Endless Ocean

By Lumna10

699 113 14

A deeper look into underwater life. The photos . Animal facts are non-fiction. Character surprises are fictio... More

California Sea Lions
Author's Note
Brown Bears
Bald Eagles
Californian Condors
Did You Know?
Author's Note
Sea otters
Sea Otters Part 2
Sea Otters Part 3
Sea Otters Part 4
Sea Otters P5
Sea Otters P6
Sea Otters P7
Sea Otters P8
Sea Otters P9
Quiz Time
James's Problem
Types of Otters and their Locations
Author's Note
Myth Busted!
Myth Busted!
Indonesian Mountain Weasel
Colombian Weasel
Malayan Weasel
Amazon Weasel
Back-Striped Weasel
Yellow-Bellied Weasel
Egyptian weasel
Steppe Polecat
Mountain Weasel
Polecat-Mink Hybrid
Black-footed Ferret
Long-Tailed Weasel
Types of Badgers
American Badger
American Badger P2
Eurasian Badger
Hog Badger
Ferret Badger
Indonesian Stink Badger
Palawan Stink Badger
Honey Badger
Rattle Snakes P2
Rattlesnakes P3
Sistrurus Rattlesnake List
Eastern Massasauga Rattler
Desert Grassland Massasauga
Western Massasauga
Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake
Carolina Pigmy rattlesnake
Western Pigmy Rattlesnake
Oaxacan Pigmy Rattlesnake
Rattlesnakes P4
Rattlesnakes P5
Rattlesnake P6
Rattlesnakes P7
Rattlesnakes P8
Rattlesnakes P9
Rattlers P10
Range of Rattlers
Common Cantil
Ornate Cantil
Carbiou P2
Harp Seal
Missisppi Alligator
Mountain Goat
Polar Bears
Prairie Dog
Pronghorn Antelope
Whooping Crane
Albert's Squirrel
Author Note
Avoid these Contact with These Three Critters
Counteract Judgement Against Pitbulls in America
Bondi Vet Show Reccomendation
Misconceptions busted by Professional Famous Wildlife Vets
Misconceptions busted by Professional Famous Wildlife Vets P2
Cute Baby Orphan Koala
Historology and True Facts About Anti-Venom
Historology and True Facts About Anti-Venom P2
Historology and True Facts About Anti-Venom P3
Historology and True Facts About Anti-Venom P4
Historology and True Facts About Anti-Venom P5
Historology and True Facts About Anti-Venom P6
Historology and True Facts About Anti-Venom P7
Historology and True Facts About Anti-Venom The Final Chapter
The True Purpose of How Dingoes Protect Their Ecosystem
Dingoes to Me Look Very Elegant
Speaking of Animals:Here's Something Unique About North America
Another Old Excerpt Weapons in Nature Natural Wildlife Ways
Another Old Excerpt Weapons in Nature Natural Wildlife Ways P2
In Cactus Land Some Plants That Keep Water Stored up
An Old Science Story Exercpt That Involves Animals
Natural Wonders Level 2

Recycling FYI For North Carolina People

5 1 0
By Lumna10

Question 4 If Bloom had two hours of free time, what would she do with it?

Four boxes were brought, Tecna closed her eyes again as Box 1 was being opened
pillow and toy bed 🛌. That meant Sleep Bloom wasn't the kind of girl to sleep too long. She shook her head. They moved to book two and found a broom, plunger and soap toys inside🧹🪠🧼 it. Tecna shook her head again.

Box 3 there was a laptop, and two phones one smaller than the first. Tecna's new what this represented Social Media. She shook her head at Box three.

She wasn't looking with her eyes, in fact she had even opened them once. 🎮🎳 🛶🚦🛵 Box 4 had a videogame console, bowling ball and bowling pins, a rowing boat or a canoe, and a traffic light with the colors red, yellow and green. Tecna smiled even though these were the realistic life size items you could find all these games digital. Wii sports covers digital bowling balls, rowing races can be found in Sonic and Mario Olympic Games on the Wii, Red Light Green light can be found on My Disney Princess Adventure with Jasmine watching you do it in the Cave of Wonders. Wow! Who knew this would become a Disney child game digitally, and then there's the scooter toy bike a representation of one of the racing vehicles in the Mariokart racing Wii games. She placed her hand on Box 4 without looking.

"She'd played with her friends in those two hours on videogames." Tecna gave her answer.

The whole audience gasped that she got the right answer.

"Alright, Question 5 which pet would Bloom prefer
A. Dog
B. Cat.
C. Snake
D. Horse

Choose the Box she would pick Tecna.

Box 1 dog 🦮
Box 2 cat 🐈
Box 3 snake 🐍
Box 4 horse 🐎

Each of the boxes held a stuffed animal of the real thing.

"Box 2 A cat." Tecna answered again still not opening her eyes. The crowd gasped again how was she doing that just by touch.

"Question 6, what is Bloom's long life dream?

A. To Be Rich and Famous
B. To have kids
C. To Travel around the world
D. To own her dream car

Choose which of the 4 boxes represent this best.
Box 1 🎬📹🎥📷📸💵 There an action tape a recording camera, a camera that was specifically for taking like video film a camera to take shots scene by scene without flash and exact same camera replica only with a flash setting on, and a pile of bound up cash. The cash was the thing that gave away this wasn't the box. Cash is usually made of a combination mixture of cotton and linen fibers. So it was rough.

Tecna shook her head at box number 1.

