Mᴀʀʀɪᴀɢᴇ ᴏғ ʟɪᴇs | TK

By Army_Author

57.4K 2.2K 178

Marriage is a covenant It's not a contract signed for a period of time You cannot end it whenever you want It... More

𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚
CHAPTER 10 : )
CHAPTER 11 : )
CHAPTER 12 : )
CHAPTER 13 : )
CHAPTER 14 : )
CHAPTER 15 : )
CHAPTER 16 : )
CHAPTER 17 : )
CHAPTER 18 : )
CHAPTER 19 : )
CHAPTER 20 : )
CHAPTER 21 : )
CHAPTER 22 : )
CHAPTER 23 : )
CHAPTER 24 : )
CHAPTER 25 : )
CHAPTER 26 : )
CHAPTER 27 : )
CHAPTER 28 : )
CHAPTER 29 : )
CHAPTER 31 : )
CHAPTER 32 : )
CHAPTER 33 : )
CHAPTER 34 : )
CHAPTER 35 : )
CHAPTER 36 : )
CHAPTER 37 : )
CHAPTER 38 : )
CHAPTER 39 : )
CHAPTER 40 : )
CHAPTER 41 : )

CHAPTER 30 : )

978 38 0
By Army_Author

In the Morning :
The sun shone it's first warm and bright sunrays through the slightly opened curtains draining the dark room in to cozy yellowish colour ~

Author's POV :
Quite snoring and soft snores were the only audible sound in the room while tae and kook were sleeping hugging each other enjoying each other's warmth .

After a while , tae woke up but didn't open his eye's yet being scared to get blinked by the early bright light and tried to sit straight but felt a weight on his body that didn't let him move at all ~

Taehyung's POV :
He slowly opened his eyes while rubbing it making his vision clear and trying to adjust the bright light , now he was fully awake he turned around and looked beside him only to find kook sleeping like a cute bun while hugging him .

A soft smile formed in his lips as he pecked his cheeks softly caressing it , after a good 2-3 minutes of staring he again tried sitting straight and this time he succeeded .

He quickly got up from the bed and went to complete his morning routine . After he was done with it he went downstairs and started preparing for breakfast ~

Jungkook's POV :
Awhile after tae left , now kook was half awake due to the lack of warmth he felt without the other .
He started patting the space beside him trying to find tae beside him .

When he didn't feel any presence he sat straight and scanned around the room with his half opened eyes and let out a small sigh when he didn't saw anyone there and went to complete his morning routine .

Author's POV :
After kook was done he walked out his room dressed in a suit ready for the office . When he came downstairs he heard some shifting noises from the kitchen as his lip's formed a small smile as he knew who it was ~

He started looking around checking if jiwoon or someone is there around and quickly ran towards the kitchen giggling with something in his mind .

Jungkook's POV :
When he entered the kitchen he saw tae standing backfacing him while doing some random chores . He slowly walked towards him without making any noise and quickly engulfed him in to a tight hug making tae flinch hardly .

" K-kookie !? " tae called out while kook just hummed in response while nuzzling his face in to his neck while inhaling tae's soft scent
" yah , You just scared the shit out of me !! Why do you always scare me like this can't you make some noise !? "

Tae said turning towards kook trying to act like he's angry but ended up being damn cute " Tae-ah you're so Cuteee " jungkook squealed while pinching his cheeks softly .

" Stop babying me kookie , and I know I'm cute " tae said while turning over continuing his work again completely ignoring kook but immediately stopped when he felt a cool sensation all over his neck to collarbone ~

He quickly turned over and saw Jungkook leaving wet kisses here and there around his neck . " k-oo.." he let out a breathy moan as kook looked at him and asked " Yes jagi , What's up why did you stop ? " acting all innocent trying to tease him .

" kookie ~ stop ! You're such a tease " tae whined as he slightly pushed kook while he let out a chuckle at his whiny husband and wrapped his arms around his waist and placed his chin on his neck again ~

After a while ~
Now tae is finally done with the morning breakfast while jiwoon is still asleep ( well atleast that's what he thought) while kook was still standing there back hugging him whiny about something .

Author's POV :
Today kook was more clingy and whiny than usual tae was worried about he and wanted to know the reason behind his this whiny behaviour .

He turned around and softly cupped his cheeks and asked softly " kookie , baby what's wrong is there something bothering you ? Why are you so clingy and whiny today ha are you upset about something Hhm..? "

Hearing tae kook again nuzzled his face in his neck and said " i-i don't know i just don't feel good today I'm having a bad feeling about something but I'm not sure what is it about "

Tae wrapped his arms around him and said " it's ok , Everything is ok right now yeah so don't worry . My bunny " caressing his hair softly for which kook nodded like a small kid making Tae smile at him .

" Ok , as you are feeling better now come
on go and wake up jiwoon and ask him to come down for breakfast " Tae said while breaking the hug for which kook started whining and said " whyyyy i don't wanna i want to stay here with you "

Seeing kook's baby behaviour tae let out a loud chuckle and cooed at him " Awww.... you're so cutee " squeezing his cheeks while kook was enjoying the attention he was getting from his love ~

" Awwww ... Hyungieee i didn't knew you were so cute " jiwoon said in a mocking tone entering the kitchen making kook embrass as he quickly stood straight and changed his expression in to a cold one .

" jiwoon-ah were you awake ? I was about to send your hyung to awake you i thought you were asleep " tae asked jiwoon trying to change the topic .

" Ah yes Hyungie ~ i was awake i got a call from mama she want me to go to our house as i have been staying with you for a long time and now i need to visit them before going back "

Hearing this tae made an ' O ' face while kook was so happy as he can finally have some privacy with this husband while tae was a bit upset as jiwoon would never let him get bored when kook was not there with him but now if he will go then he will be alone in the big mansion .

" I'll miss you jiwoon-ah " tae said looking at jiwoon as jiwoon smiled at him and said " I'll miss you too hyung , and i promise I'll often come to visit you and you too should come with kook hyung "

Tae nodded and hugged him while kook poked his inner cheeks in jealousy not liking the way his brother is hugging his husband .

" Ok now let's have our breakfast , you guys go and sit on the living room I'll arrange the table and call you " tae said as both kook and jiwoon nodded and left the kitchen .

After he was done he called out for them both of them walked towards the table and sat down and tae served them .
when he was done serving he was about to sit down beside jiwoon but stopped when kook pulled out a chair beside him and made him sit there .

When jiwoon saw this looked at him and mumbled a small 'meanie' as kook smirk looking at him while tae gave him a slight hit on his thigh while mumbling ' Always Jealous ' as kook pouted .

Helloo Reader's !!
Here's the New Chap ☝️sorry for the delay and Thank's for waiting patiently 💖 Do vote for the chapter if you like it 🤗 Take Care and Have a good day Ahead ..

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