
Chapter 18: The hunt
Chapter 19: The hunt. (Part 2)
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21: The morning
Chapter 22: Fraying
Chapter 23: Clear
Chapter 24: Possessive
Chapter 25: Setting out
Chapter 26: Trap. . .
Chapter 27: Home sweet home?
Chapter 28: Anger
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30: Fury
Chapter 31: Mother
Chapter 32: Territorial
Chapter 33: Furious
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35: Torn
Chapter 36: Old partner. . .
Chapter 37: Trouble
Chapter 38: Choice
Chapter 39: Regret
Chapter 40: We're on our way
Chapter 41: Interesting. . .
Chapter 42: 'Chat'
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: Dread
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46: The hunt is on
Chapter 48: Mating
Chapter 49: Lovely couple
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51: Chaos
Chapter 52: Issues
Chapter 53: Plan
Chapter 54: Concern
Chapter 55: Lost.
Chapter 56: Imprisoned
Lil' Lore break: The hunts.
Chapter 57: Confusing mess
Chapter 58: Restless
Chapter 59: Growling
Chapter 60: Chatting
Chapter 61: Consequences
Chapter 62: Sleepy discussions
Chapter 63: Fair
Chapter 64:
Chapter 65: Blank
Chapter 66: Warmth
Chapter 67: Standards.
Chapter 68: Crimson calls
Chapter 69: Warmth
Lil' Lore break: Evolution of the Homigriffs
Chapter 70: Again.
Chapter 71: Fear
Chapter 72: Assurances
Chapter 73: Tears
Chapter 74: Cries
Chapter 75: uh oh
Chapter 76: Misery
Chapter 77: Screams
Chapter 78: Walk
Chapter 79: Aggression.
Chapter 80: Annoyance
Chapter 81: Danger
Chapter 82: Threat
Chapter 83: Curious
Chapter 84: Conversation
Chapter 85: Home (Pt 1)
Chapter 86: Home (Pt 2)
Chapter 87: Reaffirming
Chapter 88: Reacquainting
Chapter 89: Teeth

Chapter 47: Winner

3K 201 15
By Cecidissewolf

Nsfw for the last part or so of this chapter. . .


I locked eyes with the golden eyed man, Slowly moving away and to the left as he approached me.

Aldo let out a gentle growl, A fond sounding challenge.

That, Yet again, Surprised me.

We only challenge those we think are equals, During the mating hunt, We aren't seen as equals.

Yet here he was, Challenging me as if we were.

That was a nice feeling.

Despite how kind he was being, I still wasn't going to go easy on him.

I growled back, Shifting into a tense but prepared stance, Ready to fight.

Unfortunately, I couldn't shift into my first form with how tight the trees were to each other.

Meaning we'd have to have this fight in our second forms.

We stayed staring at each other for a moment before the soft rustling of the wind through the trees snapped through the tense silence.

Like a switch had flipped, I darted forwards, My claws raking over Aldo's arm as he moved forwards to grab onto me, Pushing me to the ground.

The air escaped my lungs as I hit the ground with a soft thud.

Aldo held me down as I clawed at him, Growling as I squirmed about, Trying to force the larger man off of me.

I could feel his warm blood dripping down onto my cold skin as I continued to tear ruts into his skin.

Despite the wounds I was causing, He didn't wound me back, Holding me firmly to the ground instead.

Aldo let out another rumbling growl, This time pressing his lips firmly against my neck as he growled.

I shuddered slightly at the vibrations coming from that sound, My nails digging into his skin as I slowly tired out, My struggles and my clawing easing up slightly.

A quieter growl rumbled up in my throat in response to that.

My instincts were pleased by this little display from him.

He was proving he was a gentle mate by not attacking me back despite the pain he was clearly in, But also showing he was strong and dominate by preventing any escape, Again, Still without harming me.

All in all, He was being very impressive right now.

Slowly, I stopped struggling as he let out another rumbling growl which slowly morphed into a pleased rumbling purr.

Deep scratches covered Aldo's chest, Shoulders, Arms and back, All of them bleeding dark red drops of blood.

. . .That's enough flesh, Enough blood and pain for the pain I was about to be in when he will mount me, The blood that our union will most likely draw from me.

Feeling the fight slowly leave me, Aldo relaxed his hold on me, Sitting up to get a better view of all of this.

While he studied me, I studied him in turn.

His own blood slowly dripped down his muscles as well as his feathered wings.

I hadn't noticed that I had accidently torn into his wings slightly until now.

That made me feel a tiny bit guilty seeing as he hadn't really hurt me, Not yet at least.

But well, That was going to change soon, I was sure of that.

Sure enough, Aldo got up off of me briefly before grabbing onto my hips and flipping me over, Laying down on top of me, Pressing my chest into the ground.

I squirmed about ever so slightly, Trying to get as comfortable on the ground as I could as he pushed his trousers off, Leaving the fabric on the ground as he settled down heavily on top of me again, Keeping me pinned as we were once again flush with each other.

The subtle smoky smell that hides in his wintery pine scent was strong now with his arousal.

His breath tickled at the nape of my neck as his skin pressed warmly against my slightly cooler skin.

His arousal was pressed firmly between my cheeks, Showing his interest.

Once again, He was confusing me.

He wasn't mating me, Just teasingly grinding his warm and faintly throbbing dick up and down along my rear.

That was. . .Confusing.

Then it hit me, He's waiting.

He didn't put me into a mating position until I had relaxed and accepted him, He had held me down while I attacked him, Sure, But he didn't force me over so my back was bared to him until I relaxed and let him.

With that in mind, I tilted my head to the side, Exposing my neck and showing that I was accepting this mating.

Aldo let out a chuckled sigh, A purr coming from him before he shockingly enough pulled away.

Sighing, I was about to verbally question what was the matter now when I saw him retrieve a wooden bottle from a small pouch that was tied to the side of his trousers.

I was confused for a good moment, A feeling I was getting very used to with the more time I spent with Aldo.

What he did next cleared up my confusion fairly quickly though.

Aldo removed the cork from the top of the mysterious bottle, One hand moving down to my cheeks, Prying them apart before pouring what I realized what was some sort of lube down onto my entrance.

That made the guilt I had felt earlier grew ten fold as I shivered faintly at the drastic difference in temperature.

He poured on enough liquid to the point that it was dribbling down my balls and cock by the time he set the bottle to the side.

I made sure to exhale slowly as I felt Aldo start to press a finger into me.

Aldo grabbed gently onto my wrists with his other hand, Pinning my arms loosely above my head as he slowly worked me open, Moving his fingers in and out of me, Starting to take my breath away as he finally found a spot inside me that made my hips arch.

Having sex with Quinn was never like this. . .

I slowly started to drift on the bliss of this safe and pleased feeling before Aldo pulled his fingers out of me with a wet sounding squelch.

Opening an eye, I started to glance back at Aldo before he laid back down over me, His dick lining up with my entrance.

A small, Relaxed sigh left my lips as Aldo placed a gentle kiss to the undamaged side of my neck before very slowly starting to inch into me.

What a confusing and strange man. . .So sweet. . .


Next chapter is fully Nsfw soo. . . :)

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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