Box 2

In the next boxes were several cloth dolls of kids and Tecna new Bloom was nowhere ready for kids, she felt she needed to build up a more reliable relationship with Sky before they attempted at having any kids. She shook her head. Box 3 was next.

Box 3 there was a suitcase 🧳, a briefcase 💼, boots 🥾, helmet 🪖, backpack 🎒, umbrella ☂️, airplane ✈️, and three different perspectives of the worldwide globe 🌍🌏🌎.

Box 4.
a red toy plastic car🚘.

"It's Box 3." Tecna answered. "Bloom loves to travel worldwide."

"Question 7 what appeals most to Bloom?

A. Money
B. Family
C. Stability
D. Adventure

"That's a trick question the answer is stability I choose the letter C because to handle money well you must have a stable mind the same thing with family, and you have to have a stable mind to plan an adventure beside your friends and family." Tecna answers immediately.

Question 8. If Bloom could be what what would she rather be?
A. Stronger
B. Taller
C. Shorter
D. Slimmer

"Bloom has always liked her physical appearance, but she does lack in physical body strength and is not as coordinated as Aisha is so I would answer A. Physically stronger." Tecna replies right away. "I choose the letter A."

"Question 9. What role would Bloom prefer to play in a story or a play?
A. The Hero
B. The Hero's Companion
C. The villain
D. A tree in the background

"That's easy, Bloom hates all the central attention on her as a hero and the media making a big melodramatic fuss over her boyfriend issues with sky to avoid all of that she would happily take up the role of a Hero's companion and hence she is a hero's companion to Stella and Solaria never overwhelms her with parazzi as Radius won't allow it on his own realm it's stressful. Heck even I said I would rather be dancing with the Trix in the skies rather than getting bombarded by a bunch of fangirling fans. Many people can be so annoying."
Tecna does say that season 4. She said it with a frowning smirk in the first episode of the season. "'All this attention makes me miss the Trix even they weren't this aggressive!'" I choose the Letter B."

"Question 10. What activity does Bloom like to do the most?
A. Puzzles
B. Videogames
C. Watching Tv
D. Exercise

A. Puzzles because Bloom likes to making sure all of us are having a good time even though we all have different hobbies and tastes and dislikes. I choose letter A."

Question 11. What would Bloom be mostly likely to watch when turning on the tv?
A. Sports
B. News and Documentaries
C. Cooking and Gardening
D. Reality Tv

"C as it's the most pleasant most unbias topics out there when it comes to cooking and gardening everything is a subjective topic and we don't end up fighting with each other about the topics being discussed." says Tecna. "I choose letter C it is one of the ways we love to relax together as the Winx girls. Those shows intrigue us to step beyond our comfort zones, Bloom's gotten much better at baking desserts since she and Flora made of a thing of watching Cooking and Gardening shows. And the desserts they make anything they bake together smells and tastes so good it reminds me of all my favorite foods I ate when I was little on Zenith. Which is saying something, because you've notice there are times when I just don't eat Alfea Cafeteria food tastes like plastic to me, don't understand how Stella managed to scarf down those biscuits easily."

"Question 12. Where would Bloom rather spend a maximum holiday?
A. On a Caribbean Island
B. In the Alps
C. In a city full of museums
D. On an African Safari

"A. On a Caribbean Island especially if all of us went there together we love the beach just as much as the mountains and some islands do have their own mountains to satisfy Helia's and Flora's love of the mountains, Bloom and Sky would flying over the gorges on their hover-bikes. Really, I don't think there is a place in this universe the Winx would never enjoy as long as it is not the Omega Dimension, but even Bloom said that was beautiful as well the underground catacombs of Shadowhaunt. She is constantly doing that remarking ironic statements about a formidable place actually revealing something very beautiful."

"Question 13. What is Bloom's favorite mode of Transportation?
A. Train
B. Boat
C. Car
D. Plane

"We don't have trains that cross the entire Magic Dimension, and we don't have any cars, we don't do planes there aren't planes in the Magic Dimension, the way to travel is by spaceship or a boat. B a boat is easy to maintain and control especially since most of my crew and their boyfriends aren't tech savy as Timmy and I are. So B Bloom would choose a boat."

Question 14. How smart would you say Bloom thinks she is on a scale of 1-4 4 being the smartest?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

"I choose letter C she understood why I didn't really get along with my parents on  for exactly like hers on Earth they were strict and slightly overprotective of us." Tecna answered. "In that way, she and I are friends."

Question 15. If Bloom had to, what would she put an end to?
A. War
B. Diseases
C. Hunger
D. Pollution

"Really, that's another trick question, Pollution has caused diseases this is what methyl-mercury does to people one of the biggest air polluters out there, and diseases lead to hunger not just for people, but for the animals, the planets and sometimes even the fish in the oceans, guys and pollution is a war on the environment and a war on human culture so B pollution must be stopped and if I may for anyone who lives in North Carolina like the author I have some advice."

"Go ahead, Tecna, give your advice." The Show host said.

"Anything smaller than a business card that you put in the trash just ends up in landfills because it falls off the truck through the slots, so if you live in North Carolina and recycle milk jugs that are plastic, almond milk cardboard cartoons or orange juice cardboard cartons put the plastic lids back on unless you're saying the lids to glue together as plastic coasters for a drink.

Yep so that plastic lids should be recycled with bottles. So if you are living in North Carolina please please start recycling plastic lids with their cartons and yes your traveling bottled waters bought from stores recycle them with their lids on! My Dad just found this out for me anything smaller than a business card slips through truck slots and just ends up in a landfill.

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